Russia’s Real Goal As Multiple Positions FALL – ‘Extremely Dire’ – Ukraine War Map Analysis

G Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic weekend and a fantastic Sunday and Happy Mother’s Day for all those mothers out there and the appreciation that we need to show for all of our moms now today we do have a fair bit to go we have a lot of footage and geolocations to look at as well of a number of strikes both Russian and Ukrainian we need to have a look at the maps as the map the Deep state has actually updated with some of the changes we know in some areas and some areas of which we weren’t expecting as well as of course we need to then talk about the north group and Russia’s push from the north of Ukraine pushing down into the harive oblast and what is actually happening here so look we’ll start on thats I know that’s what you’re after the title video is probably something click payy about this of Russia’s collapsing or Ukraine’s collapsing or however YouTubers get the views these days anyway of course here is Ukraine in the center the capital of ke the red areas occupied since 22 the purple since 2014 and of course these green areas this is areas where Russia has been at some point and has either been pushed out of these areas or withdrawn in some cases both that will become important a little bit later but we come into the H oblast and of course we can see this large area of green here where Ukraine had that successful push in late 20122 lined up with Russia being all over the place at the time and pushed back a long way in the hariv oblas settling down at this border here which hasn’t moved dramatically for now well over a year now Russia has launched some operations from the north here well let’s have a look at the map straight off the bat and we’ll talk about what we say and see is interesting in here so of course this is what we saw on the 10th of May the day after V Russia celebrated Victory Day then we see the gray Zone then the gry Zone increase to the 11th and then today importantly we see this now turning red and confirmation that Russia has occupied several areas in here now there is geolocated footage which does show significant further pushes as well but what needs to be shown is because this has turned red by the Ukrainian map this does mean that there is Russian occupation not just presence like what is indicated typically by gry Zone and fighting now myself many others and we talk about this a lot in the telegram of which you should come and join and join the discussion yes we take the piss a bit but we also I think we really do get some good ideas nutted out but is this a deception plan to draw in Ukrainian reserves into here for a push somewhere else we know for the last few months Russia has been pushing in dones and BM trying of course to push further into the Don Bass Down in here as well as pushes in the South trying to reclaim territory of which Ukraine had then their spring summer offensive last year now many others have pointed to that no this is much larger than that what this is is to draw in Ukrainian assets and reserves so not only troops but assets as well as there is a finite amount of men to fight tanks to have helicopters as well to try then a Russian push on Odessa now again at this point in time we don’t know exactly what is going to happen here but that there’s no guarantees of any success or failures yet nothing in war is guaranteed and many have said too that even Russia has multiple fallback plans here that yes this isn’t the main thrust or main push but if Ukraine don’t send in those reserves then they may have a plan B to okay there reses aren’t there let’s keep pushing down so we’re not really sure and anyone who says we know exactly what’s happening here I don’t think even either side here know exactly what the end game plan is going to be here as well but from what we have seen and what we’ve been told been told for now a couple of weeks by Ukrainian officials Western media Western sources that there’s somewhere between 30 and 880,000 troops built up in here and we sure as hell have not seen that many troops cross anywhere near here we’ve seen in the tens of PS taken by Russians it’s same sort of amount maybe a bit less taken by Ukraine and a couple of vehicles burnt out and some drone strikes but nowhere near the amount would see for a full push so those that say this is full operation no definitely not being like that what I think has been crossed now is more so light infantry with this support elements as well would be of course uh artillery electronic warfare to have a bit of a reconnaissance here and not only see where some weak points may be and where they can go but to feel out what Ukraine’s reaction actually will be here now I think the most dangerous outcome here could be if this is going to be Russia’s main push and the Russian command has assessed that due to the defensive buildup in here by Ukraine that it will only take $50,000 troops let’s say in the middle there are 50,000 then that tells us the situation here and the defensive works are much worse than we thought for Ukraine but I think that is maybe less likely we know the buildup here has been significant and we’ve even had ziny up here looking at Works photographs