Ukraine Struggles to Hold Eastern Front | HasanAbi reacts

Ukraine Struggles to Hold Eastern Front | HasanAbi reacts

oh let’s talk about Ukraine briefly as well well meanwhile let’s talk about Ukraine because more American weapons are on their way to the front line there and for that country’s troops really those supplies can’t come quickly enough Russian forces we know are making advances in the area around the city of khah they’ve seized a string of villages and they forced thousands of Ukrainian civilians to flee from those areas and the message that more Us weapons are coming was delivered uh in person by the US of State Anthony blinkin he’s arrived in keev he came by sleeper train for a surprise unannounced visit for talks with President Vladimir zensi it’s the first visit to Ukraine by senior Us official since Congress finally passed that long delayed $61 billion military aid package for Ukraine La by the way this is also why I think it’s insane when Nancy Pelosi and [ __ ] say that like um these people who are defending Palestine are like lovers of Russia it’s like bro there is literally no better momentum for Vladimir Putin right now than the massive political lves that the American state is taking as they showcase their hypocrisy every single day and also they take advantage of the opening like the the Russian government takes advantage of the opening that is caused by everyone shifting their attention and resources to Israel’s offensive genocidal campaign it’s ridiculous month well our Ukraine correspond James waterhous has been following also I forgot to run the 3 minute abbre I’m going to run it now good morning state Secretary nice to meet you againa a 9h hour sleeper train is still the best way to Kev even if you’re America’s top Diplomat a quick switch to a more familiar motorade before a long day of meetings first up for Anthony blinkin president zilinski not simple period for Ukraine imagine being invaded by Russia and then seeing this while the Russians Advance bro this is literally Adam Curtis oh my God I know it’s me it’s like MiMi to and kind of cliche to say like this is so Adam Curtis but this is literally s Adam Curtis this is Adam Curtis b-roll straight up and to the copon of sound Russian forces Advanced into karff as Secretary of State Anthony blinkin with not a shred of irony chose to play Rocking In The Free World that’s great man that’s cool keep on rocking to The in the Free World dude if this was a scene in a movie I’d have to say this movie was unbelievable the tragedy is that he’s a mediocre guitarist but a better guitarist than a state Secretary of State just I don’t know I don’t know what to say about this and a tough period for for the east of our country for our Warriors thank you that you came especially these days to support Ukraine this is the first high level us visit since the unblocking of a $61 billion military package for ke welcomed yes but delayed by political disagreements and now slow deliveries we know this is a challenging time but we also know that u in the near term the assistance is now on the way uh some of it’s already arrived more of it will be arriving and that’s going to make a real difference against the ongoing Russian aggression on the battlefield and this is what it looks like now a year and a half of stalemate has suddenly turned into a significant Russian offensive in a week thousands are fleeing their homes in the northeastern har region Russian bombs have rained down for 5 days and invading troops are getting closer keep talking to us says this police officer to 71-year-old Olga she was injured in an explosion and their car is now an ambulance they meet paramedics we’re told she’s in a serious condition the newly homeless end up here in Ukraine’s Second City people are terrified they are do you think Russia will take Ukraine bro if you think I’m going to give you a prediction on Russia Ukraine you must be on crack cocaine if you think I am going to say anything but just go mhm mhm you’re out of your God dang mind bro they are they are so horny right now in the train wrench is waiting for a slip up so they can shift the attention away from how unhinged they’ve been towards like someone who is personally tried their very best to physically be like inoffensive to as many people online as possible like lwig basically demonstrating to onlookers hoing insane they are they’re salivating at the prospect of something that they can clip out of context so they take they keep their uh animals with them uh so everyone is in a huge because of the constant Shon and of the shock of the Russian offensive bro this is way bigger than dumbass streamer drama I mean I also don’t know I don’t know the answer to your question I genuinely don’t know I do know however that like something’s got to give something’s got to give I’ve been asking the Americans that keep uh lying telling tall tales of the EUR uh to the ukrainians about how long and how committed they are to supporting the Ukrainian cause well simultaneously not giving a [ __ ] at all as like Ukraine is basically running into a hurdle not necessarily of like American Munitions which certainly is a problem but beyond American Munitions it is already it’s been months now where ukrainians on the ground um ukrainians on the ground have been saying like they’re running out of people it’s not necessarily just that like we don’t have enough uh we don’t we don’t have enough uh weapons or anything it’s that they also don’t have enough people where is it someone you let news said something but I missed it the attack in hardke is literally a diversion attack to pull Ukrainian forces away from dones where the main Russian push is Ukrainian military leaders only make such statements in Western media while people in Ukraine are fed propaganda about winning War facing Russian Advance the top Ukrainian General paints a bleak picture Ukraine’s forces are stretch thin and have minimal reserves to draw on the chief of military intelligence said in addition to shortages of weapons