Russia Takes Advantage Of A HUGE Failure, Ukraine Forced To Retreat – Ukraine War Map Analysis News

good day Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day and a fantastic Wednesday hump day halfway through the week now as always we have a lot to go over because we want to add as much perspective and Nuance onto things because this is incredibly complex of what is happening we’re going to look at some new drones of course we’re going to see what is happening up in the north as there has been significant changes and movements and we need to talk about the defensive works as well that we meant to be built there and we’ll look at the push back coming we’ll look at maps in other areas as there has been some Maps update in some areas and we’ll compare these across we need to look at some sabotage and we need to talk about Patriot systems as well now straight off the bat here is the map the capital of keave up here now these red areas have been occupied since 22 the purple since 2014 and this green is areas of which Russia has been at some point and either withdrawn or pushed back now this is the hon offensive the harive offensive that we saw from Ukraine in 22 and down here this green is what we saw on the 2023 then spring summer then offensive and the red weing up here well this is Russia’s new push that it’s having across the border now before we actually have a look exactly what has been made in here we also need to talk about hariv borders then Sumi belgrad borders K there’s a lot of talk that Russia will then open well over 100 km away another front line somewhere up here in sui we’ll talk a little bit about that in a second but as you can see straight off the bat there has been some large updates to this map we knew yesterday that this front had moved out to here as well as we can see that there is a breakin into vchan now from here this will slow down because it’s moving through then urban area we know more troops have being deployed here as well as the problems with the defensive works but when we’re doing the maps here I want to look at a couple of then geolocations to get a better idea of where this is sitting before we look at some maps of the defensive works then themselves so this push down here on the western side of what I’m calling the Eastern push here I think I actually got one of them wrong yesterday but you know what I mean we have some footage right here now I can’t show you this but I it will be on the telegram this is a Ukrainian drone spotting for a Ukrainian mortar system and that has then geolocated so this is a screenshot of the video and then this intersection down here and then put on the map these are by EJ Shahid when it was on then yesterday’s map shows way down in here this is when deep state did not show that of course today now deep state does show this because they can’t ignore well some things like this at least so we see down here this road moving through that is where is the intersection right here under control as well as this area here that’s good it confirms of where we know the map is now more interestingly we have a Ukrainian drone here dropping multiple ammunitions of course this full video will be then on the telegram as well on Russian troops and some russan Vehicles here as well but again what I’m seeing here is there a smaller lighter more reconnaissance vehicle we haven’t seen that Crossing of massive armor now of course this is all over the shop this video it’s on different places it’s a drone flying around but the J location we get from it which is geolocated to here shows out to the east of V Chans then a long way so let’s have a look here this is where it is geoc of dropping Munitions on Russian troops out here so if we take where this Greenery is on this map we zoom in so we’re talking out in this direction somewhere what is a hell of a lot different yes it’s shown in Gray Zone but this should probably be red around here and that is a lot more ground if this does catch up tomorrow it will be a large chunk as we are hearing that this has really started to slow down from some people and there’s reason for that as you know it comes into into more built up areas and yeah but what we going to talk about is there’s still no signs that I’m seeing of really heavy armor or thousands of thousands of troops actually Crossing what I believe this is and I’ve said this from the start is a large reconnaissance element that is scouting the ground and seeing where the defensive works are seeing how hard it is to cross but also in this feeling out what Ukraine’s reaction is actually going to be to a northern Crossing all eyes will be on other areas of the front not here what Russia will be doing is pushing some soldiers across here right what does Ukraine do does it send everything in this to try and push the guys back does it start moving guys from the East do they do nothing how does that then go that’s part of reconnaissance by fire as well and before Russia commits somewhere else they’ll see this reaction so if Ukraine doesn’t respond here they moo Stafford let’s commit here take soldiers from the South cuz we know our defensive works there have been built up and push here and if or if Ukraine really respond here okay let’s push somewhere else so I think we could see a withdrawal here as well just as quickly as we’ve seen it push across and New York Times had this today and I agree with this military analysts say Russia is yet to commit large numbers of troops to the offensive probably deploying just a few thousand soldiers that would much depend on moscow’s next move so feeling out what is actually happening here but what we we need to look at is the defensive works and how did