It’s NOT That Simple, Updates & History Show The OPPOSITE – Ukraine Update @CombatVeteranReacts

good day Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day and bear with me I can’t sleep it’s 1:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning and making a video but what I wanted to do is so many people in my audience sent me this video and asked what I thought about it so I thought well I’ve got some time I’ll make a quick reaction to this and talk about what I see as I think I see it a little bit differently and I think that I’ve found some issues with it now this is not a call out all doing this sort of stuff is incredibly difficult and as well just the way you can see things can be both correct and incorrect at the same time so I’m not saying that therefore it’s wrong I’m just saying that I see it differently now it’s this video here by combat veteran reacts now uh could someone let me know if this bloke was in the military cuz I haven’t actually seen it mentioned on his channel but either way we’re going to go over this and have a talk about it now first off what I’ll say is Paul’s channel is very pro-ukrainian so remember with any information in the second war going on so we’ve got the first war guys in the front line shooting each other the second war is the informational war and of course in which side of the political bias of wherever you sit that you can find certain aspects in favor of your desired outcome so if you head into something with the idea of what you want the outcome to be say in a case where you want Russia to fall into an entament then you’ll find the reasons then to fit that in and of course this happens massively vice versa on the pro-russian channels too so his whole premise to this video and go and watch the video he’s done a really good job on it I know it’s difficult and takes a long time to make but the premise is he starts off by saying that on the adiva front down here that Russia is making no real ground down here over the past few days now what I will say is we had Easter and then they had of course Victory Day then being the 9th and then there has been some small gray Zone movement over the past few days but one thing I will say here is we did see a lot of movement but at the end of the day the map being used in his video is the Deep state map what we know is the Deep state map has signed deals with the Ukrainian mod and since then has been interesting to say the least so not seeing any movement on this map well it depends because we’re seeing movement on different maps and other maps including Ukrainian Maps would are not shown on this so as we can see here on this map shows different so we have this like I call it the chair Paddock down here we can see further Russian advancement here as well as up into umans which we will talk about but as well out of per down here too which is all important of what he’s talking about but his premise is not much has moved here but that Russia is falling into this trap here and that these two reservoirs are going to then create a shooting gallery for Russia across from khiva and across here and saying that Russia will push into here they’ll be caught and then mentions that they’ll have to cross these by boat I don’t know exactly why but and and says it’s very hard to cross it yeah of course in a drone War crossing any body of water like this is going to be incredibly difficult but what we know is Russia’s tactics where the bakut a divka Maria Paul many other areas and what we’re seeing in areas like Peri CR hiar currently is they like to envelope things so he’s saying that there going be a complete push down the middle here the reason we’re probably seeing movement here is due to this open territory but are they getting drawn into here well I don’t believe so because this map is showing a different path now we have on his video here at 5 minutes uh 50 we have this because look they can’t C Russia’s not going to cross this River here they aren’t going to cross so not going to cross this River here ink well this hasn’t gone well because we have then this footage has come out on the same day as the release of then this flag here on the 9th of May that was then geolocated to here which if we can look on his map is right here so that cross was made there what I think is more likely on this ground then is if we see by what Russia’s other movements were previously on areas is to try and push to car livar well we know that this map is incorrect it’s somewhere in here at’ll MK and push down these lines of Defense if possible an envelope in here now this movement in here may not be needed at all what we can see if we just move up a little bit and I get rid of then these is we can see this movement through here and down here could then envelope this entire area area if you look back at the soldier who I was talking to who was in Seka talked about this whole area in here too open too flat no one’s going to move there and Ukraine moving back could be a real issue there too so I actually see more of an issue if he says you know Russia’s going to push into here and it’s going to be a shooting gallery no fire support and get stuck trying to push out of here I actually see it the opposite way I actually think with the tactics we typically are seeing Russia employee like this and enveloping that we could see UK train actually get stuck in here but again it just depends at how you then look at all of this now something I think which gets overlooked a lot is the overestimation of how hilly some of the terrain in and around these areas are and it can be a bit misguiding looking at topographical maps this area is very very flat if we have a look on in Google maps and we can see yes these reservoirs of course it’s a body of water so it deeps in and can see the tree lines and then the urban centers down here and the movement down here of course much more difficult and slow but you’re not caught out in the middle of areas like this and this is the exact Movement we have seen as well and a part of larger this movement gets helped if Russia because we know they’re pushing very hard from per myki to try and close off this near nelski and have had success in this direction over the past few days including what Surak map is showing this will then help this movement out of here as well so again it’s how you see things can add up to a lot remember in the attritional Warfare like Doctrine and this is what I believe that Russia is going down the path of and I believe Ukraine will then go down the same path is you don’t ever want to push too far and be too overextended you want to stay in your like a bubble of influence of your your support so your support being your artillery your electronic warfare your fire support what you don’t want to do is end up out here somewhere say 10 km behind where your ew and artillery and everything is sitting and next thing you’re getting smacked by drones and all of this is to inch forward Inch by Inch by Inch even if there’s an opening not being not taking that too quickly and then getting cut off now in the early days we did see that happen multiple times s to Russia but like it or not regardless of the side anyone sits on Russia is fighting significantly better with significantly better tactics than we have seen and I believe the movement will be more to envelope this rather than push in here and risk that fire support cut off and you’re going to get funneled directly down into here so maybe yes Ukraine is opening up to try and draw them in but the tactics of where seen employed in this exact direction of course have Diva same in Peri same in civa same happened in Oar so Le kame is more envelopment of these areas now I may have missed some bits and pieces in here I think this map gives us the best look of this because of course the this shows us where that gated footage was and I think proves that there’s going to be some level of envelopment there and as well open ground isn’t anyone’s friend in this especially if Ukraine is the side that doesn’t have the artillery overmatch or the M or the Manpower just numbers they will try and stay in urban centers and of course this can have if your eyes are too big and Russian soldiers like looking at oh let’s make this ground here could get drawn into that but I think at this stage in the war what Russia and Ukraine can’t let themselves do is they can’t think we’re going to wait for the enemy to make a mistake then pounce because what we are seeing is actually less and less mistakes made as both countries are getting a hell of a lot of experience from these battles and these wars and in this direction of what I’ve seen and what I know about the doctrine of attritional warfare we’re seeing Russia just chip and Chip and Chip Away same happened in ay where everyone thought they’re getting drawn in and they’re going to get cut off by the neck out here and we know that this has extended more so across like this as well as out from this SEMA front as well so look this isn’t uh Meant To Be A bash or anything at all I just wanted to add my two cents and I think it actually adds to his original video of giving maybe a different view on how I see that but having guys on boats rowing across this that’s never going to happen and they given that same idea of clo of trying to go across open bodies of water these days in a drone Warfare like he says is suicide it’s going to be the exact same down on the nepra what is going to become a huge problem in the south of Ukraine as well so I don’t know let me know I could be completely wrong as well I’m always happy to be absolutely wrong on something but from past tactics we see a traditional Warfare Doctrine as well as where we know then Russia of course now on the north side of umans and this first defensive line what sits down here I think we’re more likely to see an envelopment rather than a entrapment in here especially with what’s going on in the north which I’ll talk about tomorrow and that there may have to be Ukrainian reserves pulled out of somewhere like this Legends look after yourself go watch his video um and I’ll speak to you soon thank you bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well, Today reacting to a video by Combat Veteran Reacts
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. Hey Guys, In no way meant to be a hit piece but merely adding to what I see happening on the ground with what we have seen recently and on other Axis.

