Defensive Works FAIL, Worse Than Reported – ‘Another Bakhmut’ – Ukraine War Map Analysis News Update

good day Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day and so far a fantastic week and thank you for the all the support and people watching me every day it does mean a lot now we have a lot to go over today of course we need to look at what’s happening in the North and the movements there and what people are saying then we’ll have a look at the maps as we have a lot of map updates in other regions some of which may be ignored or looked over due to what’s happening in the north but just as important as we know if this is some deterrent to move troops away then we need to keep an eye on what’s happening in the South and the east of the country as well we’ll talk about potentially stretching Russia thin to we’ll talk about electronic warfare look at drones look at kill chains all of this but where we do to start is we’ll start up in the north as this is where most people will be clicking on this video to talk about now so here we have Ukraine in the center the capital of ke the red areas occupied since 22 and the purple since 2014 of course the green is areas where Russia has been and has either withdrawn or been pushed back from Ukrainian offensive action so where we’re talking about is this harive oblast which borders then the belgrad oblast in Russia now there’s been a lot of back and forth here by both Ukrainian impa forces and now Russian forces moving through here and of course this area sits close to this major city here of hariv one thing I will say with harv if I is I had have seen some online bloggers talking about the population here now any estimates on population here do not take that into account as hundreds of thousands of people have left areas like this and have gone either into the west of Ukraine or have gone further Beyond into the West so again population numbers here we can’t take that into account yes a lot of people have come back but the City compared to what it was previously don’t take those in into account but what we do need to take into account is that this is if I can get this going is still fairly close to why is my this not working here we go is you know within 30 now you know kilometers from where this offensive has gone now what I’m seeing a lot of people saying today is is the Russian offensive we’ve seen cross over here stalling has it slowed what’s going on especially when relating to V chunk now this map here I don’t believe he’s near to updated of what we’re seeing involve chunk and I’ll show you some geolocated footage specifically of this but while we’re talking of this area we can see this checked red area is where Russia has moved over the past 24 hours into Hoke here here as well as this is suggesting a Ukrainian push back of the Russians in zelen as well so we can see that movement as well as then a a um increase in Gray Zone then over on the Eastern side here but let’s talk about EV chunk well has the advancement slowed well every thing would point out that it has to because if you just look at the terrain here you got you know minor Villages and areas open flat terrain and then V Chans is the first area of builtup Street town city in here so of course this is going to slow down here more of the primary concern should be here is how did Russia get within 72 hours through this amount of area so let’s talk minimum say Five K and we’ll look at some geolocations to prove this as well through defensive works there should have been defensive works that sit between the border and V CH yes those defensive works are not going to sit right on that border that makes sense but you have them four major areas like this and obviously those have been bypassed and what we spoke about in yesterday’s video was some of them not made anywhere near to the standard or completion they should have been which now we’re saying Ukraine reporting up to about 6,000 people and now being evacuated from these areas Under Fire so yeah we continue to see this now still limited push in and why I call it limited and we’ll look at what Sarah ashon says later is I haven’t seen evidence of strikes whether from Ukrainian drones or whether Russian stuff firing of much armor movement at all or huge troop masses like I spoke about yesterday the troops that I’ve seen getting targeted by Ukrainian drones and whatever have been wearing like 72 hour packs this still means that in my eyes it is limited troop movements yeah probably still a lot but have moved in a long way on foot with then artillery support which again is concerning giving given how much ground has actually been made that ties back into the complaints from Ukrainian soldiers about those insufficient then defensive works and what we have seen is then the commander here then sacked as well so Ukraine replaces Commander for Northeastern har the commander Ukrainian Commander responsible for the northeastern hariv was replaced during the Russian offensive milary said and no reason has been given but that ties into I think what we are looking at now let’s talk about V chance and we will line up these maps in a second so uh some of the footage we have here is then we have this BTR 82 here being operated by the rdk so the Ukrainian backed forces that we have seen cross into uh belgrad and Cur so we can see this here then firing on positions in still built up areas and this is in for chunk now they have shown some Drone footage as well of course I can’t show it on here where it appears to show five Russian soldiers being killed but also in and around this same area now where is this then GE located to it is GE located to then just on this road here in V chka so what we can say is in that builtup area fighting and firing from there and if we look at where these roads turn out we’re talking right in this area around here that Russia has definitely reached the outskirts here of V chunk therefore whatever defensive works are pre that have then been bypassed now the next one we’ll look at is another geolocation but we’ll stay in this front at the moment now we have this as well from uh the command the head of the H Regional Police it said Vol CH in the H region is in sense turning into a buck mut or Minka the number of Russian Fabs that of the Glide bombs that arrive in the city is simply off the scale so what we do know is a heap of Fabs and a heap of artillery