Russia celebrates annual Victory Day | BBC News

now to Russia and the country celebrating Victory Day which is held each year to Mark the defeat of Nazi Germany during the second world war the centerpiece is a huge military parade in Red Square beside the Kremlin in Moscow President Vladimir Putin used the occasion to warn that his forces were always ready for combat and that he would not allow anyone to threaten his country he also took the opportunity to praise the Russian soldiers fighting in Ukraine let’s have all the participants in the military operation those are our heroes we bow our heads before your resilience together with you the whole of Russia believes in you and the moral supremacy of your exploits well let’s take you to some of the live pictures of that Victory Day in Russia it continues on you can see there some of the crowds earlier we did see quite a military display as well that is Vladimir Putin if you look right in the center you can see him there you can see other military officials and Demitri pesov as well and that continues on um we did see as I said some quite dramatic displays of Russia’s military might well to discuss all of that in a little bit more detail let’s speak to Karina zisk who’s a professor of international relations and contemporary history at the Norwegian Institute for defense studies welcome to the program this is something that happens every year how has this one been different so uh this year actually the circumstances surrounding the victory par is blly better for Putin than the last year he appears to have an upper hand on the battlefield at this moment that this is partly because of the weakness that the West has shown by delaying the United States in particular by delaying the head package for Ukraine which also allowed uh Putin uh the Russian Armed Forces to make limited Advan supr uh so um there is also a a large scale military modernization program going on in Russia Russia after this initial shock um in the first months of the war Russia has managed to resume and significantly increase the industrial production and renovation of weapons um as I mentioned there is this ambiti military reform uh that aims basically into into building a Soviet style Mass Army there are many uh Eeps there are many potential problems along the way way that Russia is facing uh but we see a different um a different U Russia that is that is fighting uh the war today and Katarina one thing that we did also hear from President Putin was some sort of acknowledgement that his country is living through a difficult time what did you read into that well I I think uh for for one I I believe that it’s really hard for for the Russian propaganda to hide that Russia is experiencing economic problems that this war is is um carrying an enormous economic financial and human price so I think this is one potential reference to that but also uh I think Putin is also preparing the Russian public that this may take much much longer one date for for the victory in in Ukraine that has been discussed in Russia is 2026 so uh so I think this is something that uh the propaganda tries to prepare the Russian public this is also related to the fact that that this Victory Parade and the war um against Nazi Germany is basically translated into the war in Ukraine so and this is a way also to mobilize the public to prepare it for sacrifices uh economic again financial and human and also you know Russia has increased repressions um so this is something this existential war that that Russia is is fighting that is how Putin tries to Pres present uh the the war in Ukraine okay thank you so much Karina zis for taking us through developments in Russia

Russia is celebrating its annual Victory Day, which is held each year to mark the defeat of Nazi Germany during World War Two.

The centrepiece is a huge military parade through Red Square and past the Kremlin in Moscow.

President Vladimir Putin used the occasion to warn that his forces were always ready for combat, and that he would not allow anyone to threaten his country.

He also took the opportunity to praise the Russian soldiers fighting in Ukraine.

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  1. lol… victory …. Would never happened… if not for the allies.
    500 thousand dead and counting….. victory. !!!
    Non of the marching toy soldiers have experienced combat , why mentioned: "they are all smiling" , even the decorated ones probably oligarchs close ones , serving in the back for pictures selfies. HOW to know ? THEY ARE WALKING, in one piece.


    Without USA lend-lease, Russia would have lost to the Nazis and subsequently the Russian people would have been exterminated, thus the death of Communism.

    In his memoirs, Khrushchev described how Stalin stressed the value of Lend-Lease aid: “He stated bluntly that if the United States had not helped us, we would not have won the war.”2

    Even before the United States entered World War II in December 1941, America sent arms and equipment to the Soviet Union to help it defeat the Nazi invasion. Totaling $11.3 billion, or $180 billion in today’s currency, the Lend-Lease Act of the United States supplied needed goods to the Soviet Union from 1941 to 1945 in support of what Stalin described to Roosevelt as the “enormous and difficult fight against the common enemy — bloodthirsty Hitlerism.”

    400,000 jeeps & trucks

    14,000 airplanes

    8,000 tractors

    13,000 tanks

    1.5 million blankets

    15 million pairs of army boots

    107,000 tons of cotton

    2.7 million tons of petrol products

    4.5 million tons of food

  3. Putine was abducted by aliens again but they were unimpressed by the shortness he enjoyed the probing and walked funnier afterwards for a week but said it was a fantastic time 😊

  4. Seems lack of knowledge and emotional IQ let this media be free of objective reason for the statements above.

    At present, we see more evidences of a failed state in Ukraine than anywhere else, i.e.:
    – corruption
    – no law system protecting citizens
    – unlawful seize of properties
    – defective democracy
    – lack of freedom
    – no freedom of speech
    – oppression against opposition
    – prohibition of political parties
    – non-court prosecutions
    – secret jails run by State Security Service of Ukraine
    – application of Army and terrorist acts against own citizens
    – purposeful application of Army in residential city districts
    – sentencing for political reasons
    – racism in the most ugly forms in the world

    and many many other things else…

    Such failed country can not win anybody in principle.
    The Western antiRussian policy kills Ukrainians every day…

  5. After seeing the western propaganda here on BBC, I would like to ask how much the government pays to open up a western propaganda YouTube channel like this one? I bet I could do a better job than the BBC in creating more lies than them, just need to know how much cash I can make? Anyone …? ! 🎉🎉🎉

  6. The military parade in honor of Victory Day over Nazi Germany is a tradition, and ies holding is an honorable duty of the head of the Russian Federation. The most interesting thing is that if the British and American military hat expressed a desire to visit him, even right now, it would have been impossible to refuse them.

