Is Ukraine Running Out Of Time, Another Encirclement – Ukraine War Map Analysis & News

to Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day and a fantastic friday now as my sergeant major used to say on every Friday have a good weekend but don’t add or subtract to the population and if you end up in jail assert dominance quickly anyway Legends we have a fair bit to go over today actually but not as much as yesterday and the day before I know we’ve had some very long videos I apologize but we’re going to look at the maps we’re going to look at some new fighter aircraft we’re going to talk about what Putin said yesterday we need to talk about what the UK and a Dutch uh leading Soldier has said as well about the situation not only in Ukraine but also globally we’ll look at zalinsky has made a decision on a a high ranking Special Forces leader as well and I want to talk about a little bit of tax but where we’ll start is of course yesterday May 9th was Victory Day and we saw large celebrations and memorials all throughout Russia and these actually seemingly went off without a hit I think many including I were holding our breath for some event to happen we had no idea what but we’d had a lot of warnings leading up to this now as I said yesterday and I’ll always say I see no issue at all with having a day of remembrance for red army veterans the sacrifice those men men gave was unmatched By Any Other Nation in the second world war and of course this includes soldiers from Ukraine and other post Soviet States as Ernest Hemingway said anyone who loves Freedom owes such a debt to the Red Army that it can never be repaid yes the West gave L leas and equipment and all this but at the end of the day the sacrifice of men was given by the Red Army Millions upon Millions upon Millions while themselves living under the tyrannical rule of Stalin now what I will say about this is I hate the politicization of any day of Memorial whether it is this whether it is anac day whether it is anyone else throughout the world and we have seen in years Russia has politicize this day to justify what they call the special military operation The Invasion into you Ukraine as we have seen then this conflict politicized Soviet memorials and monuments as well throughout post-soviet states which lay tribute and Memorial to those who fought in post Soviet states of course with many of those States their own men going to fight and we have seen many memorials ripped down throughout Eastern Europe now let’s actually have a look at what Putin has said on Parade yesterday now this isn’t the full thing you can find full speech on kremlin. IU if you’d like to have a look today we’re witnessing attempts to distort the truth about World War II this truth is a sore for those who have developed a habit of basing their effectively Colonial policy on duplicity and lies They are tearing down memorials to those who have really fought Nazism erecting monuments to traitor and Hitler’s accomplishes and er raising the memory of heroism and Noble Spirit of the liberators and the great sacrifice they made for the sake of all life on Earth we reject exceptionalist claims of any country or Alliance we know what this unchecked ambition may lead to Russia will do utmost to avoid a global confrontation but it will not allow itself to be threatened our strategic forces this meeing nuclear are always in combat Readiness and of course in these parades we see nuclear weapons then paraded Russia is now going through a difficult watershed moment in its history the fate of our motherland and its future depends on us we are celebrating Victory Day against the backdrop of the special military operation all of those engaging on the front lines are our heroes we humbled by your fortitude and self-sacrifice all of Russia stands with you so of course this day has become politicized both ways about what it is actually meant to be standing for those in World War II but using to talk about the operation here or we seeing others to reject what is happened what happened back then and remove memorials and I am vly against the removal of any W moral even if it has just now fallen out of fad now let’s have a look at the maps I guess early on and of course we have Ukraine the center the capital of ke red areas occupied since 22 the purple since 14 and the green where Russia has been at some point and either has been pushed back or has withdrawn now a lot of people liked what I said yesterday about this map drip feeding now what did I mean by this we know many on this map from roboty Kiva aiva look significantly different to what it does on here now we know this map is very very Pro Ukrainian has signed deals with the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense so comes Under the Umbrella of the informational space of the war as well what I think is happening here is drip feeding in updates every couple of days an update in the north and an update in the East because it is is playing into not wanting to show a massive amount of ground taken at one point on multiple fronts that is that is what I think the tact here is the problem with this is at some point it does need to then catch up so is going to have to show large movements at some point we know roboty has been ignored now for weeks and weeks crer hika is ignored om mank will look at Jail located footage today that is not even in Gray Zone as well as the only piece of movement up in the north so I think there is a drip feed of information coming in on this map anyway let’s then talk about some information that I was then sent across about then the adiva front and I guess a little bit of the war overall a trusted friend of mine so driving from khiva to neovi there is a left turnoff going north so Kiva netal this left turn up here what connects then of course to um we’ll talk about that in a second seeing that Junction cut off is a massive pain in the ass if time is the most valuable commodity then we will need more time to plan don’t need to be there right now to know what’s going on mlrs to mortar range was my playground it’s those assets that we’ve been so desperately short of that will now require even more time to move pieces on a chest board we know with mortars there was a case of corruption up to $40 million and I think it was something over 100,000 