this occur how did this happen up here and this is a defensive Works failure to have Russian soldiers pushing somewhere in the vicinity of 7 km in here basically from what we’ve seen walking in we haven’t seen thousands of people killed and tens and tens of Tanks to go a hell of a long way in and we are getting more murmurs off the front line sorry something to my eye of what could have happened here so this is what we got like on the first day here from these soldiers operating up in here the first line of fortifications M mines simply did not exist talking in 2 years we should have had concrete fortifications there wasn’t even mines either is insane theft or deliberate sabotage we are now losing people territories and doing what they did in September uh of acceptance of transfer fortification so taking it on board were not even then 30% ready is incredibly concerning to see that and then then on the first days we see that the commander here of these forces was then sacked and we’ll speak more about this we’ll look at some maps of these but we can see more and more of this deep State we know deep state is in bed with the mod even they have been calling this out these here are your tank trap pyramids that you see here Your Dragon’s Teeth on this side of the road up in this area these photos show the outskirts of lipy and a gift from Ukrainian taxpayers to the enemy so this is hokei here and then this is lipy down here of these sitting on the side of the road what I presume has happened here is a truck has come up dumped them here ready to be moved somewhere and they are sitting exactly like this and remember this is from Ukraine sources this the primary source let’s not draw conclusions let them be made by the commission which will consider the faith and contractors who built the defense structures and responsible persons who were supposed to exercise control and this isn’t just Ukrainian taxpayers to the enemy this is also Western taxpayers Funding for this war and then defense there people should be very very annoyed about this and I’ll go further and say if there is found to be corruption here and people just not doing their job who are liable for this people shouldn’t just lose their jobs they should be charged with a degree of murder in my eyes we all knew for months that Russia may cross here Russia has been here before two years ago and if you chose to instead of funding this lining your own Pockets with that money my eyes that actually constitutes premeditated and we can see more of this this is from a very famous Ukrainian journalist here on the first day of the onset the command of the ODU har was changed due to some problems we just spoke about that regarding the fortresses they are built in har Direction but to these borders the enemy did not come defensive boundaries are for some reason not tied to tactically advantageous advantageous Heights basic battles continue where the positions are not equipped and it must be broken now that’s why there’s misunderstanding in the troops and the fortresses are not exactly where they needed and why we have to dig into The Landings ourselves in the direction of this V chansy hit the city defense is not prepared no details yet but no secret to the enemy of course Russian drones going to be over here for weeks and months prior nothing can be hidden in this war regarding the actions of their troops experienced commanders and units are there organizing defense de defining the front end interaction emerges and improves the chaos on the broad front has not been completely overcome but the situation is getting better Russian troops had the initiative on account of a general numerous Advantage pre-planned actions on a broad front and they this was from May 13 so it is a few days old but I got sent that across from one of my uh mates Ukrainian Soldier fighting there said to have a look specifically at this for these Reasons from that journal so thank you for sending that then across so things just weren’t prepared in this Direction having major areas here that sit on High Ground basically undefended and that’s what we’ve seen of then this walk in now let’s actually have a look at these works now one thing you’ll see is the scope of these works is nowhere near the scope of the works that Russia had down in the South knowing Ukraine was going to have an offensive that isn’t bias that is saying it like it bloody is so this is difficult to see because of how zoomed out it is but we see V CH here we can see a few defensive works of which will have fallen because we know the line is behind this the same then on the western push here that it is now behind where these works are there used to be a young lad who did these works really well and I can’t find them I know he got that much hate online for just geoca things but either way let’s try and line some stuff up so this is looking better at than this V chance area so let’s have a zoom in we see V chance here now we can see some of this yellow here and these defensive Works were either there non-existent we don’t know but have basically been walked over into then this front although sitting behind V chanka Fairway back we do then see these defensive works are built up but still fairly thin this is no in like the multi-layered lines we see down Sur it’ll be interesting to see how this then holds up maybe Russia will not want to push to here we see this defensive work sits somewhere down in here let’s say 20 km we we take what R what Putin has said about this buffer zone maybe they are just looking to push in maybe 10 km and hold that create a buff Zone but also that will have the other effect of then stretching Ukraine more thin because they’re