“Ukraine is Finished” US Army Colonel Reveals TRUTH About America’s Failed War Against Russia

“Ukraine is Finished” US Army Colonel Reveals TRUTH About America’s Failed War Against Russia

if you want to argue that we should keep funding Ukraine if you want to argue that we should keep supporting them into the future 10 years like zalinsky once you’ve got to be able to show tangibly on the ground where all of the Russian advantages I’ve mentioned can be overcome because if you can’t overcome their Manpower their industrial capacity uh their bombing force their air defense and their air power if you can’t neutralize all those and show a very graphic physical path then you cannot support this because it defies common sense and reality you want to talk about how we can’t let Russia win I hear that I’ve heard that throughout the entire two plus years of war we can’t let Russia win otherwise and fill in the blank all these bad things will happen here’s what I’m saying is if you keep going down this path of ignoring all these ground truth realities we keep talking about not only will Russia win we’ll lose everyone my next guest is retired US army colonel Daniel Davis who recently joined the stage with professor John mimer to debate on whether the US government should continue funding the war in Ukraine currently the United States is split in our opinion over Ukraine after 2 years of conflict the US seems entrenched in yet another Forever War and those who propose supporting Ukraine usually do so in the name of democracy and Freedom the theory us politicians are promoting is that if Putin is not defeated he will militarily expand his efforts Beyond Ukraine and the whole of Europe and maybe even the world could be in trouble but Professor Mir schimer and my guest Colonel David this have proved this theory is completely false and instead look at the cold heart facts of the situation Ukraine is outnumbered 10 to1 with artillery but the lack of Manpower is the real issue the country faces in this war in today’s episode we discuss what the new $61 billion Aid deal will do for Ukraine we disprove the theory that Russia wants to invade Western Europe and we bring you the most common sense and rational insights into the Ukraine Russia conflict that you simply can’t find on mainstream media let’s begin Daniel you are an amazing guest a couple months ago I had so many fans reach out and say they wanted a second interview with you so welcome back to the show privilege to be here thanks so much for inviting me back so uh Danny I want to talk about uh Russia Ukraine because this is a conflict that continues to escalate and continues to be prolonged and I think we’re now really staring at the reality that there is nothing more left than the probability of a Russian Victory either sometime this year or maybe early 25 I mean you are a military strategist you’ve obviously served in US milit for many years won two bronze Stars you have an incredible experience and insight so as of today what is your assessment of what’s going on in Ukraine look this situation here is is egregious for me to watch unfold I I I fought in an armored Warfare in in Desert Storm in a big tank battle uh was in an armored cab regiment that actually actively patrolled the East West border during the Cold War where we had to study Soviet tactics and always be ready for large scale operations I was the second in command of an armored C Squadron for the US First Armor division in the mid 2000s uh and we trained you know our troops and and what I understand very very intimately what it takes to build a cohesive unit what it takes to survive uh and and succeed in combat I understand you know the Russian Doctrine understand how they fought I know that territory very well it’s very similar in that part of Europe as it was to in Germany and I can just tell you there is absolutely zero chance that Ukraine will ever succeed in its War have been saying really since the outset because there’s very fundamental reasons why now then what I’m saying is I don’t see any chance that Ukraine can avoid defeat if if before there might have been a chance to where they could have you know kind of had a stalemate or made it so expensive on Russia that they would have a negotiated settlement that was at least partially on uh kiev’s positions and would be beneficial to them now then that’s almost gone and now then the the situation right now in early May of 2024 is Ukraine’s choice in my estimation is either seek a negotiated settlement on the best terms you can get which won’t be that good right now or keep with the fiction that you’re going to try and win which zalinski still claims that that’s his objective and you’re likely to suffer an actual military defeat and and I agree with you I believe that as of you know maybe even before the end of the summer you could have a major break of the Ukrainian Army there’s very specific reasons I say this and once there’s a major break somewhere the whole Army doesn’t have to collapse but you if you get aoll collaps in one part of the of the formation and Russia exploits that and rolls in with strategic reserves that can exploit the the Breakthrough then you could have the the cascading collapse of the entire Army here that’s what’s at stake yeah Danny I think there’s some interesting data that’s coming out of Ukraine I mean even zalinski last month had had admitted that they are outnumbered 10 to one as far as artillery you know so the Russians have a 10 to1 advantage in that that’s obviously why we saw this $61 billion Aid package passed by the US government but tell us a little bit more because I don’t think that’s the main issue I mean obviously they’re they’re down 10 to1 as far as artillery but it’s actually Manpower that’s actually Ukraine’s weakest link right now is that correct that is correct it it is it has always been about men not machines not money you can’t fight a war without money without machines you got to have those but you can do various Things based on if you have the Personnel Ukraine doesn’t have the personnel and it’s never been a fair fight Ukraine performed heroically spectacularly especially in the first year of the war way above anybody’s expectations above my expectations but here’s the problem with those that gave false hope that they could win