facing a Russian Advance top Ukrainian General paints a bleak picture you don’t have to say it but it’s clear that Ukraine is being used this has nothing to do with Fighting For Freedom or any of that [ __ ] this simply a fund to arm Depot trying to waste Russian arms yeah no I I have been saying that I as a matter of fact have not stopped saying that the American interest no matter what is always going to be about using and abusing whoever even if their cause of emancipation is just and Ukraine’s emancipatory cause is certainly just they are being invaded by a much larger Force viciously as a matter of fact that is UNCA that is unacceptable Russia’s actions are ridiculous violent the problem is a lack of interest from the American side to offer assurances to the invading Force whether they agree to it or not down the line doesn’t matter ceasefire should be the ultimate goal here and if ceasefire doesn’t work then there you go you have more political momentum for Ukraine you know what I mean but no that’s that’s unacceptable unimaginable ukrainians don’t want it ukrainians don’t want it the fact that we are saying like no no no you’re going to win this I promise you’re going to win this I promise and Ukrainian media is like no no no we’re going to win this I promise we’re going to win this I promise and then simultaneously like waiting for a point of no return so that even the Ukrainian people start rising up against their own military against their own administrations to be like dude we’re dying we have to we have to put an end to this is ridiculous ultimately though I don’t know how many deaths have to happen until it it gets that point did you just describe a meme did I maybe for now harv city is a place of relative safety but for how long while few think the Russians are capable of taking it they could soon be in artillery range no is for Russia yeah when I remember when I said Russia’s actions are abhorent violent unconscionable unacceptable remember when I said that and when I said the Ukrainian cause of emancipation is just and valid I actually didn’t you know this chatter didn’t hear that at all because he had clutter in his ears I think the f are you saying do you just like have selective hearing cuz there’s not a there’s not a single moment where I where I haven’t criticized Russia for invading Ukraine since the invasion of Ukraine I just I don’t know I don’t know what else to say man it’s like hyping up your friend to fight the 6’8 guy at the club when your buddy is 5’7 and your help is throwing stuff at him to use in the fight but not even from soldiers to generals everywhere The Economist spoke to over uh the past week knows that Ukraine lacks the resources to get back to his 1991 borders as his politicians have promised by the time the new American Aid package were approved on April 24th it was rationing ammunition Colonel fedosenko says he was down to give five shells a day for his American Paladin howitzers my one were my men were fighting with Spades and trenches Colonel fedenko feels it may have reached his Peak only a few weeks ago he says Russian infantry backed by 10 to 20 armored vehicles and tanks were launching assaults every 2 to three hours now they attack only every 5 days or so okay this is good this actually is a change I don’t know how big this account is doesn’t seem like it’s a valid account okay but everyone knows that when negotiating and with Russia and every public statement is negotiating you start with your maximalist position this wasn’t the maximalist position people were talking about retaking Crimea Ukraine would accept pre2 uh pre 2242 to status quo the issue is that Putin just amass half a million casualties taking the Crimea landbridge and going back to the status quo mean they were squandered for nothing in his eyes well what about a ceasefire the ukrainians are rightfully very hesitant about agreeing to one for the simple reason that there’s nothing to stop Putin from rearming and attacking again the sanctions are unlikely to go away in the event of a ceasefire in the west is unlikely to provide Ukraine with any guarantees that would prevent a third Russian invasion the point I’m trying to make is that these are pro these are pro Ukrainian accounts that would have a year ago a year ago would be screaming bloody murder when I said this two years ago they would have been like you are literally a Putin Nazi this attitude is one that I have held since literally the antalia the Turkish negotiations the 15-point bargaining uh the 15-point ceasefire negotiations that were agreed upon even if they’re not a Ukrainian account the fact that like a pro Ukrainian account ostensibly dedicated to stand with Ukraine saying such things is is actually kind of wild considering that those very same accounts would have been telling me that I am a uh dogist lover of Vladimir Putin and that what the ukrainians want is just like to uh live and die by the sword I’m just saying what is this regret to inform you the Russian pole is getting better Russian propaganda is getting better do I even want to watch this [ __ ] [Music] foreign fore speee [Music] I don’t understand doesn’t this imply that they’re literally attacking and failing to overtake cities where the predominant force of defense is like old men and women like I get the point that they’re trying to make which is that like oh yeah the Ukrainian forces basically have no one left you know there is just like they’re literally expanding the draft which is true that’s a you know politically touchy subject a lot of ukrainians understandably escaped when Russia invaded and now uh it’s getting to it’s getting to become a problem they’re literally Ukrainian refugees in this chat that can’t return home right now but it’s wild that they would put this propaganda up as an own to be like hey you know who we’re shooting at right now dude old ladies we’re shooting we’re flexing on killing this is so Israel coded bro I swear to God it literally is like dude Russia’s Behavior Vladimir Putin was