going to need to man all of this because there’s a threat and of course then hariv now let’s have a look on this western side in here around Hoke as well so we see just here now this is hard to line up but we have this latsky here as well so these areas in here have definitely then form some of these defensive Works in here again down into H there’s then not that much pushing yes some in veli but still now there may be a lot more than that it is very very difficult to get an idea of these I’m using really dodgy sources to find these but still it’s still important to talk about and the movements made here and we will go over the maps in a second now a lot of cheering has been coming out for this footage now this shows Kraken Special Forces here from Ukraine under then artillery attack up in this harive area now the first thing that came to mind was a friend of mine who’s very well connected and on the tools doing doing over there and I can’t say again every time I take something from this guy I say after the war it’ be very interesting for him to come on and be like hey this is what I was doing this is what my boy is doing blah blah blah but this was what he talked about down in chass of it’s the same thing time and time again Ukrainian command when up against the wall will use their country’s senior special force to conduct the role of lion infantry in the hopes it will make a change so the role here of these defensive Works should have been lion infantry for Russia to break through not wait for then the Breakthrough then send in your special forces you’re saying the same thing it is not their role from seron ask to l a chance and back mood um what should only be used at the Strategic level so out behind the line or in some areas doing bits and pieces suck in a trench their top snipers uh wrongly utiliz and unable to act as snipers uh time after time they aren’t learning from their mistakes and making the same uh and making the same ones over and over it’s unforgivable so I just thought that was interesting to have a talk about and line up there as well now let’s have a look over then the maps in this area and we’ll talk about what buinov has also said so let’s start then on this Eastern side over here and have a look at what then Surak shows now Surak shows this is where we saw those Munitions dropped on those troops and vehicles so we know that these area up here definitely has Russian troops in it and this is right out in here although Surak is showing far more Eastern movement right out around then this area as well if not further and then down on the western side significantly more even pushing into then Gray Zone or green zone here so see where this kicks Up On the Border here as just giving you an idea that it’s saying right down then along here and I’ll show you a topographical map of why this is important in one second so of course showing more breaking into the center of V Chans 2o so all in all showing significantly more movement on than the map now we have a Noel reports one here I’ve got my East and wests mixed up of this area but regardless let’s bring up surc now again not showing the same movement to the west or to the east that then suriak is showing but is pushing into the center of V Chans and a push out to the east as well and this movement right down in here of which he showed yesterday so he is more similar to than the uh deep state but showing more movement out around this area on then the Eastern side of that now why is some of this very important in this area well let’s have a look then at V Chans so I’ve put on this map basically what then the suriak map sorry not Surak on this map basically what then the Deep state is showing now this is V Chans and this is this Village down here so this place and then V chunk so this is very very conservative estimates of this area but we can see that Russia has gained The High Ground on the western side and on the eastern and Northern side of V chance kid now Ukraine does have high ground back from here as well if you zoom out on this but I just thought I would show you this and why we’re seeing important movements regarding this Frontline area now let’s push across here on this map no updates today but we did see yesterday that it did show a Ukrainian push back in zeleni here I’m not sure why this was green instead of blue on this map regardless let’s have a look then over it here now this is showing more similar but still different now it is showing zeleni here that Ukraine did have a push back here as per then the Deep state map shows again Hoke it’s showing more movement out around this Reservoir here and more of a push filling out around this town here but this side is showing a lot more closely than the VCH front is showing at the moment now let’s line up now World reports one here now again he is showing a lot of movement here his is more difficult to line up again but he’s showing the zeleni push here from Ukraine as well here I believe these are more similar but both maps showing Russian movement here today deep State not showing that and we can confirm this push back in zenic all three then are showing it so again give it a couple of days we’ll see where things start lining up some areas may even take weeks suriak haris Russian army Advanced full control over this area here in aan south and west of hoki so right then here and talked about Ukrainian Army on zeleni as well but the situation was corrected so this is maybe why we see this push there yesterday and it’s not blue maybe Russia was never in here and these maps are correcting what they then show so we will see but it’s saying out in this direction here that from chiv Russian a took over here and