because even that bad performance by Russia in the beginning and the exceptional performance by Ukraine in the first year it doesn’t change demographics it doesn’t change the population Russia has millions more men of military age from which to draw and for Russia this is an existential fight I’ve heard many people try to say oh well you know the the North Vietnamese eventually outlasted the United States even though they didn’t win on the battlefield they inally outlasted the United States the Taliban outlasted the United States obviously a huge disparity so so could to can the ukrainians here’s the where that falls apart in both of those cases the American Army was fighting a war halfway around the world that nobody in the country thought was needed to fight everybody thought it was silly that’s not the case for Russia it’s next door it’s on the front porch not the backyard even and it is viewed by them as an existential battle because they believe it’s the West in 50 nations of NATO and several others that are all Allied against them so they will fight this to The Bitter End and so their morale is plenty High the population is supporting of the war this is not going to be like Vietnam or Afghanistan Russia will keep fighting until they finally grind down Ukraine into nothing and the numbers just don’t bear up Ukraine Survivor yeah that’s a really interesting Insight I didn’t actually think about that because when we look at the Vietnam War it’s obviously you know we had to withdraw because the of the public opinion in the United States right I mean there are so many people that were against that war seeing innocent American lives being lost for for what reason and ultimately that’s why we withdrew you make the same case for the Taliban and Afghanistan and you know why the US withdrew as well this just was a lost cause but I think what’s interesting is a lot of people don’t respect Russia’s opinion here that that this is an existential threat but I mean Russia is a sovereign country you know and what they deem to be existential is their opinion and that’s exactly what it is and I think that’s an important thing for people to note like you said the people the actual Russian people are very United in this um they’re very frustrated and I I I think there’s a lot of support actually to this conflict wanting to see this end this is really interesting Danny but tell let’s go on to the next point which is talking about this $61 billion Aid package tell us a little bit more about what the US Cong has just passed and how that’s going to work yeah I’ve got a couple of problems with this number one is uh the I I’ve been seeing politicians for months say that you know the reason why Ukraine is losing on the battlefield is because the US Congress is delaying passing this bill and they’re saying you know that’s that’s going to make all the difference in the world and because they don’t have ammunition and weapons especially artillery as you pointed out that’s why they’ve been backing off and everything hinges on the US passing this budget here’s what no one paid attention to the Czech Republic has been doing this operation here for many months now to where they’re going to they say they’re going to get over a million artillery shells scouring the world to try to get them and to feed them into Ukraine and they’ve been succeeding I think it’s several hundred thousand that they produced so far I want to say 350,000 more are coming so if you’re already getting 350,000 I I think within this year I think it’s just been this calendar year and that’s not changing the the ratio that you talked about there the 1 to 10 why does anybody think that something from the United States is going to do something materially different it’s not going to so my first problem is this budget does not do what people think it’s going to do you had the Secretary of State uh Lloyd Austin who bragged uh upon this the uh publication of this once it finally passed the house and he said hey 50 billion of this is actually going to America and to our jobs 20 I think like 18 billion or something is going to us operations military operations in Europe our operations another 12 13 billion is going to uh to replenish what we have already sent you for our own stocks only 13.8 billion was said it’s going to go directly to Ukraine the first billion that went there was this big long list published by the state department they didn’t give any numbers for anything but there’s a bunch of categories of stuff well that tells you there’s not many of any one of these categories so it’s going to be a poultry amount of all the things that they need and it’s not going to change the ratio the Dynamics and it’s not going to do anything thing to solve the Manpower problem and that’s where the biggest problem lies right now yeah that’s an interesting one because I I don’t think a lot of people understand that is uh I was actually listening to a clip from John mimer your good friend that you’ve also had a debate on we’re going to get in uh into that discussion in a little bit but he had said it was I think it’s 28 out of the 61 so almost you know certainly a very large portion of that is just going to be allocated to replenishing the weapons in the United States so you know that money actually is just going to be going to the military indust complex in the US funding our weapon manufacturers to replenish our own stock it’s not going to Ukraine it’s going right back to America and interesting enough as well I mean you know obviously there was a long delay I think the last Aid package that was passed was December 2022 you know so it’s almost a 16-month gap and this one might be the last one because I don’t think that if Donald Trump wins the presidency I’m not I don’t believe that he’s going to pass another Aid package certainly if the Republicans take the control of the Senate again and even if by were to win a second term I don’t think American opinion is really going to support sending more money to Ukraine I mean is this something we want to be doing on an annual basis sending billion year here’s the compounding problem with that even the the people that have passed it said this is going to help them Biden said this is going to help them hold the line through the end of the year well that necessarily means that