European elections: French far-right surpasses 30% in the polls • FRANCE 24 English

European elections: French far-right surpasses 30% in the polls • FRANCE 24 English

a European election debate between the heads of seven electoral lists in France loggerheads on the environment immigration and Putin’s war in Ukraine and among them is the far rights Jordan bellaa and the leader of President macron’s Centrist group Rance Valerie Hayer they clashed on the issue of Ukraine when we talk about European diplomacy or the sharing of nuclear DET terance with our European Partners Emanuel macron is taking a federalist leap forward to transfer essential levers of French sovereignty to Brussels and perhaps give Madame Von Delan the power to send troops to fight in Ukraine opposition is very clear to support Ukraine and avoid escalation with Russia you have support for Russia which is shameful so you’ve changed some of your positions but when we look at your votes you’ve never supported Ukraine the political fault lines are Stark between the two main electoral lists a recent poll shows the farri right National rally is getting 32% support compared to 17% for the Centrist Renaissance the decisions French voters make will have an impact Europe wide because France has 81 seats in the European Parliament second only to Germany the part in Black in this pie chart represents the far-right identity and democracy group this projection by the European Council of Foreign Affairs indicates it could get 98 seats 30 of them from France good France’s national leader Marine Leen emerg a key figure in a farri surge in EU voting one analyst says once it comes to politicking at a European level that may not be the case I don’t see this United right I think there will be very strong divisions not only over the question of EU Russia relations but uh lots of other stuff um uh austerity uh uh you know the question of debt and so on so there there are very strong issues that divide the extreme right this first television debate in France indicates a major campaign ahead with much at stake and with plenty of unknowns

European Elections will be held early next month. They are one of the main events of the election calendar this year in Europe. At this point, the far right is expected to make significant gains- including here in France. French results could have a significant impact on the balance of power in the EU parliament, with France holding 81 seats, that’s second only to Germany. A Look back at the last european debate betweend the heads of seven french electoral lists.
#elections #right #France

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  1. So been for the sovereignty of France, free from grape of irresponsible migration, and protecting French culture is Far-right? What a joke. French is been run by Brussels and American NGOs.

  2. No way Europe can't be done ! There are forces that are pushing against it like the French center right and others, who think of French sovereignty, when they should be thinking of European sovereignty!! Why American is great and powerful because it is a single whole!! CALIFORNIA doesn't think about California sovereignty !! Europe could be even bigger and more powerful if it were all one !! But go to tell it these limited people from the center right who still think about the small backyard!!

  3. The Neo-Vichyists are coming back. Also, really funny how supporters and those in the comments really don't want be to called Far Right. Curious 😂

  4. One thing is sure those who had voted for liberals are becoming conservative supporters only after realizing with their own eyes that how stupid was them. Imagine still thousands of people are living in their own world self talking to themselves as 'I am the smart person as I support liberal leftist ideology '

  5. 'The End of Europe: Dictators, Demagogues, and the Coming Dark Age' by James Kirchick 2017. Far-right is trying to save Europe.

  6. Having a pension plan where people go into full retirement at age 50, 55 is unsustainable. You either have MORE workers paying taxes or cut benefits!!! LOL

  7. Whatever one might think of this move to the right, this is at least partly the result of decades during which politicians and other "elites" have chosen to ignore and deny the uncontrolled immigration issue and its consequences. But immigration is not the only issue; regardless of solutions offered by rightist parties, their strength is that they're the only ones to clearly identify and name the concerns of many people in Europe, no doublespeaking. In other words French and other European peoples simply want to be heard and wake up those "higher up" who've been sleeping on a different planet for too long.

  8. Racism is on the rise…if you read history….this comes and goes as if it never existed….always existed and comes out and goes away

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