these areas so staria and Perka here um and advancing inside V so this is interesting here and I believe this map is not showing on that movement anywhere near probably what it is now we did have this as well and it’s interesting to see the official wording here and we see this from both Russia and UK in the har Direction troops repelled but in separate areas and the areas of here and V chunk duude to influence of fire and assault of the enemy to save lives of our soldiers and avoid losses the units maneuver and move to more favorable positions more favorable positions means we withdrew because we were getting then overrun we saw the same thing happen in AB Diva we’re moving to more favorable positions next thing the line moved somewhere between 10 and 20 km depending on where you are measuring in the P corov direction we repelled 33 attacks in the course of combat and a result to assault and intensify from the enemy in some directions our units change positions to save soldiers lives and improve the Tactical position so you can see where I’m going with that and that is from the general staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine so there are also withdrawals here to positions two the favorable positions should have been these built-in defensive works not that if we’re measuring back here 20 km back back from the border being generous that sits somewhere in here so there is huge issues with what’s going on in here now we have a few things from budanov I can’t find this clip translated but the Ukrainian s Gad KR budanov said that although Russians had the intention to enter Sumi region they abandoned the plan due to difficulties in the har Direction now I don’t know I don’t think there’s too much like we’re seeing Russian losses yes but compared to other fronts we’re not seeing that much I don’t if the difficulties yet here are that high we could see another opening here and we see then this on the New York Times bov say that Ukrainian forc would be able to shore up their lines and stabilize the front within the next few days but he expects Russ a new attack further north of harv in the Sumi Direction so we don’t know I think I think something may open up in here the defensive Works in here some are saying are actually lighter than in har as well so it’ be very interesting to see what happens there then the mod spoken about this Russia’s newly formed Northern grouping of force of attack to Ukraine’s Haru region and taken control of several Villages these areas the border toown of chance is almost certainly an immediate Russian objective and is currently contested by opening up an additional aess of attack Russia is almost certainly attempting to divert Ukrainian resources away from other parts of the front line and to threaten harv the second largest city in Ukraine it is unlikely that Russia has built up sufficient combat power to take the city without uh diverting additional forces into the area and I would say my take on this is Russia doesn’t plan to take hariv this this diversion of forces to take other areas or completely mishar and try and like Siege the city somehow that said I don’t think this up here is the main axis at all but I am saying that the planning may become the main axis if there isn’t forces moved up to here all the defensive works and movements is assessed much weaker than I think they were planning for then it could become a main axis and this would be then a problem assumi it’s going to be more troops away and reserves and we know there is Manpower shortages and we’re going to speak in length then about this but let’s have a look at the maps as well so of course I’ve explained where we are on the map the only change we see if I come forward a day and turn this on on this map is out from bonka from buak moot now this is then confirmed as well by Surak Maps we like this so exact same location showing this movement out from bonka basically the exact same but also this Breakin further down kinva what of course sits right above to the north of chass Y now this is further as well here from Noel reports bodka showing actually more than both maps showing that this is closed up in here regardless this gray Zone in here there probably aren’t any soldiers there might not be any Ukrainian or Russian soldiers in here so effectively it’s red but I guess um it is gray if no one’s in there if that then makes sense that is what I am thinking we are most likely seeing so we see that update in there now let’s come down the adiva front again this map shows nothing today this map we know we think trickles in a lot now these moves of which we talked about the other day we have a push into umansky here as well Russian army took control over the southern part of omansky so they have broken in well according to suriak map up to see where this road joins I believe this is this road so a break in across the derna here as well putting pressure on then the Ukrainian troops that are in this block here they do not want to get caught in here if Russia is up to let’s say just here we’re just going off Surak map they’re either going to have to come out this way or come out this way for the ISR capability I wouldn’t be too big on this but again you’re ending up in very open ground up in here closing that and enveloping the soldiers in here too we know that is Russia’s overall tactic now what I do want to have a look at is robot now down in here this is the area I say again and again people go why is really on shore on things because I want to be positive on things because this is important but we have seen let’s bring up defensive works that Russia over the past couple of days this map has confirmed has retaken these