US promises military aid to Ukraine will make ‘real difference’

US promises military aid to Ukraine will make ‘real difference’

the front line is meant to be somewhere else these guns are meant to be silent but this battle is Close Quarters soldiers fighting desperately for land near the Frontier Town of Bob Janks close to the Russian border land that since last Friday has seen one of the most significant Russian ground attack since the start of the war play out everything will be fine don’t worry he says words bellied by the evacuation of her and 7 and a half thousand other civilians according to authorities for months the 620 M front line barely budged that has now changed they’re shooting from everywhere yesterday there was a hit and the front of our house burned down then the house opposite caught fire then four or five other houses smoke smoke everywhere it was a nightmare so good to see Wonder back key amongst Ukraine’s problems a chronic lack of Munitions US Secretary of State Anthony blinkin arrived in Kei this morning along with he said the first part of an American Aid package worth $60 billion it’s a good start says zinski but he needs more the decision of the package was crucial for us is very important to get it as quick as possible and the second one at point is air defense the biggest deficit for us top of the list of needs he says Patriot air defense systems for the now Under Fire H Under Fire partly because of us delays negotiating this Aid package through Congress says the UK defense secretary but I’m afraid some of the world was napping CT napping and it’s enabled Russia to get something of the upper hand and KH ke I don’t think kke is about to fall fortunately and I spoke to my opposite number the Ukrainian defense minister umarov yesterday afternoon uh but nonetheless uh we’re in this position because it there was a long delay getting the additional support required thank you in ke Anthony blinkin not only assured ongoing aid for the future but a pledge for damage done in the past making Russia pay for Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction what Putin destroyed Russia should and must pay to rebuild but what if in 6 months time it’s a different Administration less welcome for photo opportunities in Ukraine a trump Administration that’s already indicated a desire for a cheaper negotiated solution ukrainians never would accept Ukrainian territories to be Russian that’s impossible that would never happen and also it’s completely against international law that would be the end of international law in the world h ke this afternoon the aftermath of an aerial bombardment but shelling is very different to occupation and that is the fear for those who used to call The Villages east of H home The Villages sitting in the Borderlands with Russia many of these people who now evacuate they already endured Russian occupation so they know what to be prepared for and this is why they are so urgently moving out before Uh Russian advance Ukrainian forces are outmanned and outgunned $60 billion worth of arms may now start to flow East the question these soldiers fear what happens when that runs out too well joining me now is Mikel casanov who was Russian Prime Minister in 2000 after Vladimir Putin became president a job he held until 2004 but he’s now of course a huge critic of Vladimir Putin but Mr casanov um nice to see you again but when you look at Georgia and Ukraine is Putin winning uh slightly slightly yes we see unfortunately this movement of his proxies in in Georgia and of course just new offensive against Ukraine that is absolutely just the the interviews you have just shown just described that the lack of lack of ammunition that is the biggest The crucial problem for for Ukraine and I hope and I hope just the the NATO leaders would make their decisions soon just to reconsider the whole support for Ukraine not judged for not not just for defense of the of the current positions but for liberation of occupied territories I believe just upcoming NATO Summit will make such a decision do you think there’s been a lack of resolve by the West to give Ukraine enough to win yeah we can see just 60 billion US dollar us support and approximately the same European union and Great Britain that is only 120 billion US dollar Mr Putin spends $170 billion US and he has advantage on Manpower and ammunition that’s why just for him it’s easier to have offensive and for Ukrainian it’s impossible ukrainians should get just the double support from from the West in this case they can start next year now already only next year to start their country offensive and start liberating their occupied territories uh but does Ukraine also have the Manpower you know it it is holding back from widening conscription does it need to reink that yeah that’s that’s a problem of course that’s a problem in Russia it’s also a problem in Ukraine it’s a problem because just of course Ukraine that’s smaller country compared with with Russia but they have reserves and they they they could be prepared for for new offensive but not this summer not this summer this summer they should rebuild everything just with the new support of of Western supplies of of this ammunition and new new military techniques and just to reestablish all all all the their preparation for next year but it’s important to make a principal decision that uh you should not be scared of Mr Putin so much as before I think NATO leaders should make this decision I mean so when you look at Putin uh you know if you think back over the last two years there been so many theories that you know his own side would get him he was Ill he was this he was he was on his way out he seemed stronger than ever and strong enough to be able to reshuffle his top team his defense minister um in the way he wants to what do you think the thinking is behind this move of a very loyal left tenant in shyu absolutely first we should we should emphasize that Mr Putin during last year managed to to transfer economy on war footing while Ukrainian leadership just didn’t manage to do this and and Putin just feels stronger on this and in fact these new appointments re reestablishing just a new I wouldn’t say new team but to to establish a better coordination between civilian agencies of the government and Military so that to be be sure that all military production machine works well and just produce exactly what uh what what the war requires and that’s why that’s why he’s simply just making a better quality coordination in this sphere and it is clear that priority of all his Economic Policy would be military production to to make just to ensure that supplies of ammunition and new techniques go to the war do you think there’s a danger that the W thinks Putin is contained effectively that he has now a war economy all his focus is on you know survival and slow advance in Ukraine but he can’t win uh and that actually it’s it’s better to just let this drag on uh I’m I’m sure just the all Western leaders wouldn’t like to see Mr Putin as a dictator just with the with the say Triumph Triumph Victory no one should see a can see an to see this that’s why just a special policy new policy should be established and just full reconsideration should be done quickly to to to understand how to help Ukraine how to support Ukraine so that Mr Putin would not be looked as a winner but better in a maybe one year time as a defeated dictator M casano thank you very much thank you

The Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy has urged America to deliver military aid as quickly as possible, as Russia pushes ahead with its offensive in the northeastern Kharkiv region.