will go into these areas to soften up whatever is there before Russia then commits more assets to that front we haven’t actually seen that many assets yet committed now I’m not saying that hasn’t been but from the strikes we have seen from The Limited footage coming out we haven’t yet seen that much so let’s have a comparison of the maps so we do have some some Noel reports and Surak Maps here now Noel reports let’s have a look at this now this is lining up fairly closely but is showing a lot more on this very outskirt of VCH here filling in this area in here further to my eye confirming this push also showing that on the Eastern side here this has pushed right down into the outskirt and taken some positions of this bka here as well so showing far different from what we see then on then the Deep state map so we also have three Surak map updates to talk about and we’ll stick on this Eastern part over here so we can see that this is then V chance gear and this push in this initial Breakin of where that GC footage does show but a lot more pushing on the Far Eastern side of this as well judging from what the suriak is saying we’ll talk about that West in a second now furthermore we have the second Map update here showing a fill in of this position in between further than on the outskirts of V chance filling in those positions up until what we are seeing there and then we have a greater zoom out map of just here now what we can see is a further push of a few more blocks into vunk into the first say third of vunk by the Russian forces here too now this ties into what I was saying about of course we’re going to see a Slowdown of movements from when you’re moving in a padic to when you’re moving then in a built up City anyway that doesn’t mean that everything has then stalled what we see down here in this Bova this is lining up very very similarly to what then Noel reports map shows us down in his Circle here as well maybe even less so we do know there has been some push out there what nether map is showing us is this controlled Russian on the western side of this Eastern push that is said to be over in this direction here neither Noel reports or Surak is showing this see where this border curves up it’s saying down in this area here so again not particularly sure this why we have multiple maps to then show you but this front line it is heating up and we will get more and more of an idea of what is happening here over the coming few days maybe weeks but from the church access Russian forces approach this bua so down in this region troops continue advancing inside V chant taking positions north of then that street so I hope that more geoc footage will actually come out and give us a better idea of specifically what is happening down on that exact front now let’s go over to then we can see a Ukrainian push back a Russian push down and let’s have a look at how deep this is at the moment we’re talking 6 1/2 km so this is still a major push in regardless of wherever you sit on the bias of this if this was your side doing it you would say it was Major and there are some very big concerns great concerns about how this has then occurred now we see this Ukrainian push back in zelen on then the pro Ukrainian map here let’s have a look at Noel reports now he is showing that this was a Russian Advance down here near zeleni which is more lining up to what the map then showed yesterday today so again we’re not 100% sure and it’s not showing this push out near hoki as well so again hard to sort of read into where these maps are sitting because we do know down in here there’s been then a Russian flag go up and I’ll show you exactly where that is so hoki here so we see this turn down to the South see this intersection we’re talking this intersection here so we know that Noah reports map hasn’t then got that in and we then see this GE located to here of where that flag the Russian flag was then raised that is then backed up through deep state map as well that they the frag but the flag has been um hung here so yesterday’s battle the enemy managed to capture either the entire Village or its main part so has been some capturing of territory there now let’s then try and line up these maps on this sort of Easter easterly push that that we see here now again we’re going to be looking at three Surak Maps but show you the movement that he said through the day so we see this map here pushing on hoki as well as Lansky here as well as this zeleni push this is the first map second map we see a large expansion of control down around the Far East to the south of here as well taking full control over that no changes down here near zeleni so between those two and then actually have the last one here blown up we see no change down in zeleni so not showing that Ukrainian push back but a further expansion just down here what will be then this Village here so further Russian expansion showing a fair bit more on some areas but similar on others of these then two different Maps so again the reason we show you that is not to confuse you not to confuse on myself but to give you an idea of where the different reporting is now we have a couple of official statements here so we have Sarah saying this I’m on a farm right now in formerly occupied part of harv oist and I can tell you all these discussion that it is a major offensive taking place on the border zone between Ukraine and Russia in harist is clickbait so saying that anything about a major offensive here is is clickbait what we do know is there been well over 100 square km got and you know say 10 areas and fights within major um towns as well in the har ablast so we can say that there is definitely an defensive going on there the bit that I will say is I still believe this isn’t the main offensive push if there is 50 60 70,000 troops build up in here we definitely haven’t seen that many cross as well as we haven’t seen the amount of armor we would expect to cross either so I can see that point was made but I will say I’ll definitely disagree that there isn’t a successful offensive going on here some troops were sent in troops have been repelled by the Ukrainian Defense Forces we have inflicted significant down so we know the troops haven’t been repelled as even the mod map here is showing further pushes over than the last 24 hours here on the Russian incursion to call it an invasion to call it a major offensive is