Chad to vote in presidential elections after three-year transition • FRANCE 24 English

Chad to vote in presidential elections after three-year transition • FRANCE 24 English

right now I’m at the rally for Suk mesra he’s just arriving here just outside the eadr of the capital city in jamaa and as you can hear behind me and see as well crowds are going pretty mad they’re very excited to see their candidate arrive here for his final rally now Su Masa has a very interesting story he’s currently the prime minister of right now you can see you can see Su mazra arriving that is his group of cars driving through the crowds arriving here greeting supporters for one last time before they go to the poing stations on Monday to vote for him now he’s an interesting story he’s currently the prime minister of Chad but only a few months ago he was actually in Exile some of his supporters back in 2022 demonstrated in the streets there was a violent Crackdown some were killed and suim mazra went into Exile in the US he since come back to Chad signed a deal with the current interim president and he’s currently his prime minister but he’s running in this presidential election now some critics say that he switched SES that he turned his coat that he sold out by accepting that job as prime minister he though has been telling his supporters and we expect him to do so one last time here today that politicians in Chad need to reconcile they need to work together so he is prime minister accepted that position with the interent president one of his political Rivals because Chad needs it’s politicians to work together in order to move forward he’s been telling chians give me five more years give me five years by electing me as president and I will in his words bring Chad out of obscurity of course on the other side though we have his main rival the current interim president muhamed Idris debie itno he’s also holding a big rally here in the capital city on the main plaza and we were at that rally a little earlier today and we expect to go there later too and Chad is trying to emerge from a transitional period can you tell us a bit more about the context of this election Chad is coming out of this three-year transitional period now what happened three years ago is that the late president Idris debie who had been in power for more than 30 years he was killed while he was visiting troops in the north of the country he was on the battlefield and he was killed visiting troops there now the Army basically installed his son Muhammad Idris igno or midi as he’s known here as an acronym for his initials he is very much the interim president at the moment but he is now trying to legitimize himself and be elected as president of Chad so he’s the big rival really we have three main there are 10 candidates in this election but three really in the favorites we have the current interim president midi we have Su mezra who’s holding his rally here and then we have Alber B who is the opposition candidate who has been saying since the beginning criticizing the electoral process saying that it is waited in favor of the current interim president of course the current interim president midi he denies that accusation

Chad will hold presidential elections on Monday, making it the first in a string of coup-hit states across Central and West Africa to use the ballot box to try to emerge from years of military rule. The candidate widely expected to win is Mahamat Idriss Deby – the man who seized power the day rebels shot and killed his long-ruling father, Idriss Deby, in April 2021. FRANCE 24’s Claire Paccalin reports from N’djamena.
#Chad #presidential elections #coup

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