ALL DESTROYED! Ukrainians hit biggest Russian base with US himars from 300km!

[Music] welcome to PPR Global the war between the Ukrainian Army and Russian forces has turned into a mind game on the Eastern and Southern front lines the side with the most strategic offensive on both front lines is dominating the war the Ukrainian side has focused especially on the Eastern front lines in recent days for this dominance in luhansk and donet where the clashes have been the fiercest the ukrainians have been launching unexpected surprise attacks on the Russians the latest and most dramatic of such attacks was in the luhansk region in a region of forested terrain and steep Gorges the Ukrainian Army targeted one of the most strategic Russian military bases with longrange atacam missiles geolocated satellite imagery showed Ukrainian forces striking a Russian training ground Southwest of moinak kovka it was reported that four atacms missiles weighing 2 tons in total were used in the attack the detail that the first missile used by the ukrainians in the attack did not explode was also quite remarkable in other words only three missiles were actually effective but despite this the military casualties were very serious for Russia the first attack targeted a certain number of personnel and a certain amount of equipment the Russians were at the military facility during these unexpected missile strikes because of the high concentration of troops Russian casualties during the Ukrainian attacks were also very high the latest reports from the region reveal that the Russians lost a total of 116 soldiers following the aam’s missile strikes this shock loss was enough to cause severe Tremors inside the Kremlin another rocket hit an empty area at a military training base in luhansk probably missing its Target no enemy Personnel or equipment were seen in this area this was the the second missile strike the third strike hit the crossing over the ader river after the Missile hit silhouettes of military vehicles could be seen in the smoke and trees in the area it was observed that many Russian military vehicles were on fire after the Missile hit it was claimed that Russian troops trying to escape from the attack tried to cross the lower part of the river near the facility however the Russian forces trying to escape under the river were not so lucky because the Ukrainian Armed Forces had prepared another surprise with flashes for the Russian soldiers trying to escape these flashes were m74 apam mini bombs that exploded in the training area and killed most of the Russian troops gathered there the mini bombs targeted the fleeing Russian soldiers then the Escape doors along the riverbank were closed for the Russian soldiers the Russian army was hit where it least expected to be hit it was expected that the ukrainians would focus more on donet in the last days in recent days ch Yar west of bakut in donet was facing Russian occupation however Kiev chose to focus its war strategy on luhansk which lies along the most important Russian supply line in fact by attacking this facility in luhansk Kiev and the Ukrainian military authorities had a serious impact on the kremlin’s war effort in donet this is because Russia will remember the atacam missiles in the Ukrainian Army’s inventory when it tries to launch additional military shipments from luhansk after the latest us assistance it is estimated that the Ukrainian Army has more than 100 atacam missiles this means that if the Russians send a military Convoy through luhansk to donet the Ukrainian Army can again launch a surprise attack with aam’s missiles the Kremlin is also aware of this critical tactic of the Ukrainian Army this is why Russian military officials are trying to strengthen the luhansk front lines Russia is training and coordinating its units preparing for the escalation of hostilities precisely in the northeastern part of the luhansk region especially in the karif area where Russia plans to strengthen its Advance this effort is being carefully orchestrated by the Russian military authorities to support Russian troops in luhansk but factors such as the Region’s forested areas Bridges and secret passages are hampering Russian plans some areas in luhansk are highly favorable for booby traps surprise drone or missile attack in fact the Ukrainian Army knows every detail of the Russian military organization in Lassen some secret details are revealed in videos posted by Russian soldiers on social media in one of the most recent videos posted on social media a secret position of a group of Russian soldiers was revealed in an area claimed to be luhansk it was observed that there were movable boards on this position which was hidden by bushes and that these boards were covered with bushes the Russians were hiding in this position under the boards soldiers could open and close the position by moving the boards back and forth and so it was a complete Ambush position but after these images Ukrainian soldiers in the area started to look under every stone to scan for Russians all over the forested terrain of luhansk Ukrainian patrols became much more controlled shelling strikes on civilian areas are being launched by the Russians in an effort to reverse the situation in luhansk karv and sui which which are all locations where the ukrainians are attempting to provide security an oil storage in the Russian occupied city of luhansk was struck by Ukrainian air strikes which resulted in a significant fire and caused five members of the population to sustain injuries in the meantime Russian Artillery fire resulted in the death of one individual and was responsible for the injuries of four others in the eastern border region of sui which has been subjected to intensified aerial bombardment over the past few weeks weeks over the course of the previous 24 hours Ukrainian authorities claimed that Moscow forces had activated their weapons 224 times in the region it has been claimed that the Russians are continuing their shelling offensive in the direction of kke in an effort to break through the city center at least for the time being the Ukrainian defense and resistance forces that are present in the city have been successful in their efforts to subvert these Russian aims Kiev has stated that this conflict will continue from this point forward due to the fact that they are encountering effective resistance on all of these front lines Russian troops are currently unable to make any significant advancements in donet and are cautious to reach chivar the Russians greatest reluctance to approach chivar is due to the uncertainty over the type of Ukrainian defense they would encounter once they get in the city if they continue down this path of uncertainty the Russians might once again suffer enormous losses Putin appears to be taking a risky gamble with this option the question is what is Putin’s current state of mind and how is he responding to the invasion of Ukraine in the most recent event Vladimir Putin was sworn in for a fifth term as president of Russia during a ceremony held in the Kremlin the United