so so honest in that Tucker Carlson interview where he’s like why can’t we be your Israel like what’s this about we just want to be your Israel man America let me be your Israel I’d be so goddamn good to you we have natural resources Israel doesn’t even have that [ __ ] it is kind of sad but also kind of funny that they’re just like yeah we’re we’re doing it man we’re we’re killing all these old people and they’re still putting up a strong defense against our [Music] no literally like this is a insane thing to insane thing to flex on like this is exactly the type of [ __ ] that I would see from uh from you know Israeli hbor operations this is supposed to reach the Ukrainian audience too it’s it’s all in Ukrainian not Russian no I know I know that the the goal here the motivation here is to be like see your government is likeing sending you In Harm’s Way and making you fight to the last Ukrainian [ __ ] fighting against who it’s not like they’re fighting against the hurricane they’re not fighting against the earthquake they’re fighting against you [ __ ] stop killing them obviously having said that it can be I mean I I know that there is there is one way to get people to not be on board cuz remember Ukraine is a nation state something you have to always consider and this is something that I’ve talked about quite a bit Ukraine is is a nation state sure very poor sure not exactly the best Beacon of you know liberal democracy or anything but it’s still a nation that had its own boundaries had its own relative sovereignty had its own culture had its own form of techn music csgo players is not like Gaza in that sense where the gazan population doesn’t have anywhere to go whereas the Western World basically welcomed a lot of Ukrainian refugees you know what I mean the people have an understanding of relative safety the people in Ukraine have an understanding of like relative peace and uh living a life as like a marketing manager you know what I mean not that long ago so for them I suspect that they would probably given the uh relative comfort in comparison to like Palestinians in Gaza uh they are less likely to you know join uh the the join their brothers in arms and and put up an armed resistance front and that’s probably the reason why uh the Ukrainian government is forced to take like politically damaging moves and and take further action yeah life was peaceful unless you lived in Dum boss but [ __ ] them I guess right yeah dude you’re so right you’re so right Vladimir Putin actually invading Ukraine made situation so much more sustainable for everyone east of the denipa river how can you still say this with a straight face bro hundreds of thousands of people wounded killed people displaced millions of people displaced from their homes this mother like but dude Dum boss remember 14,000 people died 14,000 people died yeah dude that’s why it’s great that uh you know 10x of the the number of casualties have now occurred on both sides it’s so sick Vladimir Putin liberated dombas by what rolling tanks over everything and Mining every literally mining the Waterfront dude it’s so liberated now you don’t understand he literally agrees with you bro no anyone that brings up dboss in this situation is basically doing the same the same line that people have been running in the same way and I’m not even going to lie in the same way that like Israelis talk about October 7 it’s just like you’re you’re kind of you’re kind of giving Israel sweetie I’m not going to lie yeah elent news is correct he was doing you know like come on the invasion is a little bit righteous they were getting shelled every day by their own government since 2014 I mean Putin but that is what it is yes brother but you also have to remember something very important here invading Ukraine made it so much worse for hundreds of thousands if not Millions more people there it’s not like the utilitarian solution and it never was and if I could recognize it at the time then you could too I think or you should be able to at least you know however many years after the fact Russia did not start this war dude Russia absolutely started this war listen I’ve gotten [ __ ] on a lot for what I’ve said about Crimea I’ve gotten [ __ ] on by NATO Andes a lot for one the annexation of Crimea and my position on it two for the refusal from both parties to implement the Minsk protocols every single person every single NATO dick rider has been up my [ __ ] for so long because they say I’m Pro Vladimir Putin none of that justifies the invasion of a country with 40 plus million at the time 44 million people whose entire national identity and its entire nation state project literally revolves around not being Russian that’s it it’s ridiculous and I don’t care how many people in the global South think that Russia what Russia is doing is great I don’t care okay I don’t care I am by no means a defender of Western imperialism but this does not mean this does not mean that I’m going to defend another uh capitalist fascist State encroaching upon the borders of another state regardless of however many Nazis are there and as I’ve detailed time and time again despite the fact that once again every annoying redditor pro- piece of [ __ ] has said time and time again since day one since the first day of the Russian invasion I told you you do not Den naify a country by invading it you do not doesn’t work that way unless we’re talking about Nazi Germany in which case we didn’t Den naify hard enough okay the only thing you do in this day and age when you invade a country with a nationalism problem especially if you are Russia and the country that we’re talking about is Ukraine is basically galvanized the Nazis Galvanize the Nationalist is and basically make the entire country go oh those guys were so right this whole time it is true that the invasion heavily empowered the right-wing and eliminated every leftwing party yes the war government also did uh took actions like that as well but even beyond that you turned every person in Ukraine into an