of all that as well but like I said nothing here is guaranteed so let’s have a look at what’s happening here and a little bit of footage as well so of course this is the sign that we’re seeing on the side of vehicles and this will indicate the battle Group North group that is what we are presuming at the time now we have some delocated footage I can’t show you this footage but it’ll be on the telegram if you’d like to come and join and this is of a Ukrainian drone striking Russian infantry out here now where then is this ge located this is GE located to here now we will zoom in on this specific area on the deep state map it’s a little bit more difficult to find as the road isn’t really shown here but it is this tree line right where my cursor is there that we know Russian infantry are present at this location and I believe it’s about 5.3 5.23 yep 5.3 km out so we know that there is infantry that deep in what we don’t know is where the main Ukrainian defensive lines actually are and they’re not going to be sitting right on the border here but it is interesting to see more footage like that coming out and I guarantee a lot more of that will be coming out over the next few days but like I said nothing here is guaranteed to be successful or a failure and nothing yet is a failure or success we just we don’t know it’ll come in time but I see a lot of comparisons back to 2022 and I think that this isn’t a real good comparison as so much has changed this this is much later in the war you know we’re a year and a half on from that two and a bit years into the war and we have reached the attritional phase of War where both sides have dug in and we’re not seeing these huge sweeping parts of land like we saw in h both Russia one way in the beginning then Ukraine the other way in late 22 that what the fa that that phase was the maneuver phase of Warfare at the end of 22 and that is the last time we’ve seen successful maneuver Warfare and that then struck the beginning of the attritional dugin Warfare that now we are seeing so I think comparing what happened in 2022 to now is missing the objective reality that Ukraine and Russia have improved in many ways Ukraine has vastly improved its ability to use its drones and use of assets as well as training of soldiers while Russia has vastly improved its strategic and tactical movements and employment of weapon systems so we’re not just going to see the same thing we saw back then and like I said we don’t know where this main defensive dug in line actually is yet and it may be worth Ukraine having fighting withdrawals here so hitting Russia but moving moving back back back to that then main uh defensive line element with drawing back to those Better Built up positions sacrificing some land for I guess the bigger picture this is what we saw Russia do when the Ukrainian forces moved into belgrad and K oblast that yes they had Crossings at border checkpoints and other areas but they fell back to then that defensive line what sat at some areas 2 and some areas 10 km behind the actual border here and I think we may see similar up in this direction but let’s have a look at what different overall picture is being said by sources Surak deep State everyone here so we have then deep State showing this uh one of the videos in this unit of enemy infantry column moving south to the Village of Moret so of course this is down in here somewhere South here they didn’t give the geolocation but this is very similar to the area which we were looking right down in here of Russian infantry then on the move and not that much coming out but I guess there will be a hell of a lot more coming deep State then also said this the enemy continues to activate the border of Harin oblast this District MOS Uh Russian soldiers actively occupied the villages in these directions moving into Red Zone so actively then occupied then they occupied other elements of course talking out into the other Eastern crossing here that said Surak is actually showing a third one in here we’ll talk about this but saying the situation continues to get more complicated the enemy is gradually bringing more and more forces into our territory infantry is constantly entering advancing in groups to populated areas and trying to gain a foothold there saturate and continue the movement a small amount of equipment artillery and Aviation as well as large activity of uavs and electronic warfare are present in support so like we spoke about yesterday in an nutritional Warfare you have that like a bubble of influence you don’t want to move outside of your influence and protection of artillery and ew even if the opening is is there to move 10ks or a couple of K you don’t want to take that you want to still move in that the Defense Forces are trying to stop the enemy causing damage it is necessary to pay more attention to this region and finally establish communication or the enemy will have even more success which will lead to very negative consequences although the main task of the enemy is to divert attention from other areas so they’re saying that this is a diversion tactic as well without the introduction of reserves the situation can become extremely dire the enemy understands this and the current situation increasingly