simply a lie the understanding is that the Russians try to come in and basically make noise they’re killing civilians what the Russians are engaged in is not uh any sort of military campaign it’s terrorism and under President zinsky under Colonel General siriri under our special forces and every Ukrainian Defender that is stepping up to push the Russians back they will be pushed back and they are being pushed back in h of OAS so what what I will say is from the maps we’re seeing they’re not being pushed back in here and is it military yet because the tactic here is to move troops from other locations up into here that’s what we presume to then stretch ukrainians lines more thinly as well as if a option an opportunity does open up for Russia to take more territory in here then I think they will then push that this could become the main axis so I think the plan a for Russia is to try and alleviate the pressure down in these other areas by movement of troops but if they have a lot of success in here then their plan B will be okay well let’s actually try and push on here and see where we can get to in these areas which have been formerly occupied before and this is similar to then what zalinski is saying that our Force continue to counter Russian attacks in har region the direction has been reinforced and the results are proving at the same time we clearly see the enemy act and their intent to stretch our forces thin clearly we do not divert the ne Neary assistance and provision from Don directions so hinting at that it is reserve soldiers they’re not pulling anyone away from that what I do question is how many reserves does Ukraine actually have we know they’ve got Manpower mobilization issues and I can’t believe yet that Ukraine hasn’t announced new mobilization and mass mobilizations yet that every day it passes that’s not happening is a day somewhere down the line of a day of training missed or day of then deployment missed as well so some interesting takes there but will is this a fullon offensive across here no I agree with that because I think if the Ukrainian and Western reporting that there’s 50,000 soldiers built up in here we and all the Armor All the whatever we haven’t yet seen that much take place here but the concerning part is from the Recon elements that have crossed is how successful those have been so far now I want to talk about something else up in this area too so we see many officials saying that we will see f16s in Ukraine within a month or within a few weeks now this North Area we’ve spoken about this in length this is where the f-16s will likely be the least effective now for modern fighter aircraft and Effectiveness the best way the when they’re performing the best is in support of other assets both air defense and of course awax aircraft ones of The Big Dish on the top of them that just act as a further better set of eyes and senses in the sky Airborne early warning but of course we know these are supplying a hell of a lot of information into Ukraine when they’re flying over Poland through Romania any areas like this within NATO as well as out over than of course the Black Sea now the range on these of course is highly highly classified but let’s take into account let’s just say it’s 500 km and that is being generous from something say uh like a p uh what are they called uh wedge tail so we’re talking down around cha and these areas in Odessa and this is where we think they’ll be the most effective now the area which is going to be most dangerous for them is of course up somewhere like here and it is going to be even further difficult because the occupied territory is not as deep up here so of course all the air defense can sit within Russian territory therefore from what we’ve seen the f-16s may not actually be able to conduct suppression and destruction of air defense typically seed and deed and like in occupied territory where yeah you’ll be able to hit systems in here in cha we still question will they be actually allowed to hit areas within Russia where we’ve got such a shallow occupied area far away from any other supporting elements is probably going to be the least effective location for these so may see more success there too that does tie into where people saying well it Ma all Russian soldiers away too if they’re having success in here in some four five six dimensional chess game and this all ties in with recent comments today said about the closing the airspace thing again this is not going to happen and this was from uh Germany saying this today closing the airspace is I get a good message to close airspace over Ukraine as Russia has the air advantage and has had for now over two years problem is to conduct seed and deed with in Ukraine and close the airspace it’s not flicking a switch it is NATO fighter aircraft not only targeting Russian systems within Ukraine it is targeting systems in Russia as well s34 500 have a lot of range and I don’t see that NATO has been or is going to be prepared to do that so the closing the airspace message I understand realistically no now something else I need to speak about up in the north here that I don’t see mentioned by anyone and I think I can speak on this as I have spent a lot of time in hariv both pr22 Invasion and post 22 Invasion and uh just following along as the Ukrainian offensive was pushing through here as well if you’re interested in those videos go back to my 2022 on the ground videos here now what is not being spoke about is there is a large amount of pro-russian people living in and around this area and this did make working here more difficult and more dangerous and a lot of the areas of which we were working in we were told by the police and the military that the civilian population left in some of these areas will be actively working against Ukraine and to be very careful of where you go and areas of which they wouldn’t go due to partisan working for Russia in here you can’t you can’t discount because I know it’s being accounted for in command issues that that is also a factor operating in here and it’s going to be a much much larger Factor if we ever see Ukraine push down into Crimea or into donque as well so that’s just my overview of everything up in the north I know that is a lot belt fed Into You On A Tuesday afternoon or morning or wherever you then see my videos so let’s then have a look at these Maps now we do have a fair bit