defensive works we presume that has been like that for a couple of weeks in this direction firstly that’s being cleared up now for out from vov what we don’t know is robotany because suriak will show all of this basically under Russian control of it 70 80% this map hasn’t moved at all it’s still showing green here but then gray in the center now War mappa has then shown this now war mappa is the most conservative to any gains and is behind but when he shows something you can almost be guaranteed that that is correct so he’s I’d say one of the more accurate but also very slow on movements that’s not a that’s not meant to be a bad thing I’m just saying that like it is but we can see that this is this T intersection right here that he’s saying that Russia has control out here as well as movement through the majority of robotany as of the 9th of May and he is typically a pro Ukraine map so we can I will say at this point that the majority of roboty is under Russian control reclaiming the rest of these lines here and this is what I wanted to show this is the defensive that works compared to what we’re seeing up in the north and more people should be critical and being critical of someone can actually mean that you’re in support trying to make things better of what has happened up in the north when there was at least 18 months to prepare for something there and anyone who didn’t think there was a threat of that well I don’t know what you smoking now we know Ukraine has been very very uh adamant they need more Patriot systems and reaching out and seeing where they could then get them now when asked about the possibility of Poland transferring a patriot anti-missile defense system to Ukraine Duda replied at the moment they’re only only receiving the first elements of this system ordered seven years ago saying it is difficult today to talk about transferring the Patriot system to Ukraine when in fact we do not yet have this system in Poland completed uh for the needs of our own defenses so one’s definitely not going to be coming from Poland and we know yeah there’s more interceptors coming from areas but full systems there are having problems in the entirety of NATO actually fighting those systems and that concerns me on seeing how far behind the industrial capacity of a war that NATO actually bloody is now in the vulgar region um vulgarr region we can see as well that a Russian train has then derailed now Ukrainian sources are saying that it was drones that hit it Russians are saying it was sabotage either way it the result I guess is the same and this is something of which I think we’ve actually seen a little bit less of and that is I guess a bit concerning is actually partisan actions well behind the line remember when her son down in here was occupied we saw shitloads of then um partisan actions in and around here and in the beginning we saw a lot of partisan actions and we’re actually seeing I believe less we are still definitely seeing some we’re seeing some inside Russia as well but not the amount that we were seeing will there be more yes will there be things probably as false Flags absolutely yes especially when the front line is getting worse and worse for one side throughout this war and that concerns me I’ve spoken about my concern of um false flag attacks because in this war neither side has said that they’re going to give up anything so some one side has to be a Victor therefore one has to be a loser if something’s not signed and I think something will get signed for for that situation potentially but the increased probability then of a false flag attack that won’t you know um have effect on tens or hundreds maybe Millions I think increases dramatically and that concerns me now we have seen Ukraine have a lot of success down the Black Sea out from Odessa with their mura 5 drone boats we have seen that Russia has moved assets away it’s forced them to move them away and then has forced them as well to conduct drills to try and counter these drones as well and those drills have seemed to work because we have seen those that Chopper the other day then shooting and taking out some of those drones as well and what that drone hit was basically just a speedboat uh as well so it was the one of the least effective attacks so maybe those drills worked and I believe we should be doing our same bloody thing but this video has surfaced from a lot of pages here saying that it’s showing then a Russian drone boat now now this is just in exercise then conducting an attack on just a Target here and then in a very large explosion I’m not sure why this one I’ve got is blurred out because I’ve seen ones that then aren’t blurred out the blurring doesn’t seem to make much sense but we can see then a large explosion here and this is saying Russian public showed a video of testing Naval drone declared a range of 250 K and 250 kg of explosive for comparison the mura 5 is 800 with 200 kgs and I think that that would probably because of course you’re going to be talking about rain Fuel and explosives that if you’re going for something short you can probably down the fuel and up the explosives I’m sure something along those lines I’ve spoken a few guys about Airborne drones who have said that ex same thing but of course Russia doesn’t need potentially the amount of uh range on these drones as we can see you know from somewhere like here we’re talking you know 200 km where where Russia ships are they’re going to need a fair bit more range on the Ukrainian drone so we’ll see if those then come into action now yesterday I mentioned how I’m very surprised that Ukraine has not yet announced further mobilization and I questioned of how desperate actually is