forces the Defense Forces to interfere in this area so what this is saying is what we sort of said earlier that yes this may be a diversion now but if Ukraine doesn’t divert those assets then there may be Plan B for Russia going well they’re not diverting it let’s actually then have a main thrust push here things can be flexible on operational pictures and what Russia does next I believe is entirely going to be judged of what actually Ukraine does in reaction to this so then let’s have actually a compare of the maps as we show two different sources of maps now as you can see straight off the bat this is showing significantly different although similar in some other areas so it is still showing that there is some gap between the two red areas here but at the same time then showing here that it is closed up so I believe this Gap here is probably if if the Ukrainian map is showing Russian control then yeah but it is sorry oh my God I don’t know why my side to side things don’t work anyway but it is showing different pushes in some different areas but again we’ll just have to wait and see these Maps just show different anyway four spearheads were opened by Russian army to penetrate into har oblast so this first one is up in here these three areas along here were taken by Russian forces secondly Russian troops and zeleni so this other Crossing down here which is shown still in this Crossing thirdly during last hours Russian Crossing into sarisa so down in here as now that is a deep penetration here by even the gray Zone as well and four localities of these were taken by Russians currently an operation to capture volans is taking place from three axes so the take then this Evol CH here is by multiple axes trying to then take this location in here and this is the first real major area coming up in here so the maps are similar but showing different sorts of information that’s why we always use multiple and get some sort of in between of what is actually then occurring now let’s have a look at some more footage so we have then this geolocation here now what this is is a tree line that is sitting just here just out of then hariv itself and let’s have a look at the distance here as this will be an important distance so 15 M 24 km then behind the line and 58 km 36 mi from belgrad now what is the footage being shown here now what this footage is is a strike on a vampire system multi-launch rocket system being used by Ukraine and this system is what Russia is saying has been launching multiple launch multiple Rockets into the belgrad region you can see this then launching off multiple systems here and we’ll have a look at belgrad o Blas soon as we know that has come under much shelling and much attack as well and this all is part of why we talk about Putin has said that he wants to create a buffer zone we’ve seen shelling in we’ve seen the crossing of the Ukrainian backed Russian forces or the rdk whatever you want to call call it I don’t even know what to call it anymore and that that came out of we need then a buffer zone so we see then this system that just launched its Salvo this tree line here and then we can see a missile then drop on it and then a Cookoff to us showing as close as possible that that likely then hit that system burning up in there now we know there has been many more strikes against belgrad as well now this has been released this was C dependent but saying Russia says one kill 29 Ukrainian attack that Ukraine does not usually comment on reported attacks as belgrad but the the regional Governor said that there were damage and casualties in the region and we know there’s much footage coming out of exactly that then happening there and what we have said as well is there will be a lot of Russian shelling to try and soften up targets before movements into areas and we talk about evolve chance here which Russia will try and capture as the main area in just the initial front and we have seen shelling like this occurring into volchansk as well we’re not exactly sure what was actually thrown in to cause that then damage now we did speak about as well just down and this bridge Dam here and we yesterday said well we don’t exactly know what took it out because there are sours claiming with Ukraine others are claiming it was Russia but like we said look it seems a bit too far away from any danger yet of Russia getting this so it’s most likely Russia is taken out to try and prohibit Ukraine’s sources to come into vul chance here cuz this is then the main road up here and footage then like I always say footage comes out in this war you know a day or two later this is footage of a Russian strike then on this damn Bridge here there we go and that was from the satellite imagery we saw yesterday of it there and then it then down in the middle and that does cause logistical issues for everything in this region so exactly what means here yet look I’d be a knob if I said I knew what the overall outcome was going to be here no one yet knows what is going to happen here or what the Ukrainian reaction will be we know that Ukraine can’t risk not sending reserves here what we don’t know we don’t know how many reserves Ukraine actually has as well and is this straight pulling guys a away from Frontline