RU Northern Offensive – Perfect Timing, Part Of A Bigger Plan? Deception? – Ukraine War Map Analysis

g day Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day and so far a fantastic weekend and you’re going to get three videos in 24 hours how lucky are you but I am very tired if I do miss anything today but of course we’re going to have a look at the maps we need to have a look at some other footage and some other statements from Russia and Ukraine but of course what this video is going to be primarily about is this Northern Group Northern push Northern offensive whatever you want to call it that has happened in Ukraine now we have talked for many weeks about the possibility of something happening from belgrad or k coming down into Sumi or H and all the rumors have been coming from Ukrainian officials Pages or then Western saying there’s a buildup of 30 to I’ve seen 880,000 in that bracket of Russian troops here ready for an offensive and we have questioned those numbers but today I will just say that it is unbelievably foggy regardless of what Ukrainian and Russian channels are saying at the moment we do not know the exact situation of what is happening on the ground what is happening currently and what happened last night nor do we know what the end goal here is we’ll be going over my understanding of attritional warfare I’ll be backing that up with some actual Doctrine we’ll talk about that how I see what’s happening here and as well we’ll just run through chronologically what we actually have but I think many people in the information space propaganda space which is becoming the same thing whether independent or not but people are having predetermined outcomes in the head of okay this is a failure therefore finding information to fit that narrative or this is a success finding information to fit that if you begin with the start point that you have you’re going to find information to do that I could probably find evidence that I’m not 5’6 tall regardless we’re going to just go over what we see and try and be as unbias as possible now a bit of Public Service Announcement the propaganda information machine is in absolute overdrive at the moment there are YouTubers claiming this has already failed there people claiming it’s going to go to ke just take everything with a massive grain of salt of course we’ve seen for now years the cheering and Echo chambers that people place themselves in and which algorithms push you in as well to maintain your attention on a website but being that russer is out of weapons they’re unable to adapt or launch strategic operations and we know this here on this channel not to be true but this idea that has spread like maligant cancer throughout the informational space has been very detrimental to now the informational space where seeing that be the opposite there’s no shovels in Buck moot as well I believe it’s actually seeped into tactical decisions being made of there’s no weapons there’s none of this there’s none of that and they’re out of troops and now we’re seeing a situation that is definitely different to this but let’s go over this let’s see what we saw as well as some information that I have been sent as well so this was really the first bit of footage that I really saw come out and this is multiple launch rocket systems here multiple of them firing out from apparently the belgrad oblast into hard we can see there are multiple launchers here of course this is the main one 1 2 3 there’s at least four I believe I’ve had a quick look at this and this is you know what we’re seeing it’s probably a fifth one out over the back launching in and this is what we would expect is massive bombardment now to get an idea of offensive operation let’s have a look at what Israel did before it put soldiers on the ground in Gaza massive bombing campaigns and yet in what the footage I’ve seen the footage I’m going to show you here I’m yet to see thousands of troops Crossing or tens or hundreds of Tanks or bmps there’s footage of a couple of you know bmps being taken out but that’s not oh this has failed it’s all over nor vice versa and yes there is some footage of some PS as well but we’re talking you know in in in single digits maybe low double digits so this is what I put up as my take yesterday and I’ve had a bit of a think about this but I just want to explain myself on this and I’ll show some doctrinal Warfare too but my take personally I think Russia is going to take advantage of Ukraine’s current shell shortage and Manpower issues to chip away at the front lines these factors have produced a good opportunity for Russia and I will preach this all day now for Russia is the best opportunity they will have for movements on the battlefield Ukraine is known to have Manpower issues there are massive shell shortage just some are saying 10 to1 I think KF postp it today that it is 20 to1 this is an opportunity presented to have movements and this opportunity depending on where the future of this Warfare goes may not actually present itself and what you’re looking for in stages of attack not maneuver but in attritional attack is for opportunities to present themselves and taking then advantage of that due to Ukrainian defensive works in the north I think we’ll see massive shelling and Fab so uh the air launched bombs followed by limited incursions Putin’s buffer zone so we have seen Putin talk when the Ukrainian forces Ukrainian back however you want to call it crossed back into Russia that Putin came out and said there needs to be a buffer zone between these borders up here and we know that he’ll want that as the claim around 50,000 troops is not enough let’s assume and this is probably the low end of this 1 in5 1 in seven of total troops is then actually a combat troop you’re talking let’s say 10,000 for easy numbers actual combat