mortar shells as well that never arrived anyway call it tactical or AA attrition Russia will continue to gain advantage in options position and time unless something really juicy comes to the front soon Ukraine’s time and options of fing positions will continue to diminish pure speculation on my part I think this will continue until we have an event similar to when we ran out of lisichansk although less dramatic and costly we will pull so far back and like that summer will be a very calm two weeks plus artillery will fire as a mere token at gentlemanly hours so we saw this if you were in Ukraine pre 2022 when the Osa observers left in the afternoon there’d be some firing of artillery back and forward when it starts again Ukraine will be more stacked up I hope and that will be a stable line a long time so talking about there be a fall back here somewhere and then that line will then stabilize for a rest for both Ukraine and Russia such as the line along sers Tobak moot was now this is an important line so this line between Buck Moot and sers up in here has been stable for a long time but if we look back at then only yesterday it is moving here trickle feeding in those updates but just a theory from a guy who knows the terrain and what’s behind it now on both sides of the line of course because the line has moved through so without better Ado let’s have a look at a div where we need to come down is of course into umans and I have a little bit of footage to show you here on Victory Day we see then let’s mute this this flag then flown over a monument here in umans so where is this J located to so Noel reports has put this right in here so over this side of the road where this dips down so just just inside what is said to be Gray Zone but if we take Red Zone to here 2.7 the best part of 3 km behind where they are saying where the Russian line actually is and you can see Noel reports has actually caught up on this and you can see the front line sitting a fair bit further east than the mod map here is showing so then of course we have a Surak Map update now where we will First Look is then the umans front Northwest Don City uh um army captured all the easn defenses ofans and captured half of the village in addition troops reached n Road taking control over a series of positions there now of course this is just down to the South here where my friend was talking about uh moreover Russian forces continue reducing the Salient south of pervi so pki nelski in here so talking down in here that this is getting closed more and more up and then we can see out from neov to umans that are movement through here you can see this like seat looking padic that this padic has come under control by sux map now I get that different maps have different biases again this is why we show multiple Maps so the only other updates we have on this map is a sorry the only update for today we have on this entire map is a tiny sliver then made up here the near kka this is the only update for mod map today when we know there’s been others this is what I’m talking about of my belief of trickle feeding in bits of information so you don’t just have one hole but at some point it needs to catch up because they’re not going to be able to hide it like KERA michaelk and there’s going to have to be large movements made which of course can backfire propaganda is great until then it starts backfiring so Noah report is showing very similar to then this map here today but showing a lot more up into the industrial Zone that is sitting in Gray Zone or some not even in Gray Zone up in here but on the Eastern side similarish to the mod map therefore let’s have a look at Surak Maps update now this is showing significantly different here showing much further push in on this Eastern side of creser hika and a much more Northerly push areas which are not in Gray Zone and areas under control here during the last 48 hours Russian army made new advances in creser hika from northern axis troops reached the Central Hospital of Minka and agricultural School currently Russians are advancing eastwards along this street only the 700 M remain between the northern and southern groups as a result Ukrainian Army began the withdrawal from the trench system so 700 M between between where these two groups are sitting furthermore saying this although there is still no physical encirclement on the Eastern Zone the Russian army has fire control over all Escape Routes Ukrainian troops are having difficulty leaving their positions we are likely to see surrenders here so this in down in here very very dangerous place to currently be now we know Ukraine has a large issue with getting enough weapons and enough Supply from aid from the west and of course MoneyWise in Ukraine there isn’t much buying of I guess their own weapons to come in that isn’t aid but Ukraine has comparatively to countries around the world a very very low flat tax rate of 18% personal income tax now of course wages are lower things are cheaper and everything is relative but when we compare to somewhere like say Australia America where we have a sliding tax rate that you’ll pay this at one level and then up and up to highest rates in Australia being somewhere near 47% if you include then Medicare on top of that but what I was going to say about this is could there be some tax freed up with say if you’re a Ukrainian who earns over just put it high like 100,000 USD you earn over 100,000 USD up the tax rate for that so you’re talking politicians who are earning you know around that leading businessmen and some of the only fans girls online we see monetizing the war and then driving Porsches in Dubai but I just thought about this like could there be you know high so it won’t affect 99% of people $100,000 $150,000 but it’s affecting that top 1% putting some money back in to help the economy and help buy more military or whatever what taxes there to do and I hate taxes don’t get me wrong it’s the taxes are for wartime and that is incredibly low it’s actually lower than the tax being paid on the money to then go to Ukraine anyway I spoke about zalinski had fired someone so zinsky has replaced Special Operations chief for a second time in 6 months the dismissal of Colonel Lupu and appointment of Brigadier General tpra in his place was announced in two decrees on