areas and then supporting into here or is there some Reserve element people will claim they know but again we don’t know any numbers from Ukraine are kept incredibly close to their chest but I thought this was interesting I think there’s some bits to learn out of this what tatami says here many questions of how Russian Falls cross the border so quickly the answer is simple the boarding the border is a gray Zone heavily surveilled and hence doesn’t have defensive structures instead the defensive lines a position deeper within Ukrainian territory this was the same as those Ukrainian backed elements moving into Russia too you don’t have it right on the border you’ve got some mines you’ve got surveillance and you’ve got border crossings but it’s not like you’ve just got tanks Sting allong the Border Manpower shortages compel Ukraine to avoid deploying large units along the border continuously with fully stocked and ready for immediate use artillery placing defenses directly on the border would result in Russian forces occupying vacated or sparsely manned trenches if you had all this stuff Russia would then takeen Russians anticipate a significant social backlash including Panic demands for resolution the pressure aims to compel the redeployment of units from critical areas of Russian advances in donbass meanwhile Russian forces deploy infantry units incapable of deep Firs so this here is an element I think everyone is maybe not taking into account as much the informational War the social the propaganda war is very very important for a war where you most mizing citizens convincing outside support of sending money and weapons in especially then with next month 15th and 16th in Switzerland Ukraine having the peace conference and Ukraine trying to do an unpopular mobilization of men still within Ukraine or please for men to come back from who have left Ukraine back in to potentially be mobilized and to volunteer for the forces so of course this paints a further picture and as he says significant backlash panic and resolution it will be in Ukraine’s best interest to you know show hey look now we can close this up push this back so there may have to be some immediate action here and deployment in so this is pressure on that it’s pressure on the peace Summit especially for anyone who’s on the fence it could also backlash and other countries go right let’s give more as well like I said we don’t know the outcomes we’ have no idea of the outcome of this war yet no one knows yes I know people on both sides the spectrum they have got the end goal in their head as 100% this is where it’s going to go and then we’ll find elements of information to fit that Narrative of what the conclusion is but nothing yet is guaranteed anywhere and I think some outcomes are more likely than others and I think the outcome that the both alt sides have is as unlikely as each other number six the situation is expected to evolve with Russian forces deploying more units penetrate additional border areas or to reinforce initial success with our estimate of their Force equivalent to two Russian cores they can sustain this operation thus far Russian forces have not breached the main Ukrainian defenses given the time required for Ukraine units to deploy to the area it is premature to access the overall success or failure of this incursion we will continue to provide updates so Russia may open then in other areas and try and stretch the Ukrainian defense more and more thin across the entire front line I think I think that’s what they’re trying to do I don’t think they’re looking for success in this area they’re looking for Ukraine to draw forces in for success in other Frontline regions now let’s have a look at a couple of strikes now we have had some large strikes of some Choppers taken out then we’ll have a look at the map too so this is actually from a Ukrainian Source here pretty big loss being confirmed Russian forces hit and destroyed two mi2 24 attack helicopters and at least damaged a mi8 helicopter as well now people are saying that this isn’t a big loss Ukraine doesn’t have that many helicopters we saw two taken out a while back with a third may be damaged by similar missile strikes and at least two then taken out here as well and these are important these are important aircrafts so we see these two now this is said to be in the zap of blast I haven’t yet be able to find a geolocation of this of two m24s and then we presuming I and a strike or tornado s has then hit these Choppers here presuming that these now uh have been completely destroyed remember these are airframes airframes are much much more sensitive so you can see that taken out even from shrapnel and then we can see that there was this is where the m24s were which are both destroyed and that there is a mi8 back here now what we don’t know is we don’t know the damage to this Chopper here but I will say by seeing this not spooling up that it may have sustained damage cuz You’ think the first thing once this is hit you’d be trying to get that rotor moving and get out of there of those Choppers then sitting out in the open and these are important assets and Strikes and assets that we won’t see replaced for an amount of time as well everything you need to do is add