troops that is not enough you need to consider there are 450,000 Russian troops in occupied Ukraine at the moment another 50,000 up in this heavily defended area and we know this is heavily defended is not there’s an Annex to this is not going to make a huge difference and a huge massive offensive push into here but the annex to this is if Russia has assessed that 50,000 is enough considering the defensive Works troop uh reserves up here of Ukraine then Ukraine is in a much worse position than we are aware of currently militarily but I think that is unlikely but again we need to look at the scope of what could be going on here you I the YouTubers the blog we don’t know the official numbers God I don’t know if the officials know the official numbers but that said I do think this will be ultimately to divert limited Ukrainian forces North while Russia aims to retake lost areas in the South and new areas in the East so trying to make we know now Ukraine’s had to deploy resered soldiers and soldiers from other areas I don’t know how many soldiers Ukraine actually has in reserve again there will be movement of of soldiers from third line could be front line from areas up into here now whether Russia is deadly serious about massive you know movement into har Kev or out into here regardless regardless of their ultimate goal Ukraine can’t not send multiple soldiers reserves tanks highas all this sort of equipment up into here diverting that away from areas of which Russia may want to have more pushes and lighten the load down in the South or in the East trying to recapture parts of successful uh dug in defensive line as well as people have gone well the ultimate goal here we know for Russia to have a strategic victory over Ukraine to seize and hold Odessa would be huge and the rest of the hon oblas this would be incredibly detrimental for Ukraine that okay we launch something up here high up a heap of soldiers we know there’s limits and then we launch something across here now I haven’t thought too long and hard about that I don’t know the possibility of that but there are a lot of people pointing towards this trust me we’ll have a look at the maps in a second being overextended is a real threat you don’t want to be out of your bubble of control we’ll talk about this where both artillery and ew can effectively support the front uh as we’ve seen recent movements of hundreds of meters or few kilm so it’s just chipping away and that fits within the doctrine politically next month we’ll look at what has said about this and this is why I’m lining this up June 1516 is the Swiss a Swiss peace Conference of course Russia is not invited to that but many countries are and there are countries with different opinions and seeing uh this war differently to some of Ukraine’s most Hardline supporters we’ve seen the um Italian uh minister of defense I think he was or ital Italian very high military Chief talking about it’s time to really start thinking about negotiations Uh Russian success will have a direct effect on Ukraine’s pleas for men who have gone abroad and return to be mobilized we have seen many Ukrainian officials playing to guys who are out in uh out in the EU in Australia to return home to therefore potentially be then mobilized and of course this comes into massive morale issues as well now what am I talking about let’s have a look actually on the map so this is the Deep state map today this is belgrad we see these two gray zones that have popped up and expanded so yesterday afternoon in Australia we saw this and then out to this of Gray Zone in the deepest point being seven km and here sorry my bad and here deepest Zone being 4 km so this isn’t nothing and it has crossed areas where there would have been defensive work buildup as well as we will look at some bridges and areas then taken out but to line up with what I was crapping on about in that first part I showed you I wanted to talk about this and this is what I believe that Russia’s command are trying to push for is this military operations in attritional Conflict as we do know from uh Russ’s investigation that because of the asymmetrical war that the West has been in for a lot of time we’re very used to maneuver Warfare but in my opinion and I think a lot of others this is an attritional War not a maneuver War drones ew artillery the amount of ISR capability really reduces Maneuvers in that bubble of influence of which we’ll speak about but that attritional conflict in this context strategic Str except the war will last two years and be broken into two distinct phases first phase be uh ranges from initiation of hostility so the initial push in for combat power and then mobilization of more assets it will see little positional shifting on the ground that the dominant form of combat is fires therefore artillery complemented by extensive fortifications and camouflage so come in make your ground you will have then High losses mobilize then more people this is going to take as they say 2 years build up fortifications now this is lining up I believe with what we have seen Russia doing the second phase can commence after one side has met the following conditions so second phase after 2 years this war now is sitting at 2 years and four month or two years and three and a bit months second phase after two years newly mobilized forces have completed their training and gain sufficient experience you’ve mobilized more people giving them training pushing them out into to fight okay enemy strategic Reserve is exhausted we’ve seen the we’ve seen elements of this 10 to1 artillery Manpower shortages fires and reconnaissant superiority are achieved we know this goes down into what I just spoke about of artillery reserves the enemy’s industrial sector is degraded many many strikes against industrial sector Ukraine of