UA Confirms Rus Advance In Several Directions, Propaganda & Lies BACKFIRE – Ukraine War Map Analysis

g day Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic Monday and a fantastic start to your week now as always we have a lot to go over today but I’m hoping today will be a little bit more interesting for you one we have a lot of map updates updates in several directions secondly I have got sent a heap of intelligence overline of four of my guys who do Intel for me open- Source stuff for me of course these guys all have to remain anonymous but they give some fantastic oversights and opinions of which I guess other people won’t share but that I will with you today and I’ll share the full thing and how this ties into not only what we’re seeing on the front line but we’re seeing uh strategy within used within the EU we’re seeing with drones we talk about Ai and AI targeting we’ll talk about all that and that will link with maps and other bits of information we see too so if you’re going to watch the first couple of minutes it might not make sense and things will start tying together as we go forward now overnight Ukraine has had another Mass Attack with attacks and drones into occupied areas say cha as well as against oil refineries and positions within Russia as well now I think this will be common for a few weeks now as I’ve said with every weapon in this war especially GPS ones for a reason it does tend to have a short lifespan before the effectiveness drops we see that with the escallop um artillery shells well had that huge drop after 6 to 8 weeks now we’re still within that sort of of goldilock zone of some of these systems so I think what we’ll see and as we are seeing is Ukraine will go Balls to Wall in an attempt to inflict as much damage in a short period of time over the next weeks month or so period depending and then we’ll see the those strikes go in and try and increase the effectiveness as much as possible and we’ve seen a lot of these in a lot of strikes now we’ve seen a lot about Ukrainian drone strikes on Russian oties again and Ukrainian defense is claiming today another ship from the Black Sea Fleet the project 266 Mike cetes has being destroyed that said maybe at time of this video what I’m about to say will be outdated but I haven’t seen any confirmation of this no satellite footage no photos from the dock as we have seen before these claim destroyed ships have turned up to be damaged a few days later and this change I’m not saying whether right or wrong but when we confirm something we will have satellite Imager uh drone boat footage Drone footage or footage from the dock and that will show up within 24 hours of course for the informational space which we’ll talk about how that is incredibly important so we’ll look at the maps and we’ll tie bits in to the Intel we are seeing as well so let’s talk about actually we’ll look at the maps I’ll show you where we up so here’s Ukraine the center here’s the capital of keave the red areas have been occupied since 22 the purple since 2014 the green where Russia has occupied at some point and has either withdrawn in some areas or has been pushed back by Ukrainian offensives any blue on this is ground Ukraine has got within two weeks now where will come straight up in the north here and we can see straight off the bat there are some checked areas which show Russian advancement over the past 24 hours now this part down here should probably be seen as checked as well as we can see that movement there now this map still to jail locations as well as other Maps is showing outdated we know for a fact the Russians are well within VCH here some sources saying that there are no ukrainians present now on the north side of the vure river which runs through here but we do see this update into the high zones here as well as well as down towards lipy here we do have geolocations as well as other maps showing that Russia is right on the outskirts down here as well but we’ll talk about information campaigns and how maps and things play into this but we are starting to see things again on this map move just not the center of V CH like before but let’s compare these and then we’ll look at what my friend says who’s been on the ground here for then a long time so V chansy here so this is showing significantly different this is suriak map now this isn’t the easiest thing to line up in the world but we can see that Russia is running basically tracking down the VTA river through here on this line and has pushed into the remainder on the Northern side going off his map from the chiv axis Russian army took full control of over part of the vure north and vure River about 30% of the town is now under Russian control now like we’ve spoken about as well these Maps show very different as well as especially out to the east here that this area is showing still well within green and that Zak shows this as fully occupied so we are unsure but we do know the center in here is definitely you there’s a lot of fighting but it is definitely pushing down to the South we saw Ukraine post their own footage of strikes on the hospital down in here too so yeah we know there are differences in these Maps but let’s look at what my friend has sent me and we’ll see there are multiple folders here of bits and pieces to go over uh man sorry I’ve been off calms I need to detox myself from Ukraine I just saw what happened up in the north of Ukraine and my assessment is I doubt this is a Recon in force and even if the Russians commit everything they won’t be able to take har as they don’t have enough forces we’ve seen zalinsky talk about this there’s not enough up in the north to take areas and we have spoken about the numbers at 20 30 40 50 60,000 just is probably isn’t enough for that harive axess but was that ever really the plan that it it appears Russian’s performed quite well tactically with them bypassing Ukrainian strong points this is pretty rare to see in this conflict the ukrainians by contrast not only failed to do this in their offensive but were outmaneuvered by a bunch of green Russian conscripts why did the Russians do this honestly answer is man I don’t know I see three possible hypotheses though number one Putin ordered the military to complete one of his political objectives by capturing h two the Russians