they’re going to need another one later this year we’re talking months away they’re gonna be asking for another one zalinski on the 28th of April said he’s looking for a 10-year commitment from the United States and I like you Cyrus I don’t see it I don’t see the American people are Congress signing up for literally a Forever War to keep that thing going on yeah it’s really tough because I I think when you look at again I like to always quote John me shimer because I think he’s one of the most brilliant voices on this I I always refer back to a video a YouTube video that he made it was a speech that he had given back in 2015 where he predicted exactly what was going to happen right he said ifed that on our show before yeah I know exactly what you’re talking no it’s it’s it’s amazing but it but it was just so well said because it’s very clear if we push Ukraine down this road we are going to be in a situation where Ukraine will get wrecked and again you know once again the United States is involved in another Forever War which you know that’s just seems to be our Mo right now we just cannot get out of these forever Wars we’re we’re constantly involved in so many things but yet our own country you know and our own citizens are not reaping the benefits of of having a government that has money to spend it’s frustrating I I I cannot see the American public wanting to support this war any much longer I mean there was already a l a large amount of people not happy with this being passed here in early 20124 yeah and you know you you had uh one of the sen one of the Republican Senators that did vote against it that you cided a second ago uh JD Vance he he specified it if this is not like just because I’m against Ukraine he said I’m not he said but it’s a capacity issue he said for example the Interceptor missiles which are absolutely essential uh to allowing that’s that’s allowing the Russ side to use airp power so effectively and devastatingly against Ukraine is because there’s not enough Interceptor missiles on the other side well he said this Aid package is going to put in a long-term contracts to expand the capacity but he said it’s going to expand it from 500 missiles a year to 600 missiles a year so it’s still a very small amount and one of these you know it doesn’t take more than uh a few of these attacks by Russia to eat those missiles up they they go like that and they’re so expensive so it’s only going to increase the capacity by this much and the need is this much so the numbers and the math it just doesn’t add up and I think we just have to go back to that main point that you had brought up is that it doesn’t matter we can we could theoretically we could Supply them an endless amount of money and weapons but if you don’t have the Manpower there’s nothing that we can do we’re not going to put NATO troops on the ground we’re certainly not going to risk American lives and put American troops on the ground you know with without that without more bodies how can you win this war like you said money and equipment is needed but nothing more important than actual people and you’re going against Russia who has millions more and basically I think they’re at a point where they’re probably feeling very confident that they will win this war and just know that patience is needed right now and sarus I saw on a on a Ukrainian no I’m sorry it was a Russian telegram Channel yesterday uh something that was just really really hard for me to watch uh there was Russia has of course you know they took F Diva not long ago now they’re continuing to move further to the West one of the areas near there was called a place called bde and it was basically Forest line that Ukraine had been operating in and uh after Russia captured it they some one of their soldiers went in there with a camera and it’s a six-minute video where the guy just walking down this entire tree line the forest where these where the Ukraine side had been uh holding out and all you see is this unbelievable littering of Ukrainian soldiers everywhere and you see that they they didn’t have a good defensive position which is alarming because that tells you that on the front line they don’t have these good defensive positions and that’s why Russia is continuing to move on the second thing that is a military military I saw is that this is the Russian Firepower going in and it wasn’t just artillery it was their big Fab bombs that they now have these Glide bombs uh and they call the toss flamethrower systems which is a thermobaric explosion and these people were just obliterated and the trees were just I me big thick trees were looked into match sticks just shattered everywhere because of this meaning Russia didn’t have to storm The Troop the line to take it there weren’t a lot it wouldn’t an infantry battle so all these guys died just sitting in their holes that’s why the casualty count is so high on the Ukraine side and it’s much lower than than the West claims on the Russian side because they don’t have to close with them to destroy them right yeah it’s a tragedy I mean there’s so many young men and uh women that have lost their lives in Ukraine and I think you know zalinsky had lowered the age of uh commitment as well I mean he’s trying to get as many you more younger ukrainians in but again that that it sounds like to me as well what you’re talking about is also a lack of training and probably that military knowledge yeah they don’t have a chance to do that they just mobilize they don’t they can’t mobilize enough so they’re not the people that they are forced to mobilizing aren’t enough to offset the losses and that’s why this is so egregious to me because zilinski is lower in the age to get more men in there towards what end yeah there’s no rational path to throw it around why do you want to keep throwing what’s your men into a losing battle that it just can’t be turned around rationally I just do not understand it I I agree with you Danny I want to switch a little directions here because I think one of the the factors that led to the passage of this bill was a theory that basically you know Russia and specifically Vladimir Putin wants to recreate the Soviet Union he wants to you know first he’s going to take over eastern Ukraine which he’s done those regions next he’s going to go Western Ukraine then