Georgia protests continue in final effort to prevent passing of controversial law. #Georgia #BBCNews

police have clashed with protesters here in Georgia as tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets so what’s going on here here in the capital B protesters are not happy with a new bill being introduced by the government some call it the Russian law because back in 2012 Russia passed the law which has since been used to crack down on people critical of the government there they are worried that this new law will do the same thing here and Stamp Out people’s hopes of joining the European Union with all this the Georgian government wants to force non-governmental groups and media that receive more than 20% of their funding from overseas to label themselves as an organization representing the interest of a foreign power and they’re pretty Keen to pass this law the bill is now expected to pass on Tuesday but it doesn’t mean that the protesters are giving up

  1. BBC fake news again, this is a NGO transparency law only requiring NGOs to declare funds and purpose of funding once a year! End off!! This Law is a softer version American FARA bill! Stop lying to your audience! Stop using Russia as excuse for every crooked narratives you hatch! Every sovereign country has this law including USA, France, Australia, UK, Russia etc etc so stop the cap and stop treating small countries like dumb slaves! These protesters are paid for by the wonderful USA!!!

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