Ukraine’s President Zelensky cancels foreign trips as Russia advances in Kharkiv region | BBC News

Ukraine says its troops have had to retreat from several villages in the Kev region because of continued pressure from Russian forces who are establishing positions inside the Northeast Ukrainian town of V Chans there’s intense fighting and the capture of the town would marked the most significant gain for Russia since it launched an incursion on Friday Ukraine’s President Vladimir zelinski has cancelled all his foreign trips until further notice more now from our correspondent in keev James Waterhouse on the reasons behind the cancellations uh all that we’re hearing from the uh the Spanish side Sarah is that it is because of internal events inside Ukraine so not much in the way of detail on that statement but I guess most of us can fill the gaps on on what that means this is a an full scale Invasion more than two and a half years on now and it is going far from Ukraine’s way as uh Ukrainian forces struggle to contain uh this Northeastern incursion by Russian troops across the border now president zalinski is he’s fairly relaxed about traveling abroad he’s grown in confidence in in that sense he’s he’s Keen to appear uh at Summits not just in Europe not just in the US on favorable territory with Western allies but he’s also Keen to engage with the Middle East as well as the African continent so uh it’s it’s it it is a possible reflection of just how perilous a period This is for Ukraine with the front line growing in size and Ukrainian troops being further stretched and of course um important visit as well over the last couple of days with the US Secretary of State uh Anthony blinkin what’s been the key message that he’s brought from the US more help is coming don’t worry we’re behind you Putin must fail I think is the messaging we’ve heard over and over I mean Anthony blinkin is on the second day of an official visit uh where you can be sure high on the agenda is the delay to the these this billion multi-billion dollar package of ammunition and weaponry now we’re told some of you the Ukrainian forces have it um but what we’re hearing from commanders in the Northeast is is is that they are having to move to more advantageous positions that is the wording we don’t yet know whether it’s a withdrawal uh or retreat but it’s clear they are struggling to contain this Russian attack in the face of constant ground attacks and artillery fire now there are real concerns that Russia is planning another attack further north into the Sumi region where troops are gathering there and it’s interesting I think there are questions over Ukraine’s ability to prevent this because it’s long been known that Russia has been Gathering troops but it ke is reluctantly agreeing with Western allies to not use the missiles it provides on targets inside Russia only on occupied territory inside Ukraine that is a source of deep frustration for ministers here and it might be a reason why they are seemingly uh unable to prevent these incursions from taking place

President Volodymyr Zelensky has cancelled all upcoming foreign trips as troops struggle to contain the new cross-border incursion, with several towns and villages coming under heavy fire.

Ukraine has pulled back its troops from several villages in the border region of Kharkiv following continued pressure from Russian forces.

Soldiers had come under heavy fire and moved to “more advantageous positions” in two areas of the north-eastern region, a military spokesman said.

Throughout the course of the two-year war, Ukraine has typically used this type of language to signify a retreat.

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  1. More BBC propaganda when will we hear the truth about why this conflict started in the first place and why we are backing a nazi regime

  2. According to article 14 and 21 of the constitution of India Gujarat communal Riots and Best Bakery and Gulbarga Society Riots FBI investigation is necessary through the UNO please to give justice to the victims Families in india

  3. In india EVM voting machines pass Word and Code numbers under control of communal powers hence fair election to loksabha in 2024is doubtful FBI and UNO observation is necessary please protect the democracy in india

  4. Zelensky အသုံးမကျ လို့ Ukraine နိုင်ငံ ပြည်သူတွေ ဒုက္ခ ရောက်ရပြီ။

  5. In india in 2024 Loksabha elections to be prevent the Mobile phone s and all types of electronic devices,wireless sets and block the Internet system from the 200 mtrs in the polling centre and voting counting centres for fair elections under the UNO and FBI observation is necessary please protect the democracy in india

  6. Russia must be advancing with their rocket propelled shovels and armoured washing machines 😂

    Remember that? Remember those of us telling you from the very start that this war would destroy Ukraine? Remember everyone who told you the opposite, including the BBC, and then remember never to listen to those people about anything important ever again.

  7. Those of us who were paying attention, already knew last year – and early on last year, that the Ukraine was not going to prevail in this conflict.
    Putin, we were told, was seriously ill, or had gone insane, or even had died!! (Yeah, BBC – we didn't believe it, even then!) He has simply used his resources to "go again" and secure more territory, for when the Ukraine is compelled to go to the negotiating table.
    Several earlier opportunities to end this unnecessary, proxy war were lost – one notably and deliberately refused, when Boris Johnson went to Kiev (not "Keeev"!!) and relayed the west's instructions to Zelenskyy.
    Now, enthusiasm is waning, as the Ukraine – and most of its young men – have served their purpose. The heaps of money and weapons, previously simply waved through the various Parliaments and Congresses of western Governments, are now debated at length and resistance to their allocation grows.
    Putin warned again and again, that any sign of the Ukraine joining the EU or NATO, which are virtually one and the same, would cause major conflict. Agreements were reached, (Minsk 1 & 2) yet the western warmongers, led by Biden's American administration, continued in provoking and provoking.
    Finally, the last straw was placed on the camel's back and Putin said, "I told you, but you didn't listen".
    The Americans have their fingerprint all over this, and have had since Victoria Nuland and her mates engineered and financed the 2014 Ukraine coup.
    Zelenskyy will make one more trip abroad – he will end up in Florida or somewhere, in a mansion, yacht and all, purchased by the laundered money which has passed through the Ukraine.

  8. A complete collapse, blackout of Ukrainian territory was arranged for the unwanted pensioner PrezeZelensky and "Kharkovoblenergo" (russia could not do this) disconnecting the electricity for several months in order to close his mouth and freedom of speech. And everything is covered by law enforcement officers and the DBI of Ukraine.
    Полный коллапс, блекаут на украинской территории устроил неугодному пенсионеру ПрезеЗеленский и "Харьковоблэнерго" (раша этого не смогла сделать), отключив электричество на несколько месяцев с целью закрыть рот и свободу слова. И всё крышуется (покрывается)правоохранителями и ДБР Украины.

  9. BBC is lies lies lies. If I woke up tomorrow to learn this war never even happened, and that it was one gigantic psy-op, I swear I would not even be surprised. In the slightest. THAT is how the BBC has got me, after YEARS of demonstrably false reports. But by God, if you don't pay your TV licence, they'll put you in a cage. DOES THE REST OF THE WORLD KNOW THIS? DO THEY UNDERSTAND THIS? British people legally HAVE TO PAY for this bullshit propaganda. Or we're jailed. Look it up if you don't believe me – unarmed police and unwanted MASS IMIGRATION aren't the only ridiculous aspect to life in Britain.

  10. Thanks you have stopped blurring the background when reporting, why stand there in the first place if you dont want us to see the background.. who introduced it in the first place for journalist, unless for security reasons?

  11. Some good news for the Ukrainians who don't want to join the army – not long before it's all over for Zelensky and the West

  12. Не Трись Об Нашу Трубу ! Охроняй ! Инженерная Работа ! Не Для Тебя Сделали ! ……Z Э ленсКиЙ .. ! …. Свитер Постирай ! …

  13. He was supposed to go to western countries to shoot for fobes magazines when his men are getting shot because of his corrupted team… shameless creature

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