Ukraine: Battles rage in North East of Kharkiv, Russian forces claim they’ve captured 5 villages

Now from the Israel hamas w Let Now Shift our Focus to continu coverage of the Ukraine Russia War in the latest farce Fighting raged on the second day in ukraine’s northeastern region of Kharkiv and this has Russia intensified Its Offensive in the region Intense Battle continues in Seven border villages Russian troops say that Five villages are Under their Control The Ukrainian Army has refuted The claim saying it is rep adv for ofast has of and сьогодні увага передусім фронту ситуації в тих наших районах де зараз найбільше ризиків російськи наступальних дій наші оборонні операції тривають на Харківщині Ass 1700 residents in the City of CH which Falls in the contested gr Zone on the border of ukra region They forc to flee as Fighting [музика] inensified да Russian Forces P The city with airid and rockets that Set several Houses a BL кість обстрілів за добу не зменшилася кількість обстрілу залишилась така ж як і вчора і сьогодні інтенсивність обстрілів Не зменшується постійно стріляють по всьому місту safety the prw population of 17000 has Now dwindled to few000 officials evacuated more than 2500 people from the Frontier Area there [музика] [музика]

Fierce fighting continue for a second day in northeastern Ukraine, where the Russian Defense Ministry claims its troops have conquered five villages, which Kyiv disputes.

#russiaukrainewar #ukraine #wion

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  1. May 11 is the second day of Russian offensive operations in the Kharkiv region. The attacks are launched on a wide front in the border areas

    By the evening of May 11, the Russian army expanded the zone of its control in the border areas. After the liberation of about five settlements on May 10 by Russian forces, today the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost their control of up to 5 more settlements in the north of the Kharkiv region. The North group of Russian forces has already liberated about 110 square kilometers and has already taken control of a dozen villages in total.
    The Russian Army is advancing in two main directions across the border in the region.
    Advancing towards the town of Liptsy, Russian forces took control of several settlements, including Krasnoe, Morokhovets, and Oleinikovo.

    In the Volchansk direction,

    Russian assault groups liberated the village of Gatyshche. They also gained a foothold on the northwestern outskirts of Staritsa. The assault groups approached the outskirts of Volchansk. Some sources reported that the Russian military entered the town of Volchansk, while Ukrainian forces are retreating through Stary Saltov and Bely Kolodez.

    Unlike the officials in Kiev, Ukrainian military sources admit the rapid retreat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. However, the Russian military command is yet to deploy the main forces prepared for the offensive. The current attacks are launched by quite small assault groups aimed to pave the way towards the main line of Ukrainian defense in the region which is located to the west.
    In response to its defeats in the Kharkiv region and in various directions in the Donbass, the terrorist Kiev regime increased shelling on the Russian civilians with the military equipment supplied by NATO. On May 11, the city of Belgorod came under the heavy fire. The precision strikes targeted the residential areas. Unfortunately, the attacks resulted in civilian casualties. The terrorist warfare of the Kiev regime is one the main reasons why the Russian military is forced to launched the large-scale offensive in new directions. Pushing Ukrainian Nazis away from its border in Kharkiv and Donbass, Russian servicemen create the necessary buffer zone to secure the civilian population

  2. A proxy war that started with the aim of inflicting strategic defeat on Russia is turning into a strategic defeat for Ukraine and its proxy war sponsors.

  3. 12.05.24 в Белгороде на улице Щорса от прямого попадания украинской авиабомбы обрушился подъезд девятиэтажного дома. Всем прекрасно известно, что в Белгороде нет никаких узлов обороны наших войск, они все вынесены за городскую черту. В городе нет оборудованных огневых позиций в отличии например от того же Харькова и с военной точки зрения обстрелы Белгорода являются ни чем иным как военным преступлением и терроризмом. Зеленский террорист!!!!

  4. Don't worry about us. We have been waiting for the Russian army for 10 years! I speak like an eastern Russian from Mariupol. The Russian population wants to be part of the Russian Federation after 10 years of nightmare from the Ukrainians

  5. The truth is that Nato has already send their troops to fight Russia and has been decimated that is why Nato came up with the lies that they won't send their troops to fight in Ukraine. Nato have already tested their might against Russia and know very well that they won't stand a chance. It is the truth. Without sending a nuclear warhead to destroy the country of Russia completely, I predict that Nato meaning the US and the French, England and so on don't stand a chance. Think about it, before Nato declare war against Iraq, they have sent scouts to see if they can win the war. they already know Iraq military army, weapons, navy, airforce, etc.. they were very sure that they can win the war, that is the reason why when they declare war on any country that do not do what they were told to do, all countries have been won. With Russia, it is different. Taking on a super nuclear power mighty country such as Russia is totally different from declaring war on Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and so on. The truth is if Nato scout were confident that Nato would win the war, Nato would have already announcing to the world that they are at war with Russia just like Iraq.

  6. Why Ukraine people are asking for more money everyday from western countries but spending money for travelling and having fun instead of stay in Ukraine and support their country.

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