were antagonized by General bov’s catastrophic and poorly planned attack into belgrad which also failed to prevent this offensive so they were the Ukrainian back troops Ukrainian troops we saw cross into Russia into that belgrad region therefore then Putin said we need to create that buffer zone three the Russians want to divert Ukrainian forces away from the main front to help with an operation in and this should actually be down in the East or south of these options I think two and three are most likely and I think our assessment agrees with a maybe a mix of these two and I think a fourth po possible action here is too to then get extra range on systems to hit other defensive Works down here as well as Hy with things like grad that these let’s say this is now you know 8K is in it has given extra range to systems as systems Ukrainian have to move back Russian systems can then move forward that ground is very important in this war now let’s then have a look over other areas on the map as we do have a lot to look at on this now we just come down to the east a little bit from here now this I think is getting overshadowed by what we’re actually seeing in the north but I think this is interesting here there’s better stove now we have seen Surak update this and we’re now seeing this here today that the Ukrainian map is showing Russian advancement here but if we step back a couple of days it paints a very different picture so from the 15th up to then the 20th we do see a large expansion of control here and this does of course put pressure on further areas like cant that are hubs and we have spoken about maybe a northern push to try for Copan get a massive Hub in here and diversion of forces but there is definitely some significant change in there now significant we’re using that that word as what we have seen for the past now year and a half any movement is still significant on this now let’s then have a look bum we have two map updates here nothing on this map but the most of what this map shows is then down into the South now shasa let’s have a look here so we this is the region where we will be looking now in the North these two maps are fairly fairly similar but just south of here very different but I believe this here would be closed up just seeing how though it’s moved around that there may may not actually be anyone in here but strategically this would have been closed up we can see a breaking in here now what we did have is gated footage of a Ukrainian tank down on this intersection here firing now we weren’t sure if this was firing in the direction down this road or into troop areas build up in here but that was also Under Fire so we do believe Russian troops troops are currently within this period of chass of so the gray Zone should be probably significantly further but where the Red Zone sits well you can see the difference between these two maps but during the last hours Russian army managed to enter many buildings at the eastern part of canal micro District in addition Russian Force took control trenches adjacent to the first houses in kinia so that is up in this region where combats with Ukrainian Army begun so very interesting to see but no change seen on this map maybe it will come next few days but we know Maps whatever are part of information campaigns of what we will speak about with more uh updates and Intel in a second now we just need I moved a little bit too far south on this kishka here this is an area we’ve spoken a lot about so we can see that this has previously been occupied by the Russians of course after that fall of Bak Moot and we know there’s a lot of fighting in and around this area now what then Surak map is showing which is significantly different we see where these tree lines are so we can line up right down in here this is what Surak is saying of Russian advancement through klish livka since the beginning of May Russian army has stepped up its offensive operations in klish livka until this week when Russian troops began assaulting Ukraine Army positions in the ruins of the village the battles are tough and complicated as the basements of their houses must be taken in order to consolidate control over the area the latest Visual Evidence confirms that Russian forces have managed to recapture about 60% of kishka fighting between the two sides uh continues near the trench system and The High Ground vital for the Russians if they are to hold the recaptured position so movement in here again this map then doesn’t show it now I did actually forget something up in harive but we will show it now it’s not time sensitive on regards to regards to the map but we have spoken about the defensive Works in here and we have seen that Ukraine is using some of its bloggers whatever who are saying look the updates in here the the the fortifications are strong and this and that extremely solid and we’ve also seen a lot of people saying look that’s not true and pointing concern in this region as well as Sumi but we can see some of the problems with the construction effort by either civilian contractors or Engineers here now again I say civilian contractors but these will be dual use targets just like the kados and bobcats and excavators we saw digging the cic and line these are targetable that these are dual use same as we see other systems like oil refineries as well so we see this is in the hariv region we then see a drone here and then we have seen that this has been struck by the fire as well as drone impacts on this so of course the further Russia get in here it’s going to be very difficult to then further create these lines but these lines have been made up to some degree Russia has made Theirs to some degree but we will see that as Russia had the same problems with their defensive Works down here we saw a lot of footage of things like excavators getting built but you can see the amount of construction that then did take place there now on that informational campaign we’ll talk about that from int uh from an INT Source in a minute so we come down to adiva and this is where we see the most updates from today this easterly push out from caramic which is in the region of 3 km which is large given the movement we’ve seen over the last 18 months especially in these regions here which it should be heavily defended the push from