to go over on this map so let’s Zoom back out we’ll come down let’s go buck mot straight off the bat we’re not seeing any change on this map now for a couple of days we did see this major push out from ivanovski and we said that this gap down here was likely closed we do have a couple of map updates in here today from Surak now he shows that this down in here has been closed tactically strategically let’s just say that that is closed this gray Zone would be a death trap if you’re in there but does show down the railway line here so just out of here more territory being made say to the AP of this turn up in here trying to then have that break in into ches of which we have seen initially did fail now we have a little bit more footage in the same sort of area so this is the train line and then just south of here along this road of life from crov which will be familiar with into then shasa micro District so the footage is here southeast of shasa Russian army res restarted the assault into Canal marker district from the east in addition troops continue advancing from the north uh along the railway so trying to get a foothold somewhere here into bkm into shva this is a very very important area not to be understated due to the territory here and the roads that lead into kator and Sloans and of course will then put more pressure on this New York zis front between adiva and bck moot then as well so let’s come down into adiva and see what we’re seeing here now we said yesterday I believe or the day before this Gap around Peri is likely closed up just due to the depth of that Gray Zone out towards nelski trying to close up this front and this map then shows this today now I think I have three map updates in here so this is on the semva front so just in here where yesterday if we can go back we then see oh sorry wrong one we see this so we see this but further along but in the same general direction out from olivka and seiva here from suriak Maps further closing up in this territory there that we did know and did have confirmation off the front would be a very difficult place to move through from some of my contacts then we have then the second update here now this is then operating this Neto front so down in here this is what we spoke about the other day of Russia this open ground here could be a death trap so we will try and see a push through Nova parovi natov Liva to try and then close it up and we know that is the tactics being used successfully by russer in Buck mut in mapol in aiva to have those sort of arms go out and then engulf something during la uh last three days Russian army took full control over the center of nalo thus moving the combats to the last two streets of the locality so pushing down here and the next goal will be khiva following then that if that is then successful now we’ll come just up into the north around this oshar front which is showing different this is shown closed up across here given that there is a Waterway through here that could act a natural barrier I would say that this is closed up here and the Ukraine has gone into defense across here now let’s have a look so just out of Oar down in here this is this padic here has shown that there has been a shift and advancement there further expanding that control of Oar therefore minimizing the risk of then that being further cut off now one thing that we did see a few days ago on this map will come up into kka we did see this movement just in here I can maybe 3 days ago we did see that movement right here this is now being actually confirmed by suriak map which is always nice showing very similar area for the first time in months the Russian army made new advances north of here taking control over some trenches in the Quarry so very interesting to see that movement as well backed up by the Ukrainian map so we know that occurred crash nka this map is still behind but instead of a few kilometers behind it is now maybe in the tens hundreds of meters behind but showing more Russian control just out from the industrial area around this major roundabout here now we’ll just come down south a little bit and we’re into now the southern front and this urani front star MOSI this is where Ukraine had its offensive push now we can see that Russia is try trying to work to regain this territory then taken through here if we step back over the last few days few weeks we can see that they have successfully taken more ground up through this area here yes it’s been back and forth a little bit but overall have made a net uh positive change for them in amount of ground now we come down into the little robotany front where we have spoken about a lot and we believe this is still behind but from yesterday that Russia has got back parts of the suran line which were broken through and it was Ukraine’s breakthrough of that line in that locality uh in their 2023 offensive and we saw that yesterday now we’re seeing just a push out in this direction which is the same spot we actually saw far a few days ago from suriak there too so very interesting to see these are the only map updates we have now there is talk that this island has been retaken by Russia that said I H I haven’t seen any confirmation on that but as far as the maps that is all we have today now zalinsky has fired another senior member as well this is where us mentioned yesterday yes we saw Shu has moved positions within senior Russian uh command but we have seen Ukraine change so many positions around and again no different May 13th zinsky signed an agree for this blug the first Deputy Chief of Ukraine’s foreign intelligence service then it is given no reason for his dismissal and has been replaced he was a the foreign intelligence service of Ukraine known as the Z szu collect Intelligence on political economic military and scientific and Technical spheres so major shifts happening even today we had two people from ariv and then that bloke then replaced now one thing I do want to talk about is Russia’s kill chain has been vastly improved and we see this no different to here so we see 12 drones Ukrainian drones out in the open here with two then pickup trucks being struck by Russia now this is struck by a tornado s uh air burst Round Here so we can see zooming on this we can see people there people have claimed this was uh a a decoy you don’t have decoys that move around and people standing around them the whole point of