Gravitas: Ukraine’s defence is crumbling, here’s proof

Ukraine’s defense is crumbling Russian attacks are more lethal than ever for the last 2 years Ukraine has been able to hold the fort but now it seems like its defense is caving in and why are we saying that because Ukraine is shooting down a far smaller proportion of Russian missile attacks than it was earlier in the war have a look at these numbers in the past 6 months Ukraine managed to intercept around 46 6% of Russian missiles last month this figure further fell to 30% a year ago the interception rate stood at 73% as you can see there has been a steep fall in Ukraine’s ability to block Russian missiles this is according to Western media’s analysis of Ukraine’s own data Russia meanwhile has significantly rammed up its assault over the past 6 months Moscow fired around 45% more drones and missile than in the 6 months before it also doubled the number of Shahed drones attacks over 2,600 to be specific it also fired 114 ballistic and 46 Hypersonic kinol and ziron missiles last year the Figures were 33 and 27 on top of that Moscow has also repurposed air defense systems to attack Ukraine and use them to fire 175 missiles into Ukraine this year alone we are talking about about s300 and S400 air defense systems here and how much of it was Ukraine able to intercept it’s pitiful to say the least it could shoot down just 10% of the ballistic missiles and as for s300 and S400 missiles it has failed to intercept any of them not even a single one and why is that why is Ukraine’s defense failing so massively you see the West supplied Patriot systems are Ukraine’s only reliable way to shoot down ballistic s300 and Hypersonic missiles but Kiev has only a handful of them and to top it off it has exhausted the ammunition used in these in these systems Russia meanwhile is increasingly firing harder to hit weapons and with that it’s not only destroying Ukrainian infrastructure and cities but also sapping kev’s already sparse supply of missiles and what is Ukraine doing about all of this well there is little it can do but wait for the West to send more patriots and this by the way can take anywhere between 2 months and several years depending on whether they will come from existing stock piles or manufactured on Fresh orders the air War may now come down to which side can Outlast the other on Missile supplies and the odds don’t seem to be in Ukraine’s favor it is dependent on its Western allies which are struggling to send missiles on time Russia on the other hand has its own stock piles and it’s also capable of producing 170 missiles every month not to forget the drones and missiles it is getting from its allies and if the numbers are to be believed Russia is dominating the battlefield then what explains what’s going on on the political front if things are going well for Russia why is Putin shaking up the Kremlin security team that’s right he has sacked Sergei shyu from his longtime position as the country’s defense minister nobody saw this coming he is a longstanding Putin Confidant he has served as the defense minister for over 11 years now Shu will lead Russia’s security and defense Council it’s a consultative body that advises the president but what is the reason behind this we cannot see but there are signs that cannot be ignored last month itself Russian officials opened a ground shaking criminal case into one of shu’s deputies I’m talking about timour ianov he oversaw military construction projects including the rebuilding of the destroyed Ukrainian city of Mario Pole now occupied by Russia for years he lived high on the hog flaunted his access to St Tropez Villas yachts rolls-royces until last month when he got arrested for allegedly taking bribes worth $11 million now this was an omous sign for shyu because shu is himself no stranger to luxury in fact according to an investigation by anti-corruption campaigners he lived in a $15 million pagora style complex outside Mo Moscow it was registered to his sister-in-law and built on land bought by his 18-year-old daughter I don’t need to spell this out the mansion’s ownership was disguised what’s more since the Ukraine war broke out in 2022 the Armed Forces against under shigu the Armed Forces under Shu have been plagued by rumors of careless spending mishandling resources and incompetence and now President Putin has stepped in to replace him with an experienced technocrat the Reigns of the defense ministry will now go to former vice prime minister Andre bosov he previously served as the economic development Minister and an adviser to Putin the Kremlin indicated that basov was the man for the job as military spending ballooned to 6.6% of the Russian GDP Bellos of’s appointment means that Shu moves to head the security Council despite the sense that Shu has been ousted he will still remain in a high ranking position the question is is Putin trying to keep shigu close yet detached from the system who’s to say to stay up to speed with the latest news download the 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Data shows that Ukraine’s defence is crumbling. Russian attacks have become more lethal than ever. Ukraine is shooting down a far smaller proportion of Russian missile attacks than it was earlier in the war.

#russia #ukraine #russiaukrainewar

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  1. READ!

    1. We are ALL sinners – (Rom. 6:23) For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

    *Sin separates us from the Holy God

    2. There is a punishment for our sin -(Rom. 6:23a) For the wages of sin is death;

    * Death – eternal death – HELL

    3. God loves us, He does not want us to go to Hell, He provided a way for our escape from Hell – (Rom. 5:8) But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

    * Because of God's love for us, He sent his only son Jesus Christ to die in our place on the cross. Jesus Christ took all the weight of our sins so we can be saved through grace, NOT our works.

    * The blood that Jesus shed on the cross can wash away our sins and make us clean

    4. Through Jesus Christ, we can now have eternal life in HEAVEN – (Rom. 6:23b) but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

    *Gift – free, but you can only have it if you receive it. If you reject it then the punishment of Hell is waiting for you

    5. How can I receive eternal life? – (Rom. 10:9) That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 

    * You have to admit you are a sinner and you cannot save yourself from Hell nor go to Heaven through your own efforts.

     You have to believe in your heart that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins, was buried and rose again after 3 days and that He and only He can save you from hell.

    (Roman 10:13) For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.  

    * Whosoever means anyone including me and you! 

    Do you want to do it? Pray this prayer:

    Dear God, I admit I am a sinner and cannot save myself from hell. I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins, was buried and rose again. I believe that only  Jesus Christ can save me from Hell and He is the only way to Heaven.  I accept Jesus Christ in my heart as my Lord and Savior. Thank You for eternal life. Amen.

  2. Ukraine cannot be defeated if that happens France will enter with direct war with Russia and ofcourse Russia can't afford another confrontation in one more country like France,

  3. The same people wishing that Ukraine gets wiped out are the same ones who don't understand it will be the official start of WW3, Russia attacked Ukraine, and the United States fueled it but somehow you clowns wish death upon innocent people, disturbing how some people think

  4. Read other sources and get your story right. The West will lie to you hard. I’ve been following this war since 2014, I bet you didn’t even know it’s been ongoing for 10 years now. Look into it from the get go. The narrative is very different from what you newbies to war have been fed on mass media outlets recently😌🤞🏽

  5. Propagandist at work here, this news channel is slowly becoming a joke. Totally loped sided the news that these clowns project should be impartial, yet the latter is at play here..

  6. Wion, and Hindustan Times seem to be the only news networks that are giving up to date reports on the ongoing conflict. Unless of course it's anything to do with Russian losses, and then the Western media are all over it like flies around a corpse. How can I as an outside neutral observer get a true picture of this conflict when everything is so bias towards Ukraine. Soldiers are dying on both sides, not just Russian. Seems like the Western media are treating the general public like mushrooms. Feeding them BS, and keeping them firmly in the dark.

  7. Wow u couldnt see this coming? NATo is a joke .involved with a country that is not nato. So where was nato when its dictator USA was in Afghanistan or any other country the USA has dictated itself iinto under fabricated evidence meant to cause a reason to invade. The world is sick if the USA using reasons to invade a country but being guilty of these excuses. They have taken how many countries sovereignty ? Be careful what u lie about wion news . U do not tell nutural stories. All of us in the west do not support the Ukraine for being stupid enough to listen to this Biden regime. He will be gone soon. Putin ass is the ass I will be kissing

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