UN votes in favor of Palestinian membership: What does it signify? | DW News

UN votes in favor of Palestinian membership: What does it signify? | DW News

it is a vote reflecting growing International solidarity with the Palestinians today the UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly in favor of a Palestinian bid to become a full member it has recommended this now to be considered by the UN Security Council 143 Nations supported the motion which grants the Palestinians significantly more rights to participate in general assembly sessions it does not however Grant the Palestinians regular voting rights the US vetoed a security Council resolution last month that would have paved the way for that ahead of today’s vote Israel’s ambassador to the UN shredded the United Nations Charter saying that was what countries who support palestine’s bid to join the UN we doing yes yes that’s what you’re all right I’m going to cross over now to our correspondent Benjamin Alvarez grber in Washington he’s been following events for us Benjamin what does this vote by the UN General Assembly what does it really mean it’s important to clarify that this vote does not give the Palestinians full un membership but recognizes them as qualified to join as you said 143 members voted in favor nine against it including Israel and the United States and 25 countries abstained and this Palestinian membership bid will now be forwarded to the UN Security Council asking it to reconsider the matter and the result of this vote does not come as a surprise that it was widely believed that the resolution would easily achieve the necessary two-thirds majority in the general assembly also because there is no veto right in the 193 member body the US has been opposing this and also in April vetoed a proposal recommending the admission of the state of palestin to full membership in the United Nations and this resolution it would Grant new rights and privileges what exactly are they that’s that’s right this pastor resolution gives the Palestinians the right to participate in the United Nations International conferences convened by the UN that means that they have the right to make statements submit proposals amendments also to co-sponsor proposals or raise a procedural motions but the state of Palestine does not have a right to vote what is also interesting here is that diplomats told us media before this vote that the original draft of the assembly resolution was changed significantly to address concerns not only by the US that in the end also voted against it along with eight other countries but also by Russia and China because while both countries are strong supporters of palestine’s un membership they are concerned according to the sources that granting a certain type of Rights and privileges could set a president for other would be UN members with Russia being concerned about kosova and China about Taiwan so this in past resolution widely supported resolution now moves on to the security Council where a bit for Palestinian membership failed less than a month ago after the US used its veto and vetoed the resolution yeah that’s right it looks like the US is planning to do that yet again with this resolution DW’s Benjamin Alvarez Gruber with the ladies from Washington Benjamin thank you

Today, the United Nations General Assembly voted overwhelmingly in favor of a Palestinian bid to become a full member, recommending the Security Council reconsider the matter. The motion, which grants the Palestinians significantly more rights to participate in General Assembly sessions, but not regular voting rights, was supported by 143 countries. The US vetoed a Security Council resolution last month that would have paved the way for that. Ahead of today’s vote, Israel’s ambassador to the world body shredded the UN charter, saying that was what countries who support Palestine’s bid to join the UN were doing.

#ungeneralassembly #palestine #israel
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  1. Well you look it that DOUBLE STANDARDS YOU ALLOW PALESTINE WHEN IT FAVORS YOU BUT DONT ALLOW TAIWAN AND KOSOVO BECAUSE IT DOESNT ALIGN WITH RUSSIA AND CHINA INTEREST (for those that don’t know allow me to explain Russia and China Vetoed Taiwan and Kosovo from joining the U.N. by the same rules the U.S. and Israel deny Palestine) hypocrites really it seems you’re only after your own interests and it shows

  2. Palestinians have still shown no remorse or responsibility for Oct 7th.

    We don't even know the status of the rest of the hostages…..

  3. Gilad Erdan is simply a thug (and not a particularly bright one, at that). How the General Assembly can stomach such amateurish theatrics beggars belief – what an embarrassment !!

  4. 3 Pacific countries do not support Palestine. They always say that Indonesia is colonizing Papua and supporting Papua freedom. What a shame😂😂😂😂

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