3 things Israel needs to happen in Gaza before military will consider withdrawal by security expert

3 things Israel needs to happen in Gaza before military will consider withdrawal by security expert

over the last several months uh Hamas has sort of rearmed regrouped and uh U reorganize themselves to effectively retake control of most of Gaza um and that’s because for want of a better way of putting it Israel took its foot off the gas and and gave them room to breathe and and that is now uh creating a lot of issues for Israel um and of course the hostages and so what they need to do now is go in and uh redr uh Hamas and hopefully liberate some of the uh uh the hostages as many uh that might remain I my sense is that Hamas is has learned over the last seven months that U much of the International Community is either explicitly with them or sympathetic to them uh and so these stalls in negotiations the these delays like I mentioned earlier have allowed them to regroup um to sort of re-calibrate their their strategy and their position and so they’ve been very strategic over the last several months in in shaping the information space and they’re doing that again now I mean Israel has has repeatedly made um what are in my view uh overthe toop concessions to Hamas um over these last few months and Hamas has repeatedly said no and of course now when uh a Rafa operation seems to be uh intensifying they come out and spin more Miss and disinformation Israel is really between a rock and a hard place to put it mildly um you know they’re trying to appease you know their International Partners while also trying to secure the release of uh any remaining hostages and and uh um degrading Hamas so I mean it’s a very challenging situation I think going forward um they’re probably realizing that they have to go in and be more forceful um this is a very complex uh situation and I think there’s a sort of a rich history of these um um sort of Dynamics between Israel and their International partners that is informing their uh decisionmaking right now but my sense is that leadership is starting to say to itself um okay the any remaining h hostages that may be alive are are almost certainly in a very dire dire situation um we can’t any longer sort of negotiate and plate this terrorist group we need to handle our business and handle it now and I think that’s sort of where we’re starting to see things headed um how the International Community responds I mean that remains to be seen Israel and prime minister Netanyahu they’ve been here before in the sense that as you know they’ve released tons and tons of of prisoners um prisoners who have committed egregious crimes um for in in some cases one soldier uh that’s been held captive it’s important for people to remember that you know yes there are these factions in Israel politically um and socially and culturally as well but at the end of the day it is my view that you know Jews and Israelis they don’t value anything more nothing is of greater value to them than life and and uh their community and their citizens and so you know if they have to reach a deal that is not particularly palatable uh to you know the right or to to other people who might not be happy with it I believe at the end of the day if it can if they can secure as many hostages uh that are alive which frankly I hope I’m wrong but I I get the sense it’s not a a great number um I think that will do more and that will at the end of the day sort of um um ultimately give everybody every party in Israel what they want and that is the release of these hostages the Israeli Defense Forces have done more than any military in history to limit civilian casualties um despite the fact that people are are baselessly calling uh this a genocide it is absolutely absurd and indeed it sort of um uh leads to the term genocide losing its uh meaning losing the gravity of that term I have no doubt that what Israel is doing right now is precisely this they’re trying to limit civilian casualties that’s why they’re saying okay this population and this part of Rafa you need to get out of here because we’re coming in there’s going to be bombs there’s going to be um military activities for your own safety you need to get it of Farm’s way they’ve been doing this since day one they’ve been making millions of phone calls to citizens in in Gaza millions of text messages dropping pamphlets what they’ve just done recently warning people to leave and and in fact telling them where to go they’ve been actually to their own detriment informing the people of Gaza of their military operations when they’re going to carry those out and where they’re going to carry them out I mean if somebody can tell me of any other military in history doing this to to uh limit civilian casualties I I’d like to hear it and further I don’t ever recall a military in history to the best of my knowledge uh being responsible for providing food and Aid and water and electricity and humanitarian Goods to the same people who carried out an attack against them I mean the the whole situation is is absurd and Israel is doing um uh in in my view uh an outstanding job at trying to sort of balance this situation the levels of anti-Semitism that we’ve seen since October 7th is absolutely abor um and much of this is proliferating and accelerating on University campuses um as somebody who teaches uh graduate classes here in Canada um you know I’ve been part of Academia for the better part of 20 years I can tell you that you know this isn’t this shouldn’t really come as a surprise um to to people academics uh scholars in international Affairs and political science they’ve been teaching students the wrong things when it comes to Israel they’ve been breeding this hatred U for want of a better way of putting it and now we left with this um and we people are standing around scratching their heads I mean when you te Teach people for decades that Israel is the enemy that Israel is a call colzer that it’s an apite State all the poor Palestinians when you do this decade after decade you’re going to have these these very destabilizing activities and of course it’s leading to more Jew hatred uh you know as I’ve said before and I’ve I’ve talked about this on social media you know October 7th was the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust and on October 8th the world started sympathizing with and rallying around Palestinians I mean I I I can’t stress how insane that is and something needs to be done and quickly to to put the anti-Semitism that we’re seeing to rest to to to to Snuff it out Israel needs to achieve several things before the military can really pull back in any substantive way and in my view uh that includes securing not just the release of the remaining hostages who are alive but all hostages held in Gaza all bodies um including those who that have uh been murdered and died in in in captivity they have to decapitate Hamas leadership including senoir um and they need to put in place um uh an alternative to what is what has happened in Gaza the last decade or so um where you’ve seen Hamas use all of the resources the billions of dollars that Western Nations have sent to uh to Palestinian territories to mobilize and to carry out uh the attack that they did on October 7th so all of these things need to happen uh before there can be a real withdrawal uh and there needs to be a clear alternative um in the future you you you can’t have an October 7th again and Israel is going to make sure that that won’t ever happen again