it if this was the other way how would your reaction then be that’s how you need to look at things now there has been a high m strike down in Donis city as well uh reported to be against a 10year celebration of forces here at restaurant reportedly hosting a group of pro-russian mercenaries and soldiers that were preparing for a rally for the anniversary of People’s Republic that is from Ukrainian sources there reporting that other reports will just from from Russian Source say it was just a civilian Target but again if any targeting is so so hard to know that we can see then this High Mar’s strike here and people then running away but we can see there is some level of rally going on here people in part parts of camouflage Russian Flags Soviet Flags Etc and then we can see the then destruction here to then the building no update on casualties or whatever else has then occurred here now this map while all eyes have been over here all the attention is here I didn’t say that that it will trickle feed in updates from other areas and this is today no different we have then the Deep state map has shown more like we have known now for at least a week of movement here up to 1 and a half km talking about a mile in Crone ARA so is good to see that this has finally updated on this map between yesterday and today now the Russian movement wasn’t this great over the last 24 hours this is combining multiple multiple days of movement here and we don’t actually have an update on this front by suriak today but what we do have and I know I think it was history Legend spoke about this sorry M if I got this wrong but Russia has been using these motorcycles a hell of a lot and we see this more and more in other areas of warfare electronic bikes diesel motorbikes of movement of these very light highly manable so they’re up here and there was a guy just down to the bottom of your screen here as well highly maneuverable likely will not set off a tank mine but regardless you’re still on a much large a much smaller footprint sorry than a larger vehicle and these are operating around cren rivar and around that industrial facility here in the center as well and Russia has been having success on then these motorbikes and I’ve named this video the Russian Crusty Demons but we can see pulling in and out fast movement down these tracks as well when artillery and mines and thermal imaging these have a much much smaller footprint and a highly highly mobile compared to any armor or vehicles on the front line so we are seeing more of that and so far it has proven from what we’ve seen to be fairly successful now M Ina nothing shown on this map we have a surric map update here and this does show a further push out to the east and south so we see these two reservoirs here and then this movement during the last week Russian army re-entered again the areas which were previously abandoned herova the schools Ukraine Army retreated to the trench system located at the center of the locality to try to increase that push out from then this 2014 territory here in donque then we have as well down in the South here this is something not tring across any of the other Maps but I’ll call this sort of the ugar front here this push up here of about 1 km here making territory we know that this area down here in this support Road this is coming under more and more threat due to the pushes in of my livka M Ina as well trying to close up that Gap now we don’t have no more update anywhere else then on this map in the South but where will then come is per mayi here as we do know there are some more updates here Peri here we see this push just out from Neto which is shown very very similar to these two maps here advance south from taking control over then this poultry plant as we know most likely trying to push on prongs here to encapture areas here then we’ll come then into Buck moot now we can see as well an update here significant update coming around to the south of chassa this is lining up then perfectly with the suriak map after 10 days of combats Russian army re-entered again the canal micro district from the adjacent forest in addition troops secured the last stretch of road from ivanovski to the water canal now interestingly this is showing actually more control on the Deep State Ukrainian map so in this I’ll say suriak is out of date significantly more control here so this is the road and Canal leading down here see this curve and it’s saying it’s way down here somewhere so when the Ukrainian map is showing larger Russian movement then a other map then we know that’s probably then the movement there but I hope that’s a good overview of everything that we are seeing up and down the movement up here no one knows yet people that say they know don’t listen to them because no one bloody knows anyway Legends look after yourselves and I’ll speak you tomorrow thank you bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. G'day Guys, As I was editing I noticed I missed an important note* The Czech Vampire MLRS can reportedly fire 20km, Taking this figure the video shown and range shown is likely firing inside Ukraine, That said over the past weeks there has been increased RU reporting of this system firing into RU territory.
    Have a great day