the president’s website provided no explanation for the move of course we’ve seen a lot of Replacements in the upper echelon of the Ukrainian forces and we have speculated about what could that actually then be now UAC who of course build a lot of Russian aircraft including civilian and military aircraft have posted a video and this of delivery of new Sue 35s aircraft to the ministry of Defense they are manufactured at this plant multi multi fighters of the 4 plus plus gen of su 35s underwent cycle of ground and flight tests in various modes and then flew to where will be their home base the aviation plant has reached a rhythmic pace of aircraft production with in the framework of the current year program this is the second batch of combat Vehicles sent to the Russian Aerospace forces small residents fulfill their obligations to supply new aircraft on time and are working on creating batches of Sue 35 and Sue 57 so the Gen 4 plus Gen 5 aircraft serial Fighters now in this video that has released so they never give numbers of how many which is no surprise everyone would do that but we can see that it’s at least two but we don’t know how many normally in the videos we do see two so could be more could be well we it’s at least two but we see then that taking off there regardless of your view on this war you cannot deny that the S35 su27 M 29s are beautiful aircraft what we need is lock heat Engineers Russian designers of aircraft then we can build a beautiful aircraft that doesn’t look like it F35 but with all the technological aspect but I think a long way off that occurring so let’s talk about I guess the global situation shells a little bit of everything and one thing we need to point out is the industrial base struggling so just for instance let’s have a look at this now I know this isn’t the best example in the world but it still is an example the EU acknowledged on Wednesday 31st of January the block will sh will fall short of the promised of one million artillery rounds stands 524,000 shells roughly 52% of its Target so fell incredibly short of that and it’s going to take a long time to pump up this industrial base when at the same time we see North Korea by Russy estimates have sent somewhere in the vicinity of a million ammunition shells and grad Rockets this is something that this war has shown us is our Global Production in the west is just not at the amount anywhere near here what’s needed for a larger scale war and I’ll remind you that this war is currently between the east of Ukraine and Russia we would run out of shells or would have run out of shells depending on where our industrial capacity actually is now I don’t believe it’s much better it is better but still being used up very quickly we would have problems straight off the bat of just dumb weapons yeah we’ve got f35s we’ve got f-22s and this and that but what this war has shown us is at the end of the day who’s got the most bullets and bombs and men will start advancing on the battlefield and Ukraine yes they’ve asked for some high-tech weapons but what they are begging for is just more kit just more shells on the front anyway let’s have a look over some of this and this will all tie back into itself so top NATO Soldier Rob B Warth the world will be very restless for another 15 years now a few days late on this it’s May 7th regardless it is not too late for Ukraine the Russians have made progress but is still quite limited and still not strategic I don’t know what he means by not strategic I think getting it depends how far you zoom in and out on what is strategic what is not zinsky has said only today that Ukraine could stop the advancement and could Advance if enough weapons are given in but I personally believe the biggest problem for Ukraine is not weapons it’s actually Manpower behind those weapons you can give for whatever you want but you need men and we know there’s a lot of problems with that currently I don’t know how it’s going to be fixed I know I’m a broken record on that but second the most important thing is that we continue to send Aid and the longer the war lasts the more difficult that becomes many countries have been supplying weapons and ammunition from their own stocks for 2 years but they are not endless either we can do two things dig even deeper into our own supplies and push even harder on the defense industry to produce much more and faster continuing it will probably take at least a year to fully achieve increased production in the west we will have to bridge that period so that Ukraine can prepare for the next counter offensive so we’ve been hearing whether it’s from the US from this alluding to a 2025 counter offensive which is still a at minimum a whole year away it’ be interesting to see where the border and where Russia’s defensive works and where Russia’s industrial capacity are by then and it’s not going to get easier on the front line it’s going to get dug in more and more but that will not be easy there are 450,000 Russians in the occupied part of Ukraine now speaking about I guess more globally here it does not mean the war will start tomorrow but it will be a very unsettled for the next 15 years because those tectonic plates of Power are shifting in the world as we hear more and more the rise of the global South and things like this war what’s happening in Gaza are pushing those countries further together especially because of sanctions sanctions yes they affect Russia but it also then in a state like that people look for where they can backfill that and they’ve looked of course into the South I think it’s important that people start to realize that it’s not necessarily A farfetched show so of course then we have like Russy here and this will link in with the next pit the success of Russia’s information Warfare in the global South while not absolute is undeniable it is managing to leverage various existing historical Grievances and disillusionment of Western policies often Justified to shape perceptions and public opinion in its favor and I can see why countries in Africa which you know the West has had influence and money and this and that and not much has improved are looking to someone else as well as what’s not spoken about here is the Reliance on Western markets is decreasing around the world and this is why I talk about I think