automatic like Russia their their their Russian Orcs ass attitude why shouldn’t they feel that way they got invaded by the Russian government also currently the Georgian government on behalf of the ru government is trying to begin implementing Russian style repression step by step as well as Swift change on social policies like wanted to introduce anti-lgbt laws that will censor media and make any LGBT protest of any kind illegal they simultaneously are continuing to implement Pro business laws that make the country a tax Haven wonderful neoliberalization is coming whether you like it or not great weren’t they already doing anti-communist and anti- labor leftist St beforehand yes they were the West didn’t help the situation by completely Sid stepping the Minsk agreements it’s just a silly coincidence that talk bro talks broke apart after the Afghan collapse the West up the deal for the sake of weapons manufacturing profits yes I’ve talked about the Western involvement in Ukraine every single day for for months on end until the cows came home the cows are home now they’re mooving okay they’re mooving the cows have moved into they’re moving into harv the idea that like there was always a political option to exhaust especially when you already have Crimea especially when you took Crimea basically without doing one single shot the original position of the Russian government was to maintain luhans and donet as autonomous regions under the Ukrainian government okay the autonomous region under the Ukrainian government would have been an infinitely more favorable position for Ukraine as they moved in the direction of uh you know not maybe becoming a full-blown EU Nation or whatever but at least like getting those sweet neoliberal trade agreements that uh the European corporations wanted and the American government wanted meanwhile the only thing that this did was beef up German manufacturing uh the German arms industry and the the entire Global arms industry as a matter of fact so much so that they ran out of artillery they had to go to South Korea I’m reading a Viet Kong Memoir and the author explaining how the American occupation galvanized non-communist become Viet Kong so in the same way Russian occupation is galvanizing more people to become aof fascist I mean maybe not even aof fascists but like definitely way more reactionary that’s what war does you know just like people become more reactionary at the top of the hour when they see a 3-minute abbre but yeah wonderful stuff overall missiles routinely hit hariv if this offensive isn’t contained the destruction will be even greater Ukraine is struggling to hold what is a new front line uh well we can go straight to James now James Waterhouse are Ukraine correspondent who’s L For Us in keev and I suppose as I mentioned at the beginning these weapons that Anthony blinkin says are coming these new I ran the air braak already and I’m running it again I’m sorry supplies they can’t come quickly enough really for Ukraine and for those Frontline forces who are dealing with this kind of surprise offensive which has been launched near KH absolutely I mean Ukraine Ben is adamant that this wasn’t a surprise that it was merely sudden but the inescapable reality is that its troops are struggling to contain this joint incursion uh and it’s not just in the hariv region there are more than a 100 evacuations planned uh in settlements in the Sumi region further north where there is constant shelling in another part of Ukraine which borders Russia and it’s there that an attack is anticipated too you know the dimensions of this Invasion are changing dramatically in Russia’s favor now of course whenever you have the military activity you have the politics behind it and Anthony blinkin the US secretary of state has just gone for a working Lunch close to where I am in a pizz areia with his Ukrainian counterpart dimitro kbba not a bad place to take an American visitor and as you say the tone is very much of reassurance but the problem for Ukraine doesn’t just rest with delayed American Weaponry the country admits that it’s already dragging what by the way this change in Pace in Georgia began last year literally a week after our prime minister spoke at a CPAC conference so my speculation that is that he was given a conservative authoritarian blueprint to implement you reserve forces it has to the heart region uh where it is Al where they are still struggling so things are looking really difficult for Ukraine in this perilous period and is is there a sense really that Russia has been taking advantage of the the sort of delay in getting these extra Us weapons into Ukraine and using that time to mount these new attacks absolutely I think I think we’ve seen a gradual taper since last October which is actually when the political disagreements really started to affect the freeing up of this American agid you have had more and more Ukrainian units having to ration ammunition whereas you had Russia remaining on a war footing mobilizing more men which Ukraine incidentally has struggled with uh as as by way of a of of a of a domestic Challenge and so what Russia has done notably in the East was uh take uh more and more Ukrainian territory square kilometer by square kilometer it had a trophy in the form of the town of a divka they haven’t stopped there their tactics are costly um but H it’s now changing to a new dimension James very good to see you thank you very much for that James waterhous there our Ukraine correspondent so let’s talk a bit more about what are the uh arms and weapons that the United States is supplying to Ukraine and how they could make a difference on the front line well the aid package agreed by Congress is as we mentioned worth more than $60 billion it includes air defense interceptors surface to- a missiles designed to combat enemy bombers and reconnaissance planes uh there’s also more artillery which has been in short Supply as Ukrainian troops Ukraine would become a NATO Ally and Russia would be left with 100 million population [ __ ] hole by the West no I know I’m very bad on Russia Ukraine predictions but especially as things stood in LPR and DPR with Ukraine uh with with Crimea being occupied annexed territory permanently under Russian rule there was absolutely zero chance that Ukraine was joining NATO okay 1% chance I’m going to say 99% Russia’s in Invasion obviously made it even more impossible but especially given the energy contracts that Russia has the consistent trade that Russia has with European nations like there’s no way I just don’t see a world in which like Germany or France would ever be like yeah we got to make Ukraine NATO America doesn’t even say even Americans would literally be like yeah yeah yeah Nato one day one day probably not though I can’t blame Russia for lashing out you can’t expect Russia to be subsumed to the bottom of the global market without some kind of security global capitalism in American hegemony caused the Ukraine war I think America has a lot of blood on its hands for sure but I think Russia still has more blood on its hands because they are the ones who invaded instead of continuing to do normal fing Regional actor [ __ ] like American involvement interferes in Ukrainian Affairs which is very real and was happening is still not eviden that all of these other Global actors were going to allow a country into NATO where they are in the midst of ongoing conflict that’s crazy I think it was a l regardless for Russia people will refuse to see my side on this if they are pushing Z or even if they’re like super anti-america in the sense that like Russia one solidified NATO’s stances galvanized support from the public in European countries for NATO showed Regional actors that previously had neutrality agreements with Russia like unspoken neutrality agreements with Russia like Finland and also the Dual partnership that Finland has with Sweden it showed them that it does not have the capacity for a land Invasion for an assault for a full-blown assault because it’s special military operation uh which was slated to uh overpower Ukrainian anti-air defenses and basically overtake Ukraine maybe not a permanent annexation but like maybe a decapitation strike and then uh and then I don’t know go back to uh some kind of political machine that it would create inside of Ukraine reasserting its uh dominance in Ukrainian politics failed the rest of the world saw especially Regional actors saw that Russia was incapable of hurting them but also was still violent and wild enough to even try and now a country with direct borders with Russia is in NATO Finland so it’s another massive political l in general try to fight off those advances James was just telling us about and finally the US has sent attacks now these are long range Precision guided missiles they can strike Russian targets at a range of up to to 300 kilm uh separately the European unions agreed another 50 billion EUR worth of Aid after Hungary stopped blocking that deal Putin is a fascist but he’s a fascist because by American influence his existence depending on American constantly treating Russia as an economic adversary America had every chance to treat Russia’s EU country but chose to Treo them as a constant threat I mean that part is true as well one of the biggest strengths of Russia right now is that they have very talented technocratic Economist who Putin lets cook to some degree their Central Bank Governor Alvira nbu n nabina has been almost single-handedly saved the ruble for the past 3 years Finland was never a Red Line in the Sand Ukraine always was because it was proximated to Capital come on brother you don’t think it’s uh [ __ ] that now Finland also is a NATO country further encircling Russia it is [ __ ] you can admit that that’s a l for Putin he was too busy trying to you know blow up Babushka ining eastern Ukraine that he you know dropped the ball a little bit if you’re pro- Russia if you’re pushing Z you should be critical of that even thank you Vladimir Putin for giving a massive gift to the American generals and to Nato yeah let’s put some [ __ ] nukes in Finland baby let’s go directly directly pointed at Moscow that’s that’s a brilliant tactician right there dude y’all are y’all are playing checkers he’s playing chess okay you don’t understand you don’t understand the Brilliance of Vladimir Putin okay he is so smart that’s why it’s actually sick to to f to to beef up uh Finland and uh and and build NATO bases there thank you he’s playing chess Trust me let him cook dude okay he’s going to make the best borch you’ve ever seen Finland is 5 million people what are they going to do bro it doesn’t matter that they’re 5 million people they can still have they’re still going to have literal weapons directed at Russia but is yet another country that now has NATO bases with a [ __ ] border of Russia anyway it’s just not a good it was not a good plan it was a very bad plan and it was very violent that’s why I think it’s ridiculous that like uh the idea was that to he was liberating dones I think an initely better way to go about it would have been to consistently beef up your trade to your trade alliances with Europe America was way more threatened by that look at China guys why do I dick ride China look at China look at the way China operates look at the way China operates and look at the way Russia is operating as a regional actor one just kicks back and is just like yeah no duke it out [ __ ] looks good [ __ ] looks mint from where I’m standing obviously Russia in proximity is not like China but America is bringing uh the NATO style approach to China as well kick back dude you got so much trade Russia would have never been China Russia isn’t communist anyway India is lying too sir not just China bro India is okay anyway I’m going to end it here cuz my family’s getting nasty angsty cuz I told them I go to dinner with them and it’s late there’s no good guy bad guy in the Russia war no there is there is definitely there is like the ukrainians don’t deserve to be invaded all right everybody peace

