Russia not aiming to take Kharkhiv from Ukraine claims Putin

Russia not aiming to take Kharkhiv from Ukraine claims Putin

ukrainians are fleeing with what they can quick this policeman shouts if you want to live let’s go officers are going door too guns at the ready as they evacuate citizens in vchan which for a week now has been the focal point of a Russian advance that has stunned Ukraine the town is constantly shelled more than 20 guided bombs hit B chanks just yesterday it is dangerous to stay in the town Russia Today said they had now taken 12 settlements in the harke region with Ukraine’s top Commander warning of heavy battles to come Ukraine’s military release video of what it said was their soldiers firing at Russian forces as president zinski said they were stabilizing the region thanks to our forces we’ve managed to build confidence in the direction of V Chans however Russian shelling and threats persist our counterattacks are ongoing including in other parts of the harke area it was last Friday that Russia mounted a ground assault in the harke region with their forces now advancing near vchan as well as liit and kupiansk today Ukraine said they were also preparing for a possible assault on the sui region claiming that Russia had a small unit of forces Gathering there that would would open yet another front in this war with moscow’s heaviest strikes still occurring in the Eastern denet region with Russian soldiers also advancing on donet City Vladimir Putin may be thousands of miles away but he still has a firm grip on events he was in habin today celebrating Russia’s ties to China trade with Beijing is now up 64% since the War Began he said that the assault in h was to create a buffer zone to protect Russia cities from Ukrainian attacks as for what is happening in h this is also Ukraine fault they continue to shoot residential areas in the Border territories we will be forced to create a buffer zone this is what we are doing as for H there are no such plans today to capture the city Ukraine Unleashed drone attacks with this one setting fire to an oil refinery on the Black Sea for ing an emergency shutdown Russia has blamed Western forces for allowing these attacks deep inside Russia and warned them they were playing with fire yet it is Moscow who started this war and began the Flames that still burn from harke down to the South as yet more and more ukrainians Flee for their lives

Vladimir Putin says the offensive Russia launched a week ago in Ukraine’s Kharkiv region is not aimed at capturing the city of Kharkhiv.


Speaking during his trip to China, he insisted it’s aimed at creating a buffer zone to protect the nearby Belgorod region – which Russia said was hit by Ukrainian drones overnight, along with Crimea.

Meanwhile, Ukraine’s President signed two laws allowing prisoners to join the army and increasing fines for draft dodgers, in an effort to increase troop numbers.

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  1. If Russia seriously wants a buffer zone created then surely it should be on the Russian side of the border. Why should the Ukrainian people lose any more of their sovereign territory. After all just the other day in that very friendly democratic country of china putin said that every country has the right to its own sovereignty and to determine its own future.

  2. C4 have even included Putin himself talking about this. He said NOT TODAY. Its to create a buffer zone…. as they said they would when Ukraine started hitting civilians in Belgorod. Russia have all but admitted they are going take Kharkov at some point, along with Odessa and possibly Kiev (the original capital of Russia). Its worrying C4 make no attempts to even hide there propaganda.

  3. أصدرت القوات البرية ضربة جوية طارئة

    حماية مواطني الدول الشقيقة لحماس من خلال إطلاق صواريخ متوسطة وطويلة المدى على الأراضي الإسرائيلية في أعقاب بناء قاعدة عسكرية في منطقة غازي من قبل الجيش الإسرائيلي.

