China’s Xi in France : ‘cooperation is the theme Beijing wants you to remember’ • FRANCE 24

China’s Xi in France : ‘cooperation is the theme Beijing wants you to remember’ • FRANCE 24

go across to France 24 yenna Lee standing by in Beijing yenna how is this trip being viewed where you are well Chinese State media have portrayed this visit in a rather positive light and even before these meetings got underway for example there’s a headline that says she aims to uh open brighter future for China France ties or we have a bridge of communication China and France open new avenues for ties there are also a lot of pieces about French culture food uh history even quotes from president Xi Jinping talking about his love for French literature this year is of course the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between France and China and state media here described the soo French relationship as a robust one and one that provides stability for the rest of the world so a lot of positives then being flaunted by officials less mention though of the more difficult topics that the two leaders will have to discuss namely trade and the war in Ukraine one major article though does bring these issues up and that is President xi’s own opinion piece that appeared in leigo paper and was later plasted all over Chinese State media as well but even in that piece too the word cooperation is mentioned at least seven times so clearly that is the theme Beijing wants you to remember y know Emanuel ma is trying to give this visit a personal touch he’s even taking Xin ping to a place he visited as a child uh will that work work given that some of the topics m is hoping to discuss the two sides don’t see eye to eye on well it’s not going to be a game changer in fact expectations are rather low for all the big issues ahead of this visit neither side is going to radically change course or change their views this week beijing’s relationship with Moscow won’t totally change course and neither Will’s economic Vision but let’s put this this way not putting in an effort when Emanuel macron is no to do so with so many world leaders well that would be considered to be a bit of a snub this is after all a state visit so a bit of pump and pageantry is considered to be a must and having that you know good story to tell a good photo opportunity with personal visit to the Pyrenees well it is added value and for now it does seem to be working a little bit in the sense that Chinese State Media or are already foring over the attention to give you one example prime minister Gabriel tal greeted president she on the tarmac on evening and he said niow hello in Chinese and that scene is trending on social media it’s even on the front page of the Chinese Communist party’s mouthpiece the people’s daily these efforts don’t cost uh Emanuel macron all his government much but they are being received and reported on as a sign of warmth and of respect okay France clearly rolling out the red carpet thank you very much for that yenna Yen Le there from Beijing

As Xi Jinping is in the middle of his state visit in France, our correspondant in Beijing Yena Lee decodes the stakes and the position of China regarding the Sino-French relations. In an op-ed for Le Figaro daily, Xi said that he wanted to work with the international community to find ways to solve the conflict sparked by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, while emphasising that China was “neither a party nor a participant” in the conflict. However, the relation with the EU remains conflictual.
#China #France #Xi

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  1. Is this French media or American media? All so loyal to America,is France an independent country or a vassal state of US like Germany or UK?

  2. One-way cooperation, chinese style…
    We spy on you, support your main enemy, cheat in business, steal technology from you, protect our market and block Western internet and social media, and you, in return, open your markets without barriers to our product and our social media manipulation.
    Clearly a fair deal, comrade Xi… 😂😂😂

  3. there is not a single korean person in communist party history but they wanna hire a korean name jouenalist makes sense to you🦧🦧 remember xi jin pung dictator intention to fool all of you

  4. Hmmmm… China signed a 50 year agreement for the handover of Hong Kong and they trashed it before half way…Lesson for Macron…Don' trust the Chinese as far as you can throw them…

  5. “China state media is stating this in a positive light”, meanwhile western media 99.9% always puts China in a negative light. One side wants a better world while the other wants to push us into war.

  6. The Western tradition is competition. Cooperation is foreign for the West. When the West told to cooperate, they will automatically compete.

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