Ukrainian forces in Donetsk are struggling against relentless Russian attacks due to a severe shortage of ammunition. Russian forces have made significant territorial gains in 2024, capturing more land than Ukraine did during its 2023 counteroffensive. Key cities like Kostiantynivka and Sloviansk are under threat, and constant bombardment has prompted evacuations. Analysts warn that Russia is preparing a major offensive to capture the entire Donbas region by the end of the year.

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#HasanAbi #HasanPiker #News #Politics

  1. Hasan should watch a video about how the CIA has been using the Ukrainian diaspora of exiled Nazis from WW2 LIKE Yaroslav Hunka.. because he keeps not mentioning the concentrated effort by the west to build up Banderite parties and support with NGOs in Ukraine since the 90s and open violent coups with the proven false flag of the snipers in the hotel occupied by Svoboda militia. That's what started this war. I'm not pro Russia but I don't think Russia finally accepting to hellp Ukrainian citizens directly after a decade of them begging is a bad thing when the US installed the Banderite's to take over the country and give them a Crimean naval base

  2. I've said this since late 2022. As soon as it became apparent the war would not be quick and decisive, it is not longer worth physically fighting. If we actually want the best outcome for the most people, cede territory to Russia along the line of control, Putin takes the W, and then immediately add the rest of Ukraine to NATO.