this mobilization because what I’m hearing is it should have been done months or 6 months or 12 months ago and I guess the scope and the range of how desperate this is could be absolutely huge from the most optimistic saying that Ukraine has plenty of reserves and soldiers and this is a bit of a ploy to trying push Russia to send in more troops on the continuation of this attritional war and this is what we’re hearing more and more from Ukraine that know we’re pulling back in areas to ATT treit Russian forces down in this meat grinder attritional Warfare tactic Russia’s saying very similar thing that could be true both ways but have a look at population and ground being made I don’t know but that is what you know the most optimistic would say Ukraine has plenty of reserves but pulling them in now the most pessimistic argument would be here that Ukraine doesn’t have either the physical or Manpower resources to mobilize say another half million men now I believe on this spectrum neither of these to be true as we have seen if we take that optimistic example very very harsh statements from officials towards men who have fled Ukraine as well as new laws coming in and disregarding demobilization and rotation of those law so I think that tells us a lot as well on the other side of this we have seen many soldiers at the front line making comments about Manpower issues now I also believe that Ukraine does have the means to mobilize further that said mobilizing whether we saw it in Russia or in Ukraine is incredibly unpopular as we’ve shown on this channel from ukrainians themselves and all of this unpopular was before now like the northern advance and AF divar and all of this that it’s going to get even worse because of this push especially with not having mobilization sorry demobilization or rotation so maybe Ukraine is waiting for a more favorable front line before announcing and conscripting in the tens or hundreds of thousands of men where the number we’ had floated before was around 500,000 but this waiting well that’s very dangerous game because the longer you wait the worse the situation if you’re having Manpower problems is going to become therefore the more unfavorable then the front line may become this Snowball Effect and then that of course makes the political situation even worse and the morale everything could get worse from that and remember that there’s going to be a significant delay before mobilizing and then that bloke then being on the front line as Ukraine has stated their NATO standard 4 weeks of training which in no realm that my military experience sits in is NATO standard typically NATO standard for an infantryman sits about 20 to 25 weeks plus or minus a little bit I do believe you could cut away a lot of fluff in that and maybe get it down to 10 depending on where someone’s starting from I know physicality has a lot to do with that but maybe 10 to 12 weeks that’s probably stretching but regardless regardless there’s going to be a significant delay and every day of which this isn’t then announced and someone isn’t then mobilized it’s going to lengthen that by that amount of time leading then late into the year where we see winter coming of course then the American election and how Russia’s movements will then influence that election and people’s uh how they see the outcome of this war going that I don’t people are talking about an offensive this year in Ukraine and I just don’t see that they have the Manpower or assets to actually conduct that we saw that there was the artificial um shell shortage caused in Ukraine by the Us and other nations not having the Industrial Supply or the political will of some to actually send in those so we saw that happen and that still hasn’t been completely fixed yet that’ll take weeks or months to actually backfill those and the Manpower is going to have be even longer you know you can fly a plane into Poland full of shells and truck them to the front line in a couple of days or a couple of weeks take someone from cev or Neo or whatever taking them training them whether in the west or somewhere in Ukraine for 4 weeks 5 weeks 10 weeks and then sending them lot lot slower process you’re not going to see the effects of that for a very long time so there is the question in my mind of is there a ploy in this to try and get Russia to maybe overextend and get too confident or is it a morale waiting for the front line to look better which I don’t know it’s probably somewhere in between I’m leaning more towards there is massive Manpower issues and yeah but Ukraine still definitely has some reserves but as well I don’t think that Ukraine can allow Russia another 12 months to say Ukraine would wait 12 months from today to then have an offensive action because all these defensive works are going to get built up more and more and more and we saw in the offensive broke through in really one spot maybe two spots in here when morale was at its highest because it had hon hariv when Ukraine took back the last time Ukraine was winning this War I say was H son harv in late 2022 and then these limited pushes in here and the failure of that this is going to get just more and more reinforced I don’t believe you can give Russia another 12 months so I don’t this is why I have a guess a pessimistic outlook on this whole thing of this war and I could give pessimistic on the other side of this too for what Russia’s goals are an asymmetrical Warfare and how that would be almost impossible to combat that’s another video Legends look after yourselves sorry for this one being long again I’ve been blinking all the time I’ve got something in my eye look after yourselves I’ll speak to tomorrow thank you bye-bye

