Putin flexes nuclear muscle; Surrounds Ukraine with Nuke drills | GAME PLAN

Putin flexes nuclear muscle; Surrounds Ukraine with Nuke drills | GAME PLAN

as Putin took the presidential oath for the fifth time Russia’s neighbor bellarus carried out nuclear drills aimed at Ukraine while Russia prepared for nuclear weapons drills right in the face of Ukraine the nuclear note on which Putin commenced his fifth term in office it’s a clear message to the West Putin’s fifth term will spell disaster if the West does not back off from supporting Ukraine but what prompted such a powerful response from Russia and Belarus what did the West do to antagonize the Slavic Brotherhood will Putin pull the trigger I’m Shan jna welcome to Game Plan [Music] remember when the French President kicked up a storm stating that he doesn’t exclude sending troops to Ukraine well he was recently asked about his earlier comment and he repeated that his stance is still the same now call it bad timing or planned timing but on the same day when the French President made this remark UK foreign secretary David Cameron who was visiting Ukraine said that Kev can use British longrange Storm Shadow cruise missiles to strike targets inside Russia Ukraine has that right now would Russia remain silent after such escalatory statements absolutely not Russia reped saying it will Target British facilities if Kev targets Russia with British weapons but this time Russia’s reply would not be limited to diplomatic statements Putin ordered new nuclear weapons drills involving troops from Russia’s Southern military District the Russian Air Force Navy and troops stationed near Ukraine will take part and the drills will include tactical nuclear weapons meant for use on the battlefield which can be delivered via missiles it did not stop here just a day later Russia’s close Ally Belarus also launched nuclear drills involving missiles and war planes capable of carrying tactical nuclear weapons aimed at Ukraine statements made by two Western leaders have led to nuclear drills on at least two fronts surrounding Ukraine that is how Putin launched his fifth term in office not to forget that Russia also has nuclear capable isander missiles positioned in kenrad as well Russia is posturing itself specifically with tactical nuclear missiles which can be used against troops in the battlefield without the fear of destroying entire cities which greatly increases the chances of them actually being used in this war do you think West has irked Russia enough to pull the clear trigger let me know in the comments [Music]

As Putin took the Presidential oath for the fifth time, Russia prepared for nuclear weapons drills while neighbour Belarus carried out nuclear drills aimed at Ukraine.
The nuclear note on which Putin commenced his fifth term is a clear message to the west that Putin’s fifth term will spell disaster if the West does not back-off from supporting Ukraine. But what prompted such a powerful response from Russia and Belarus? What did the West do to antagonise the Slavic brotherhood enraged: Will Putin pull the trigger?

#russia #putin #nuclearweapon

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  1. Russia is waiting to see if Donald Trump loses to Joe Biden. If by Joe Biden wins Russia will have no more patience to deal with another four years of Biden’s world bullying and will have no choice but to accept war with America. 🇺🇸

  2. Russia is Good Country ❤❤❤.America you care Ukraine why not Gaza people?Why you are silent killing of 35000 innocent deaths in Palestine by Palestine.i think USA only Supports Terrorist countries like India like Ukraine and like Israel.

  3. And the millions of North Korean Soldiers who are ready to step in anytime which Putin has halted not to mention China would never let Russia fall….the West Barely has an Army all of them combined dont even reach a million

  4. No one will back down from putin, even if there is another world war 3. Because if we allow Putin to win, not only Europe will be dangerous but also the whole world. I will not be afraid of Putin, he is a Criminal. you cowards.

  5. Macron Risks Civil War!! French People does not want war risks at their home. Better Mind your France. You can Not Colonize Russia at this age!!

  6. How can someone ask such a stupid question why Putin does not like the West? Well, because the West cheated on him several times. Even if it was only given verbally(the unification of Germany is conditional on the non-expansion of NATO to the East), so between the superpowers it means as a written document. The West needs Russian raw materials, but it can buy them at market prices, just like everyone else. And what has been proved by this deception, nothing at all, only that even more states in the world are leaning towards Russia, and the collective West will find itself alone in isolation!!!