Seka here as well as near natoi now this movement here this is not anything we didn’t know we saw no reports as well Surak give this update in yesterday but this should be Ormy here we know for a fact there is geoc footage that shows some movement like this here in regardless not on this map today but let’s have a look and see where this lines up and I’m happy to say that these lineups we can confirm these movements so we have this push out from kque in here as well as this movement out from seiva right here as well extending those prongs out to get this open ground now west of adiva during the past 48 Hours Russian army made significant advances towards Kik up here towards the road uh in addition Russian forces made small advances west of Bachi on the other hand clashes between Russian Ukrainian troops continue at the Eastern outskirt here and the arrival of Ukrainian reinforcements has stabilized the front on these axis so pushing in up on the top Northern corner of this push out here Ukraine has managed to stabilize that he is saying but there are some significant things that this here brings into play so as you’ve seen if you watch a lot of my videos that the speaking about this road through here which eventually leads back to Popov and the intersection here as well as the intersection here and here being compromised since osar had fallen was a big problem for logistical supplyers this was a new well bit road that led straight to poov which is a major Hub in here that lot was then being diverted to their this road in here but that this intersection was Under Fire for a long time and was risky although usable that was information off the front that led through to areas like constantina that of course LED and fed into chass OFA but this here by Ukraine’s own map has now been cut off what creates more of a problem for are such as in New York and these other areas down in here so you need to look at also the overall what could be happening with certain roads being cut off as this area here continues to expand no changing crash hika then we see no livka two changes in here now this change is actually backed up within a geolocation that I found as well now this is Ukraine dropping a gsdb now this system is sort of a bastardized between two systems doesn’t matter but we see this dropped on then this house here again all of this will be on the telegram if you’d like to see it on Russian forces then having a lot of damage on this building you see the before and after there now this has been Joc by we can see the photograph here of where these buildings and rooftops are guys do a great job of these now let’s have a look at where this is so Paris scovia here doesn’t actually show on this map but you can see where this Reservoir is right on the corner down here so confirming with GE location which is what we like to see not ignoring geolocations even if it’s not falling in favor but we can see this push out into this tree line as well just to the South here and of course this does put more pressure on areas like wadar that this Main Road support through to Constantin niia as well now we push more West nothing in orani the main change we see on this map is roboty now depending which map roboty will someway look like this we don’t know exactly this is probably gry Zone in here purely not because there’s not Russians present but purely because is there actually anything in here to hold because it’s just been flattened by Bloody everyone regardless we do know this geolocation of Russian forces up around while cursores and in here but we do see today a large increase of area in the South here shown by that as well as a reduction in this green of Ukrainian held territory what we presume was down this tree line here although by Maps we have known for a couple of weeks probably not we can see that withdrawal there as well as this push out now what is most important about this area is not the little bits back and forward in the area of 1K 1.2 km it is the suran defensive line in here and what Russia is trying to do not only to hold defensive Works which we know now these areas have been recaptured but also it has a massive uh information moral Victory because what was taken by Ukraine in their offensive has now been retaken so it’s sort of in some of these areas back to square zero as you as Russia will continue to build up this more and more so it may actually be behind squeezer if that makes sense and these last remaining defensive works up here which we just don’t know on but we can see this map is starting to shift on roboty and it’s hard to know what we know as to be true or not in this direction so let’s look at we to spoke a little bit about information and what is happening here and we’ll line this up with something else we’ve seen as well so of course yesterday was May 18th so the mobilization uh laws came into effect to mobilize men in Ukraine we don’t know exactly how many but we know any mobilization whether in ukra weather in Russia is very unpopular he’s taking guys off the street who may not want to fight if they wanted to fight they would have volunteered and foren them potentially into situations like this with no demobilization or rotation uh laws put in place yet so this is what uh my friend has sent me in regards to Global Information operations both Ukrainian and Palestinian this word I can’t have on YouTube but it starts with a h ends in and S maybe fighting somewhere near the Israel Arab information uh operations both appear to be devolving into disinformation and creating blowback for the original operators with Ukrainian information operators operations confusing troops on the ground as me and my team have experienced many times and Palestinian accounts are being connected with criminal and te activities both resulting in blowback as a result of poor legal management of information operations and the nonexistence of laws of armed conflict compliance so we have been seeing this in I believe Ukraine the most is this blowback on information and propaganda so take for exist for account back in uh 2023 early with Russians are fighting with shovels they got no weapons no artillery whatever in mid 2022 in the first few months of the war Russia only has missiles for a few more um waves of attacks now that information at the may or may