course is striking Russia’s industrial sector but you can see these I think if you were a Russian Colonel you’d be ticking these off as you know we’ve achieved close to these after the 2 years of mobilization let’s push and I believe as I said in the beginning this is the time if Russia was ever going to have a time to push I believe it’s probably now only after meeting these criteria should offensive operations commence um they should be launched across a broad front seeking to overwhel the enemy at multiple points with shallow attacks the intent is to remain inside a layered bubble of friendly protective systems so what you do not want to do in a war like this let’s just come down if you’re pushing in here is you push out in a Spire like this and let’s say that that you’ve got 10 km that is covered by your artillery systems and your ew systems and this is the last line if you’re then out here in your tanks you will get absolutely smashed because you’re outside of that bubble of sphere of influence of those protective systems therefore this is why we’re seeing the reduction in maneuver Warfare as the counters and offensive of these sphere of influences has decreased then massively but we are seeing Russia push in two locations up here siniva aiva uh robot urani and in other areas too so push across a broad front have we seen any more than a few hundred meters claimed taken in a day no uh while stretching depleted enemy resources so Ukraine does not have the Manpower advantage that Russia does have nor does Ukraine have the advantage in uh less technical equipment than Russia so yes Ukraine has Abrams and Challis and leopards better tanks but far less numbers is Ukraine prepared to lose the amount of guys because of the amount of people Russia actually has know as well so then you can stretch those um resources further only then should the the offensive extend towards objectives deeper in the rear concentration of forces a one main effort should be avoided so you don’t you don’t concentrate and go for one main effort like in say a maneuver you open up and sort of wait for a uh collapse then itself early stages of ational war from the initiation of hostilities to the point where mobilized resources are available in large numbers are ready for combat operations initiation to then the second uh then push rapid offensive maybe possible until the defender can form a solid front so we had seen say with a hon and hariv in green here of where Ukraine pushed back and then Russia forms a solid front and the defensive works here same as what we have Ukraine with the solid front down say sers is probably the best example of this that there hasn’t been really any movement there for now the best part of 18 months or more but once that solid front has then occurred combat solidifies combat stops period lasts a year and a half to two years which is by this Doctrine right now during this period major offensive operations should be avoided we haven’t seen major major offensive operations for that for a lot of type Bak mut doesn’t count because it was I don’t believe because it gave the Russian uh Armed Forces a period of arrest and through vag PMC as well as uh then prisoners into that battle so I think that was a bit of a almost a bonus if that makes sense but we need to remember that that’s now over a year ago even if attacks are successful they result in significant casualties often for meaningless territorial gains the goal is to for for the enemy to expend their vital material and strategic reserves in strategically meaningless operations so airic Warfare that the amount you gain has massive massive consequences and huge losses when the second phase begins remember two years the offensive should be launched across a broad front seeking to overwhelm the enemy at multiple points shallow attacks in this layered bubble of protective systems Defenders shift reserves um and a second sector only to generate a crisis there so if Ukraine has to shift Reserves up into here then a crisis occurs down here this is what we saw with when Ukraine had the uh Ukrainian forces Russian whatever you call them cross into belgrad when they were pushing down at or that forces had to be moved around it didn’t generate eight crisis as such but regardless that is what it was looking for as forces start falling back and leaving prepared fortifications morale plummets with the obvious question if we can’t hold the mega Fortress how can we hold these new trenches it’s exactly what we saw in hary oblas when over a period of a couple of weeks Russia lost all of this territory here it had a uh snowballing effect of this but we could see this the other way too just because you have biased doesn’t mean you can just ignore Doctrine and to underestimate what the enemy in whever way you’re seeing can do both Russia and Ukraine are capable or their officers are capable of conducting strategic iic tactical operations now in nutritional Warfare I believe following by these numbers this is what we’re seeing now Russia capitalize on currently now let’s we’ll line up the maps in a second uh my friend uh again won’t say who sent me this we’ll just look at some stuff here of then these grad axes and the danger of grad and where they are seeing so giving uh some of this had to be cropped out but giving where grad could actually hit from the movements of Russia into these areas and of course we can see then hariv sits within the danger zone of grad and yes I confirmed I can show that it just had to be cropped down a little bit so again we haven’t seen massive amounts of soldiers or tanks or anything cross I think we’ll still see a lot of heavy bombardment going down now speaking of then the Swiss peace conference zalinsky talks about this Russian forces attempt to expand operations against Ukraine har with their