THIS morning, Israel military’s thrust into the eastern sector of Rafah, a city swelling with displaced civilians after a long overnight bombardment of the city.

The move comes after Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s war cabinet unanimously agreed to invade Rafah after it rejected Hamas’s truce offer last night.

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  1. 0:12 POOR TRAINING… Do not have your face / head IN FRONT of the mortar tube at any time ! Hamas is very bad at making war, Israel is better at fighting war. This is why Israel always wins. They are faster, smarter, better trained and better equipped. Israel just needs to bring up their birth rates to 4 ~ 8 children per female, or they will go extinct. Nations need to Grow more people to have a nation… Kind of a basic requirment of building Greater Israel for a larger tribe of Zion.

  2. Why was hamas coming and invading the security fence on Israel border on October 7th but now hamas hides under hospitals why don't they come and face IDF 🇮🇱 Headon.

  3. You are right my brother Israel needs to go in if they don't I just want to be safe in another 5 years my Puerto Rican people staying with Israel 🇮🇱🇵🇷🪖💪👑❤️🫂

  4. Islam & islamists aren't threat to Israel alone , they are threat to humanity , democracy , gender equality , free world , rule of law , human rights , freedom , free speech & worse is threat to peace

  5. How in the world does Bibi /Israel continue to F*** up. Withdrawing their troops concessions, etc etc. If you've allowed Hamas to regroup etc as you promised failed to get all hostages. RESIGN! Your words are empty.

  6. If the international community in the W would have cared about the hostages of Oct 7, they would have pressured Hammas into surrender. But, no, they seem to want to perpetuate endless aimless conflicts, such as this one and the one in Ukraine. The Q is in who's pocket they all are?

  7. The IDF cleared the northern Gaza Strip of Hamas operatives and returned the residents. They started going to schools, the beach, and markets, everything as usual. But what… how is there fighting again in the northern Strip? If Hamas isn't there, could it be the civilians?!

  8. Your guest said this well. Teaching a false narrative for decades has helped significantly to the problems on Universities which is beyond the issue of foreign funding. To bring this home it would mean the same mobs are protesting on behalf of a mass murderer and serial rapist on their campus.

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