a decoy is to be hit we can see that burst golf there one thing we will say in this is it does seem like those Vehicles weren’t present or have moved during this drones very light thing air burst cluster will be the best way to take out something like that put holes and trapnel all through things and we can see where it was is now burning up now what we have spoken about before and has been confirmed by Russia is the kill chain of far as finding a target lasing the target if it’s using uh a type of drone that can use a laser designator to strike on target has improved greatly that that is far far faster and Ukraine need to adapt to this speed and can’t have things out in the open like that when we see that ISR increase capability from seeing it to hitting it from the Choppers down in zap to to this that that is leaking in and that is becoming more of a problem as Russia has closed up that time on target as well as the effectiveness of using laser designators now that system that tornado S as well as the ice scander if you read online isn’t a um laser guided system uh we can use a laser designator now me and a few other guys have speculated that has there been an upgrade where that is then being used similar for like the cesto round where the Drone lasers something paints it with its laser and the crn pole round hits it which we have seen a lot of success in doing now CR hika where we spoke about down in here this is where we’ve seen the Batmobiles where we’d know that Russia was having the hardest time breaking in and we can see one that has been then taken out here we don’t know the fate of the crew but we get a better idea of what is inside so yeah thicker metal but it’s not that thick but what this bar armor and this steel will do is it will set off pre- ignite the shaped charges that are hitting it and this gives a hell of a lot more survivability to then the Tank’s armor works the exact same as bar armor on vehicle say in Afghanistan going up against RPGs now what we can see here is these antennas across here and potentially ones here as well that what we do know is on the top of the hle on the turret in here typically sits electronic warfare systems and this to me would say would be the emitters of those so these is why these have been effective heaps of electronic warfare equipment what is very sensitive but is protected by this Steel in here moving in for Extra Protection just gives us a better idea of exactly maybe what we are seeing on those now what we want to talk about is the effort to maybe stretch Russia’s forces thin as well now let me just bring up a normal Google Earth map here so of course we see Russia is a very very large largest mass on Earth but the problem with this can be well you need soldiers way out here somewhere as well protecting areas but large border with Finland as well as Norway of course Finland Sweden most recent NATO countries as well as there is a dispute over the islands that sit down here from Japan as well these coril islands now I always love the fact that you could actually walk from America so this is up here is Alaska to Russia on the right time of year you have little and oh my God I can’t zoom in little and big diamed Islands in here that freeze between and you could walk from west to Russia which I just find interesting but regardless we need to talk about this and I’ve been getting told a little bit of this that we are trying to stretch Russia a little bit thin on these fronts as well by making them redeploy soldiers up to other borders similar to what we’re seeing down then in the north so we have things like this and I can’t find too much on this but several US soldiers and military vehicles move from narik to Finland through Northern Sweden for immediate response 24 that this is like an exercise going on from northern Norway to Finland so Northern Norway through to Finland through Sweden so up in Lapland here somewhere several hundred US vehicles and containers arriv in the port of narvik Northern Norway AR Integrity so 1,600 soldiers blah blah blah but having exercises up in here now what this does is of course they’re still contested well when I say contested uh politically contested bits of ground that sit between Russia and Finland here and putting soldiers and running exercises here Russia will then have to deploy more soldiers up into these regions that takes away with soldiers potentially could be mobilized to sent down to Ukraine and then if we step then onto the deployment map this shows the same so up Northern Finland area up in here in the north of Russia we can see a deployment of Russian troops up here too now what we do know is Russia does mobilize and conscript a number of soldiers then every year and that these conscripted soldiers typically don’t go to Frontline Duty straight away in Ukraine that they go into Garrison duties up in here and all over the country as well now what we do know as well there is still land that sits that Japan will say is theirs Russia will say is theirs regardless it’s been back and forth for a long time on these kural islands in here where we can see that as well Russia has major deployments of units down in here as well a hell of a long way from where Ukraine sits over here that still has deployment and what I’m being told is the more and more buildup in here is drawing forces away and stretching Russia more thinly and we get a better idea of maybe then what the map will show us just here too and us and Japan strengthen military ties as they ey China that Japan and United States wouldn’t talks to boost mil military coroporation growing threat of China of course in that region China is then the largest threat but still this can all be used as a larger scale there two things I did forget to me mention about Finland is since Finland has joined NATO the US has gained access to said to be 15 bases and deployed somewhere overall around 5,000 soldiers so this could be part of the bigger plan in here too to try and do what Russia is doing to Ukraine by stretching the thing to try and stretch Russia a bit more thinly here too that comes with having such a large country to protect you’ve got such a large country to protect now Legends look after yourselves uh hope you have a great day and I’ll speak to you tomorrow thank you bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. 🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