intentions uh we know the size and their intentions we continue to destroy occupies and thought Russia’s offensive intentions that’s it I I maybe the Intel knows the intention I don’t think the intention yet is clear but we continue to prepare for the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland in a month where Russia would not be invited and we’re unsure yet if China will attend but China has said if Russia’s not there see it as useless our goal is to ensure that every leader can demonstrate Effectiveness for the sake of common goal this is what I spoke about when I said could Russia be trying to make ground to influence decisions at this peace Summit we must acknowledge that this is precisely what Russia is attempting to undermine right now the more meaningful the summit the closer peace will be Putin obviously does not want it saying they don’t want the summit Russian officials have said they don’t see the point of the summit if Russia is not there and their concerns aren’t going to be taken into uh any account uh is also clear they’ll continue to thwart our efforts both through offensive action and undermining our agreement with other leaders well yes this is a country you’re filing they are going to thwart your efforts with offensives and agreements but this what I see this peace Summit if in a month Russia is taken an amount of ground are succeeding more on the battlefield if people are on the fence it may tip them on the side of right let’s have a think about where this war actually goes and it could backfire and go right we need to give more money into but I think at this point in time it’s more likely to tip people on the other side of the fence of course we saw then deep State announc evacuations in hariv of a number of villages as well let’s have a look then at the bridges that have been taken out so the first bridge I want to talk about is down here near zabini down so this bridge and I’ll show you the footage in a second has been taken down I’ll show you where this then is it might take take me just a second to find it zabini here and has been this bridge taken out now as well let me put a dot on this map this is the first Bridge oh actually I need to just move down a little bit so for instance this is the first bridge this is the second bridge of which we will talk then about I’ll show you the first bridge this is zabini now this was claimed to be Russian forces that said there is argument of who actually took out both of these Bridges this one was claimed more so by Russia that bridge in zabini there bridges are very difficult to take out now this one down here which is then J located in here Crossing in har region so here this is a bie sits up here by this red there this one is where there is some argument of who actually has taken this one out so we see the bridge here and then that the bridge is then downed by satellite imagery now could it be Ukraine has taken it down I believe this is still too far back to try that because what it’s going to do is the main road to get up into here follows up across here as well as the roads supporting through here to get into these regions so I believe it’s most likely Russia took that out although there are claims Ukraine has but it’s too deep at this point to go we need to stop Russian movement therefore take a bridge out down in here but regardless they are the bridges that have been taken out now we have seen Ukraine fire a lot back in as well so we have footage from belgrad here as well something coming in and then blurring and then a strike here as well as then this missile here it is unsure exactly what this is some claim this could have been actually a Russian Interceptor failed coming in but again we’re not sure but strong hiking somewhere in belgrad there I don’t have a geolocation of that we’re going to look at what deep state has said further so let’s have a look in here now this is talking about the area that sits just down in pil here now of this unit appeared indicating other positions of Destruction so back across in here haven’t actually crossed but a few vehicles have been taken out now we’re talking again I’m not saying losing something that’s nothing but if it’s three bmps and a Ural truck this isn’t thwarting the entire operation now we see this in same area down in here we see troops moving as well as some strike regarding situation in this Village needs attention of military leadership being Ukrainian according to information from our friends the enemy has been freely in the village for some time uh as at home the local command a strange way providing information the situation in the settlement particular the higher military and political Le of proof we have screenshots of presence of the enemy so Russia in here Gathering forces pushing into neighboring areas and we can see from yesterday today the expansion up in here too again I don’t know what exactly Russia is trying to do here I’m more this is those Vehicles taken out I’m more on the side that it is to move troops around and reserves for a push somewhere else maybe I’m incorrect but it just it’s not enough to take hariv that it’s a hell of a lot to has have right on the border therefore may move troops around some have pointed that Russia wants back the territory of which it had at one point being the green here as well we don’t know there’s potential but again we just don’t know and Iran will say that they do but Ukraine mod Fant Ukraine are defending our strongholds in har region over the past day the enemy used guided AA bombs and carry stri strikes in this region in the night Russian occupiers increase fire pressure fire at 5: a.m. so like I said in the beginning we will see huge amounts of fire softening up areas in here before I think we see more ground operations and the amount of actual ground