Mr Zelenskyy told US Secretary of State Antony Blinken that Kharkiv urgently needed two Patriot air defence systems to protect people from constant Russian shelling.

Mr Blinken promised that assistance was on the way and would make a “real difference” on the battlefield.
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  1. News Flash – Republican Party USA directly helps Putin gain an advantage over Ukraine by blocking help. They forget history such as how other countries came to the aid of America after 9-11 and put their own people at risk.

  2. Why does everyone keep saying the US is giving 60 billion US dollar's thats an outright lie, if you read the bill most of that money is for the US to replenish there stocks, for Ukraine this bill only gives 15 billion for weapons, there is also payments to other entities that have nothing to do with Ukraine but they just added it to be voted in on the same bill. So get it right, news channels should know this.

  3. Man, I really have respect for Blinken. He is so damn busy. From Ukraine to Israel, from Israel to Asia. It's just a damn hard job for him. May God give him strength.

  4. Oh no trump will negotiate a peaceful resolution, we cant have that, this war is makin the military industrial complex too much money.😢

  5. This cheap comedian/ actor turned by Americans into a president is killing his own people for money.😢
    Wake up Ukrainians and get rid of this Zelensky the warior before he sends all your sons to their death for the Americans. 😢

  6. This had just become a mire… like Vietnam… like Iraq … Afghan… do we never learn?!

    We can’t just throw 600 more billion at the country. Of which not all is going there but to corrupt politicians and CEOs pockets. The msm themselves re now even back to showing how corruption is hampering the war effort. Russians are simply walking into towns that were meant to be defended/mined etc. Officials stealing the money. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries if not the most in the world.

    This talk of “oh Ukraine could do another counter offensive next year” is nonsense. A dose of reality is required. Russia will turn Ukraine into dust if a peace is not sought before allll Ukraines manpower and resources and western money are gone!

  7. "game changer' and 'real difference' have been heard in the last 2 years. Nothing can replace dead soldiers. You cannot beat a world nuclear power. Eventually negotiations must happen which considers Russia's concerns as well.

  8. Women, who had to live without money in Ukraine before the war, should support the Ukrainian army and men in Ukraine instead of living luxurious lives in Europe and America after the war. Millions of women can send billions of dollars every month. But for women, holidays, luxury clothes, shopping, make-up, expensive restaurants, entertainment in nightclubs, expensive bags, shoes, flowers, hundreds of roses, luxury cars are more valuable than the Ukrainian men who died in the war.

  9. I hate how they talk about our money like #1.) They act like ohhh well it’s not that much money, It’s less than 5% of their defense budget!
    2.) They act like it is our responsibility to protect Ukraine, Like we owe them the money or something, He said Russia spends 170 billion so Ukraine should get twice that!
    Are these people crazy!
    I get it, I want Ukraine to win to but not at the expense of America!
    The French president literally said that in case of conflict between China and America that Europe should stay neutral!
    Does that sound like a friend or ally? We should have left Europe long ago!
    Europeans hate America and why are we helping Europe, When Europe would not help us if we needed it!

  10. Our world is a tapestry of deep harmony, intricately woven from the fabric of our natural mother Earth. It is imperative that our global society prioritizes stability, natural harmony, and peace. For this, the superpowers of both the East and the West must extend mutual respect to each other, safeguarding the delicate equilibrium of our world's societies and maintaining a balanced power axis.

    Eastern European countries, historically tied to Russia through shared experiences within the USSR, bear natural bonds that run deep. These nations cherish their cultures, traditions, and intimate relationships, fostering unity and mutual respect within the region.

    These Eastern European nations, representing the pinnacle of European civilization, actively engage in multifaceted exchanges with both Western and Eastern superpowers. They collaborate with leading nations such as Germany, Italy, France, Great Britain, the USA, China, India, among others, contributing significantly to global progress and development.

    While recognizing their economic ties with Western powers, it is crucial for these nations to prioritize regional peace and prosperity. Joining military alliances like NATO may introduce destabilizing elements to their regions, disrupting the delicate balance of power in the world. Instead, they advocate for peaceful cooperation and mutual respect among all nations.

    It is incumbent upon Western superpowers to acknowledge Russia's pivotal role as a major global power and to respect its contributions to maintaining world stability. Attempts to undermine Russia's influence may lead to unnecessary conflicts, posing risks to global peace.

    By upholding respect and cooperation among all nations, including Russia and Western superpowers, we can collectively work towards fostering lasting peace, stability, and prosperity for all.

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