    00:00 🗺️ Overview of Northern Front
    – Discussing the ongoing conflict in the northern region of Ukraine.
    – Highlighting the movement of forces and recent developments in the area.
    – Emphasizing the importance of monitoring both the northern and southern fronts.
    02:21 🛡️ Defensive Failures in Evacuation of Hariv
    – Analyzing the Russian offensive and its advancement towards Hariv.
    – Critiquing the inadequacy of defensive works and the evacuation of civilians.
    – Discussing the limitations and challenges faced by Ukrainian forces in countering the offensive.
    05:48 🚧 Assessment of Offensive Progress in V Chunk
    – Examining the progress of the Russian offensive in V Chunk.
    – Evaluating geolocated footage and reports of military actions in the area.
    – Discussing the strategic implications and potential outcomes of the ongoing offensive.
    10:19 🔍 Analysis of Map Discrepancies and Official Statements
    – Comparing various map updates and official statements regarding the conflict.
    – Addressing discrepancies in reporting and interpreting the situation on the ground.
    – Providing insights into the complexities of analyzing and understanding the evolving conflict dynamics.
    17:08 ✈️ Evaluation of Potential F-16 Deployment
    – Assessing the potential deployment and effectiveness of F-16 fighter aircraft in Ukraine.
    – Discussing the strategic implications and challenges associated with utilizing air assets in the conflict zone.
    – Providing insights into the geopolitical considerations and military strategies involved in the decision-making process.
    22:19 🌍 Overview of Russian Offensive
    – Russian army's assault into Canal marker district from the east and advancing troops from the north along the railway.
    – Importance of territory southeast of Shasa, leading into Kator and Sloans.
    – Updates on various fronts including Semva, Neto, Oshar, and Urani.
    27:40 💥 Improvement in Russia's Kill Chain
    – Vast improvement in Russia's kill chain observed, leading to successful strikes on Ukrainian targets.
    – Analysis of a drone strike by Russia on Ukrainian vehicles, highlighting advancements in targeting and precision.
    – Speculation on potential upgrades in Russian weapon systems and adaptations needed by Ukraine.
    30:48 🛡️ Strategy to Stretch Russia's Forces Thin
    – Discussion on efforts to stretch Russia's forces thin by redeploying soldiers to other borders.
    – Mention of US military exercises in Northern Norway, Finland, and Sweden to create pressure points for Russia.
    – Analysis of Russian troop deployments and potential impact on the conflict in Ukraine.