operations in here from the footage we have now this is from the footage we have I’m not saying it hasn’t but has been very limited so far we’re talking we’ve seen footage of 10 guys four vehicles 10 Vehicles 20 Vehicles when the claims of 50,000 troops Russian army master of deception this is Ser x t Russian mod confirms the beginning of the ground operations here I couldn’t actually find what he says here as the confirmation of those operations but let’s look at what Surak map is showing and this isn’t the easiest actually to see up in here but showing fairly similar on the line across on this one as well you can see where he’s saying the Russians are pushing in and then Crossing as well over on this other front here but no again we will zoom in zoom in on detail once we get a better idea of what actions are happening but situation Northeastern front during the morning the Russian army went on the offensive in HEV after several hours of finding Russian forces managed to enter a number of villages in h ran uh the locality OFA and Kiva were reached on the other hand localities of these were occupied so these areas in here were reached and these were occupied as well more footage will come out of the next 24 hours I am positive in this run the situation is more confused Russian troops reached here here and here so this is up in this one uh but considerably shelled further east that was Russian Advance towards here but it must be cleared up this if you remember this the advancement this is where the bridge has been taken out so potentially another movement somewhere again like I said in the beginning people will claim that not it’s going on maybe they just much more intelligent than I and have better sources but it’s very very difficult to know what’s actually happening today’s attacks involve light infantry and some armed vehicles with some destroyed forcing the Ukrainian Army to withdraw from at least 11 settlements there are no indications of large scale operation at the moment there are not enough troops in belgrad to launch an offensive of that caliber which of course would aim to take the city of har reports that Russian troops are amassing in Sumi further reinforces idea extending the front line by two more oblast makes sense given the war of attrition situation like we spoke about at the front so sui sits just above belgrad so maybe opening up over here as well why these attacks there several reasons limited uh reconnaissance operations along the border with the aim of gathering information from the Ukrainian defenses under construction so what is actually Ukraine building up here although we have seen many ISR assets from Russia we’ve heard that there’s at least 10 drones over ariv currently so I don’t know if it be Recon recom drone seems more likely but the amount of Truth seen cross could be Recon wrecky forces as well um propaganda to function everything in this war has to account for what propaganda it has Putin National Day speech made it clear the conflict situation had change in favor of Russian forces who had gone on the offensive in order to demonstrate this change Russian intends to move the fighter from belgrad to H by creating a buffer zone along the border that’s Putin’s buffer that we spoke about with the other Crossing strategic function the reactivation of Russian attacks in this Zone since 22 further enhances the psychological effect on the troops station in belgrad to divert more Ukrainian resources from the East and prevent a Russian attack the attack finally took place and already Ukrainian troops in the fiva front are already heading north which would further damage the precarious situation of Ukrainian troops held hold the front in Don bass and I think all of those they’re not mutually exclusive each one of those could be true as well so we will just keep our eyes on this see what updates see what is happening there but the situation is developing quickly now amongst everyone’s eyes up here Ukraine has done something on this map they’ve actually updated some of the ground being made so K hika again shows just this we know it is significantly more than that so we’ll ignore that for now but in here this is the area we spoke actually about last night referring to uh Mr combat veteran reacts where he said Russia will push down here and I said it’s actually more likely that Ukraine will get stuck out in here oh that I believe if you haven’t watched that one watch that one but we see Russia has more GR in nalo pushing down here which is what I said would be more like the tactics we have seen and we know that they have not updated this because the ja location of troops here which what I said would be a Russian push down here therefore Ukraine could get stuck here and be forced out this one exit as well as well as we see a close up down here from Peri by Russia closing this and closing this here both of these updates have been shown on the suriak map now for at least a few days but good to see that these are showing here this all lines up with what I said about Theo that if Russia can close this Gap in nelski therefore shortening the front line dramatically more positions of troops out from this open ground into closed ground we may see more movements there but again that is all the updates we have seen we know urani is getting hit very very hard with shells at the moment we have this J located just to here so we see where this Creek runs and these here so we’re talking just in here we have a lot of footage of I thought I had footage of Fab oh yes I do this footage of multiple uh Fabs being launched into here and of course you can just see that everything is flattened here of course this is reducing the effectiveness of infantry operations just due to the cover but you can see the devastation of those Fabs launched in there as well