he’s going to go into the former Baltic states then he’s going to go into Eastern Europe then Western Europe and he’s going to go on this you know war path and I think that’s I’m going to say this out loud I think this is a lie that’s been propagandized to the American public because I don’t think that that’s Russia’s intentions at all but yet that’s the that is probably the theory that needs to be spread that way we can justify sending another $ 61 billion I want to know your thoughts on that theory is is Putin really wanting to conquer Europe is that his end goal here or does he simply just view is it really just all about Ukraine and the existential threat that NATO membership poses to Russia it is a lie it is a known lie it’s not a theory it is a fact and and here’s why I say that with such confidence and Authority first of all let’s look at the the capacity issue I don’t care what anybody says I care what they can do what do they have the capacity to do for example uh Hitler in in the early part of the World War II I had millions of men underarms they had an industrial capacity uh that could crank out all kinds of tanks and airplanes and everything else and and he had the capacity to take the whole continent so when he was telling Lord Chamberlain in 1938 that he’s not going to do anything and you should trust me and sign this piece of paper you know the famous you know deal where he he basically you know was a pean that’s what everybody talks about all the time Hitler had the capacity to make good on that he actually and he had said that he had a continental wide desire so he had the desire and he had the capacity so it was not real smart to sign away and pretend like nothing’s going to happen this is not 19 38 anymore Vladimir Putin even if you think he’s as evil as ad fitler it does not have his capacity so first point is if you look at what Russia has in tanks and and artillery pieces and uh air power uh missile capacity all those things and how many men they have underarms what is the total size of their Force then you look at what it would take to actually make good on all those things that you just said people are warning about of going into the baltics and then into anywhere else it doesn’t exist and the biggest shortfall in that is not even the number of troops it’s their ability to project power it’s their logistic system it can go maybe 90 miles before it runs out and they have to have the way the system that they designed it runs on railroads and The Rail lines and the Russian side are not the same as in the European side airgo that they can they they they can only go about 90 miles past their the the last train station they have once you run out of that they can’t go any further even if Putin had those desires which he doesn’t he can’t make good on them here here’s the kicker people in the west the leaders know this I talked to somebody in Europe last week who has access who know some of the people in some of these other countries and I point blank ask him I said do they actually believe what they’re saying in public because I see many people in the baltics make these claims and he says no they all know that every one of them know that but they also want to they have a fearful public so they want to say these things to make them support giving more defense for their own buildups so they want to expand their National Security capacity Etc so they know that that’s nonsense but they say it anyway because it works and it does get them the money yeah I mean I think that’s that is the issue that um I I think we really use I think the US government uses this theory in a lot of ways right it’s the same way that we say Hey you know China’s going to invade Taiwan at any minute so let’s send more money to there you know uh you know if we if we don’t support Israel and we send them billions more you know it’s gon to it’s going to expand into this and and certainly I I like your your point on the capacity issue and I think that’s a big one because like you said even if Putin did have those Ambitions it would not be feasible and you compare that to Hitler back in the day who had those Ambitions and it was very feasible he had the capacity to actually pull it off and so I think that theory doesn’t check out I think that is completely propaganda and we have to add on to that that Putin does say the opposite he has said since 2007 that he wants security on his border he has never said anything besides he wants a negotiated deal with Ukraine and he doesn’t want to have to milit arily defeat them he said that you know even recently in that in that uh Tucker Carlson interview he again said I’m willing to negotiate but they have a law preventing negotiations right now so it’s not him he doesn’t want to go further he just wants to end the war and have security yeah I think that’s an important thing and and also just some common sense here Danny because obviously if if Putin were to invade Western Europe or even the Baltic states I mean several of them are members of NATO so obviously you have the art you have the Article Five that would would immediately implement it and then now all of a sudden you have Russia versus the United States in a military conflict both nuclear Powers that’s not something that Russia wants either and look you’re 100% right you did absolutely hit it on the head Putin acknowledges out loud what you just said he said we don’t have anywhere near the capacity conventionally to go against NATO so we would never try then but if NATO tries then I don’t have the capacity either so it’s going to go nuclear so as long as you want to avoid nuclear war don’t have this war he knows that he’s not suicidal he’s very rational however if you think it’s evil or whatever people can think whatever they want but he’s definitely not stupid or suicidal no no and I don’t think that’s I think this is just really all about Ukraine and it’s been that way and he’s been preaching that message for many years and I think a I think a difficult one for Europe is the fact that you know they’re they’re caught in a very difficult situation because the United States guarantees security for Europe right the Europe would not be as strong today if it was not for the United States military guaranteeing that security but at the same standpoint because the US offers