freezing those assets from Russia and using you know money off the top whatever but if you were freeze it liquidate that and send it in and you undermine the Euro pound dollar I think that longterm is a very very slippery slope and a bad idea now foreign secretary David Cameron of course out of the UK has had his first like large speaks but returning to Frontline politics what stands out to me is how many reasons are found for us not to act it too often feels as if the fundamental change in the world has not yet been met with the fundamental change in how many in the Free World are thinking and acting people claiming we have become too weak not powerful enough militarily or effective enough economically or those who won’t act so fixated are they on risks be it escalation unintended consequences legal Jeopardy or simply causing offense so we’ve seen of course the UK in the past couple of weeks saying that their weapons can be used inside Russia where others are saying they cannot and of course the UK has really stepped up to support Ukraine economically militarily and of course administratively with Boris in the first weeks of the war and some interesting bits and pieces that happened there but people fixating on risk of escalation unintended consequences well I think people are looking over and saying that is a nuclear power with thousands of warheads and we don’t have interceptors to hit them I think that is and that always needs to come into the in equation at high level politics people are thinking that I think the longer the war goes on more people will think that while as the Prime Minister said in wara recently and act of authoritarian States like Russia Iran North Korea and China is increasingly acting together like we spoke about this rise in attempts to undermine us and our allies and the world order which we depend now I’m not saying that acting it together to undermine us is incorrect that is definitely something which countries absolutely do but you need to remember too that we’ve also pushed these states together we sanctioned China we sanctioned Iran we sanction Russia we sanction North Korea well isn’t naturally are they not going to then just do trade together and I think the big one in this that they forget to mention is then India massive population massive developing and where will their alliances sit with economic military all of that I know we’re we’re all trying to build that but that in decades to come will be a huge huge question we must be Boulder in combating their poisonous methods of Deceit what that’s what Britain and America did by publicizing of our intelligence before Putin’s illegal Invasion it was an unprecedented step and made it absolutely clear what Putin was planning to do assault a neighbor without a scrap of justification now I was in Ukraine when the initial Invasion 22 went down well the 22 Invasion not 2014 but that said we didn’t have that much intelligence of what was actually no one really knew what was happening and I believe that if they knew they should have released it to people earlier so more civilians could actually then leave those areas that we didn’t know what was happening the night before regardless of the day then of now we hear this more and more without a scrap of justification now this can be both right and wrong at the same time it’s how you perceive it but when you talking about a nuclear power who shares a border with I guess the rest of Europe and eventually NATO with the ambition to bring Ukraine into NATO you still need to screw your head on at some point as a foreign Diplomat secretary whatever and go how will they see this as do they see this as a threat and it doesn’t mean then you change your decisions on this but you need to take into account that at some point exactly the same as if Russia or China wanted to put a base in Mexico or when Russia or Soviet Union talked about Cuba how we then perceived that anyway we in the west need to undermine expose the malign networks that Russia uses to spread its lies our adversaries also strive to undermine Global trusts in these beliefs and principles by attacking our own record they gleefully accuse the west of double standards I think we should be frank in our response yes the suffering in Gaza is appalling but an unprovoked war against an independent country like Ukraine that poses no threat is Holy different from the conflict that has grown from the brutal attacks of the 7th of October and many many people will point at this and call out double standards now whether they’re right or wrong again regardless you need to look at how people are feeling and how other leaders will see this we know that Israel’s bombing campaigners killed more civilians in a few months in Gaza than Russia’s bombing campaign into Ukraine has killed regardless of the S of that regardless of you know what was what you need to see how billions of people billions of people around the world are seeing this as we are pushing those countries closer together from policy economic military aspects we’re pushing them get from our stuff that it ties back into what Admiral Bower is saying here about very unsettled the next 15 years because the tectonic plates of Power are shifting in the world I think we need to get more and more used to the idea that the west from the end of the second world war to 2015 and that period we had where we were dominant in every aspect that it is starting to then decrease in many many ways and that our Global dominance of things could potentially be challenging aspects I don’t think there’ll be a flip for a very long time if there even is but the from this to this is looking more and more likely and things like this war it’s happening in Gaza have sped that up exponentially and anyway Legends uh sorry if there’s a lot of cuts in this one I couldn’t talk look after yourselves I’ll see you soon thanks bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. Why no one wants to admit the fact that Ukraine lost this war?
    Germans also technically lost ww2 mid 1943, but it still took a time to wrap things up. Same here – nato lost this war thought their proxy in Ukraine – it will just take some time to finalize everything. Perhaps they’ll even push Baltic-s, Poland and Romania to this conflict, but this stage of the war is almost completed.