States of America the United Kingdom and several countries within the European Union chose to abstain from attending the ceremony on this particular occasion Putin made the statement that the nation would emerge from a challenging moment Victorious and stronger than before outside of the peace Palace in the Haag a group of several dozen protesters gathered to voice their opposition to the inauguration of Vladimir Putin and to demand that he be brought to Justice the Putin of Russia was sending messages to the Ukrainian government indicating that the occupation of Ukrainian territory would continue despite the protests on the other hand the actual status of the Russian army on the Battlefield demonstrates that Putin’s intentions are the complete reverse of what they are after a protracted period of conflict Russian soldiers were exhausted on the front lines they were denied access to the most fundamental forms of humanitarian sustenance and they were in a state of morale and motivational collapse the military casualties that occurred inside the Army were one of the most significant factors that contributed to the dramatic decline in morale and motivation among the Russian forces according to estimates the number of Russian military casualties has now hit 450,000 this figure is based on the current situation there are estimates from the United Kingdom in France that place the number of Russian soldiers dead somewhere between 150,000 and 200,000 It is believed that two or more soldiers have been injured after considering these numbers it is possible that Putin’s military force has experienced a number of casualties that are comparable to the whole whole number of soldiers serving in the armed forces of a country of average size as far as the Kremlin is concerned this is an indication that the alarm bells are going off this raises the question of why Russian troops are facing such a catastrophic consequence on Ukrainian territory the fact that Putin’s forces initiated this conflict in the first place was a miscalculation on their part however the most significant error that has occurred since the beginning of the war is the misdirection of the Tactical organization that is present inside the Russian army let’s take a more indepth look at the ways in which these errors have negatively impacted the battlefield Armed Forces first and foremost make an effort to fight in accordance with its Doctrine which is comprised of fundamental ideas that are designed to direct military actions it is possible to apply this to the Russian military when an assault is carried out by a Russian division or Brigade for instance the forces must advance in multiple echelons or waves of tanks and they must be carefully synced with components of reconnaissance flank protection engineering artillery and air defense the objective is to strike with Force move quickly penetrate defenses and make a move toward the rear of the adversary when attacking units concentrate in many columns the goal is to spread the attacking units both in breadth and depth to disperse and reduce the effects of nuclear or Precision fires on the other hand armored columns were dispatched along small highways that were crowded with traffic during the early stages of the war when Russia attempted to conquer Kiev with rapid speed the Ukrainian artillery drones and anti-tank missiles were able to destroy them despite the fact that they were blocked by barricades and ambushes however rather from being Swift and well-coordinated operations with the once revered Russian Aerospace forces the attacks turned into spectacular moves by the Ukrainian defense as a result of this diversion and the fatally defective tactics that were employed moscow’s strongest pre-war battalions as well as its best tanks and other equipment were destroyed a total of almost 3,000 tanks belonging to the Russian army were destroyed in spite of this it is quite noteworthy to note that the Russian army continues to actively carry out its occupation operation consistently it should come as no surprise that a sizable number of individuals are of the opinion that Vladimir Putin’s Prestige will suffer if Russian military withdraw from Ukrainian land at this time it is possible that Putin will be able to prevent his troops from falling into a considerably more pessimistic state if he makes this decision on the other hand does Putin or the Russian military officials have any intention of putting an end to the invasion plans or giving up on the war it is challenging to evaluate the current course of Russian Doctrine a significant portion of it is taken from the time period of the Soviet Union which was characterized by enormous armies that were strictly regulated the Kremlin and the military authorities of the Russian army have acquired this way of thinking which has spread throughout the country as a result it appears extremely improbable that either Vladimir Putin or the top Russian generals who are spearheading the attack on Ukrainian land would ever consider withdrawing from the conflict or giving up on it on the other hand a single element on the battle field has the potential to completely transform this Russian Hardline approach on the front lines there was a major Uprising led by Russian soldiers and the commanders of their respective units the forces of a great number of nations kingdoms and principalities have already been brought to the brink of collapse as a result of this Insurgency which has already entered them to the deepest level possible in point of fact the general situation within the Russian army is currently headed in the direction of this kind of internal breakdown the commander is in charge of the war is accountable for the primary components of the plan and in general does not anticipate nearly the same level of initiative or flexibility from his subordinates as a good commander in the United States would nevertheless this has shifted over the course of time on the front lines in Ukraine a significant number of Russian leaders were among the first to abandon their men and flee the front lines following the departure of the leaders Russian soldiers like likewise retreated from the front lines either to save their own lives or to disobey Putin’s decision to join the conflict up to this point there have been more than 10,000 Russian soldiers and officers who have fled the country a fairly High number is represented here while the organization of the Russian army is becoming increasingly frail as a result of defections from the front lines it is equally important to highlight the soldiers who have surrendered to the Ukrainian Army more than 200 Russian soldiers have late surrendered to the Ukrainian government using the I want to live hotline as stated by Vitali matvienko who is the spokesman for the Ukrainian Military Intelligence prisoners of war department it is said by matvienko that there are an additional 1,000 surrender requests waiting since it was first introduced the hotline and the telegram chatbot that is affiliated with it have received more than 26,000 calls and the website