security you now have to go with the United States policy and we saw that with what was it Merkel you know she was very much uh you know Angela Merkel the the German Chancellor and uh the French president at the time you know they both had spoken out and said look we don’t want Ukraine to go towards NATO membership but of course the United States overruled them and said no we’re going to push forward this so again it’s it’s the Europeans that suffer but they can’t really say anything to the United States because ultimately the US government controls their security so it’s it’s kind of a it’s a catch 22 really for Europe because in one sense you certainly want to have the United States guaranteeing your security as a result you do give up your freedom because you’re going to have to basically fall in line and do whatever the United States government says which has now put Europe in a very difficult spot one has to ask why would we want to put Europe in a difficult spot this war could absolutely have been avoided it was every chance in the world I wrote about this starting seven months before the War I kept writing over and over about how we’re getting closer and closer and Russia means what it says and it is you willing to use Force if we keep pushing ahead in this there was never any reason to keep pushing NATO further and further toward their border Russia can’t make good on there’s no threat from Russia it’s not the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Packa which had 50,000 tanks and nuclear weapons and thousands of Fighters This is not the same threat so it’s not needed but we kept going forward anyway and now we have the war that we should have been able to avoid yeah absolutely uh Daniel let’s let’s um let’s shift topics here because talking about the war that we should have been able to avoid recently you and John mimer were on a debate team and you had were debating at the Council on Foreign Relations and I think this was an interesting one because the debate topic was you know should the United States continue to fund this war obviously you and Mir shimer took the stance that the United States should not continue funding this war tell me a little bit about that experience and you know how that debate went and and you know how that entire thing went down well first of all it was it was a real treat and pleasure to get to uh you know debate alongside John mimer who’s as you pointed out you know going back to 2015 and and actually he wrote some stuff even earlier than that uh the predicting many years before that predicting that there was a risk of war with Russia uh even before the events of the you know the maidon in the 2014 Etc so it was a real pleasure to get to be him stand alongside of him because of his track record and I I actually didn’t know until then that he was a former Army guy West Point grad I thought he was just a brilliant Professor so that was that was interesting by itself but once we got on the stage we the one thing that really stood out to both of us was that all of our arguments are based on a ground truth assessment of what’s reality what what’s true on the ground and and aside from whatever people say the other side’s argument was all about emotions and headlines and in fact when we tried to steer the argument into facts and Counting things and tanks and bullets and Manpower and all those things they never they did not defend their position based on that so here’s the key thing that that anyone on the debating this issue has to understand if you want to argue that we should keep funding Ukraine if you want to argue that we should keep supporting them into the future 10 years like zalinsky once you’ve got to be able to show tangibly on the ground where all of the Russian advantages I’ve mentioned can be overcome because if you can’t overcome their Manpower their industrial capacity uh their bombing force their air defense and their air power if you can’t neutralize all those and show a very graphic physical path then you cannot support this because it defies common sense and reality that they can’t win if you can’t do that and there is no such path and nor do they try to make that argument they use this stuff that oh well you know democracy we’re defending democracy and you know it’s unjust what happened to them and it is they were invaded it was unjust I agree with that but those things don’t matter because War doesn’t care about morality War doesn’t care about what’s right and wrong it cares about who’s got more bullets bombs and bodies than the other side that’s what it cares about so if you care about the people then you want to bring that war to an end as soon as possible to preserve as much land as possible much Freedom as possible and drop the killing to the people you care about and we’re not doing any of those yeah I mean that’s a very common sense point there Danny I mean you know War does not care about your feelings you know it’s it’s it’s a fact right it’s who’s going to who has more when when you have President zalinsky admitting look we’re at a 10 to1 deficit right now we’re one they’re 10 as far as artillery in addition we have no more men to serve I mean when you’re looking at the cold hard facts you you have to make a a very blunt and honest assessment on what’s Happening and I I I salute you guys for doing that because you know even on this YouTube channel sometimes people will say Hey you know you’re taking the Russian talking points and I I say no you know what I do is I I contact Brilliant Minds like yourself m shimer i I want to get these insights from people that just simply look at the facts of the situation and you know just because we’re analyzing it and saying look a Russian Victory seems emminent it’s just more from looking at it from a military strategist mindset you know let’s look at the facts of the situation and see what is logistically going to happen when you’re down 10 to1 when that new Aid package passes but yet half of it is still going to be sent to the military industrial impct in the United States basically just replacing all the weapons that we’ve sent over it doesn’t look good and I love your point there saying that look if we’re going to support for 10 years show me on paper at which point does it become where we can overtake Russia like where where