Putin Publicly Reveals Next Step After Sudden Attack On Kharkiv As Panicked Zelensky Rushes In

Russian President Vladimir Putin made a big declaration about his latest war move on May 17. At a press conference during his China trip, Putin said that Russia has no plans of capturing Kharkiv. Putin’s comment comes a week after Russia launched a sudden offensive in the Northeastern Kharkiv region. Watch for more.


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  1. All leaders who are orchestrating wars for evil reasons are about to fall. Only for defensive reasons should a country go into battle to preserve the lives of innocent people, to defend against evil. The aggression against humanity for personal gain will ensure the perpetrators defeat and judgment because this has been written by the scribes prophetically and spoken of by the Son of the Most High eternal Elohim.  

    These things were revealed to me in 1966 by the Creator of the Heavens and the earth, who told me by a Heavenly Messenger. Also I know what is written has been done on earth and will be done on earth for this is the day when the 'Lord's Prayer' will be realised 'Thy Kingdom Come! Thy will be done on earth! (On earth Christians just as you say it), As it is in Heaven! And most importantly "Hallowed by Thy Name! Glory to Yahuveh on High!. Our Messiah will come! We will hear the trumpet sound from the Heavens. And the heavens will enter into the battle affray to defeat the evil, lying rulers.

  2. Zelensky says his troops are inflicting heavy casualties on soldiers. Yes, inflecting losses on the own retreating soldiers. Many are just abandoning their positions and running away but Zelensky’s Nazi enforcers are behind them to stop Ukrainians from retreating.

  3. The Soviet Union did not behave like this. The USSR was in contrast to Putin's Russia a respected nation. What Russia is doing in Ukraine can't be undone. All Russian war crimes are recorded, registered and documented, and will be used against Russia when the Russian dictator is sent to the Hague for justice.

  4. First thing Putin says is turn off the comments what a coward!just like trump !draft dodging coward Donald Trump diaper wearing,orange faced wig wearing liar!

  5. " Expendable" Zelensky N.A.T.O E.U and Friends are winning!!!! No [:clown_face:] To the last Dead Ukrainian for N.A.T.O Membership on E.U his masters now Macron Poland and other friends He needs 500,000 men want to send him more weapons and troops! Well good luck ask for coffins too; Now Compulsory Recruitment of Woman and Man 18 to 60 for war if they refuse 8 yrs jail or Differed Adjudication if they go 1 yr to the front Children been conditioned to be sacrificed in the near future to be taken to the Front by Force to be Killed as Cannon Fodder ooh! you little Hitler you will go like he did hope not may the people in Ukraine judge you wail you get all Nazi Clown from Russia with Love

  6. Putun shouldn't leave a opportunity like Kharkiv as Russia can have a Bigger chunk of Ukraine and liberate the people of kharkiv. Take control of Whole kharkiv & zelensky and West would loose the war as the zelenskys ambitions would just Nose dive

  7. Ukraine wants war, give them what they're asking for, and hopefully bring this to an end! Git 'er done! ☦ God be with Pres. Putin and Russia, and may Ukraine surrender end this senseless loss of lives and destruction! Guess Zelensky doesn't think he's made enough money yet, the greedy nut!

  8. What does a comedian knows about warfare?He will lead ukrainians to their death!!!
    Surrender n live ukrainian soldiers …u will not die u will end the war!No point giving up ur live for America n corrupt Zelensky!He bought mansion in Florida n Italy!Save yourself!

  9. Zelenskyy wears a gown that isn`t even closed while the other dolts wear nothing bt their civy clothes while visiting a hospital. Gee, guys how are feeling after having your limbs blown off?

  10. he simply saying , if you keep attacking, mainland Russia . He keep creating buffer zones. you know what he means,.He might take over the whole country , if it is necessary, to stop the attacks.

  11. Now after kharkiv the ukraine troops are stretched thin and after a month if russia sends troops towards kiev frm belarus just like they had done only this time russia would be bombing not just coming in a long convoy, the war is over

  12. This is crazy
    Why is Russia advancing so fast?
    [Z]elensky said that they built heavy fortifications for a lot of money to protect Kharkiv (secondbiggest city of Ukraine), yet even anti-Russian papers reported that there are no fortifications at all!
    The money has siphoned to fictitious constructing companies.

  13. Its so hilarious watching TINY changin his harrative eveytime they fail at something !! SO now its to crrate a bufferzone ! First they could have done that in russia without loosing 10.000 soldiers in just 8 days ! SEcond , if you wanna make a bufferzone ,you have to cover the entire borderline in the area, how you guys had a look at the map ? Thats not whats happening. Russia failed again, suprise suprise !!! Even China is laughing at the utter incompetence of the russian millitary !!

  14. اقای خامنه ای من این نصیحت ها را به همه می کنم و کردم به شما به اقای رفسنجانی اگه یادتون باشه حتی به قاره آفریقا
    داستان قاره آفریقا
    سال ها پیش ویدیویی به دستم رسید که در آفریقا بچه های بی صاحب در خیابان ها مشغول گدایی هستند من اون زمان هنوز از جنایت های پشت پرده دین دروغین اسلام شیعه و سنی و بقیه بی خبر بودم
    تعجب کردم فکر کردم از فقر بیش از حد مردم زور نگهداری از بچه هاشون را ندارند ولی بازم عجیب بود چون من دیدم که فقرا یی که خدا شناسند ‌وبا سختی کار پیدا می کنند از بچه هاشون به خوبی مواظبت و تربیت می کنند
    تا اینکه یک روز ویدیویی به دستم رسید که با تمسخر می گفت مرد آفریقایی سیاه پوستی که ما دو تا زن می گیریم یا بیشتر ما مردها هر کاری دلمون بخواد می کنیم
    من خیلی سعی کردم حالی‌شون کنم پی علت فقر شما همینه نه کسی دیگه خودتون راه را اشتباه رفتید
    هر کاری کردم انگار توی کله شون پهن بود و قدرت تفکر نداشتند
    تا اینکه ویروس ایبولا که ملیون برابر بدتر از کرونا بود به آفریقا آمد
    هیچ گزارش دقیقی با ویدیو نمی شد بفرستند چون در آن واحد این ویروس منتشر می شد و در جا می کشت من در اخبار دنبال می کردم از دونفر کشته شروع شد فرداش چهار تا فرداش شانزده تا تا به هزاران رسید تصاعدی شماره های مرده ها بالا می رفت و از هر خانواده یک نفر هم باقی نمی ماند من در جایی بودم یک صحنه با هلیکوپتر عکس هایی که از شهر گرفته بودن. نشون می داد مردم در خیابان ها مثل مور و ملخ روی هم مرده بودند و چون حجم وسیع و خیلی خیلی مسری بود دفن نشده بودند
    جدیدا یک نفر خارجی رفته کل آفریقا را چرخیده فیلم گرفته نمام جمعیت بزرگشون مردند رفتند این نتیجه خشم خدا برای قانون های مذاهب دروغی به اسم دین خداست
    شوهران من تعیین شده خدا برای من بودند جوانند مثل خود من نیاز به سکس دارند همشون منتظر کمک شما بودند و هستند ولی شما مخصوصا اونا را تشنه نگه داشتید که ببرید لب چشمه خودتون که اونم انقلاب در امریکا و نابودی اسراییل و اروپاست و خانواده رویال انگلیس
    خدا جوابتون را میده

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