Heavy battle in Donetsk region | Russians surrendered in captivity | Interrogation | POV ukraine war

Heavy battle in Donetsk region | Russians surrendered in captivity | Interrogation | POV ukraine war

why the hell did you come to your crane you came to my house fire catch up Orcs And eliminate them they’re running away just get up and finish them off with the guns we took a lot of grenades and started to enter enemy positions in this episode we will visit the contact line the Frontline positions in the Donetsk region which are being healed by a unit of Ukrainian border guards in heavy battles you will see from the inside the work of drone operators mortar units man pads teams a night raid by Special Forces into the enemy’s rear captured occupiers and more Ukrainian soldiers will also tell about their emotions and interesting moments on the battlefield let’s go I’m coming to you will you back me up there’s a blindage in t do you understand the enemy has set up a machine gun there we need to suppress him a little bit now I’ll drink some water and we’ll go Target him I threw the last one let’s work [Applause] this is the command post from which the combat operations are monitored and controlled there are eight Russians in the trench six people stay here to cover this you also put two more points these two points two men for every second house here you need six people in one line you take the rest of the people and drive the Russians out of this house we’re preparing for takeoff the commander said we are only doing reconnaissance now we are approximately above our positions flying towards the enemy’s positions let’s see what they did there overnight you can clearly see where the enemy is where they’re moving how many of them there are and make Corrections weapons and ammunition are not wasted as much because there is precise targeting we use copia which shows the coordinates due to the picture we target it and then we can perform more precise fire we bring gifts for our uninvited guests [Music] fire we work on the enemy on the First Command intelligence or our units find and identify the enemy they give us the coordinates and we go to work we do not see the target as we work from long distance our bird sees it and corrects us we mostly work on Infantry with fragmentation shills we need the enemy to be at least injured of course it would be better if the enemy wasn’t here at all as far as I heard they were concentrating their forces at night hiding in the ditches under the bridge and attacking our positions while they were attacking we arrived set up targets and worked on [Music] them fire there’s 82 mm mortars in the reads tell them to shoot here they are fire at the last Target look they’re crawling tell him to drop two ones quickly another one got it [Music] get ready solo I’m Amic we’re ready one fire copy [Music] that could there be shelling in response of course it’s easy it will be the guys there also work well but so far we have not had anything like this so far everyone is safe everyone is healthy and we will all return home to Mom Dad girlfriend and dog do you have a dog of course it’s not mine it’s my girlfriend’s we still have to get married I’ve already proposed so we still have to get married the war will end everything will be fine shoot [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] B didn’t you take a copter with you to drop yes we did get the quadcopter ready to drop we can’t see the enemy and the copter flies into their positions since we can’t see anything else from this angle the reconnaissance from above is more accurate and we can see what is happening in the trenches and behind the houses no low it even further come on drop it nice [Applause] job they were shooting from the city and then bird flew over us a drone and then a tank started shooting at us 8 n times it kept shooting us exactly at us and how hit the target or not he was shooting accurately I mean we just had good shelter he was shooting plus or minus 50 to 100 m one more fire one fire border guards in the bmot direction work with 82 mm and more powerful 120 and more powerful 120 mm mortars like these the enemy tries to surround the settlements and for this purpose mostly uses artillery as well as infantry attacks such means are among the most effective against enemy Manpower the Orcs are going through the re towards the river 1 2 3 4 five 11 enemies catch up and eliminate them all of them are running away in the direction of peroa 4 now they are at the open area just get up and finish them off with the guns this is the work of another mortar Group which is firing at enemy positions and infantry our mission is to cover platoon strongholds and not let the enemy gain a foothold when they dig in and attack our guys on the front line we try to stop them and push them back they’re not afraid of gunfire they just go for the slaughter and that’s it you have enough work there is enough work we work day and night in shells how many per day we use 50 to 60 shells per day how are the weapons and ammunition we need more of [Music] it watch him we can see the enemy infantry we are firing from a 120 mm mortar according to their movements and at the positions where they are currently hiding so far everything is going well we have identified the blindages our colleagues from the AFU are firing at enemy blindages and everything is going well and smoothly there was the first attack on the enemy they’re hiding and sitting in a shelter we will smoke them out when we have the opportunity we will make a small fire adjustment and smash them here is a very good hit on the blindage where they defend themselves good job beautiful right there war is war but you need to eat here take it I can share I can’t watch when a child is hungry are you sure are you full PGE for the do we arrived at the position with aerial reconnaissance they launch a copter just a few minutes the shelling started guy says it’s an enemy 120 mm mortar for now the range allows us to continue working but if they hit a little more accurately we will have to move again and look for a new point the main thing is not to reveal yourself and what should be done for that you have to hide uh we have to disguise ourselves as much as possible because if they find us we are one of their main targets because we can drop explosives on them and accordingly adjust the artillery [Applause] fire a few days ago right at this spot a car was blown up you can take a video but we HD in time in a safe place what do you do in such situations finish your work and leave no if we have to work we keep working when the situation is absolutely desperate only then we leave but otherwise we continue to work so despite the shelling you still have to stay in the air yes and we have to return the Drone it’s hard Without Eyes in the air very hard at nightfall a reconnaissance group of Border guards raided the enemy’s Advanced positions cleared them and captured several occupants what is your military brand PMC yes you’re a convict yes where did you go to jail penal colony number 40 ker City uh what crime were you imprisoned for article 228 for what chemical laboratory for how long were you sentenced 10 years what do they promise 195,000 rubles and an amnesty why the hell did you come to Ukraine you came to my house did I come to your house no so why did you come here we’re being forced to be honest did they force you yes why didn’t you just shoot yourself in the leg or why didn’t you throw a grenade near you you would get injured and go home are you finishing off the wounded aren’t you a paramedic seriously wounded soldiers receive almost no medical care and what are they do with them they let them die on their own what did they do with the deserters they shoot them how many of you died during the assault about 60% 60% how much is that about 55 people with the help of radio interception it was found that the enemy was going to storm our positions has not passed also a day as an enemy of 91 people took the position near our strong point in residential buildings after that I decided to conduct clearing operations at these houses we took a lot of grenades grenade launchers wgs accordingly we have PBS’s guns with silencers and from 10 p.m. we started to go to positions the enemy was relaxed at the time they rested they did not understand what was happening as we approached and identified the enemy we quietly went into the house and liquidated them with PBS’s it was several houses they were in houses five people small groups when they found us on the approaches to their houses we no longer went inside settled near these houses worked with grenades throwing them into the windows we tried to set fire to the roofs to expel them from the houses and eliminate them one house was very resisted we tried about two hours to knock them out although the house was already burning there was no roof there was no windows but the enemy continued to fight after one and a half hours we were lucky we bypassed the house on both sides and found an enemy from there from this house three were captured here the specifics of the work of the Border guards are the same as those of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as of the National Guard as territorial Defense Forces they all perform the same work there are no border crossing points where their documents need to be checked or Vehicles inspected we like the Armed Forces stand in positions with weapons and destroy the enemy for half a year they capture our positions little by little how much per day 100 m a kilometer it cannot be said that way it may be a kilometer a day or we may have regained our position by 2 km so we are also counterattacking them it’s difficult to call it a large scale Counterattack rather restoration of positions little progress but they’re still there and there is no such thing as us standing on the defensive and just shooting back here the defense is partly maneuverable there’s such a thing as changing positions a little for forward a little back we try to move the biggest danger is the drones the main thing is to not move because the movement immediately catches the eye they have such days that helicopters and planes in our sector East North daily launches nearly four to five times from what distance is the plane visible it can be seen even up to 10 km or more but we work at effective distance as it is written in TTC that Stinger Works efficiently for 4.5 km can hit a Target up to 8 km we try to work from four to 5 km their tactics are different here they enter silently release missiles turn around and it all takes up to 4 seconds and they are not visible here are the positions are 300 M from us and there’re already battles you have to work everything quickly here it doesn’t happen that you just have time to follow the target for a long time everything should be done automatically here you see and forget everything just muscle memory and hands do their job the eyes look for the sight the sight is pointed at the Target and a quick shot is fired after the shot the soldiers immediately changed their position and move to cover to avoid being spotted by enemy drones and hitting by artillery by the way during a week after this video was shot a man pad’s calculation of B guard shot down two enemy su2 aircrafts in the [ __ ] Direction I am standing in the kitchen and the first shot is a shrapnel coming through my window in the second shot is a bullet I worry and pray for our boys I thank them infinitely grateful they give their lives for Ukraine first first of all we are fighting for our country and our homeland is everything for us there is no way back only forward only to our borders if you were interested in today’s episode and would like me to continue doing episodes like this next then let me know by hitting the like button and leaving a comment thank you