  2. Whatever the Russian plan is, however you look at, Ukrainians are in deep trouble…. situation reminds me more and more on the last year of a 3rd Reich….
    We need to ask our self, does the Ukraine have enough manpower to man so long defence line. Take in mind that Russians, in few days will start with the liberation in Sumy direction also….

  3. The Donbass first, always Donbass first. This is a operation to draw in ukr forces, and to push them back from the border to stop the shelling of Belogrord. They will push as far as there allowed in the north. Ukraine is in a shitty position, the Russians hold the strategic initiative, they control the tempo and the direction.

  4. Who really gives a toss what you think. Ukraine has lost the war. The war that is created by the West fought on Ukranian territory using Ukranian people forced into fighting for a lost cause.

  5. This war is over Ukraine has nothing left manpower wise ! Russia will only get stronger Ukraine weaker now ! This is absolutely obvious! If west leaders cared at all and you weren’t just their pawn to try to hurt Russia then they would already be negotiating a peace agreement! Time to surrender obviously! The whole thing from 2014 coup was started and the bendarist starting the conflict with their own countrymen in the east was all to make that civil war to draw Russia in and west thought they could use you to take Russia down ! Now the truth hurts you were a pawn and a very dumb one at that to not see this by now ! Surrender 🙄🤪

  6. You are seeing the collapse of Ukraine now ! They don’t have enough manpower to fight the war ! They can’t even put enough forces on the main line to fight now with 2 different army’s coming from 2 different areas they are smashed and the soldiers know it . They are going to lay down arms soon if the govt doesn’t negotiate surrender/peace deal . We have already seen it coming when units refuse orders to go infront of a force they know they can’t defeat . Wake up everyone 😆

  7. Есть несколько моментов, которые нужно учитывать. Никто толком не знает, сколько солдат у русских в резерве… может 30к, а может 300к. Это именно резервы и их использование никак не ослабляет другие направления русских. Никто толком не знает, какие планы и задачи у русских, на харьковском направлении. Пока, похоже на то, что русские пытаются растянуть оборону всу. Если всу перебросит солдат под Харьков, русские могут и не ввести в бой основные силы, а ударить в другом месте, а если не перебросят, то будут двигаться дальше, пока всу, все-таки не перебросят туда силы. всу находятся в ситуации, когда любое действие или бездействие ухудшает их положение. Если седят в глухой обороне, их раздалбывают подавляющей огневой мощью… Если начинают двигаться, их раздалбывают еще быстрее…

  8. Russia and Putin did not really need big swaths of land !!! Putin needed to stabilise his borders, not losing too many men to western weapons, which could have crippled his forces with low morale…Putin has done that but also finding that western "game changers" sux !!!

  9. How dare Putin send men wielding shovels and spoons to attack a civilized, democratic and free country like Ukraine? We need to give Putin some Macdonald and Starbucks to instil fear in his men. Long live Putin!

  10. If I were in the place of the leadership of Ukraine, I would reason like this: “We are still heading towards defeat, then put this Western aid in your pocket”

  11. I’ll argue due to the nature of this war. No sensible army would amass that many soldiers in one place especially not after almost 100 soldiers were targeted by Ukraine.

    Instead the Russian army will move bit by bit. Village by village. Just enough troops to take each village and settlements.

    We’ll see what happens when they get to the City.

  12. It's a layered push, they will use multiple waves who each basically frogleap the prior wave so that one can rest and dig in while fresh forces further push the exhausted defenders. Kiev can't commit the reserves North because frankly there are no reserves and Russia keeps the pressure up all along the frontline meaning as soon as they move troops away that part of the front will inevitably give leading to more breakthroughs. But the Northern offensive is the real deal, the objective is to envelop Charkow and take the land between Seversky Donets and Oskil down to Isiom.

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