  1. G'day Legends, I see many other bloggers suggesting that 'RU Offensive has stalled' or 'UA Complete collapse' Neither in my eyes is correct, And both arguments were made by the same accounts during Ukraine's '22 offensive, But in the reverse… (I have been guilty of this too)
    4 days is NOT enough to make these claims in an attritional war, Especially when in my eyes what we are seeing is a large Russian Recon element, I think we could see these Russian troops withdraw as fast as they came in if they assess this as an unsuitable axis. Or potentially we could see more forces committed.
    Remember also MANY sources have a role to play in the informational space.

    Have a great day 🙂

  2. Мне всегда нравится как ты одеваешься в каждом видео, всегда аккуратно и со вкусом. Это многое говорит о твоём отношении к аудитории. Уважуха тебе от Русского окопа)

  3. 8:03 — this is why I have been saying the west all of our beloved west need private contractors on the ground to help the Ukrainians and ensure this don't happen, assuming this is a malevolent act and not just out of time or something else and couldn't finish it.

  4. Pay Master General, In military you line up for pay or at least used pre digital banking ,
    This is still done in many lands , ukr8n being , so if you are a paymaster and u keep dead men on books you can keep drawing their pay for them , and until maybe the family asks about soldier let alone pay the money would have gone , this is how ukr8n was making claims that they had so few loses , as American tax payers were paying for dead soldiers salaries for years ,
    And you question where earth works money went ?? Shit they don't even bury their dead

  5. Willy, beginning at about the 13:00 mark, you talk about an elite friend of yours who laments the misuse of Ukrainian ‘special forces.’ If you get a chance, maybe talk with him about the following points, idle though they may be. Might it not be that no ‘strategic uses’ exist? To my miserable understanding, there are two broad traditional use categories for special forces type personnel. One is the training of indigenous forces in guerrilla warfare and the other is raiding of one type or another. To accomplish the former, there has to be some territory into which the forces can be placed where there is an appreciable body of potentially organizable guerrillas. To achieve the other (some sort of raid), any mission proposal depends on transportation capacity to and from a target. If strategic movement cannot be reasonably effected, fuhgeddaboudit. Indeed, if special ops transport cannot be mounted, there is no special ops force, just a bunch of better, more resolute athletes who have been organized on the basis of some hope. As Borat might tell you, “The problem is transport.” Maybe your friend wants to think he is with some special forces guys, but he is actually with a bunch of rangers who don’t even have any special forces guy’s whose butts need saving. In fact, your friend is with a group that long ago became, in fact, high-end infantry reserves. Maybe they are being put to their best possible use. I will post this at a little later.

  6. This is all we – Ukrainians need to know about this proxy NATO vs Russia war:

    “Being an enemy of America is dangerous, being a friend of America is fatal.” – Henry Kissinger (?)


    >>>I guess it was the 12th or 13th time to Kiev, and I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee. I got a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against a state prosecutor, and they didn’t.

    “So as they were walking out to the press conference, I said, nah, we aren’t going to give you the billion dollars. They said you have no authority, you are not the President. I said call him. I’m telling you, you are not getting the billion dollars.

    “You are not getting the billion; I am leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you are not getting the money.

    “Well, son of a bitch, he got fired.<<<

    – Vice-president Joe Biden (2016)


    "We don’t care! The United States and NATO, we do not care how many Ukrainians die. Not civilians, not women, not children, not soldiers. We do not care.

    It’s become a great football game. You know, we’ve got our team.

    They’ve got their team, rah rah. We want to get the biggest score and run it up. And, you know, we don’t care how many how many of our players get crippled on the playing field, as long as we win."

    – U.S. Senator Richard H. Black

    "Our success will depend on providing continued military aid to Ukraine. Using just 5 percent of our defence budget to help Ukraine will provide significant returns for our geopolitical gains and notable returns for our defence industries." – William Burns, The Head of CIA


    >>>If you put aside the immense human suffering and look at Ukraine’s war through the cold lens of international power politics, a clear picture emerges: the West is having a good war against Russia.

    All NATO has to do is send Kyiv munitions, equipment and money, which, as any general knows, is the c h e a p e s t way to wage war.


    The lives are being given by the Ukrainians. They’re defending their nation but also, inadvertently, helping decide the Cold War.

    For 70 years, NATO deterred a Moscow attack westwards. The Russians eventually invaded, last February, what they assumed would be a conquerable target on their south-western border.

