SNP chooses new leader but is it time for an election in Scotland?

SNP chooses new leader but is it time for an election in Scotland?

well the ballot closed at noon but it was a foregone conclusion John swiy went unopposed he’s one of the snp’s most senior politicians he was one of its longest serving Deputy first ministers and Ally of Nicholas sturgeon and someone that senior figures within the party had supported and he said today that the fact he was the only candidate demonstrated that the SNP was coming back together again he said that polarization in politics had to stop although interestingly when asked whether he’d ever contributed to it he conceded that yes at times he had Scottish labor meanwhile said this was not so much a coronation as a stitch up they want fresh Hollywood elections we asked Don swiy about this earlier given that Nicholas sturgeon called for a general election following Liz truss’s resignation at the time she said that it was a democratic imperative isn’t that the Democratic thing to do no I think the the right and proper thing to do is to follow the rules of our Parliament and to ensure that we um we follow the Democratic decisions of people in 2021 we navigate our way through the Parliament and crucially that all parties work together for common good well no Hollywood election then but quite a lot of change coming Amelia yes once he’s elected first Minister by the Scottish Parliament his first job will be to form a new cabinet and it will look very different to the last one there’ll be no Junior Minister post for the greens for example following The Bitter End of that power sharing agreement that led to him usf’s resignation John swy also said that Kate Forbes who was his main Contender but decided not to stand would be given a a big role and that’s important because it’s another pivot away from the greens she and her uh followers had disagreed with them on a number of policy issues but uh the most important thing to say really is that he’s going to be leading a minority government and that means that he’s going to need other parties support to get key legislation through amid all of that you’ve got the police probe into party finances so all in all it is quite the inheritance indeed Amelia thanks very much

John Swinney has been confirmed as the SNP leader – as the only candidate to replace Humza Yousaf – taking the job for the second time. He has promised a “new chapter” for the party.


This means this week the Scottish Parliament is likely to elect him as First Minister, but now the power-sharing agreement with the Greens is over, he’ll be leading a minority government, and getting the job may turn out to be the easy part.

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  1. Why would there need to be an election in Scotland, but not in Wales and England ? Very strange ! Sunak was not even elected, he came second. Truss didn’t have an election when she sadly got into power. The last two first ministers of Wales stepped in without an election being called.

  2. How can a party of criminal swindlers think they can make
    a party leader selection.
    There must be a scot general
    election .
    If the greens have any grip
    at all they will destroy whats
    left of bonnie scotland. R

  3. I would stil vote snp for Scotland because there no a other party good enough yet so people need to vote snp now for Scotland till a other party comes a long for Scotland snp all the way

  4. dont know who is worse c4 supposed journos or the ppl in the comments….we cant have an election..westminster set our election cycles so we just have to wait..both for general election and holyrood elections

  5. He's a good choice as leader. Far better than that idiot Yusuf. The SNP might be a bit too left wing for alot of people's taste at times (mines included), but if you're working class and from an urban area like Glasgow and vote for anyone else then you're off your nut. The tories have no regard for the working class, only the upper middle class and above. Labour, who were once the party of the average person, have been the same as the tories since Blair turned them into "new Labour". The whole voting tory because you support Rangers (I know not all are like this) is absolutely mental. If you aren't making £100k+ a year the tories think you're just a pleb leach. When they sell off the NHS and other public services and ask you to pay for them, but for a lower quality product, will they still be a viable option? Scotland needs a party that represents Scottish interest, not the interests of Westminster passed down to their Scottish party puppets.

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