  3. Still pushing this line in 2024? Come on, man.
    Ukkkraine had it coming. They wanted war, they got it and now they are playing the victim.
    Comparing Russia to Israel is such a joke considering Gaza suffered more civilian deaths in the first two months than Ukraine in two years. The Russian invasion has proportionally been the most gentle in modern human history, especially compared to NATO's invasions.

  4. The Ukrainians are the good guys, Banderite's who hihackdd the nation starting a civil war w the intentjon of dragging in Russia as admitted by think tank policy papers from 04-08 are the bad guys cuz their not Ukrainian, they're mostly born in the west because their parents were exiled from Ukraine for being WaffenSS post WW2, WHATS SO DIFFICULT ABOUT ADMITTING THAT HASAN. You don't even have to support Russia to admit that reality.

  5. 19:20 I still cant believe Hasan thinks Ukraine giving up its two territories to be "neutral states" was the best plan. Does he not undertsand this was suggested only because it makes it easier for Russia to control and invade? There are only two things that would prevent Ukraine from getting invaded a third time, joining Nato or having nukes.

    Like even Sam Sedar was shitting on the idea of neutral territories. How can hasan still be spewing such nonsense? And how can he think favorable trade agreements is the only thing Ukraine would need afterwards. Its ridiculous!

  6. “Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children."

    "The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some 50 miles of concrete highway. We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people."

    "This, I repeat, is the best way of life to be found on the road that the world has been taking. This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron."

    -President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 'A Chance for Peace'

  7. Thing with eastern Ukraine is that that's where much grain and minerals are located. So even if they had accepted Russias proposal, joined EU and got new trade deals, they would also had lost much of it's industry. Crimea on it's part is significant for tourism and trade routes. Why would Ukraine wanna give away some of it's most lucrative land? It would probably hurt their economy for decades. On the other hand, the war will too.

  8. Hasan May not be pro Putin, but he is Definitely pro Chinese Communist Party and pro Xi Xinping. Also his head is on 0.7 scaling, a dev needs to patch that

  9. "Keep on Rocking in the Freeworld" is a satire towards the US and its military complex! Playing on words spoken by Bush Sr. "kinder gentler nation" Neil Young changed them to "kinder gentler machine gun hand".

  10. Great idea, ceasefire with the country that has consistently been an aggressor to multiple neighbors and has publicly decried the Ukrainian state and ethnicity as being artificial 👍

  11. 60 billion, holy shid… Fucking still can't believe how much "unnecessary" and "extra" money america will "find" and spend, just to avoid spending ANY for americans real and dire needs at home. Fucking disgusting. Aaaand speaking about them libs…
    Love them central european "social" and "democratic" pursuits (until they figured out that their little buffer state is starting to give), at which point "we need to return them ukrainian fighting age dudes back home, everyone"… no no, they didn't just FUCKING ESCAPE the shitshow of their domestic reality to stay safe and like… not die in a ditch somewhere. No no, it's really LIBERAL and GOOD to send them back, to be drafted and, ahem "utilized" on the frontline. We're just really humanitarian like that here, in DEU gov 🙂

  12. People who say Ukraine couldn't win need to stop it – it sounds ignorant. If people where watching this war closely for six months Ukraine ran out of Ammo- they could win but they aren't because NATO and US didn't give them enough, gave then expired equipment short range missiles not the good stuff and restricted them. They could totally win if US and NATO really backed them and didn't let them run out of ammo. …Russia's GDP is 1.8 trillion, US GDP is 27 trillion, EU's is 19 trillion, They could arm Ukraine to the teeth so they could win but they didn't so here we are.

  13. Russia is going to be left as a 100 million population maybe in 20 years- and it will be its Putin's doing. It already had a catastrophic population pyramid because of its low birthrate- now its sending all its young men to war and driving all its best and brightest young people out of the country, leaving it with sooo many pensioners.

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