Georgia riot police launch violent crackdown on anti-government protests

Georgian security forces used water cannon, teargas and stun grenades against protesters outside parliament.
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The sharp escalation happened while lawmakers inside parliament debated a ‘foreign agents’ bill that is viewed by the opposition and western nations as authoritarian and Russian-inspired. Reuters said some police officers physically attacked protesters. Thousands of people have shut down Tbilisi’s central streets nightly since parliament approved the bill’s first reading on 17 April. The bill would require organisations receiving more than 20% of their funding from abroad to register as ‘foreign agents’. Georgian critics have called the bill ‘the Russian law’, comparing it to Moscow’s ‘foreign agent’ legislation, which has been used to crack down on dissent there.

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#Georgia #RiotPolice #Europe #Protests

  1. Western nations and specifically the USA would not tolerate the blatant interference in their affairs that the western powers constantly effect in nations far from their borders. They do this through the subterfuge of NGOs, non-governmental organisations. These organisations such as the National Endowment for Democracy were carved out from the CIA and MI6 to provide cover as cut-outs to bring down governments the western powers see as adversaries. This is the same methodology that was deployed by the U.S. to foment the insurrection in Ukraine during 2013-2014.

  2. The USA has a Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).
    Australia has a Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Act 2018 (FITSA).
    The UK has the Foreign Influence Registration Scheme (FIRS) pending.
    The French National Assembly is examining a draft foreign interference bill.

    Georgia wants a similar law… but critics call it "the Russian law" SMH.

  3. People fight for the rights of western propandists 🤦‍♀️ and organized by the same propagansts and for something that western governments banned in they own countries but want so much in other countries

  4. Don't these fools know the EU and NATO are dying institutions? Have they not learned from the Ukrainian lesson? Don't they know that the Western party is over and that they came to the party too late?

  5. Maja problem obalić rząd i nowe wybory ( w Gruzji nie ma pracy dla ludzi wstapienie do uni europejskiej to kasa na drogi i ifrastrukture ,a to iznacza pracę )

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