Russian Forces Capture II More Villages | Lyptsi Stormed | Russia Prepares Sumy Offensive

Russian Forces Capture II More Villages | Lyptsi Stormed | Russia Prepares Sumy Offensive

hello and welcome back to another update where I covered the latest developments throughout the front line in the Russi Ukrainian War it is your host we Union and in this one we start out in Direction east of Jia where the Russians have made an advance in the north from banif throughout Scalia and we see that the Russians through this Advance are now pushing to the final Ukrainian Village North of the micro District the Russians are here attempting to gain control of it to gain control over the crossing here in between the northern flank of the ches ofia micro district and the southern Parts at the same time we’ve seen recent advances along the railway here east of the micro district and attacks directly towards it showing that the Russians are generally attacking across this small section of the front line where they are looking to expand their control over the canal line and gain control over both of the crossings across with this Advance the Russians have captured half of the Ukrainian fortifications North OFA if they manage to secure all of them and the forest patch aligned with them they’ll be able to secure their positions Northeast of Kia and they’ll be able to push towards the canal line and gain control over the northern flank the Russian plan here is to gain control over both of the flanks secure them and then push across to flank ches ofar from the north and from the south and start storming the city directly through the micro district and crossing over from there as well this will mean a three prone attack from the south north and east where the Russians will look to storm chessar with the heavy bombardments of the city the Ukrainian fortifications in the area have been significantly weakened and with a large enough Force the Russians will be able to capture the town moving on to the Russian harv offensive we see that the Russians have managed to advance in several directions by hulub the man to capture the rest of the village the southern outskirts of it and start to gain a foothold within the that area north of lipy According to some reports the fighting has already reached the town of lipy the town of lipy as well as Vel here to the east of it are both significant defensive positions of the ukrainians in the area it is the next Ukrainian defensive line and if the Russians gain control over this defensive line they’ll be able to be within artillery range of the city of har this means that the ukrainians see this defensive line here between lepi and Vel as a very very important one and they will not be withdrawing from it but will instead be sending reserves to hold on to these positions the Russians to the southwest of lukan have also Advanced a slight bit this is a combined advance from both of these Villages for the Russians to attack lipy from the Northeast and Northern directions this is to attack it from multiple directions at the same time the ukrainians have managed to recapture PS of zelen and managed to push the Russians almost completely back to the board border area in this section of the front line but we do see that the fighting continues in a positional Manner and the Russians and ukrainians are moving back and forth along the river lines so with this we see in the northern directions the Russians have made to advance towards lip Sea and the advance towards Vil has been stopped by the ukrainians east of that we have seen the most advances by the Russians they have managed to capture the village of Seria and batka both of these Villages are along to Northwestern parts of the V on river which means that there is this flank between them and Ukrainian positions this is why the Russians are now pushing in a western direction towards is Spitz turn over and then move in a Southwestern direction from these positions to expand their zone of control and advance in that section at the same time there’s direct fire supports towards these Villages across by the forest patch while the Russians are pushing through in the wolf Chens area and to the east of it we see that there’s a lot of potential fighting to the east of vens and within the town itself the Russians are storming it in this section of the front line there’s a lot of few located footage sighting out there is these three pieces by bka wens and to the east of it then there’s this footage by wens there is this here by bka and Seria showing the Russian prence in both of these Villages and their advance in the area the Russians are here pushing in all directions and there’s evidence of these advances the Russian advances east of V Jans is to give a supporting ax to the attacks directly from the north and Northwest the Russians have moved through the central parts of the Town into the area by the park here in the central part of the city we already see that the highrise apartment complexes here in central parts of the city is showing the Russians are pushing through and capturing some of them and the eastern part is mostly just residential areas so it is likely that a combined push from the Russians in the East and the north will be able to capture them while the main fighting is taking place in the central Parts where the Russians will be looking to cross over the river line the Russians are currently pushing through to gain control over the Northern parts of the River Line before crossing over this could be something in combination with the Russian advances to the Northwest with their control over the river line there could be Crossings across by the first area to push through the forest area and push through to wol Jens there’s also possibility that they’ll simply cross over here by the central Parts through the River Line there is the question of exactly how wide is this River how deep is it is still a lot of water in it right now due to the weather conditions Etc this makes it difficult to see how exactly they’ll cross over depending on the terms of this but we do see that there are parts of it here in the central parts that are shallow the bridges are most likely going to be destroyed by the time the Russians are looking to cross over but there are Parts here for example where we see that it is very shallow and there could be a possibility of crossing over in these areas at the same time there’s also the possibility that the Russians will open simply a new front south of the river line and push all the way through this is unlikely as the Russians would be focused on going through from a further south Direction rather than the Northern parts and all of this makes it detrimental for the fighting in wens as they would need to open a new front concentrate troops elsewhere Etc but it’s most likely that the Russians will look to end the Battle of w Jens before doing any of such operations and for that they would need to cross the river somewhere so depending on the situation we’ll have to see where they go at the same time as the Russians are advancing here in the hardk region and this Advance has now gone over 220 240 somewhere around their Square kilm the Russians are reportedly only having about 4,000 soldiers advanced in this offensive operation at the same time there are reports that the Russians have been heavily shelling the sui region where specifically I’m not really sure but this shows that the Russians are expanding their operations elsewhere at the same time there is this article here by the New York Times where in the article they interview the Ukrainian spy General budanov and he talked about the situation on the front line it is reported that he is going in between the cities of harv and sui to look at the situation himself and prepare their defenses the Russians have been pushing through the Haru region it is confirmed that they’re doing operations there however in the sui region the idea is more uncertain however budanov himself is certain that the Russians will start operations in the sui Direction it is reported that the Russians over the last night have changed from Simply massive shelling in the Sumi region to actually trying to get rid of the Ukrainian mines in the Ukrainian side of the Border they have missile forces and arterior forces for that there are several different types of missiles and ammunition shells specifically to get rid of minefields and this is what the Russians have switched to last night in the Sumi region this indicates that A push is very close by similar to that the Russians also cleared mines ahead of the harv attack so this means that it is likely that the Russians will expand to the sui region as well creating a push there whether it’s from KK from bulgaro or from the briansk region through the forest area there are reports in the telegram channels that there is something related to the Brien Forest that is being prepared and when that was mentioned I realized that satellite imagery and most reconnaissance are mostly inefficient in Forest areas especially in dens Forest similar to the bans areas this means that a Russian push could come from the north however similarly the ukrainians have large SW of forest area which makes it difficult for armored vehicles to push through this is why this area to the North in between joury hiff and Sumi was largely ignored in the first days of the Russian invasion instead we may see a large infantry contingent being used if the focus is the firstest area but more likely is the part here directly east or south of sui by the belgrad and KK regions where Russians will be pushing towards the city and other surrounding areas to expand the front line the goal of the Russians expanding the front line as is said by budanov and I have said for many months is to spread out the Ukrainian defensive lines to and positions to prevent the ukrainians from doing this indepth defense tactic that they have been using rather than the ukrainians having multiple lines of Defense they instead be forced to spread their defenses out to multiple sections of the front line which will make it so that if the Russians push through and break through the front they would have broken through the front they wouldn’t be meeting another and a third and a fourth defensive line which will Mak it much easier for Russians to take advantage of a breakthrough rather than the ukrainians Simply Having more soldiers in the rear to hold back a Russian breakthrough and as mentioned the hard fortifications defenses in in the area is a complete mess at the similar case the Sumi region is likely pretty much the same same with the Jour region the only region where the ukrainians have actually focused on defensive positions and creating them without corruption without issues is the Kiev region itself other than that the ukrainians would have a hard time defending other the sections of the front line the donet region is naturally also well fortified as it has been fortified for 10 years and that is going to be all for this update make sure to leave a like subscribe check out my patreon for additional content thank you for watching and have a great day