does that where does the scales then tip in the opposite direction you know they can’t you know and that’s that’s why I think the only counter debate really is one based on emotion but you know you cannot use emotion when you’re talking about complex geopolitics and specifically war and you know and I would add in there on the emotional argument I also have one and here it is you want to talk about how we can’t let Russia win I hear that I’ve heard that throughout the entire two plus years of war we can’t let Russia win otherwise and fill in the blank all these bad things will happen here’s what I’m saying is if you keep going down this path of ignoring all these ground truth realities we keep talking about not only will Russia win we’ll lose and I assure you if you think that it was bad to let Putin win meaning have a negotiated settlement where he ends up with territory that he didn’t start the war with and who in the west would argue that that’s not a good thing for for Russia but if you say because I don’t want that one I’m G to keep fighting that implies that you think you can win but if the path is that you can’t then the likely outcome is that you will lose even more and that’s where it’s going to really cut our credibility because imagine if NATO the whole is shown to have been unable to stop Russia from winning now then our credibility is really damaged far worse than having a negotiated settlement Danny do you feel that that credibility if we would that show weakness on the international stage would that just make NATO and the United States look completely useless if we lose it will if we do the right thing the rational thing and say all right we’re going to recognize reality and we’re going to stop doing things that are dumb that are going to potentially lead to failure let’s try to bring this to an end right now then it’s going to be it’s going to look bad because it took us two and a half years to get to someplace we could have done before the war but at least people go all right will they finally got there and they do have a lot of power you know they do have you know strong NATO air defenses power you know Naval power all kinds of things all that’s still intact so you still have deterrence there Russia doesn’t have the capacity to go further so it’ll be embarrassing but at the end of the day all the power remains intact but if you don’t do that and Russia ends up winning now then people will even in the west will start saying what good is NATO and then you have the real chance that it could actually fall apart yeah that’s a really good point there Danny I’m going to have one final question as we wrap up today’s interview first of all I want to again thank you for your time and your insights it’s it’s fantastic we’re going to keep getting you on the show and breaking down these I just love chatting with you about this stuff but do you think that now looking at a little bit more broader picture you know looking at that that we have a conflict that we’re very much involved in in Ukraine we’ve got we continue to fund Israel and this war that does not seem to be ending anytime soon as well the war in Gaza we’ve got you know Africa’s on fire right now we’ve got you know I mean the taliban’s back in control in Afghanistan you’ve got the US really wanting to now stir up the Hornets Nest with China what is your kind of feelings right now as we’re also the other one is the x- factor the the 2024 election what is your feeling at for the nation of America right now the United States I should say yeah you know I I actually had Ambassador Chaz Freeman on my Show recently and I asked him nearly that same question and you know as someone who was in The Diplomatic Corp for I think like 40 something years of his life at some of the highest levels right uh he’s just anguished by what he sees and even though I haven’t been in the Diplomatic Corps I’m anguished by what I see too and you really painted that Global picture pretty starkly and unpleasantly accurate in that we keep making lots of mistakes and going down paths that just can’t succeed and at some point we could have a break to where you know whether it’s the Ukraine side loses or God forbid if we ever you know provoke China into a fight that I don’t think we can even win in the Indo Pacific or any of these other things we keep undercutting our own credibility because right now we are throwing away centuries of credibility and power built up by the United States by making so many foolish decisions such that it’s not just whether China Russia North Korea or Iran are going to do something nefarious diplomatically or militarily but it’s like our even in the the global South even in the west people are going are starting to look already at the United States like what is wrong with you guys you keep doing dumb things that means that they’re not going to listen to us they’re not going to moderate their behavior they’re not going to do things that ultimately would be in our in our advantage and that’s a very dangerous place to get in because if people start turning their back on you especially from inside then the risk that others on the outside start doing stuff Rises and that’s bad for everybody yeah it really is well Danny that’s why we talk about these things because we need want to spread more public knowledge about this and hopefully you know interviews like this and YouTube channels like ours can you know help educate the public and really you know try to make a difference I mean we’re going to go to the polls November I I don’t think we have a good choice with both candidates I mean wouldn’t be my ideal choice either of them but yet that’s where we are so we’re going to have to do the best that we can and see you know hopefully just pray for better leadership and and some sound you know cool heads to Prevail and some better strategic thinking so I want to thank you again thank you for your time and everybody I’m GNA also put a link down to Danny’s YouTube channel it’s growing very fast he’s doing a great job Danny congrats on the growth of your channel we’re going to put a link down to that in the description down below and everyone thank you for your amazing support making it all the way to this point of the video and we can’t wait to share more interviews like this with you very soon

