Slovakian PM rushed to car after being shot in assassination attempt

Slovakian PM rushed to car after being shot in assassination attempt

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Video shows a suspect being detained after shots were fired at the populist prime minister of Slovakia, who then appears to be rushed away in a car.
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Robert Fico has been injured in the shooting and taken to hospital. The incident occurred after a Slovak government meeting at a location outside Bratislava, news agency TASR reported on Wednesday, without giving further details.

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#RobertFico #Slovakia #SlovakiaShooting

  1. Look at those bodyguards slipping and sliding all over the place. Top tip if you work security make sure you have footwear that allows you to grip and move in an emergency. Bet the same thing happened when they spotted the shooter. 😂

  2. Da hat es den Richtigen getroffen! Demokratieverächter und Autokraten können nur so aus dem Verkehr gezogen werden. Da hat sich endlich einmal ein Mutiger getraut etwas zu unternehmen. Leider hat sich in Russland und anderen Diktaturen noch keiner getraut solche Teufel zu eliminieren.

  3. CIA, CSIS and MI6 are directly involved in that.. as an Indian I strongly condemn the action of US, Canada and UK intelligent departments. We as Indians demand a detail investigation with multiple party involved investigation team.

    US, Canada and UK are violating the rights of expression, ruining the sovereignty of other countries.

  4. Русский мир пришел в Словакию.По фасаду главной больницы страны можно понять что там такие же воры как и в россии.

  5. On of the most peaceful country in world where nobody would think something like this will ever happened.politician play games all over the world with peoples and this is crazy what happens

  6. He said NO to the WHO treaty! … He said NO to an unelected tyranny deciding whether You Are Locked Down Again! And forced so called Vaccines!
    He said NO to to the Globalists!
    The mainstream media failing to report these details! 🥂❤️

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