    The war that NATO long prepared for is finally being fought.<<<

    "Financial Review", July 10, 2023


    "Peace negotiation with Russia is not an option." – Boris Johnson


    “It is very simple. Right now, Russian imperialism can be stopped c h e a p l y, because American soldiers are not dying. But if we don’t put a halt to Russian aggression now, there will be a very high price to be paid.”

    – Polish President Andrzej Duda in his interview for "The Washington Post", August 2013


    "Here's what we've gotten for our investment. We haven't lost one soldier. We reduced the combat power of the Russian army by 50%, and not one of us has died in that endeavor. This is a great deal for America." – Senator Lindsey Graham


    "Support for Ukraine against Russia is a very cheap way to make sure Moscow does not pose a threat to NATO" – the Netherlands' defense minister Kajsa Ollongren 3.10.2023 in Warsaw.

    "It is actually in degrading the Russian military. We have been very effective using our resources and our weaponry and the incredibly high price of Ukrainian blood to achieve that objective."

    – Sen. Tim Scott talking about American "vital interest in Ukraine", 9.11.2023


    Reporter asked Klitschko why his children were not fighting for UKraine, he replied: "They are German citizens".

    Herr Klitschko, an army in which the number of deserters exceeds the number of recruits is no longer an army.


    "US will support Ukraine as long as it takes." – Joe Biden (2022)

    "US will support Ukraine as long as we can." – Joe Biden (2023)

  7. I was pro Ukraine but the corruption with the defensive works not being built is wild…

    The guy that grenaded himself and other's was due to corruption, seems like even that wasn't enough to get people straight.

  8. People forget that Ukraine IS the most corrupt country in Europe. From the President to the school teacher. Most Ukrainians don't give a damn about Ukraine.

  9. Willy you''ve changed so much bro… I'm super glad you are realistic of things and let people know the truth but you lean more and more towards the Russian side every video… I'm just meaning as in saying more favorable things for Russia. You bash Ukraine more and more and praise the opposite more and more. You are one of the very few I do trust for information because you are truthful. You've read comments just like this plenty just hope after one of these you'll take a step back and try to see our point. I say our because there are alot of people thinking the same but afraid to say anything because they say they didn't want to be "made fun of". We just want the bashing and praising 50/50. Anyways keep reporting please Willy and I hope you are doing well

  10. I hate to break it to you but there is no HUGE FAILURE. russia has managed to capture a couple a tiny border villages, most of which had a population of no more than 200 people before the war and contained little if any Ukrainian defenses because they would be impossible to defend against serious attack. The main Ukrainian lines are 15-20km behind the border. Ukrainian forces have advanced forward from these lines to meet the russians crossing the border.

  11. The sooner negociations start the better. Or does Ukraine (or any other country in this planet) seriously believes it can win a military war against Russia on its borders ??? Come on … stop playing american stupid and cynical geopolitics at the cost of human lives. It doesn't worth it.

  12. Willie have you listened to what the new captives from ukraine said on the news?the Russians are too strong, the ukraine is literally falling as we speak

  13. i think it makes sense they didnt build defensive lines right on the border. Russian would try to take them out with artillery, assaults? Wouldnt that cause unnecessary casualties to build them right on the border? Just speculating.

  14. You cant charge the Construction Company with Murder -.-

    The Workers are force drafted. Companies they get supplies from have their workers force drafted.
    Its not normal Ecconomie. Ofc such Companies fail. They probably didn´t even get the money.
    Ukrain was corrupt af before the War. Its naif to think that gets better when the goverment see its population only as cannonfudder

    Ukrain had 12 Years to gear up. Build Bunkers ect.
    They failed to do so!!!
    They geared up 1 more Army with West funding after they lost their initial Army.
    But that Summer Offensiv failed.
    They are only holding on with force subscriptions.
    That wont work for ever. People will catch on that they will die eventualy for a lost caus.

  15. 29:50 Yes, Ukraine has plenty of reserves, that's why they kidnap people from the streets and refuse to issue passports overseas to own citizens. rolleyes

  16. I have a crazy idea, just what if if big number of Ukrainians dont even care about if these territories get taken by Russians. Furthermore what if quietly despite all the propaganda for the last 2 years most Ukrainians actually secretly want Russia to win

  17. Hi mate, love your videos. The map analysis is great. Is it possible to use a topographic map at some points of the show to show rivers and contours or the geography. Sincerely a map nerd 🤓

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