‘Russian Drones Are Scary’: Ukrainian Army’s Big Admission As Putin’s Men Hunt NATO Artillery

Russian drones pose a significant threat on the front lines in war-torn Ukraine, as the Russian army intensifies attacks across a 1,000-kilometer front in southern and eastern regions. Click to Find out more .

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  1. Good news to hear billions of dollars weaponry supplies have been wasted by Great Russia Let them continue to supply until they goes bankruptcy.Idiotic globalist

  2. Bravo Russia.❤ Keep up the good work.❤❤ Long live Mr Putin. ❤❤❤Victory to Mighty Righteous Russia.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  3. Zelensky is idiot how some one invide your country and those pretending you're alliance give you weapon under strictly prohibited to attack in invider territory ,hu supporsed to abbot the war immediately

  4. ukraine as no drones ah ah making a mess of all russia armour it doesnt need artillery you muppets just a big supply of drones wich its getting of china more precise as one drone equals one russian tank ahah

  5. Whaaat!………. Western artillery has greater range, greater accuracy and mobility. Russia has had onlt minor success, when as Ukraine has destroyed, according to visual confirmation 7000+ russian artillery systems.
    7000+ ……. 🤔

  6. Not only the Russan drones are dangerous but also all the nukes already deployed and locked on all US-NATO military bases located in and outside Ukraiine dare they to send boots on the ground in am all out war against Russia. The super idots who are convinced Russia is simply bluffing will instantly regret their misjudgement and underestimating of Russia's capability and reslolve to fight only the US-NATO-Ukraine axis but also all Europe as well an idead hinted by the stupid "EU gardenet" J..Borell

  7. Russian drones pose a significant threat on the front lines in war-torn Ukraine scream the headlines

    As one brand of so-called game-changer, Western Tank has discovered

    Hail the latest headline…………..

    US-provided Abrams tanks pulled from the front lines over Russian drone threats

    Oh! the embarrassment.

  8. Urraaa vivaa vitória .King de um país com miséria e 80% do povo abaixo do limiar da pobreza.Urrra vivaaa ,500 mil soldados mortos em solo Ucraniano.Urra vivaa,40 anos para jovens pagarem war do putins

    tropas putins derrotadas na Ucrânia?

    __483 mil mortos , 179 mil inutilizados , paralíticos e evaporados no éter, desaparecidos , 80 mil.Wagners extintos
    78% em Bakmut , aniquilados.

    __Prisioneiros russos? 10 mil .

    __Aviões,barcos, refinarias? Bummmmmm 💥 ás dezenas .

    __Refinarias ? 22 % da produção mosk0w off.

    __ 7350 tanques e 70 mil veículos diversos bummmmmm 💥

    __Cercados pela NATO , Finlândia, Suécia, Bálticos, Polónia e Noruega . Em breve Ucrânia e Geórgia na 🇪🇺🇺🇸 …. hurraaa vivaaaaaaa urraaaa vitória hurraaa.

    Ou seja ,os heróis Ucranianos sòzinhos devastaram 70% do fraco exército russo,se fosse com a NATO ou América, putinsss estavam derrotados há 23 meses na Ucrânia .

    Depois,por vingança, putinsss envia kinzalius , zircons , ataca a central nuclear . Também armas químicas para atingir mulheres, acamados, idosos, bebés, crianças, patos e galinhas na Ucrânia.

    Go Crimeia sempre foi e será Ucrânia livre 🇺🇦🔱🇺🇦

  9. TOI and all YouTubers and medias reporting on Russia-Ukraine should stop recycling old videos. There are human who possess great memory and can recall a screenshot immediately and this where those who are parties to propaganda will not succeed, and no mater who you are the West the East the USA the Russians must know by now they are not trusted period especially Western Media and Media that are located in countries governed by dictatorship or governed as Police State. Never trust what corrupt government politicians say and know all government politician and representatives are absolute liars and this is a fact knows by world populations.

  10. A 😮😢😢😢😮😮 bad & nasty 😮😢😮😮😢😮 retired director from General Dynamics, previously worked in San Diego, probably more than 85 yrs old now, is abusing US Gov's monitoring satellite to harass normal US civilians, inside USA & all over the world for his own entertainment & amusement.

    These remote sensors of the monitoring satellites are capable of interpreting the words you're thinking in your mind, may be, by air vibration or by scanning the brainwaves from your brain.

    The Israeli IDF are using similar satellite technologies to spy on the Hamas leadership hiding deep inside the Gaza Tunnels. IDF once released footage of these videos in much degraded resolution.

    This could also have been the way how our intelligence services obtained classified information on Xi Jinping's missile deployment within China.

    This retired General Dynamics director could have been the mastermind behind the plane crash killing the Secretary of Commerce Ronald Brown of the Clinton Administration, in the plane crash in 1996 in Croatia.

    The United States as we learned and studied in American high school does not exist anymore; it has been destroyed.

    United States have been dead. American citizens don't have human rights.

    This retired Director of General Dynamics is indeed a national disgrace of the United States.

    If this America disgrace wants to harrass any American civilian, he just puts this American into our Gov. blacklist for monitoring, and he can harass this American civilian.

    United States must stop this disgrace retired director from General Dynamics.

    Our Congress should carry out an investigation into our Gov satellite misuse, I am willing to testify in Congress.

    I can give White House my name and let them check if I have been wrongly put onto the blacklist of terrorists for monitoring, just for some retired director from General Dynamics for his personal amusement and entertainment.

    I am requesting help here from White House. That's why I'm typing all these.

    White House can simply remove my name from the list of terrorists being monitored by the American intelligence services.

    I am the victim of abuse of American monitoring satellites.

  11. Why do you title these as Ukrainian Army and Putin's men? Bennet Coleman and Company. Dirty dirty mind games. Zelenskiyy's Biden supplied artillery hunted by Russian military is apt.

  12. Russia has showed one thing clearly. Quality matters but quantity also matters. In prolonged wars, weapons with average quality in huge numbers matter more than weapons with best quality in low numbers.

  13. When your nation got people like the descendants of Subotai, Jebe, Genghis, Nevsky, Ivan, Stalin, Lenin, there is no way you will absolutely lose a war.

  14. Superpower Russian military is the strongest in the world as it stands as number 1 followed by superpower China,India,North Korea,Iran. America at number 6. It is evident in Ukraine war where superpower Russian Federation alone has defeated US led NATO nations and their allies (86 countries) in Ukraine.Scary sleepy Joe is weeping. Constantly changing his diapers.

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