not have been correct but we are seeing that blow back and people are going well hang on that isn’t the case we are seeing and that blowback and I think that is affecting then mobilization too and if you reading the comments below mobilization from Ukrainian people going well when is demobilization what happens if Russia continue to mobilize and we haven’t seen that what predictions have been correct before and there is blowback on some of this in short All actors in this space from Israel to the US are suffering from a lack of effect effective information security which is allowing informational Warfare to thrive whilst failing to provide the public with scientifically literate and truthful non-biased information to actually know what is going on and one of the things and I’ll speak about in information and mobilization is yesterday I think this is something large was sort of looked over that long haul truckers partially block the Kev Odessa Highway and Odessa oblas May 18th protesting the mobilization law that came into effect that day now it was said to be cleared fairly quickly but we are seeing protests against in Ukraine against the Ukrainian government’s mobilization we may see more and more as this goes especially with the main complaints being no demobilization and no uh rotation or protections given legally so of course this is as Ukraine they say increasingly critical Personnel shortage so of course all this feeds in but Ukraine compared to somewhere like Australia or Western European countries is very conservative now people won’t like me saying that but it is true I live in Australia I’ve been months and months Ukraine is far more conservative here so we can assume and you know rightfully assume that the uh the two genders that typically will do jobs which um you sort of fall into so the majority of truckers will be men who are affected by this as you know the conservative country typically has more of that as we’re seeing that said this can have massive problems down the line for you’re going to then have shortage potentially in truckers in people that work in um maybe blue College jobs in electronic uh sorry electrical supply networks for power grids and gas facilities and this and that there’s going to be problems in that there’s going to have to probably be a back fi of females at some point into areas like this so we’re seeing protests from who it affects the most of the bat there but it is very very uh interesting to look at the informational campaigns in this and I believe the failures that we have seen claimed to now and I’ve asked my audience about like to other YouTubers who had the you know Russia’s out of weapons Russ’s collapsing blah blah blah are they starting to get blowback on these claims or predictions that now are incorrect and actually have affected now like the morale of promises I guess uh of this like sort of goalie loocks era of the war that by this date there’s going to be nothing and we’ll sweep back through but some people saying that people just like to drink I guess the Kool-Aid and have um uh like unbiased information everyone hates you because you hear things you don’t want the people just want to have their confirmation bias is an incredibly strong thing so let’s talk about artificial intelligence shells and we’ve heard zeny talk about that there’s been no complaints for a number of weeks of shell shortages and from what which we have Shed off the front line as well as we’re seeing that isn’t true our president said we have no problems with artillery shells and no one complains that’s not true and I see no point of lying in this situation so there ties to that informational War our artillery is firing yes but it’s incomparable with Russian Artillery they fire six self- repelled guns at once and I went through and this is a Ukrainian Soldier here fighting talking about that and again we’re seeing that information War I think is very Rocky at the moment if not has had huge go on effects now talking about AI targeting we hear a lot about those drones we spoke about the beginning that are targeting things in Russia quick comment on uh what you said regarding a targeting sometimes seemingly stupid things adding a bit of noise to an image can defeat these AIS and the example Santa cross was basically a few deers atic same ones AR could recognize it was a deer but once some noise was added to the image like grain then it couldn’t actually recognize it I say seemingly stupid because this would never work against a human but these systems work differently from our brains this um does this mean tires and painted decoys also work Against drones used by Ukraine I have no idea so that’s why we spoke about potentially decoys or things painted or tires on the aircraft may make it look different it may go around the targeting but if they do work it doesn’t mean the artificial intelligence can’t be retrained to resist these little tricks so relies on machine learning so you if I was a Russian Commander I wouldn’t count on those these things working for too long of course that machine learning can learn and can act and of course maybe then get around some of those systems we’re not sure how advanced it actually is you’re also right that people tend to call anything AI because it’s an effective buzzword the problem is that if you ever want to see AI experts get into a heat of fight just walk into a room full of them and ask them for a clear and unambiguous definition of what is or isn’t AI now continuing on with all of this in regards to the Drone and artillery situations the comments made by the president and recent drone attacks boil my blood first the idea that there is no funding for drones is utterly ridiculous Ukraine has wasted billions on Ukrainian and Western designed electric based drone vaporware that struggles in the winter and has limited range second while it’s good to finally see fully autonomous non-electric fix wind drone being used it is upsetting to see these systems are only now being used as the troops at the front have needed these automated systems for months as they need them to prevent the Russians from a direction finding Ukrainian drone operators and killing them additionally these fixed wi drones are still desperately needed as Ukrainian artillery is still constantly struggling