  7. The societs made a deal with the Nazis to invade Poland – they allowed all of Europe to be invaded by the Nazis and Britain stood alone in 1940. This part of history putin does not remember! Now ruzzia invades Europe. History will not be on your side, the world is not on your side. Even a VDV officer would not salute this little tyrant. Putins gang will fail ruzzia harder than the USSR did. Not a lot of public interest in this parade, I saw hardly anyone on the street!

  8. Hahaha putin is a fkn clown!😂 When Russia envade ukraine they only show the world that they are weak! Untill now they can't defeat ukraine! How do they expect to win a war with nato?😂😂😂 Putin is a coward pretending to be tough hiding behind his incompetent soldiers😂😂😂😂

  9. I'm not from moscova , but Vladimir Putin has been in the Gym again pumping out a few short leg reps with his puny muscles . His spandex outfit always shows off his very small sausage . He has small toned buns of steel he can crush a grape in easily . chest is the smoothest in the Kremlin Restrooms , everyone loves to gather around to gaze upon the baldyheaded one flexing his little matchstick arms afterwards a treat for anyone constipated

  10. The Russian peoples are being fed the biggest lies about their victory in ww2.
    First off, they did not fight alone the allies the United States, Britain, and Canada supplied Marshall Stalin with tons of tanks, ammunition, uniforms ( Stalin did not supply uniforms for his troops because he knew they would likly end up dead anyway) trucks, oil, steel, and anything else Stalin demanded. These supplies were sent to Stalin by allied soldiers who risked their lives to help Marshall Stalin!
    Also, Marshall Stalins' policy was that if you don't fight, we will shoot you in the back! So the only way to live is to somehow not get killed by the Germans.
    Lastly, the Solviet Union did not try to save their wounded troops they left them die where they layed.
    Finally, the real irony is that the Ukrainians were Stalins' best soldiers!
    Oh yeah, putiny failed to mention the hundreds of thousands of Russians that surrendered! So this is a so-called victory parade that is a pack full of lies propaganda farce!!!!!!

  11. Russian "Immortal Regiment" event (people with pictures of fallen soldiers) was cancelled again to avoid large crowds with pictures of recently de-Nazified Russian invaders.

  12. im expecting the Russian shovel army marching on the get go
    much of them are a bunch of lgbt marching not a real army on the front line fighting like a real men

    Югославия – 11дней
    Франция-1месяц 12 дней
    Норвегия-2месяца 1день
    Советский союз – 4года (1418) дней, и одержал победу.

  14. Nice parade. Just like the joint Nazi-Russian military parade in Brest (September 22, 1939), where Nazi and Russian allies celebrated the successful start of WW2 according to their secret plan to divide Europe.

  15. The facts that the Russian Federation doesn't want you to know. 

    During World War II, the United States provided significant economic and military assistance to the Soviet Union through the Lend-Lease program. In terms of monetary value, the aid totaled around $11 billion, which would equate to roughly $180 billion in today's currency when adjusted for inflation.

    As for the amount of goods supplied, the figures are staggering. The United States shipped over 17 million tons of supplies to the Soviet Union during the war, including trucks, tanks, aircraft, food, fuel, and other essential materials. These supplies were crucial for the Soviet war effort against Nazi Germany on the Eastern Front.

    Following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the United States continued to provide assistance to Russia, albeit on a much smaller scale. However, the economic and political landscape had shifted, leading to changes in the nature of the aid provided.

    Regarding the destruction of shipments by German submarines during World War II, it's documented that there were instances of German U-boats targeting Allied supply convoys bound for the Soviet Union. These attacks were part of the larger naval warfare tactics employed by the Germans to disrupt Allied shipping routes and supply lines.

    While some shipments bound for the Soviet Union may have been intercepted and destroyed by German submarines, it's difficult to quantify the exact extent of such losses. The Atlantic Ocean was a vast and dangerous theater of war, and both sides suffered losses in terms of ships and supplies.

    Despite the risks posed by German submarines, the United States and its Allies managed to deliver the bulk of the aid intended for the Soviet Union. The Lend-Lease program played a crucial role in helping the Soviets withstand the German onslaught and ultimately emerge victorious in the Eastern Front of World War II….

  16. Thank you Russia, your sacrifices and resilience brought about the downfall of Hitler and the Nazis. The free thinkers of Europe salute you.

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