has been visited more than 48 million times a virtual private Network VPN allowed users to access the hotline even after it was disabled shortly after it was introduced in Russia in August of 2023 a Russian pilot by the name of Maxim kusmanov surrendered with his mi8 helicopter with the assistance of H this was one of the most remarkable escapes of a Russian soldier that had ever taken place a few days later H made the announcement that kusmanov will be awarded a reward of $500,000 which is approximately equivalent to 8.48 million Rivia according to the bill that was passed by the Ukrainian parliament in April 2022 Russian military troops who are successful in transferring equipment to Ukraine could receive up to $1 million in compensation depending on the type of equipment that they provide the number of calls to I want to live jumped by 70% in just one day according to her when the news of kusmanov’s surrender was announced some of the soldiers who surrendered using the hotline remained in Ukraine after sending in their surrenders according to reports the helicopter pilot and his family who had been rescued from Russia have made their destination in Ukraine in other instances Russian detainees have been utilized to assist in the facilitation of swaps one example of this is the large-scale swap that took place on January 3rd when 230 Ukrainian prisoners of War were returned to their Homeland during the month of September 2022 H established a hotline that operates around the clock to assist Russian forces in surrendering themselves or their units to the Ukrainian military the Ukrainian government has assured Russian military members that they will be held in accordance with the Geneva conventions once they have surrendered consequently Russian soldiers prefer to surrender to the Ukrainian Army because they value the monetary incentive as well as the guarantee of living in humanitarian conditions this is the reason why they prefer to surrender the Ukrainian Army is known to assist the Russians in other locations in addition to the surrender Line This assistance is known to be occurring through the Ukrainian conversation Russian families are able to locate soldiers who have been detained or murdered nearly 2 years after the invasion of Russia which Kiev claims to have resulted in the deaths of more than 450,000 Soldiers the Ukrainian authorities have initiated a project known as want to find with the intention of assisting Russian residents in locating information regarding their relatives who fought in the conflict as a follow-up to the I want to live project which was a hotline that offered Russian soldiers an option to surrender the launch was carried out more than 32,000 people have been accepted as prisoners of War by those who are administering the project as stated by the organization additionally 260 Russian soldiers have been accepted as prisoners of War since the operation was initiated in September 2022 there were even some of them who joined the so-called Russian volunteer Corps and fought alongside the Ukrainian Army against the Russian soldiers during the fall of 2022 when Russia announced a mobilization and Ukraine claimed a successful counter offensive in karke area and kersen the number of requests surged additionally during the Spring of the previous year when Ukrainian authorities announced the highly anticipated counter offensive the number of requests increased as stated by Vitali madino who serves as the spokesperson for the I want to live initiative it was during this time that a significant number of Russians began contacting the want to live project in an effort to locate their relatives who had enlisted in the military but had never returned more than 3,000 requests of this kind have been received by ukrainians since the summer of last year prompting them to decide to develop a separate telegram bot to handle them in order to identify the individuals who are desired the databases of the system are searched for their names photographs and distinctive characteristics such as scars or tattoos after that the system informs the relatives of Russian servicemen of whether or not the individual has been killed captured or if there is no information available enina kenina who is 37 years old is on the list of people who have not only been successful in locating her husband through the B but also in assisting others in doing the same in the Russian city of kar her husband yevan who was 34 years old at the time had a prosperous funeral business when yevan was called to a recruiting center in September 2022 it was during the major mobilization that Vladimir Putin the president of Russia had stated was taking place after spending a month in a training center in Omsk yevi and other Russian troops were dispatched to occupied Crimea and subsequently to Ken which was liberated by Ukrainian forces Kon was the final destination of this Mission the last time Arena communicated with her spouse was on June 9th 2023 Arena started looking for information on yenny’s whereabouts after some time had passed and there was no contact between the two of them Arena made the decision to explore the internet and while doing so she came across a video that was posted on social media that showed her husband being taken captive by Ukrainian military this however was not sufficient proof for the Russian authorities to establish Beyond a reasonable doubt that he was a prisoner of war Arena then made touch with the project known as want to live having received confirmation from the Ukrainian side that yevi was being held captive within 3 days Arena decided to take on the challenge of traveling to Ukraine in order to meet her husband during the time that yevgeni was still being held captive and contemplating whether or not he wanted to go back to Russia Arina established her home in Kiev with her children and established her own non-governmental organization called step in the purpose of this organization was to assist other Russians in their quest for their occupied relatives and to bring them back to their Homeland the Ukraine in accordance with the Geneva conventions the non-governmental organization provides assistance to the wants to find project in Ukraine by processing requests a arranging searches among prisoners of war and their family and even accepting packages for such individuals in summary when you look at the composition of both sides militaries and the governance of both countries involved in the war it is clear why the ukrainians have shown such a strong resistance to the Russian Armed Forces which is stronger in terms of military power and has a much larger number of troops volunteerism loyalty and a warm approach can even attract soldiers from the enemy’s side and draw them to the other side as Putin and his officials adopt a war strategy that goes against all this the Russian Army’s losses in The Clash Arena are likely to increase as are the attempts of soldiers to flee from the front surrender rates are thought to be the most severe phenomenon that will end the Russian army thank you for watching us

