Officially Confirmed! Putin didn’t expect such a big move from Denmark! US-made GAME CHANGERS done!

[Music] [Music] welcome to PPR Global the war between Ukraine and Russia is increasing the geopolitical concerns of the countries bordering Russia Europe and even the world the Russian federation’s aggressive actions in Ukraine Europe and the baltics have mobilized many countries many countries are acting together to restrict Russia’s movement in Europe and the baltics and the far north and most importantly for Ukraine’s freedom in recent days Denmark has taken action on this issue and made very serious joint moves with Ukraine the Danish government has signaled a long-term commitment to Ukraine’s military activity in a decisive show of support the Danish government intends to greatly strengthen its air defense and artillery capabilities in the face of continued Russian aggression Denmark has enforced its support for Ukraine with a substantial military aid package of $815 million in a bold move that underscores the international community’s growing commitment to Ukraine amid the ongoing conflict Denmark has announced a significant military aid package aimed at strengthening Ukrainian defenses the latest tranch Denmark’s 18th donation to Ukraine comes at a crucial time to respond to Ukraine’s desperate calls for more robust air defense mechanisms as the conflict continues the new $815 million package marks the 18th consecutive Danish Aid package to Ukraine focused on the transfer of critical air defense systems and F-16 fighter jets at a time when Ukraine continues to resist Russian aggression this strategic move is expected to level the playing field in the skies where Russia’s air superiority poses a significant challenge for Ukrainian forces the $815 million military Aid package is expected to buy essential weapons for Ukraine including artillery shells and anti-tank weapons the package is among the small European Count’s most significant contributions to date with $349 million earmarked specifically for air defense this important funding is intended to facilitate the purchase and deployment of much-needed air defense systems to protect Ukrainian cities and infrastructure which are currently under Relentless bombardment as is well well known such systems are vital to leveling the playing field against Russia’s air superiority moreover the package is not only about providing immediate defense capabilities a significant part of the funding is earmarked for the modernization and preparation of Danish F16 amab fighter jets which are scheduled to be delivered to Ukraine in the summer of 2024 it is primarily about repair and modernization which will make it possible but why are f 16s so important for the war these fighter jets could be a GameChanger for Ukrainian forces and make a significant contribution to their air capabilities Ukraine has a small air force it is outnumbered by its Russian counterpart and consists of Soviet standard aircraft that can only fly a dozen or so low-risk combat missions a day while Moscow uses its Jets relatively conservatively in Frontline areas the size of its Air Force means it poses is a much greater threat Kiev needs modern fighter jets to help protect its Skies from regular deadly Russian missile and drone attacks as well as to support its counter offensive in Southern and Eastern Ukraine Kiev is struggling to assert itself in the air and f16s will enable it to regain control of the skies and provide air support to ground troops at the beginning of January Ukraine had fewer than 190 operational aircraft while Russia had more than 2,000 but even though Russia has more tanks and aircraft the Ukrainian people have proven to be determined and Brave on the battlefield once the West provides manned fighter jets the Russian Air Force will have absolutely no chance the targeting capabilities of the F-16 will allow Ukraine to attack Russian forces more accurately in all weather conditions and at night this is an acknowledgement that the conflict is turning into a war of attrition where control of the Skies can significantly influence the course of the conflict the Danish government’s announcement comes at a time when Russia has suffered heavy losses and Military clashes continue across Ukraine with Independent Media confirming tens of thousands of deaths and reports of massive Russian troop losses a bleak picture of the cost of the war is painted meanwhile Ukrainian forces remain Resolute shooting down enemy drones and continuing attacks in various regions this Aid package from Denmark is a reflection of Europe’s growing support for Ukraine it is a continuation of previous initiatives including Denmark’s allocation of 5.8 million to the Ukrainian energy support fund and investments in renewable energy infrastructure in Ukraine Denmark is sending a clear signal of support to Kiev while inviting other countries to consider similar or higher levels of assistance to strengthen Ukraine against continued aggression Danish foreign minister Lars Loca rasmason specifically mentioned the Strategic importance of this assistance noting that it meets Ukraine’s urgent need for more air defense artillery and ammunition at the same time he called for a global inspiration based on the Danish model for direct investment in Ukraine’s defense manufacturing capabilities