Putin Meets Xi in Beijing as Russian Forces Advance in Ukraine | WSJ News

Putin Meets Xi in Beijing as Russian Forces Advance in Ukraine | WSJ News

Putin obviously wants to secure what he can in terms of trade and economic deals. China is a big buyer of Russian energy and trade between the two sides has grown significantly over the past couple of years. China provides a real economic lifeline to Russia. It provides a lot of consumer goods that it’s increasingly hard for Russia to get elsewhere. It also provides a lot of dual use equipment that has both military and civilian applications which American officials say Russia is using to rebuild its military and to help it continue its war in Ukraine also hopes to have a symbolic win. He’s limited in terms of where he can go now that there’s a warrant for his arrest issued by the International Criminal Court. And so China is a key international outlet with him.

Vladimir Putin met with Chinese leader Xi Jinping during the Russian president’s first trip abroad since securing a rubber-stamp election victory in March. Photo: Sergei Bobylyov/AFP/Getty Images

#China #Russia #WSJ

  1. The Russia's Chinese Stooge goes and meets his puppeteer. Russia is a vassal state of China just like it was in owned under the mongol empire in 1240. China has a claim to own Russia so they summoned its leader to Beijing.

  2. US wants to contain Russia and Russia should do everything possible to defend themself, we stand with great Russia.
    All Ukraine has to do is to side with Russia so Russia doesn't need to feel blocked and we all can live in peace🤗

  3. Xi and Putin are power hungry but don't have any humanity. They're both trying to expand their land (Ukraine, Taiwan etc), yet they don't seem to notice the poverty and inhumane living standards that their people have to endure. It's all about the rich and the poor are used to fight their dirty wars.

  4. Nero fiddled while Rome burned… now Blinken plays guitar while Ukraine burns… what a travesty that NATO and US warmongers encouraged Ukraine to fight a war they could never win, so many innocent Ukrainians died as a result. I wonder how much $$$ the big guy got…

  5. The United States needed to get closer to Russia, not move away. China is worse than Russia; it is the economic enemy of the whole world in the future. China will take over the world

  6. We absolutely know Russia and China is our enemy.

    But Trump and MAGA Republicans are still praising Putin.

    Join "Republican Voters against Trump" to save USA.

  7. It makes me really wonder if SCHOLZs visit a few weeks ago w XI was an attempt by the chancellor to pay off the CCP and RUSSIA w another RECORD AMOUNT OF CAPITAL INVESTMENTS in CHINA in hopes of avoiding a war with Putin…. perhaps when Putin attacks NATO, WE WILL FIND OUT THE MISSILES USED HAD GERMAN COMPONENTS OR MADE WITH GERMAN TECHNOLOGY! After all..didnt the former chancellor Schroeder become a board director for RUSSIAS GAZPROM!? ! Germanys reluctance to send UKRAINE TAURUS MISSILES SAYS IT ALL…. GERMANY A SILENT PARTNER W THE NEW AXIS POWERS. XI is meeting Putin to discuss their new ally.

  8. What I would really like to know if the Biden sanctions and destruction of the Nord stream pipeline weaken Russia. We all the sanctions did not deter invasion.

  9. Putin will be remembered as the epitome of failure of being a politician a step down from being incompetent, since he was malicious in intent dint truly serve no one but his delusion he as a betrayer for humanity will be studied for his stupendous failures, so our future history will not sing the same repeating tune.

  10. Man, you just feel the innate power the pair controls, versus nothing when you watch Biden and his European, Canadian, Australian, Japanese, Korean and Philippino vassals

  11. This is a marriage of convenience. Russia needs China's support in Russia's continued war effort, while China, because of its shaky relations with Washington, is cuddling-up to Russia, hoping to forge a strong alliance with the pariah state in the event of further deteriorating relations between Washington and Beijing. Let's not forget, too, that the Chinese Foreign Minister has made overtures to the US to improve bilateral relations and to settle the Taiwan issue, but these overtures have largely been rejected by Washington.

  12. Imagine China would chose little Ruzzia with a gdp of Italy over the trade relations they have with the west. 😂😂😂😂 Ruzzia still believes in Friendship. 😂😂😂😂😂

  13. China, chanise, you have the opportunity now, if you arrest putin the terrorist that has a warn for arrest you will be praised for almost all the world and at last your economy will grow much because this! so DON'T LOSE THIS OPPORTUNITY,, DON'T LOSE IT!!!

  14. At 0:17 to 0:27, each leader has an aid very closely followed with the nuke war launch codes black briefcase, just like the US president's nuke football. Now that there are 3 leaders who are capable to start a full size global nuke war. Each with approximately 1000 nuke warheads deployed and ready to launch, and can totally destruct the opponent. This also proves China is announcing its membership in the 1000 nuke club. This is the first time ever two nuke footballs show up at the same place, we can feel the tense atmosphere. Is Biden watching ?? 🤔🤨😲😎

  15. Western media: Russia is losing the war and is isolated on the world. Reality: Ukraine is abducting granny's from the street to send to battlefield and Russian economy has never grown stronger…

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