now we have one more update here and this is showing around this Peri Direction let’s have a look and see how different this actually shows so sorry I caught up but yeah it shows down along this Creek line here so different but it is actually catching up somewhere like I said I believe deep state map will trickle trickle trickle bits in because I don’t want to show massive movement all on one day so we’ll Sho some here and then I bet tomorrow we’ll see some down here or up north or whatever but eventually it will catch up now I want to look at this too so this is Ukrainian Justice Minister has talk talked about the amount of assets that have been frozen by the EU and what is actually going to be spent to Ukraine out of those frozen assets now he said this is3 billion so $3.2 billion with the B but he said if we’re talking about the needs for Ukraine and the needs of the war military and non-military 3 billion is actually all almost nothing we need hundreds of billions in order to win the war it’s a good first step now as well I can see where he’s coming from um now people will you know point out hang on be grateful M it’s $3.2 billion but what I think this is worded poorly because lots of people including including Boris Johnson have pointed out Ukraine do need to be still grateful for the money given it doesn’t have to be given but their damage I’ve heard numbers ranging from 400 50 billion to a trillion dollars just in Damages occurred to Ukraine I’ve heard figures in the hundreds of billion just for Dem mining that comes then after the war so this is what I keep saying is this war is much much more expensive than people actually think the amount of damage done here as well as the amount of population leaving Ukraine as well and we still don’t know where that border is going to end and how long support is going to last yes security agreements whatever things change governments change it is imperative that things get back on path for Ukraine at some point now we have seen this video going everywhere of seemingly a Chinese man with the Russian forces here we can see grenades on showing his kit as well this has gone everywhere now lots lots and lots of foreign Fighters have signed up to fight in Ukraine and some also in Russia of course far less Western but China has a billion people I’m not surprised that we see some people there who have signed up to fight this does not mean that then the Chinese military is deploying soldiers into Russia that said I would not be surprised if the Chinese military has had some officers positioned somewhere in Moscow to oversee operations and get some experience in seeing large scale conventional Warfare either way they’re going to have their satellites cruising over the top now we saw David Camron from the UK talking about Ukraine’s ability to use uh UK weapons now inside Russia as well as that in uh saying that the West needs a more hard stance on Russia and aggression too now Demitri meddev has come out with this of course the chair of the security Council of Russia so um he’s obviously worked with Cameron before when he was then the Prime Minister but now basically tells Ukraine to shoot British missiles anywhere they want the British an notate of anything uh even nuclear conflict meddev talks about nukes a hell of a lot but if it’s in Your Arsenal you know you know that is something people want to would talk about I guess um but he mentions it a hell of a lot but the tough guy should add ly bear in mind that those who handle the Storm Shadow are not half wit so they’re not he says not ukrainians but British and French now this is something that’s come out that both Britain and France have people inside Ukraine who are helping in some respect to these what he is saying is it’s not Ukraine steering these or coordinating these it’s you coordinating them just inside Ukraine hitting than our territory so it’s an interesting development and point to touch on here uh certain circumstances will not be delivered only to Cave so not just to Ukraine and will not contain plane explosive but special ammunition I’m guessing this word up here as well as what so threatening attacks back on the west as well the drill response to such attacks will aim the planned military exercise even sarate even Royal Majesty blah blah blah but just interesting to look at how he is seeing this and this is the thing you don’t have to agree with it but again you need to use all your bloody loes of your brain and go how does another side see this how does both sides how are they seeing this to get an idea critically think about where this War and why things are happening and it’s an interesting point about we know people inside Ukraine helping these weapons if then that hits a Russian area think go well it was your officers who programmed that in will we see strikes against British and French I don’t believe Le so I don’t believe it is in anyone’s nature to want to see strikes of Western weapons into Moscow areas or even less so strikes Russian weapons into extend the war because that is a slippery slope which leads to bloody you and I being dust therefore I’m not saying therefore we don’t support what I’m saying is there are certain diplomatic reasons that diplomats need to take into account when expanding or Contracting War as well as the overall projection of Western power in a world where Eastern and Southern power is leveling out the Western influence Legends long video godamn I’m so I am I apologize look after after yourselves have a great day have a great weekend don’t waste 40 minutes on me if you’ve done damn go a be look after yourselves thanks bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. The northern push is to force UKR to divert forces from other regions and create a 'buffer' zone – people are just overanalysing this event!