to win counter battery engagements against Russian Artillery as Ukraine still doesn’t have sufficiently trained artillery Gunners or an all land style capability to knock out enemy artillery remember GPS guarded Munitions such as the but the all works with the I’ll put it on the screen that is laser guid so it lasers something and then hits it this has been largely unresolved issue since we first talked mate now continuing on here as well these systems aren’t fully automated and that’s the sad thing is that the Israelis had a number outof the boox solutions that have had some of the most robust machine learning algorithms available for example the II happy is the Shahed is based on and it’s very possible to repurpose the system to fully support Ukrainian artillery electronic warfare at lowc Cost counter Shahed missions in regards to fvs that are immune from jamming lenus is a largely automated fpv drone ready to go the US scan Eagle is also a good drone that can compete with Orland but instead billions have been invested into Chinese fpvs and Western defense companies of which Ukrainian companies have often tried to copy and steal from I’ll talk about this in two sections so billions have been invested in Chinese fpvs true DJI which millions and billions of dollars may have been spent on in this war of DJI products of course that is a chines own company now the majority of Parts built in your self-made fpv is going into China as well where this is made now let’s talk about Western companies often try to copy and seal from only for ukrainians to get angry and ask why no one will invest their stolen toy plane now I won’t say the company but it was an example of a drone supplied to Ukraine very simple product but then was copied by Ukraine and made KN one if we invested in it because of the copy there and that there was then from the original company saying well we’re not going to send you that product now you’ve copied and are using now I get I guess sorry I absolutely understand time of for desperation whatever but you can see business is business all while some po F trench is getting shelled just so Ukraine can do some limited drone attacks with Western defense companies can line their pockets and of course war is always a business opportunity and my opinion and many others war is a racket now Frozen funds let’s talk about this this is something of which is going to become more and more over the next coming months as we know there’s 2300 billion worth of Russian uh assets everything Frozen currently they’re sending Ukraine money off the top but the funds themselves they still uh debate over that now yeah Estonia may have talked about that but they’re not the big player in this it’s going to be America Germany England bits and pieces like this now there’s two sort of differ opinions here in regards to strategic situation on June 7th the G7 will decide what will be done with to 200 billion in Frozen Russian assets this will be one of the most important moments of the war either the Free World will use these funds to successfully help the Ukrainian economy to develop to a point where it will be able to largely avoid future Western assistance and support long-term effective defense procurement so taking off the Reliance on the west which is a problem for Ukraine relying on democratically elected countries where a Administration change could just cut the L out of something or alternativ it will fail and the Ukrainian project will continue as Afghanistan 2.0 which is the current trajectory now differing opinion on this and this is more where I agree with um but there is something he said today that I don’t agree with suppose your friend Bob has a savings account at say the National Australia Bank suppose he pisses them off somehow and they freeze his account for an indefinite amount of time so you frozen Bob’s account of course in this is a Russian account is Bob suppose then they decide instead of letting the gains from the investment accumulate into Bob’s account that they might eventually retrieve them along with his initial savings whenever they agree to unre freeze the account they decide instead to give those games to Charlie Bob’s neighbor who he hates well would you want to open an account with this bank so Bob’s account Russia has been frozen you’ve got Charlie’s account you’re taking off the top of this retrieve with the initial savings there it might not be as much of a deal breaker if they just decide to seize all of his money and give it to Charlie sure but still the interest legally belongs to Bob so I don’t think following this course of action can be assumed to not damage the reputation and trustworthiness of the US European Banks now as we see the rise of power in the global South China areas of Russia as well India all these areas too we the most the thing that saving the US Europe the most is the dollar the Euro the pound that is what everything is underwritten by forget your aircraft carriers things are underwritten economically by the trust in these systems if either head of a state or a big CEO from China Saudi UAE Bahrain or even India or the Philippines I’d be rethinking my investment strategy right now and this is what people are saying that if you were some billionaire CEO of a company whatever and your money is in the US and you’ve seen because actions of a country has affected other people in businesses there you may rethink of where your money goes brick is an bricks is an economic Alliance of course but can have an effect we know that everything is cogs tied in so let me know I agree with his thing I think I agreed with that but yeah he says in this too that it might not be a deal Breer if you just seized all of it and um if they just seiz all that gave it to Charlie so interesting here and I agree with that fully it will be very interesting to see what then happens over all in this of course as there are different trajectories but legends I hope this was all right I had to refilm the whole thing I wasn’t happy with how I did it but look out yourself have a great day and I’ll speak to you tomorrow thank you bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. These advances are being done by fairly green troops too.
    At least from what I have read and seen.
    They were pretty bunched up from what I saw.