ALL DESTROYED! Ukrainians hit biggest Russian base with US himars from 300km!

  1. Like it or not, this is NATO war. NATO should send their best boots. NATO would have air superiority. Put an end to this madness. I am with France.

  2. “Sub-article,357—,”

    What is “Pro-activeism” and how pivotal and most important is it for Nation and country and for Human intellectualism.

    * * * * * * *


    After reaching in Space OR diving in ocean OR creating a country without “Constitution” and then to think how I can swim and survive in Ocean and Space is not learning of “Pro-activism”,

    Doctrine JUGGUT

    Why don't you praise Muslim league, PPP, ISI, IB pro-active intelligence,

    360 heads intelligence all are non-merit and dishonest,

    What a proactive political leaders of Jammat-e-Islami, and Pakistani and Islamic world pro-active intelligentsia?

    Muslim political and religious Molvi and Journalists were on strike. Some one had ask why you all are on strike? They had said when one Sikh, Hindu and Christian had arrived in Pakistan then we had not strike and when one million Hindu, Sikh and Christian had arrived in Pakistan even then we had not strike and when Thirty million Hindu, Sikh and Christian had illegally arrived in Pakistan even then we had not strike and even then when Hindu, Sikh and Christian had fucked our brothers, Sisters, mothers even then we had not strike and even then we had not strike when Hindu, Sikh and Christian had created "Khalistan" . Then some one had asked THEN why you are striking now?