In this episode, we will visit the contact line, the frontline positions in the Donetsk region, which are being held by a unit of Ukrainian border guards in heavy battles. You will see from the inside the work of drone operators, mortar units, MANPADS team, a night raid by special forces into the enemy’s rear, captured occupiers and more. Ukrainian soldiers will also tell about their emotions and interesting moments on the battlefield. Let’s go.

Heavy battle in Donetsk region | Russians surrendered in captivity | Interrogation

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This video has undergone authorial processing in the form of translation and voice-over, while respecting the copyright. The translation retains the meaning and cultural sensitivity, while the voice-overs are tailored to the atmosphere of the original. All work was done within copyright laws and licenses, supporting creativity and respect for the original content creators.

This documentary video is investigative journalism and is not intended as a call to action or political agitation. All shocking and sensitive scenes have been hidden or processed in accordance with ethical standards. The purpose of the video is to inform viewers about the events in Ukraine based on available data and evidence. The opinions and conclusions expressed in this video are those of the authors and do not reflect the position of the channel or its partners.

  1. you know its Russian propaganda when a Bolshevik is calling a Ukrainian a Nazi… LOL that is like Stalin telling us how bad a person Hitler is.. What a liar, he calls all western white race Nazi I think.

  2. You have to respect the brave soldiers defending their families, friends and homeland. Sucks that this has happened wish you the best. 🇺🇦

  3. Really appreciate your work especially the English translation/subtitles. Watching all the way from the Pacific Islands, Papua New Guinea and thank God for all the protections and care of our Ukrainian Soldiers. Slava Ukraine. ❤

  4. Да, вообще отличный подгон эта СВО, У нас на ленинградской области ритуальний бизнес прет в гору, путен реально помог развитию!!

  5. It says , posted 15 hours ago. There is snow on the ground, its very old video,
    its AI, Fake computer generated voice, Give this crap a Thumbs Down.

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