Colonel Daniel Davis joins the show again to report the latest from the battlefield of Ukraine. The US Government just sent an additional $61 Billion dollars to Ukraine, however the majority of that money will stay in the US. We discuss why this war is failing, the supreme advantage Russia has with both men and ammo, and finally we disprove the theory that Putin wants to invade and attack Western Europe.

👉 Subscribe to Daniel’s YouTube Channel Here: https://www.youtube.com/@UCWDN5zr5ttctoIAhZwW6tcQ

0:00 – Intro to Ukraine War
1:59 – Why Ukraine Has Zero Chance
4:44 – Why Manpower is Ukraine’s Weakest Link
8:00 – Will the $61 Billion Aid Help Ukraine?
14:00 – The Brutal Truth About Ukraine’s Front Line
16:30 – Will Putin Invade Western Europe?
22:02 – Why Following the US Has Put Europe in Danger
23:50 – John Mearsheimer and Debating the Future of this War
26:26 – Why Finding an End to this War is the BEST for Ukrainian people
28:10 – How the US Might Lose this War
29:07 – Is NATO and the US Failing?
30:20 – What is the Future of the US?

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#ukraine #ukrainewar #ukrainerussiawar

  1. In a war with backing or not- Ukraine cannot overcome Russia. It can slow it done but not beat it.
    War in itself can never be truly won as all it brings is devastation, death and horror.
    Think of all the people with jobs, lives, children, parents and friends.
    A common ground with good acting decency and straight talking people will bring so much more and faster too than the horror of war.
    This however may be easy to write but not so to find.
    God Bless us all.

