France, China talks focus on trade tensions, Gaza and Ukraine | DW News

France, China talks focus on trade tensions, Gaza and Ukraine | DW News

now China’s president xijinping is making his first official visit to Europe in five years she held talks with French president Immanuel Macon at the Elis palace in Paris Macon asked him to accept Fair global trade rules in an earlier meeting European commission president OA ferine called on she to use beijing’s influence to Hal Russia’s war in Ukraine now let’s bring in marbe she’s with the indopacific program of the German Marshall F Mar why is she in Europe and why first in France um I mean Shin ping is traveling through Europe also because I think there has been a recogn a recognition that Europe is changing on China um the European commission has launched multiple probes I mean there’s obviously the EV into a probe into electric vehicles uh in China most recently the probe into um the medical device sector at the procurement processes there um the Chinese leadership has caught up to the fact that there has been a change in Europe that Europe has become more confrontational towards China is less likely to just put up with a status quo um it very much dislikes the D risking that Europe is doing so it’s in a way it’s trying to do what it’s been what the Chinese government is trying to do what it’s been trying what it’s done multiple times before is to to Smo smooth things over um and in this case I mean c ping just also met with Olaf Schultz who went to China um and now s Jinping is here in Europe to continue these talks with France now the commission president oosa ferine joined the talks in Paris are she and MC on the same page when it comes to China I mean not 100% uh that I’m sure of but they are a lot more on the same page than is currently the case for instance between Olaf Schultz um and the European commission um for instance um France is generally seen as a backer of the probe into Chinese electric vehicles which cannot be said of Germany which has been kind of working against that both industry and the government so there’s a lot of common ground and in any case I think MCO has made it a point to include the European European politicians in his talks with China’s leadership now China says it is neutral regarding the Ukraine conflict and yet it delivers supplies to Russia that support its war effort does Emanuel MCO really expect to persuade China’s presidents to shift his position on Russia and Ukraine um I I I I mean I can’t look into his head my guess is that by now the hopes that existed a long time ago that China could play play a constructive role in this have somehow you know have been disappointed enough times that I don’t think there are high hopes that China’s going to you know mediate or pull its weight to reign in Russia um I think there’s awareness that China is that Russia could not have wage this war without Chinese support but I I I do think there is a genuine hope that um they they they can keep getting commitments from China not to provide lethal weapons to Russia to reaffirm that commitment and to try to put pressure on China to curtail its other support of Russia to ensure that dual use Goods do no longer enter Russia as much through the Chinese market and whether or not that’s going to succeed is really going to depend on what what what what um what they can what they have to offer in return and by that I actually mean sticks and not carrots so what would be the consequences if China does not stop thank you very much Maro back there German fund thank you our correspondent in Paris Lisa Lewis has been covering these talks Lisa what more can you tell us about those talks with the leader of China well as we just heard it’s all about cooperation coordination both sides seem to agree on that uh they both said we need to work together to try to uh bring conflicts to an end in the world in Gaza but also in Ukraine they were also talking about economic cooperation however there were some differences in their view how to get to that point to be on one page really each one each side pressing for uh their own interests really and it still seems remain to be seen if they can find Common Ground we heard EU commission president ferion there calling on China to pressure Russia to end the war in Ukraine has China shown any interest in doing that well they have addressed that they’ve said SZ in bing today here in Paris he said that his government would make sure no weapons would be exported to uh to Russia they would also uh impose restrictions export a ban on exports of so-called dual use equipment that can then be used by Russia to produce weapons that can be deployed in Ukraine however we also know that se in being has called uh Russia’s President Vladimir Putin his best friend in the past and that Putin is set to visit seed ining in China later this month they have a strategic cooperation these two countries and so the Elis a spokesman today said well China promised in the past similar things that they would actually stop dual use equipment from being exported to Russia but so far they haven’t made good on that promise we will see if they will do so this time around she says that he wants to quote promote stable and healthy development of China Europe relations is is that the direction that those relations are headed right now Lisa well again both sides seem to take a different view on that matter while the European side has been saying in advance to this meeting and also today that you know this is not a balance economic relationship also they’ve claimed that China was had overc capacities was sending these overcapacities to Europe to sell these products on the market which would then destroy European Industries however Chinese president C in ping today said no there are there is no s such thing as overc capacities in China mind you this comes after a months of trade tensions between the EU between France the EU and China for example the import of Chinese electric cars the EU is now thinking of increasing tariffs on these cars and in return China could impose a fresh tariffs on liquor coming from Europe so again different points of views they’ve been struggling to find Common Ground here and it’s not clear yet if they if this meeting has helped them move forward to towards a consensus in the matter Lisa thank you so much that was our correspondent Lisa Lewis in Paris fore

China’s President Xi held talks with French President Emmanuel Macron at the Elysee Palace in Paris. Macron asked him to accept fair global trade rules. In an earlier meeting, European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen called on Xi to use Beijing’s influence to halt Russian’s war in Ukraine.