  2. "Everything is relative" except their tax rate. That's fucking hilarious. Totally fucking right wing neoliberal economy, exactly what the US demands of its puppets. Pensions are also tiny.

  3. Putin told Biden he was going to invade months before he did. This war would have never happened if not for US meddling and the US overthrowing Ukraine's democratically elected government and then backing far right extremists to terrorize and ethnically cleanse the East. Everyone knows that.

  4. What alot of people forget. And this is especially true of the donkey's in "power" forget is this.
    One day very soon we are going to be facing President Putin or his representative across a table. And negotiating.
    And there is a very very very good chance that we (the west) are NOT going to have any top bloody trumps at all.
    The "Orcs" as you little "goblins" call them. Will be wondering just why they don't just put you in the pot season and chomp down!!!
    Whilst they remember you "stole" from them! And whilst you "accused them of the very things YOU did".
    So I suggest you think on!! And things like the "un-elected" Cameron who just took us closer to a nuclear war than the Cuban missile crisis. Running his gob off should be given his marching orders short order!!

  5. First off.. lets start with production. while russia is outproducing nato with shells, keep in mind that the usa is not working around the clock like russia. our production is still in peace time mode. that being said. the f-35 is fat and slow and ugly. but no Russian fighter can kill it! the bvr on the f-35 is where it excels. yes the su-27 and su35 look beautiful. but will not last in a fight in the skies. its stealth… while russian planes dont have a radar cross section they have an entire zip code..

  6. If Russia had no "right" to invade the ukraine. Then the US and GB certainly had no right to invade Iraq and half a dozen other places.

  7. Actually when we are talking for F-35s, they are built entirely on YAK 141. There was a contract between YAK and Lockheed Martin to built a plain together, but the Americans just stole the plans and left. As always they do. And even after they had all the plans they still failed to replicate the plane in a proper manner. Now it it is nothing, but just very expensive flying brick.