encouraging a more integrated approach to military assistance that benefits the recipient industry and economy Copenhagen also announced that part of the approved funding will finance NATO projects for Ukraine and other investments in the country’s military oriented local businesses as part of the package the government is also setting aside additional funds to be invested directly in the Ukrainian defense industry Danish foreign minister Lars Loca rasmas said it makes sense for weapons to be produced where they are used and by those who use them it is also about future proofing Ukraine’s defense capability Ukraine has the skills but not the funding I hope more countries can be inspired to follow this model Rasmussen said Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinsky expressed gratitude for the continued support and welcomed the Danish Aid package which includes Air Defense Artillery strengthening of the Fon 16 program and direct purchases from Ukrainian defense manufacturers in conclusion the latest Danish military assistance package to Ukraine is an important and mult multifaceted support measure that aims not only to meet urgent defense needs but also to support Ukraine’s defense industry it is an investment in Ukraine’s current and future stability and sends a message of unwavering solidarity from the International Community as Ukraine fights for its sovereignty and territorial Integrity Denmark’s latest package for Ukraine follows a13 million donation in January to boost the country’s digital security against cyber attack in December 2023 the Danish government partnered with Sweden to bolster kiev’s defenses with cv90 infantry fighting vehicles that same month Denmark and the Royal Air Force began training Ukrainian Pilots to operate future F-16 squadrons 8 months ago Denmark and the Netherlands signed an agreement on the supply and delivery of leopard two tanks to Ukraine meanwhile Ukraine and Denmark signed a memorandum of understanding on long-term cooperation and the construction of Ukraine this document provides for the Danish government to allocate approximately 40 million EUR to support the private sector involved in the Reconstruction of Ukraine and €380 million EUR to support critical infrastructure using renewable energy moreover Denmark’s forward-thinking commitment goes beyond military assistance as it includes significant Investments to restore Ukraine’s energy infrastructure a sector that has suffered greatly from Russian aggression this initiative takes a holistic view of Aid recognizing that infrastructure stability is essential for Ukraine’s resilience the memorandum was signed on behalf of Ukraine by Julius venko first Deputy Prime Minister and minister of economy of Ukraine and on behalf of Denmark by Morton bodoff minister of Industry trade and finance of Denmark president of Ukraine Vladimir zalinski said I would like to thank the Danish government for supporting Ukraine’s recovery and resilience we recognize the need to further strengthen trade ties between Danish and Ukrainian businesses to support the Ukrainian economy and business the memorandum of understanding we have signed envisages cooperation with the private sector and is part of the Denmark Ukraine fund which aims to reduce the financial risks faced by companies involved in the Reconstruction of Ukraine in some Denmark’s strategic approach includes direct investment in Ukraine’s defense industry a move failed by both countries as a pragmatic way to efficiently arm Ukrainian forces on the other hand Germany will purchase three m142 hear multiple launch rocket systems from the United States and gift them to Ukraine this was announced during a visit to Washington by German Federal defense minister Boris Pistorius he said that the hr’s multiple launch rocket systems will come from the stock of the US armed forces and Germany will pay for them in cooperation with the Americans we will buy three hears launchers for Ukraine these will come from the US armed forces and will be paid for by us Pistorius said at the same time the federal Minister of Defense stressed the importance of the North Atlantic alliance’s support for Ukraine as Putin’s success would unleash autocrats around the world thank you for watching us

Officially Confirmed! Putin didn’t expect such a big move from Denmark! US-made GAME CHANGERS done!

  1. What happened to the big push against Miss Information??????????? It's all good as long as the globalist commie warmongers you will own nothing and be happy …eating bugs people are telling the lies???

  2. I don't know if anyone has realized it yet but with all of the Allied countries working together and all of the Axis countries working together, Voila! We have World War III going on right now! You can take that to the bank! The next thing you'll know is when China attacks Taiwan, you will have the two World War II Theaters, i.e., the European and Pacific Theaters. World War II is being repeated as World War III.

  3. Danes have purchased the planes from the US for delivery this coming summer. Upon receipt of the planes, Denmark will transfer them to the Ukraine. This way, Biden will not be seen as giving the planes directly to the Ukraine for use against Russia. At least that will get him pff the hook-for awhile.

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