Could Northern Lights appear over the UK again tonight?

as the midnight Skies dawned the nation was illuminated with color bright and swirling bands of green purple and pink lights enveloped as far as the eye can see from Livingston to barkshire to Oxford millions of people across the UK were able to Revel in the magical glow the Aurora Borealis or more commonly known as the northern lights are mostly seen around the North Pole and typically in areas with low light pollution but from countries of across the Northern Hemisphere like Russia Germany and many states in the US were treated to stunning light displays an extremely rare geomagnetic storm triggered the auroras we saw overnight one of the most powerful in decades so strong that it could even affect GPS systems and satellite navigation to get the right conditions to have an event like this Earth is is really special so if you think about um the sun and the release of particles out into space it could happen anywhere on that sphere so the fact that it’s released in the right location to then travel towards us Earth then interact with our atmosphere and cause the Aurora is is really exciting and really special if you missed last night you may be in luck meteorologists are predicting even more dazzling light shows throughout the weekend their advice get away from the city look North and watch through your phone to pick up all the vibrant colors your naked eye can’t see phenomenons like this only happen happen once a decade so for once you probably don’t want to put your phone down

If you stepped outside late last night you may have witnessed a rare and spectacular display. Auroras – bands of pink and green light across the night sky – which are normally only seen close to the poles. (Subscribe:

But because of an extreme solar storm, last night the Northern Lights were spotted right through the UK and across the Northern Hemisphere.

And meteorologists say there may be a second chance to see them tonight.
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  1. The reporting journalist had a lisp, was lazy with her t's, and pronounced the "iu" sound in Illuminated as oo "iloominated." This is now the norm with British television. People across the world think this is a "posh" British accent.

    It is not, it is a lazy one. I Wouldn't be deeming it so, if I were to hear her in every day life. However as a standard journalist voice for network television, this is sub-par.

  2. Why is the media not talking about how far south the Aurora is being seen. They were viewed as far south as Mexico and Puerto Rico. Last time this happened was over 100 years ago with a far stronger solar storm. This shows that the earths magnetosphere is weakening to dangerous levels.

  3. ) On October 27, 2023, the Austrian newspaper Kronen Zeitung (abbreviated as Krone) published an online report titled “Live Organ Harvesting as a Billion-Dollar Business,” exposing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners. The report also quoted human rights lawyer David Matas and called on Austria to “not become an accomplice of China.” Krone is Austria’s largest daily newspaper, with a circulation of more than 1.7 million readers.

    The Austrian newspaper Kronen Zeitung published an online report titled “Live Organ Harvesting as a Billion-Dollar Business.” (Screenshot of the website)

    The article pointed out the huge discrepancy between the organ transplant data released by the Chinese regime and the data compiled through independent investigations. The article quoted Canadian human rights lawyer David Matas: “In early investigations, we found that the number of transplants was not 10,000 per year (data from the Chinese regime), but 60,000. Later, this number was no longer 60,000, but 100,000.”

    The article then quoted the 2023 Special Report by Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH), expressing doubts about the CCP’s statement on the source of transplanted organs. The Chinese regime claims that “all organs come from donations.” If you ask relevant authorities how to explain the difference between the low donation rate and the high transplant number, they will say that some organs are obtained from victims of accidents. Matas responded with the rebuttal: “Organ transplants can be planned, but accidents cannot be planned.”

    The article also raised doubts about another claim made by the Chinese Communist regime that organs come from executed prisoners. The article quoted Matas’s view: “Hepatitis B is common among prisoners in China, which prevents them from donating organs. Global pressure on China to abolish the death penalty means that it is now more difficult to pass a death sentence.”

    The article clearly states that the CCP regards Falun Gong practitioners as a target group for organ sources. “As Matas said, Falun Gong practitioners are the largest victim group in terms of numbers. In 1999, as many as 100 million people belonged to this practice group. Most Falun Gong practitioners are very healthy and can be found all over the country.” “Falun Gong [human organs from practitioners] is a ‘gold mine’ and a new ‘source of income.’ Organ transplantation has become a billion-dollar business in China.”

    The article also analyzed the political reasons why the CCP persecutes Falun Gong practitioners: “The persecution is also politically motivated because the organization is very popular, but it is not a communist organization.”

    After a thorough analysis of the allegations that the CCP harvests organs from living Falun Gong practitioners, the article quoted Matas and called on Austria not to become an accomplice of the CCP. “If Austrians do not want to become China’s accomplice, they must ban their citizens from going to China for organ transplants.”

    The article also pointed to the importance of passing legislation to discourage illicit organ harvesting. In 2015, Austria signed the Council of Europe Convention against Trafficking Human Organs. Matas said that the agreement obliges countries to enact laws criminalizing conspiracy to traffic organs. However, the agreement has not been approved by the Austrian Parliament. If Austria passes this legislation, its citizens will not be able to legally go to China for organ transplantation. According to Matas, there are currently 20 countries that have enacted such laws. “But there are 193 countries in the world, so there’s still a long way to go.”

  4. Thank you for saying the colors of them I am legally blind I cannot see I speak into my phone and it has talked back that's how I'm able to write thank you so much for telling me what the colors look like I used to have better sight back when I was younger I am 29 now but I have very low vision and thank you for explaining what the lights look like what shape were they in in thank you once again I don't let my vision impact me I got 95 in automotive school so I can't do all automotive repair but I can do a lot and I also do many other things I do a lot of YouTube videos my YouTube channel is Joey's adventure 1436 YouTube Joey's adventure 1436 YouTube if you ever want to check it out the reason I have a number at the end so it's easier to find me but thank you once again for explaining what color those lights were it makes it easier for the blind community so we can know what it look like

  5. High-frequency Active Auroral Program (HAARP) replicating the Aurora Borealis (Northern Light's). Wake up people. It's a geo-engineering strategy.

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