    ON that they all had said now we are striking because Hindu, Sikh and Christian had fucked our wives in front of us then they had fucked us and our minor children and because of that we are on strike. What a Muslim Islamic Pro-activism.

    Thinking of illiterate is always illiterate and thinking of ignorant is always ignorant and all those who are not Metric Science even they are Ph.D were and are "Ignorant".

    State of Bahawalpur was the un-defeat-able strategical strong wall against India Sialkot and Gujrat and from there to Jhelum, Rawal Pindi and Azad Kashmit with its "Thirty million" Armed forces strength which Pakistan had confiscated to facilitate Indian Armed forces to enter in Pakistan without any resistance. If there would be State of Bahawalpur then Pakistan don't have to worry about Indian border and about Indian Armed forces NOR have to think about any Strategical budget of State of Bahawalpur "Three million" Armed forces strategical strength and had and have just only to defend and concentrate on the defense of Azad Kashmir, Gilgit, Beltistan and believe me if Pakistan wouldn't had confiscated State of Bahawalpur THEN since "1965" Indian Azad Kashmir would had also been the part of Pakistan BUT look HOW Proactive were "Melik Ghulam Ahmad", "Sakender Mirza", "Bhutto" and "General Ayuob" and Islamic world that no one had stop to Muslim league and PPP and said that don't confiscate "State of Bahawalpur" because State of Bahawalpur is the "Hands and legs and Brain" of Pakistan and by confiscating State of Bahawalpur you will cut your Hands and Legs and your feet and will paralyze your brain. What can we do with a physically destitute and brain paralyzed country like Pakistan with its political and religious leadership? Inevitable pivotal Doctrine research Extract of this Doctrine strategical and Economics and developmental Analysis is THAT If State of Bahawalpur wouldn’t be confiscated by infiltrated “British and German and agents of Christianity” in Pakistan inform of “Melik Ghulam Ahmad, Sakender Mirza, Jammat-e-Ahmdia, Bhutto, General Ayuob (whole Muslim League and PPP) THEN till to the end of “1960” State of Bahawalpur would had been the First Islamic “Nuclear State” and there after certainly State of Bahawalpur would had made Pakistan, (Bangal, Sindh, Gilgit, Beltistan, Kashmir, KPK) also nuclear State till to the end of “1970” BUT this was not the will of British Kingdom and Germany NOR it was the will of Christianity. So they had confiscated the State of Bahawalpur through their infiltrated political and Military and religious agents in Pakistan which were “Melik Ghulam Ahmad, Sakender Mirza, Jammat-e-Ahmdia, Bhutto, General Ayuob (whole Muslim League and PPP) and were in Jamat-e-Islami in form of “Mufti Mahmoud, Norani and Molana Kauser Niazi and Jamaar-e-Ahmdia.

    Now the inevitable pivotal intellectual Doctrine research EXTRACT is THAT where ever Pakistani military command and Pakistani politicians and their children will be there will be “No gain” and “No win” and there will be just “Loss over Loss” in strategical dorm and in Economics form and in developmental form and in educational form and they will not let people and country to get forward for advancement and to increase their Education and intelligence and their human intelligence.

    Newly I have the world record in "800" meters, in "1500" meters, in "3000" meters, in "5000" meters, in "10000" meters", in "20000" meters, in "23000" meters, in "27000" meters, in "30000" meters, "in "42000" meters, in "50000" meters, in "60000" meters, in "70000" meters, in "80000" meters, in "90000" meters, in "110" KM, in "160" KM, in "190" KM, in "210" KM all over the world.

    Doctrine JUGGUT

    Germany ky gejrey gobbi ky phool,

  3. Every one of these professionally choreographed with perfect music intros are us government propaganda …not one live or telling of personal battlefield stories shots or raw footage not even one, all we get is this crap….Russia is winning Bigley and easily no matter how many billions Biden throws at it to get his kickbacks (10% ) for Joe

  4. I don’t believe in invade unless there is a reason
    Ukraine situation they absolutely have the right to do whatever they want on there land🤷🏽‍♂️

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