  2. NATO is a Defensive Force just as Israel has a Right to Defend Itself. It is just that Both Play by Opposite Strategies.

  3. I am saying this,,
    It is very important yo remember how the conflict started. For many long years Russia almost beg the west about no NATO at its door steps, in vain all was ignored. Now they telle us Russia aggressor?🤣🤣🤣

  4. Anyone who has ability to think rationally knows these facts regarding Ukraine and Russia.
    1.Russia has and will always be mightier than Ukraine
    2.Ukraine being the lesser nation would have naturally(though begrudgingly) coalesced to Russia's demands had it not been for American interference.
    3.America interfered by convincing Ukraine that "They could help them defeat Russia"
    4.America only used Ukraine to help their military contractors and manufacturers make money. They also used Ukraine to help the American Military Industrial Complex to steal and launder money from the American public.
    5. America knew from the beginning they were not going to bring Ukraine into NATO but they engaged in this falsehood with the full cooperation of Zelinsky who has profited handsomely from the deception/grift and all it cost him was a couple hundred thousand dead Ukranians.

    America's role in provoking this conflict is just a despicable but normal act for America because since America has surrendered it's soul to the Oligarchs they outsource EVERYTHING. They don't care about the "out of work" American's. They have no allegiances to American people, they only care about producing goods using the CHEAPEST labor source and charging the most money for it.
    America creates NOTHING except weapons of mass destruction.
    And they use the CIA to foment discord all around the World so they can sell weapons to both sides.

  5. The war in ukraine is the direct result of the USA corruption in its governent, it is another example of it placing a puppet in ukraine to serve USA INTERESTs placing to be terrorists without measuring the consequences, USA did the same in many places of the world, buy against weaker countries, goverments, not against russia.

  6. The Americans continually cause wars because they make money from them. The arms manufacturers are big political donors so the evil warmongering politicians are getting hold of the taxpayers money in their own pockets. No wonder they got Boris Johnson to go to Ukraine in April 2022 to scupper the proposed peace deal with Russia. Johnson has since received a donation of £1 million from the biggest shareholder in a defence company called QinetiQ.

  7. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, NATO actually had no meaning for its existence. The United States is afraid of losing control of Europe and has created a new enemy for Europe – Russia. Are there any truly independent countries in the world? There are only 3 I can think of: China, Russia, and Israel. Ha ha ha ha

  8. The irony is Ukraine sees itself as part of europe Russia does not. Now when you are considered to be in a less than ideal position to wage war shld you do it? Of course people feel for Ukraine but europeans like russian money. They actually like Russia so you know what can Ukraine do? Fight until everyone is dead? Surrender and become russian? People like russian money. They love rich russians. No one wants to say look big rich guy you know it is kind of unfair to pick on the poor little person.

  9. Ukraine CAN still WIN. How? I just returned from watching Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. If even simple apes can work together to harness human technology to become a dominant species, why can't we do the same? We are human beings, a technologically advanced species, and we will and we can overcome all obstacles. Raise, humans, for the dominance of apes is over.

  10. Next proxy for USA is EU. Already going in media that blames Russia blew up own pipeline to make Germany suffer, inciting EU to go proxy war for USA.

  11. Common sense says it's over for Ukraine. The U.S. MIC/DS, DEMOCROOKS and RINOs say it isn't as long as Zelensky and the Ukraine keeps getting more money! They're wiping out the Ukrainian population in the guise of keeping Russia in check. Looks like it's a Sigh-on-ist plan to return to their ancestral Khazarian homeland as they're going to lose Iz-ray-L (thanks to Khaz-Maf Bibi).

  12. 600,000 Ukrainians dead another 1 million blown to pieces and lost upto half of 75% of they're bodies. America Told zelenysky to kill the peace deal!!! Outrageous

  13. 20k see this and like this. And only 1 of 4 hit like for independent true media ???????

    Wtf is wrong whit you all ????

    If support independent media as redacted judgenap Patrick Lancaster and so on and on.



  14. USA had done what it can do. The issue there on the battle field is that there is no men to fight. Is not difficult to understand, but EU leaders does not. What have on their brains are unknown.

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