  7. Putin is out of his mind. Political opponents interested in peace and freedom of speech are imprisoned. European friends of the Ukraine sending help for their defence are threatened with a nuclear world war. And all that because he claims a mix of there-are-nazis-in-Kiev and nato-forces-us-to-throw-nuclear-weapons-in-our-own-defense. I am shocked how freely this dictator is able to move and how many think that this is not crazy but strong. This is just stupid and sad.

  8. America was the only country to have dropped two nuclear bombs at the end of World War Two,will Russia be the second country to use nuclear weapons,,??

  9. Russia are running scared, hence the millionth talk of nukes. These bluffs get rolled out only through fear that their conventional forces are not up to the job. Simple as that. India should be ashamed to be supporting this terrorist state. Sanctions should follow against India.

  10. Lol, what did west right now? Obviously, they're relying on psywar throughout muscles flexing. But in reality it has been proven that their might sent to Ukraine has been proven to be weaken compared to the Russian.

  11. Главное помнить: Россия горела ровно столько раз, сколько раз были повержены её враги.

    В России главная ценность – это семья, родные люди: родители, братья, сёстры, дети, друзья. Сейчас мы не чувствуем угрозу со стороны Украины и запада, локальные конфликты возникали всегда и во всех точках земного шара. Большая часть граждан России продолжает жить мирной жизнью, редко чувствуя присутствие войны. НО! Но если каждый из нас почувствует угрозу родной земле, родному дому, и, в конце концов, родным и близким людям, то каждый возьмется за оружие и, если потребуется, отдаст за всё это свою жизнь (даже женщины, например, моя мама 1969 года не против воевать, если потребуется). И, поверьте, цена наших жизней для тех, кто всё это начал, будет очень велика. Даже если мы вдруг проиграем, даже если мы все погибнем, мы прихватим с собой столько врагов, сколько возможно, а возможно всех. Россия сейчас не воюет всем составом, всеми средствами и в полную силу. Мне 29, я мужчина, все мои друзья мирно живут и ни один не участвует в СВО. Россия не воюет всеми средствами, как это делает, например, Израиль в Палестине. Россия не воюет по принципу НАТО, когда всё вокруг бомбами превращается в пепел. НО ЭТО СКОРО МОЖЕТ НАЧАТЬСЯ. Не думаю, что кому-либо это действительно хочется, ни со стороны России, ни со стороны Запада.

  12. Главное помнить: Россия горела ровно столько раз, сколько раз были повержены её враги.

    В России главная ценность – это семья, родные люди: родители, братья, сёстры, дети, друзья. Сейчас мы не чувствуем угрозу со стороны Украины и запада, локальные конфликты возникали всегда и во всех точках земного шара. Большая часть граждан России продолжает жить мирной жизнью, редко чувствуя присутствие войны. НО! Но если каждый из нас почувствует угрозу родной земле, родному дому, и, в конце концов, родным и близким людям, то каждый возьмется за оружие и, если потребуется, отдаст за всё это свою жизнь (даже женщины, например, моя мама 1969 года не против воевать, если потребуется). И, поверьте, цена наших жизней для тех, кто всё это начал, будет очень велика. Даже если мы вдруг проиграем, даже если мы все погибнем, мы прихватим с собой столько врагов, сколько возможно, а возможно всех. Россия сейчас не воюет всем составом, всеми средствами и в полную силу. Мне 29, я мужчина, все мои друзья мирно живут и ни один не участвует в СВО. Россия не воюет всеми средствами, как это делает, например, Израиль в Палестине. Россия не воюет по принципу НАТО, когда всё вокруг бомбами превращается в пепел. НО ЭТО СКОРО МОЖЕТ НАЧАТЬСЯ. Не думаю, что кому-либо это действительно хочется, ни со стороны России, ни со стороны Запада.

  13. Главное помнить: Россия горела ровно столько раз, сколько раз были повержены её враги.

  14. Nukes are nukes. Many of these so-called tactical nuclear weapons are more powerful than those used in WWII. Putin only starts talking about nukes when his position on the battlefield is weakening.

  15. We can all thanks to Johnson.his decision escalate to war with Russia!! also Sunak and Macron not helping situation😢!! billions people will dye because of them please god help innocent people and punish the he trouble Maker!!!!!

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