    Keep being impartial Willy, and your viewer numbers will surely go up!

  2. What about if other republics of the Russian Federation choose to rebel too, like the Americans against the British Empire ? May the Lord bless and keep you. Thank you for reporting.

  3. With respect to any peace negotiations. After Merkel's admission about the Minsk agreement being a delay tatic, I think there is no-one Putin will trust to negotiate with. It seems like they will attempt to push through to an un-conditional surrender and then ask who wants to talk.

  4. My moneys is on a Feint to the North and a sudden concentration south re Crimea and Odessa. Before ANY negotiated Peace Plan, Russia will want ODESSA due to the Vulnerability of the Black Sea Fleet., They then would be jutting up to the Border of Belarus, an ally.

  5. I think the West has got the wrong idea about Russia's strategy in this war. It was formed thanks to Western propaganda trying to turn Putin into Stalin and Russia into the Soviet Union. Consequently, tank attacks, the offensives of a huge number of troops and the capture of cities on memorable dates are inextricably present in all forecasts. Hence the tedious wait, when will the main Stalinist offensive "on Berlin" begin? While completely different strategies are being seen in what is happening. The retreat of the Russians in the Kharkov and Kherson regions would be a disaster for Stalin's army. Russia perceived this retreat as a planned action. And the expected fall of the Russian army and flight after the retreat did not happen. On the contrary, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, seeking to attack a "weakened, demoralized Russia," lost their forces storming the Russian defensive lines. But the expectation of the big red arrows appearing on the map has not gone away. Russia has not one, but many goals in Ukraine, and each of these goals will be achieved. But not with terrible efforts, incredibly valuable, which Ukraine is trying to lie about, but when favorable conditions develop to achieve this goal. For this reason, instead of major offensives, there will be small successes, but along the entire length of the front. A war of attrition? Yes, including this war of attrition. But do not think that the offensive of the Russian army pursues only this goal. Why can't the APU retreat from those defensive positions where they are suffering heavy losses. After all, Russia's offensive is connected with strategically important nodes of Ukraine's defense. This strategy involves several tasks, and as we can see, it works.

  6. Most channels about the war are propaganda channels always reporting on Ukraine's latest "victory".. As an army veteran I know both sides get a win from time to time.. It's not one-sided.. Willy gives the facts as they are known without drawing some conclusion on day one.. Great reporting..facts..good or bad.. Just tell the facts.

  7. Willy, I agree with you 100%. Russia's biggest losses have been to their navy. Odessa has historically been a part of Russia since Catherine the Great and no victory will be won until Ukraine sea access is shut down. It is clear that foreign advisors from NATO have been very active in the south, particularly the British who captain the naval drone programme. Any large offensive has a co-intel narrative that suggests it is happening over there. The German High Command believed the allied invasion would be at Calais and spent their efforts shoring up defenses there, for example. I think Odessa is the real target.

  8. clear to me enough , hong kong, taiwan, north korea, those are us and uk issues but i would never thought that china would support a bully like russia. yellow fuc…….ers, i try not be a racist but @willy content opened my closed, locked little mind, good to know.

  9. Russia has been saying for months now that if Ukraine doesn’t stop shelling civilians in Belgorod, if not they need to build a buffer zone about 20km into Ukraine. Oh no, I wonder what the Russians are going to do… nobody knows… Russia has given Ukraine the benefit of the doubt over and over to try to fix their situation to make the right decision to not lose more land. But because we in the western world act like clowns and think we know more, even though Russia has been telling the truth over and over, look where that has gotten Ukraine. It’s a shame. If you have listened to what Russian officials have said for the past weeks in interviews, etc., they even have mentioned the Colonel for this operation, and he is one of the ones supposed to be dead… With 100,000 trained men at his side…

  10. The Ukrainian Armed Forces mass five battalions in Kherson to cross the Dnipro into Krynky while the Russians mass five divisions to cross into Ukraine north of Kharkiv.

  11. Time for NATO to get some Balls, give Putin 7 days to get out to previous borders, or get pushed out, don't muck around, just do it for fuck sake, what's wrong with the West.

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