    I think a few missed my sarcasm in the beginning….

  2. Combat veteran says he is a veteran. He has some pics to support his claim. He is willing to ignore the facts to build his case. I have found him to be an unreliable source of information and he has been very wrong on multiple occasions. I no longer believe or trust what he says. Denys the draft dodger is more relevant and reliable. Denys is extremely pro Ukraine also and largely unreliable.

    Russian air support would successfully counter the Ukrainian advantages for this location. This area while has national advantages for a ground defence. It is the absence of air defence that make this area vulnerable to Russian forces. Also it is likely that the Russians have identified this area as a high casualty zone and will attack them from the flanks with force that has crossed the creek elsewhere.

  3. Your long form reports are your magnum opus but these snippets of information/commentary are good too. You should explore this type of content as well.

  4. I subscribe to speak the truth, Paul's and Denis D's channel, yours and more.
    Paul, as far as I know is a vet.
    Between all the channels and BBC interviews with Ben Hodges, etc al., I try and parse all the information out there and Iike everyone who cares and hopes Ukraine comes out on top.
    We all know that the reality on the battlefront is elastic, unforgiving and brutal.
    I agree that Paul is definitely an optimist, Denis D. Is a straight shooter who gives the good news and bad, about what's going on in his broadcasts.
    Speak the truth has turned into the Matt T. show, which is fine.
    He's definitely a sharp dude and knows his stuff.
    Long story, long, and pardon the phase, but I'm all in for Willy.

  5. Yes his name is paul he was in the USA ARMY
    I dont know what he did in the army

    Denys Davydov is a true clow Only talks about how Ukrainians are doing so well, but in fact they're not.

  6. Time to switch sides, Willy, from the Nazis to the good guys.
    Russia reacted to NATO provocation. No more no less. Europe and NATO could have saved themselves if they had a historical sense. But no, they were coerced by the USA to embark on a unwinnable struggle against the Bear. Get smart Europe; stand on your own two feet. We are not your friend. We are in the act of dying as an Empire. Why can't you see that?

  7. that guy is some laughter. Mainly just milking it and one side pays the other one doesnt, he just chosen to drop his integrity to play one side.
    Some people have it others dont, you have it willy and your insights are pretty spot on

  8. Paul is a clown! He fills his videos with irrelevant cope! He front line analysis is none existent because Russia is pushing and taking ground. So his way of saying something about it is to say it’s a trap! He is super bias!and corny!

  9. For that location I feel like he's getting a bit 'mixed up'.
    Russia definitely has the advantage in going into the area until they reach the choke point. Which is an issue for Ukraine if they need to retreat. If Russia takes the area, then they have two natural barriers and a choke point to defend. They then only need to make sure they move troops up around the lakes/rivers for extra security, and push from the outside and not inside.

    He states Russia wouldn't want to push out over the rivers, but this will be the same for Ukraine as well as it's just a death trap idea. Unless Russia gets in, the choke point gets held down and Ukraine manages to flank around and cut off from behind is the only way Russia would be in trouble. But with their shortages I doubt they'd be able to do this at all now.

    Although this is considering by HOW Russia has improved over the years. They've adapted much better than Ukraine, and also better then NATO advisors have.

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