Israel’s Ambassador to the UN shreds UN Charter at the General Assembly | DW News

Israel’s Ambassador to the UN shreds UN Charter at the General Assembly | DW News

you are shredding the UN Charter with your own hands yes yes that’s what you’re doing shredding the UN Charter shame on you

Israel’s Ambassador to the UN shreds UN Charter at the General Assembly

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  1. How ironic, given the same charter states plainly that intentional displacement of a nationality from their lands is gen ocide and thus they have long since shredded it themselves.

  2. Prime example of how they shred kids lives wreck homes and if the U.N. wants to grant anything to Palestine this is what they do. The world’s most immature state. Not even a country. Shredding documents shelling children. They only care about themselves and no one can call them out or say Palestinians have righs

  3. At least he’s coherent, Israel has been stomping on the UN charter from the start of this war so at least now he did it publicly

  4. Mr tantrum pants…careful your neckwear doesn’t get caught in your tiny shredder…you wouldn’t want UN members to have to cut Israeli ties

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