  2. As putin is classed as a criminal and so are his friends then the money might be classed as coming under criminal funds so can be taken as such – AI needs training so keep flying AI drones, train the next lot with each data set so they get better

  3. You said that its EXEMPLE, a confiscating of the house of Bob put another people in do not buying houses in that that contry , BUT Bob have your car and your jewels and conter confiscating thatrecover that money in the courts, them you (private company ) so you lose a car / jewels or ask the courts to give that money????? Russia as 300 bi but if they act how many BI they recover???? AnD THE LOSERS give up that BI or ask the money of the 300 BI.??????

  4. "They're children will live in basements and that is how we will win the war" President Poroshenko 2014 refering the Russian Ethnics in Dombass. The Clip is on my channel to remind people how much Hippocracy Ukraine is using.

  5. Ukraine has no chance of winning the war. Joe Biden has been destroying Ukraine without the Ukrainians knowledge.😂😂😂😂

  6. So many pro-russians in the comment. Can you people tell me some reasons, based on evidence, why is that? I just cant comprehend it. Ukraine is not full of nazis, Europeans did not provoke Russia (like it would need a provocation). You live in a world where you can tell us you are pro-russian, do you realise that in Russia you would not have a chance to say you are pro-west? I really need some answers to understand pro-russian perspectives (and again, please, some reliable information, not the bullshit im reading in the comments).

