Putin says Russian forces are advancing on all fronts against Ukraine

Putin says Russian forces are advancing on all fronts against Ukraine

хочу вас и всех ваших подчинённых поблагодарить за эту боевую работу работа идёт по плану утверждённого и подготовленному командованию группировки генеральным штабом и все поставленные задачи выполняются Наши войска по всем направлениям постоянно каждый день улучшают своё положение и ещё раз к этому вернусь выполняют все задачи поставленные Министерством обороны и генеральным штабом чем эффективнее вы работаете на линии боевого соприкосновения тем больше у нас шансов решить этот вопрос мирным путём мы к этому всегда стремились Я всегда об этом говорил что касается самого генерального штаба структуры которая обеспечивает боевую работу здесь никаких изменений нет и не планируется

President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that Russian forces were improving their positions every day along the front line of Ukraine in all directions, and that the advance was going to plan.

Russia has been pushing Ukrainian forces back at key points along the front line in recent months, despite hundreds of billions of dollars worth of aid from the United States and its allies.

During a meeting at the Kremlin with Defence Minister Andrei Belousov, Secretary of the Security Council Sergei Shoigu and top generals, Putin said the work of the military was “proceeding according to the plan” approved by the General Staff.

“The more effectively you work on the front line, the more chances we have to resolve this issue peacefully,” Putin told the generals. “This is what we have always been striving for, and I have always spoken about it.”

For more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/news/10491046/civilians-flee-northeastern-ukraine-russia-offensive/

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#Russia #Ukraine #Putin

  1. The only way this issue is going to be resolved peacefully as Putin claims to want is if Russia turns around and goes home. Otherwise Ukraine will continue to defend itself

  2. We hold Chinese 🇨🇳 Xi Jinping accountable for the damages caused by the Russian invasion
    because of his "no limits" support for Putin.

  3. To all that read this message know that Russia, and Israel form a part of the beast mentioned in the Bible! Russia and any one that go to another house to harm, Exodus 22:2 New International Version
    “If a thief is caught breaking in at night and is struck a fatal blow, the defender is not guilty of bloodshed; and this is exactly what Russia did and for Israel the Bible mentions a little horn emerges from the beast and that’s the government of Israel! The beast different heads and horns are the corrupted governments they want money and power but the citizens are the ones that are hurt! So all I say Thank God for his second coming, which is at hand!

  4. இயேசுவின் வருகை சீக்கிரம்….ஜெபத்தில் ஆயத்தமாவோம்..JESUS IS COMING VERY VERY SOON BE PREPARED BY VIGILANT IN PRAYER இயேசுவின் வருகை சீக்கிரம்….ஜெபத்தில் ஆயத்தமாவோம்..JESUS IS COMING VERY VERY SOON BE PREPARED BY VIGILANT IN PRAYER

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