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  1. three soldiers Brotherhood soldiers is a British, Kranke and Atem are German were captured yesterday but they said they were volunteer mercenaries. NATO is well and truly in Ukraine only Russia has taken over them now they are talking about Ukrainian soldiers

  2. So let me get this stright.!
    In the 30 years of Indipendence,Ukraine could have been formidable Country.
    If they have invested in defence,infrastructure,and so on,and they did nothing.
    Fast Forward 30 years,they got many "free" gibs,from west,to invest,in defence,infrastructure,and they they,did nothing,again.
    Beside filling their pockets.
    Now!After 2 almost 3 yeears,of the SMO Russia is Demolishing,Ukraine,after so many years of preparations,and free gibs,and they did nothing again.
    Looks like when every Country what was one entity,in the Past,does not survive very long,when they are"Indipendend",Ala Westerner art.

  3. You can see it isnt going well for ukraine when heinrich himmler ehhhh oops budanov is going to the front and starts to order troops without any military experience

  4. Is the Ukrainian military trying to evacuate the civilian population of the villages, or is the Russian military trying to evacuate the villages before these residential buildings get destroyed? Are the Russian soldiers seen as liberators in the northeast of Ukraine?

  5. For several weeks, Ukraine watched the russians gather forces near the border and could not launch a preemptive strike. Thus, they concentrated 30,000 soldiers without fearing anything," the publication writes.

    The fact that this restriction still exists after more than two years of war is absurd and irresponsible @webunion

  6. Summary:

    Blinken is playing music on the deck of the Titanic as it sinks.

    Zelensky has stolen the lifeboats from the Titanic and sold them to the women and children, after sending their husband's, brothers, fathers, uncles, and sons to meet their maker in the abysses of Kriki, Avdeevka, Bakhmut, and now the Kharkiv region.

    The US Congress waved pretty yellow and blue flags as the Titanic turned from a ship into a submarine.

  7. It is somewhat concerning that the russians use such a small force in kharkiv region. The ukranians will send units proportional to the advancing force, which means around 10k…which is small to have the desired effect, namely to spread defending forces thin. So either they attack from at least 5 more direction, or it will be no use.

  8. The west thinks Russia is possibly barely winning presently. The truth is they have been winning the entire time. Now they have basically won and just fighting. Basically taking all the territory possible on the border before a possible peace deal

  9. I dont think your predictions of chasiv yar are right. The russians recently have been gaining a tiny foothold in a settlement and from the going house to house to clear and push. Thats what they are gonna do. The flanks wont envelope

  10. I don't understand the optimism in the comment section. I have been following this war for two years and I am not impressed by russian progress at all. If they don't take Kiev and Odessa this war is a failure because then NATO borders will have shifted east all the way up to the Djnepr. And now with all the drone attacks I wonder if there will be any russian soldier left by the time they reach the Dnjepr. I think it is more likely that if I check in on the war a year from now that the frontlines will be uncomfortably close to where they are right now. Lets face it : Russia is not the super power we assumed it to be.

  11. Anyone else noticed that most of the advances are way bigger than 3 months ago? Why is that? Do the Russians put more effort in or are the Ukrainians really that weak in some points?

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