    Made with HARPA AI

  2. I think you and this other guy who's living on The Fringe of reality have been smoking too much and whatever that horrible-looking jacket you're wearing is made of. Hahaha!!! But after this guy you were showing accused the Russians of terrorist Acts. I'm saying that way you get your information from. And it answers all. You may have to look for another war this one will be over in about a month at the longest!!!!!!!! Oh there you go the last of the game changers the F16 s. Hahaha yeah that should be interesting how long do they last. You really should check out Scott Ritter. Who is a real analyst. And has years of background in military history and theory . You really should check them out I think you would really learn something. And the other ding dong. I can't believe that there's people who are out there that really think Ukraine is going to be able to hold up much longer. And think they're going to push the Russians out of Ukraine. Hahaha . Well I hear Ukraine is desperate for soldiers in the Russians are killing them three to one. I'm sure you and that other rama Thorne can get in the action and bring Ukraine to victory hahaha you might get your very own Abrams tank hahaha!!!!

  3. All of you wondering why defence lines are not built and money was stolen… Those areas are populated exsclusively by Russian population. They have zero moral dilema about stealing money from Amreican-puppets.

  4. Kiev: We are fighting against Russian occupation.
    Also Kiev: Watch out, the local population in eastern Ukraine hates us and supports Russia.

    Which one is it? How long will it take for people to figure out the Lviv/Kiev paramilitary groups coming into Donbass are the real invaders.

  5. This russian tiny offensive is a typical maskirovska move. They did the same in February 2022 but on a larger scale with few troops. Their goal was to attract Ukrainians around Kiev and Kharkov in order to occupy the south and surround Mariupol to get the Azov sea coast. They did the same in 1943 during Kursk

  6. Os delírios de que a Ucrânia está ganhando e que os russos se defendem desesperadamente apenas com pás e tecnologia de chips de geladeiras se insere no fantástico Mundo de Nárnia, cuja fonte de informação é a Cartoom Network.😂😂

  7. I figure the defensive works are further away from the border. The engineers probably had a hard time building only 5k from the border.

  8. the whole point of the conflict in the last minutes of the video is that NATO is constantly provoking Russia by placing its bases around, and the countries that let Americans into their territory are just idiots!

  9. It’s not a Kharkov offensive. Russia is trying to secure their flanks as they move eastwards of Severskiy Donets river down to Kupiansk (an area of 50 sq km).

  10. that was not a tornado airburst round, that was just a regular grad or smerch rocket with cluster munitions.

    they are real easy to tell apart, on account of the fragments of the airburst munitions not exploding, unlike the sub-munitions in this video.

    the tornado specifically, is an equivalent of HIMARS, meaning its firing a sat guided rocket with a unitary fragmentation warhead, that can airburst.
    this was not that system. this was an actual cluster munition probably dropping some variant of the "PTAB" sub munition.

    cluster = canister that deploys sub munitions
    airburst = high explosive or fuel air explosive being detonated in the air with the main purpose being propelling pre formed fragmentation elements at high speeds.

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