#china #france #trade

00:00 Intro
00:29 Interview with Mareike Ohlberg from the Indo-Pacific Program of the German Marshall Fund.
04:05 Talk with Lisa Louis, DW’s Correspondent in Paris


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  1. i see DW deletes my comments. Why even let the comment section open if you delete all controversial comments?! a disgrace to free speech and democracy, shame on you DW!

  2. China produces more carbon than all of Europe and the Americas combined. Thanks to 3000 coal fired plants . Block all imports of Chinese manufactured electric vehicles batteries solar panels and wind turbines until china reduces its carbon emissions to less than 10 trillion tonnes.

    Better yet delay targets for ev cars by at least a decade to give European manufacturers time to create alternate technology.

    The reality is that china produces 13 trillion tonnes of carbon which is increasing exponentially. Nothing europe does will have an impact on climate change while china is producing this much carbon. Ask yourself why is China funding European and American climate activists? Because China is the only country benefiting from our insane climate change policies. Insane because in another decade the population of the developed world including China will be in free fall and carbon emissions will drop proportionally.

    Delay ev targets by at least 10 years and this will put the breaks on the Chinese economy and their aggression toward all their neighbours – Philippines, India, Japan, Pakistan, Taiwan, Vietnam.

    De-risk and then disconnect from china until a zero trade deficit is achieved.

    Spend the windfall on making European infrastructure more climate resilient and invest in technology research to leap ahead of China.

    Protect Europe not China

  3. China should be required to behave like an adult, whether as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, as as the leading contributor to global warming.

  4. China is expected to be more neutral towards the Russia/Ukraine/NATO war.
    Trade less with Russia. Stop Russia's ability to "win".
    Does China realize they are next on the western agenda? Menu

    Some nation should start creating a universal trade block

  5. What Europe wants from China?

    To have China, the last country to resist western powers, to be subservient to USA and west Europe.

  6. France or Europe talk about overcapacity just like the US did (understandable), but on the same time France is hoping China will build EV factories there too. Fascinating! When you can't compete, you resolved calling it for decoupling, derisking, overcapacity,…..etc😂😂😂😂 Later too hard work, too cheap, too innovative!

  7. German Marshall fun again? Every single time when China-EU relationships is mentioned, DW will bring some American mouthpiece from Washington DC on CIA payroll.

  8. Von der Leyen wants to undermine the cooperation between China and France in new energy vehicles in the name of international order, which is the only chance for French cars to defeat American, Japanese, Korean cars

  9. Dealing with autocratic dictators such as Xi and Putin is always a forced one, never a pleasant one for Democratic countries. Xi is such a hypocrit.

  10. NATO (Europe), encouraged by the USA, imagined that it could expand to the borders of Russia without consequences. The Russian government, on several occasions, urged NATO to stop this movement. Russia reacted and annexed Crimea as its gateway to the sea and, now, after the destruction of Ukraine and its people, there is nothing more to be done. Russia will not let NATO's incursion go unchallenged, and it is very likely that Ukraine will be governed by a pro-Russia regime. Brussels, if wise, will not escalate the hostilities further. Europe needs to learn from World War II; there is no possibility of a new war without the destruction of humanity

  11. เคยจะไปไกลได้ด้วยกันแล้วอะไรทำให้ฝรั่งเศสถอยเหมือนอิตาลีงดและปิดประตูหมดเหมือนเมโลนีทำ ตอนนี้ถึงต้องลงแรงเองไปดึงกลับไปใหม่ จะสำเร็จไหม เมื่อไม่เหมือนเยอรมันที่ยอมไปแล้วกู่ไม่กลับ

  12. The best for both benefits it’s structure trade deals that will benefit workers and consumers on both sides!!!
    It’s funny how politicians go into another country internal affair vs do business external!!!
    China is big market and absolutely there many people like European gods and style!!!
    Creativity of humans is without boundaries why you people still like to hurt each other???
    It’s mental issues of human kind!!!

  13. Addressing Tsi Tsi Ping as president is laughable. China doesn't even hold elections. China and India are the biggest buyer of Russian oil and gas despite international sanctions. Why are we even having talks to somebody who consistently trampling over international rules and law? I also like to ask Mr Tsi Tsi Ping why China signed the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, but is assisting militarily the violator of the agreement instead. Ukraine has collected enough evidence of China's involvement in the war including pumping enough money in the Ruzzian economy buying oil and gas.

  14. If China is subsidizing its EV production why isn't the EU doing the same, instead of imposing tariffs and making EVs more expensive for European consumers? It seems that subsidizing weapons and wars is more important to Europe than the green transition!

  15. I couldn't believe how SHALLOW these pro-US medias and think tanks see the visit. President Xi doesn't need to be there personally to discuss about EVs and trade, give me a break, if China is such a big headache for you, put more effort into understanding your adversary, China deserves some better opponent.

  16. Money talks…….Xi and China will ONLY listen when payments are in hand……..they careless on what human rights nor how many people are dying in War.

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