  7. Ukrainian/nato artillery shortage is dictated by abysmal performance of nato artillery systems in Ukraine, 3000 howitzers were delivered but their seemingly superior specs are completely negated by fragility and inability to repair in field, which often leads to malfunction including fatal foe Ukrainian operators, with such a high rate of noncombat losses it doesn't make sense to ramp up production, hence the reliance on drones

  8. What is actually happening here? Can anyone dumb it down for me I’ve purposely ignored this conflict for the last few months what is the current state of play?

  9. If we can all agree that AI technology has potentially dangerous ramifications and should absolutely be regulated and constrained then it is abundantly clear that we are already in deep trouble when the “experts” can’t even agree as to what AI is. 🤦🏻

  10. Forced–mobilization until death: The sad reality of puppet Zelenskyy's regime paying for US-NATO funding with the blood of the Ukrainian people. To keep the money flowing Zelenskyy keeps sending Ukrainian men to the meat grinder. Globalists-run US-NATO's goal is to weaken Russia. They all know Ukraine has no chance and will be destroyed in the process. US-NATO doesn't care about Ukraine. Never did. Ukraine is the battlefield for their proxy-war against Russia.
    Zelenskyy had sold his country and people to a bloodthirsty and demonic US-NATO. Ukrainians must reject this hellish deal to save their people and their country: Exit Zelenskyy. Exit US-NATO. Live in peace and prosperity. Ukrainians: make peace with Russia. DO NOT let your country become another Afghanistan ongoing war.

  11. come on willy, you were in the military. russians trying to turn the kupyansk flank is not hard to see. it was the source of embarassment for putin also in the kharkiv offensive and kupyansk has been a thorn in russia side and they cant take it in a year of fighting.

    repeating media points are not military strategy.

  12. Imagine being a trucker, one of the most important jobs in our societies today, being told you have to go die for the west's political "gain". The US strikes again. There is a reason why the world is starting to cozy up to the east. Say what you want about China and Russia, the east is doing exactly what the US has been doing minus the constant wars with other countries. Giving them money. Sucks when you're beat at your own game. I don't even wanna hear about how these eastern countries treat their people when the West is so mentally backwards. They will agree that their politicians don't care and work to brainwash then but in the same sentence try to talk down about how China treats their citizens. Pathetic hypocrites that cannot even fix their own country. Love seeing all the MURICA "patriots" staying in comments, instead of rising up in their actual lives. They know that their "patriotic" families would not stand next to them when it hits the fan. As we have seen very commonly in the past decade.

  13. News outlets be like: Ukraine has defeated 20 thousand Russian soldiers in the Kharkov region in the last hour
    Also then: Russia gaining ground with little resistance

  14. its a useless fratricidal war. maybe putin should have concentrated on building a system that people wanted to be a part of, instead of a corrupt shitehole for him and his cronies.

  15. In my opinion, India is the differentiator. If India chooses to put their beef with China aside, the east will be capable of winning a world war. India just did a trade deal with Iran and the US is considering sanctioning India. If this happens, this could be the straw that breaks the camels back. China, India, Russia, Iran, and north Korea (to name a few), with cheap weapons and tons of bodies, could give the west a real run for their money.

  16. British forces using British made missiles are attacking the Russian ships , the Russians know it and the British can expect retribution down the line.

  17. I don't know how people managed to get this stupid about Russian assets and not seeing how it would be like shooting yourself in the foot for any bank to give the Russian frozen assets to Ukraine, or should I say to the US since it is where all the profits are going in this war….

  18. If today is Zelensky’s last day as President, he needs to be mobilized to fight. He’s clearly meets the Ukraines mobilization criteria. Maybe the same goons grabbing draft evaders off the streets need to find him.

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