    وفي الوقت الحالي، تقوم محكمة العدل الدولية وإسرائيل، مكتب الجرائم الدولية المسؤول عن القتل الجماعي للمدنيين في قطاع غزة، بإجراء المداولة الثانية.
    وتقول إسرائيل إنها لم ترتكب أي خطأ، لكن محكمة العدل الدولية صنفت إسرائيل كدولة ترتكب إبادة جماعية ضد المدنيين في قطاع غزة، حتى تتمكن من المضي قدمًا في اجتماع لمجلس الأمن الدولي يمكن أن يرسل قوات تابعة للأمم المتحدة إذا تم إقرار مشروع قانون الاعتقال صدور مذكرة اعتقال بحق نتنياهو، ولن يتم اعتقال نتنياهو.
    وبدلاً من ذلك، تم الاعتراف بها رسميًا من قبل المجتمع الدولي كدولة غير إنسانية ارتكبت جرائم قتل جماعي للمدنيين في قطاع غزة، وأصبح بايدن متآمرًا في القتل الجماعي للمدنيين في قطاع غزة من خلال تزويد إسرائيل بالأسلحة، على أمل أن تتمكن الولايات المتحدة من ذلك. سيتم طرد الولايات المتحدة وإسرائيل من سوق التصدير العالمية وتوقعت إدارة إيدن أن يصبح العالم تحالفًا عسكريًا بين الولايات المتحدة وحلفائها، باستخدام القوة العسكرية لتهديد الدول التي عقدت العزم على معاداة الولايات المتحدة. واستخدام وسائل الحرب القسرية والعقوبات الاقتصادية لتحويلهم إلى عملاء عسكريين واقتصاديين للولايات المتحدة ومع وجود بايدن في المقدمة، بدأت بالفعل الحرب العالمية العسكرية والاقتصادية للسيطرة على سوق التصدير العالمية تحت قيادة بايدن.

    ويجب على الدول التي لا يحبها بايدن أن تسيطر على العالم من خلال عمليات عسكرية مشتركة لحماية مواطنيها مقدما.

    إن بايدن بلد غير إنساني، وكبديل لعرقلة طريق التصدير الأمريكي، تهدف حرب بايدن العسكرية والاقتصادية إلى الاستيلاء على سوق التصدير العالمية الأمريكية بالقوة. تخطط الإدارة الأمريكية لخطة لإشعال حرب عالمية اقتصادية واستخدام وكلاء أمريكا العسكريين والاقتصاديين للسيطرة على سوق التصدير العالمية والنجاح في إعادة انتخاب الرئيس الأمريكي.

  4. This is an act of the colonial mindset of the Western man in the street. Did they really think that Russia would tolerate the occupation of its historical territories by NATO, nuclear missiles 500 kilometers from Moscow? Genocide of the Russian-speaking population?

  5. Spouting russian propaganda again. Mainstream media continues to peddle the orc narrative. How much territory have they actually taken in the last 2 years?? Do the maths people. 12 villages are not Kharkiv.

  6. "Russian forces also advancing on Donetsk City"
    no wonder Channel 4 have absolutely no clue what is happening in this conflict.
    Donetsk City hasn't been under Kiev's control for a decade now. How can these reporters be this dumb? At least Russian reports are accurate.

  7. —The ratio of explosive fires: ratio 1:10 (when a Ukrainian fires once, the Russian fires 10 times)

    situation in May 2024:

    On the Ukrainian side, the number of killed is 40,000, add to that 160,000 disabled.98% of those killed are Ukrainians.

    On the Russian side, the number of killed is 50,000, add to that 200,000 disabled.40% of the killed are Orthodox Russians, 60% of the killed come from the Russian empire.

    France's participation in arms deliveries to Ukraine amounts to 2% of the total arms and ammunition delivered to Ukraine.

    25% of UKrainian territory now belongs to Russia, Ukraine has gone from 42 million inhabitants to 35 million inhabitants.

    The forces present:

    -Ukrainian=initially 250,000 increased to 350,000

    -Russian=120,000 initially increased to 450,000

    The Russians are 25km from Karkiv…May 2024–

  8. Today, videos of deserted streets and closed-down businesses are coming from all over Ukraine: men and many women are afraid to get out of their houses after the latest mobilisation law!
    The police of the Kharkov region are arresting everyone who does not agree to evacuate from the border area for “collaboration”.
    In Kharkov, a military registration and enlistment office was once again attacked with a grenade launcher, this is already the fifth case.
    Odessa is empty today, residents have created observation posts in their houses, and are recording and posting on local media sites where the TCC (employees of the territorial center of the military registration and enlistment office) are located so that people do not get caught.

  9. No Russia was not going to invade but now that they did they don't want Kharkhiv. What do they want then whole Ukraine I can't see that happening any time soon.

  10. Russia don’t care about what’s left of Ukraine territory they just want to keep Crimea and the land corridor to Crimea. It’s the largest country on earth they are not craving for lands but they need to secure their access to the Black Sea. War can end tomorrow if Ukraine accept that it lost these territories (that they never actually earned anyway)

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