  8. They drip feed the map, so there’s not large movements. Searching for the right spin, for a withdrawal of Donetsk. The blame has to simmer enough, keeping the fanatics under control.

  9. The amount of ukrainian supporters in the Lives of the Victory day parades was ridicules, they were proclaiming the same things that was said a year ago about russia, when russian supporters mentioned about the towns being taken with ease I swear to all I never seen so many people still believe Ukraine has Bahkmut under their control and russia are out of supplies…..

  10. If they would just put a lid on corruption/thievery. As long as there are powerful ppl willing to sell out their country it is not possible to help them

  11. America's income tax started as the top 1%, so just remember, whenever a new tax is proposed and don't worry it'll only effect the super wealthy, it's coming for you next

  12. We. Will never forget those who have given (including the Bethnal Green tube disaster) their lives for us. Fighting the Nazi and the germans and many conflicts both before and after.

  13. Before you support an unworthy cause, it's useful to study the history of the conflict and not be sucked in as a humanitarian or a propaganda dupe. You could have offered aid to Russia and the Donbass as opposed to the ultralight government in Kiev. It turns out you are aiding NeoNazis in Ukraine, and I think it is not what you thought you were doing.

  14. Your tax idea is way off, the whole point of a flat tax is that it's really simple to administer and also promotes growth. If you start having tax bands it needs more people to administer and in this case you won't get much extra income from a very small number of high earners.

  15. liar – Russia has not militarized Victory day to justify the intervention in Ukraine – the parade is similar to those of the previous years – there is nothing that justifies such derrogatory commentary

  16. The thing is that Russia, unlike the West, has not decimated their industrial capacity. And the sanctions had the opposite effect, they made Russia more independent. We have to remember that Russia has every strategic mineral at home, unlike the US, who have to import a huge amount of them. Rare earths, titanium, cobalt, you name it, the Russians have it in spades and in their own backyard. And what they don't have, they can buy from the Chinese. Plus a large percentage of the world's aluminium (or aloominoom lol) production is manufactured in Russia. Even the US space programme has been dependent on Russian rocket motors for years. Europe is also depended in great part on cheap Russian oil and gas for their economic well-being and it sounds like the Russians are done with Western Europe and will only trade with countries like Hungary, Serbia and Slovakia on mutually beneficial terms.

  17. Honestly, I feel like the West itself wasn't exactly that powerful. Economically it was, and the nukes practically kept it protected. We are also slowly seeing people second guess A LOT of what comes out of our Western Governments, in regard to Ukraine and Gaza. We have also been seeing more and more on how the Western propaganda side actually works. Depending on where India goes, I can see them being marked as bad and Pakistan as good to try and prevent them from becoming a superpower (something the US has never liked as this can alter their economic control. Case in point, Japan). The closest near peer conflict was the Korea wars, which essentially was a loss.

    Out of all the countries in the world with nukes, I still firmly believe that the US is the most likely to actually use them. As they are more than likely to be able to get countries to back them up about this (in the same way they rallied with Israel, Gaza, hell even Iraq/Syria/Afghanistan/Vietnam)

    The problem I'm seeing, is for the West they still keep acting like the kid in the playground that thinks they are always "right and the best". Instead of actually working towards a better future.

  18. Matt , I am happy , that you found your enormous "scrap of justification" for russian invasion . Russians were desperatelly trying to negotiate that scrap , but USA refused to talk about it . What else could the nuclear power with the security concerns do ?

  19. Your comment on Russian designers working with US aircraft manufacturers has happened. The F-35 vertical take off version is based on a Yak 141. The design was purchased in 1990s

  20. Willy
    The forces were “exercising” across the border.
    Americans were told to leave.
    Russia was going to invade.
    Biden warned putin of a decisive response if they followed through.

    Choosing to hear, what you want to hear.

  21. West is biased, it chose as per it's biased opinions, when West wants it favours dictator or monarchy in nations like in Pakistan, Saudi, even Iran/Iraq etc as long as it's motives are met. Millions were killed in Iraq in 2003 invasion but till date no justice has happened, why ICJ not put in trial leaders of West for Iraq invasion? First do this justice then give moral lessons to Russians or rest of the world l.

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