UK exits recession as economy grows at higher rate than expected

UK exits recession as economy grows at higher rate than expected

laying the groundwork for an economic recovery can be slow work here at this green housing development in exitor but also across the country but today sunnier news Britain is no longer in recession the two quarters of contraction at the end of 2023 have been short and shallow and this year’s first three months show positive growth of 0.6% but despite this verto hom says operating a business in the UK has become a struggle we’ve been building houses for 15 years now and it just seems to get harder and harder with regards to uh the planning system um more red tape more Hoops to jump through it’s still just as hard to get projects through planning as it was 15 years ago in Oxfordshire the Prime Minister and the chancellor want to convince you an economic corner has been turned this is where seamons builds the magnets to their new generation of MRI machines the chancellor wants to see more of this kind of investment in Britain’s future well of course it’s encouraging to know that uh in the last quarter the UK economy grew faster not just than France or Germany but also the United States and I you know fully accept that people have been going through a very difficult time but what I would say is looking forward we do have some really good prospects can you be honest with people at home in that broad picture the economy has grown less than 1% in the last year if you look at GDP per head which kind of measures how good people feel yes it’s up today great news but actually it’s lower than where we were well GDP behead has gone up since 2010 in fact it’s gone up by more than France Finland Norway Netherlands Canada lots of countries gone since last year and down since 2019 it’s gone down in lots of countries because we had a once in a sense pandemic and an energy shock over the past two years GDP per person a bellweather for how rich people really feel has been falling today at last it was on the rise again but sadly not enough to compensate for the recent decline now the shadow Chancellor says you’re gaslighting the British public do you reject that claim well absolutely I mean if she thinks that it’s some kind of spin to say that the UK is attracting more investment from foreigners wanting to build factories and offices uh abroad than anywhere else in the world apart from the United States and China I would say the opposite actually the person who’s doing the gaslighting here is the labor party who’s saying that everything is going wrong with the British economy but the shadow Chancellor was having none of it this is no cause for celebration no cause for a Victory lap my ambitions Britain are so much greater than merely just coming out of recession which is all that Rishi sunk and Jeremy Hunt have achieved but verto says all politicians need to get serious on planning reform if they want stronger economic growth to last we’re here at the calace we know what’s going on and we know what needs to happen to change it we’re not heard change is not coming we’d like to see it but unfortunately it’s just broken promise is after broken promises look around here amazing to see MRI machines being built but when you compare us to other oecd countries we have one of the lowest rates for MRI machines and scanners holding back NHS efficiency why are we not investing used to Champion capital investment what’s going on you’re absolutely right um you know the reason our productivity is lower in the UK is not because British people don’t work as hard it’s because we haven’t been traditionally investing in as much Machinery as other countries that is now changing as evidenced by the fact this week we’re announcing 2 billion pounds of investment um which is going to help turn that around2 billion is a drop in the ocean compared to a 2.7 trillion pound economy jery hunt will need many more sunny days to convince voters his turnaround is working King Helia ibraimi on the economy

It’s official: the UK is no longer in recession. The figures out today show the economy grew by a higher rate than most economists expected – 0.6% in the first quarter of this year. (Subscribe:

It was enough for the Prime Minister to claim that “things are starting to feel better”, but Labour insist low growth is not cause for gratitude.

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  1. GDP is (IMHO) a work of fiction, as they keep altering how it is calculated. Also not compairable to other countries GDP who use different ways to calulate it. Suspect any growth is just down to the money printing, which you will not hear much about in the mainstream media 😉 The truth is we are in a fourth turning and our demographics are our destiny!

  2. Wtf bullshit from MSM.the recession is still bad and getting worse.cost of living is going through the roof.the MPs are are living in cloud cuckoo land. It's ok for them they get fat cat salaries.golden pensions.bribes from all the banks and energy corps.kick backs from billions going to arms corpse

  3. I live on minimum wage in London and I can assure Hunt is talking bs. We have a very hard life just to get by…. The healthcare is non existent, I had a thyroid problem and I had to go abroad to get it checked…

  4. OECD has suggested the UK do worst out of the developed nation sin the coming 24 months. The Tories claim we will do the best. Who should we believe?

  5. I foresee a recession lasting 2-3 years, and if inflation continues to surge, the Federal Reserve will likely raise interest rates soon. Inflation is causing various issues worldwide, such as food shortages, scarcities of diesel and heating fuel, and significant spikes in housing prices, leading to a potential financial market crash. This global downturn could have long-lasting repercussions. Given the current inflation rate of approximately 9%, my main worry is how to optimize my savings and retirement fund, which has remained stagnant at around $300,000, yielding almost no gains for quite some time.

  6. Britain in Crisis – description is incorrect – why England/English are in crisis –

    WE have done good job of integrating since the 60,s – Hindus , Sikhs, Buddhist, Jamaican, Caribbean and other.

    Muslims do NOT integrate – 83% believe they must have Sharia law and MORE Islam within UK. Since their numbers started growing 70s – have rejected English culture and values openly – Islamic -Muslim second born in England are more Islamic and have pushing Islamic agenda of promoting sharia , Halal ideology and doctrine.

    Successfully PUSHING Islam and its ideology, doctrines into your and mine throat – Just look around sharia Halal meat and products imposed on Non-Muslims in England, – in shopping centres, British grocer, food stores , Schools , Colleges , Universities , even in the Parliament Westminster restaurants and cafeteria.

    Last 30 yrs Muslims Opening challenged English values and cultural norms and practices. Inch by inch Muslims have imposed Islam on us all and in our Education , municipalities, work and public spaces.

    Our Political elites and woke left have turned to appease Islamist agenda of promoting Islamic ideology and sharia and halal vales, doctrines within their community and across wider England and Wales –

    Just look at England's population of 5.3 million, Muslims Islamist succuss – Islamic halal meals and pray rooms in 88% of colleges and Universities – schools only serving Sharia halal dinners, Municipalities.

    Many Bus and train stations and depots offer Muslim prayer rooms.

    Islamic events – Ramadan prayers held by British Home office, hundreds of Municipalities – schools, Colleges , Universities, work spaces.

    Ramadan held in our A cathedral church – Christian place of worship that are the mother" church of a diocese – cathedral churches, hold Islamic events – Manchester, Birmingham, Leicester, Coventry, , Backburn, Oxford, Bristol, Peterborough, York, etc.

    WE the proud English ( White, Brown , Black , Pink) are blindly being lead by our political elite, woke left to the Islamic sharia halal slaughter house. Facts on the ground are A reality and speaks loudly. Trojan house is within ?

    ONS- Office for National Statistics 2019 draft report on Muslim population rapid growth in England and Wales, why pervious ONS population surveys under report Muslim population sizes was cancelled , as it would alarm and disturb overall community cohesiveness.

    We the silent English majority need to wake up to STOP Islamizing of our Home land or walk our next generations to Islamist halal slaughter house and breaking up England into Muslim enclaves.

  7. As a business I can tell, since Sunak passed on tv yesterday saying that the UK economy is growing fast, all my worries and struggle for bills are now out. Long live the conservative.

    So our economy grows quick, more than France,… we also comes drom further down than France,…

    So at one point we need to grow.

    Well done tories.

  8. What planet are yous on what economic recovery were steeping into a depression where do you pay people for these figures 😂 laughing stock! Nobody can afford anything loans loans loans .. this country’s knees are about to snap! All my wages go to rent utilities and grocery’s and can’t even afford that. F off with your made up figures. Oh one guy makes 10,000,000 out of 10 and that some how means we all make a million per head. Pathetic

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