Kate’s foundation update is great news – and while she’s not back at work yet, this is a good sign

Kate’s foundation update is great news – and while she’s not back at work yet, this is a good sign

[Music] our early childhood the time from pregnancy to the age of five fundamentally shapes the rest of our lives but as a society we currently spend much more of our time and energy on later life today the Royal Foundation Center for Early Childhood is launching a new campaign shaping us to raise awareness of the life-changing impact we can have when we build a supportive nurturing world around children and those who care for them because by focusing our Collective time energy and resources on these most preventative years we can make a huge difference to the physical and mental health and happiness of generations to come I think that uh what she’s been doing with this task force for the under fives is fantastic and um yes very good news that she has been briefed about the progress of this and um taking an interest in it uh imagine she probably has been briefed about quite a lot of things actually and I I think in some ways it’s a shame that we haven’t been you know told a little bit more about that because uh you know even though we don’t see her out in public um you know days are long and I’m sure she has time to keep up with uh all sorts of different things I think that um this Enterprise that she’s done uh is one of those classically wonderful things that members of the royal family can do which however much people try to say it’s political it isn’t political at all it’s just good common sense and um by investing in the under fives and getting them um you know and giving them great opportunities and and understanding them better and so forth and all the things which uh um are no doubt in this wonderful report um just makes absolute sense and the fact that businesses are putting them um their names to it and indeed their money is also very encouraging um so you know whereas one can’t predict exactly the effect it’s going to have has to be good and positive and that’s exactly what members of the royal family are so very good at doing highlighting these things and getting them moving and getting uh attention for them and indeed raising um the necessary funds so I think it’s highly commendable and and um you know if if people try to say that there’s something political in it I I don’t see that at all I think it’s just all uh all for the common good and makes really good sense and it’s wonderful that she’s behind it and I’m sure also you know it’ probably be great boost to her um because she’s hasn’t had a very good time to know that it’s being so effective because um you know we all want to be useful in life and and she is extremely useful I think that uh Princess of Wales would you know would want would not wish to take credit for herself at all um she she is really um I I’m sure she would see herself as the Catalyst because she would know that by using her name and by using her influence she can Inspire these funds to come and for the support from the these businesses and these businesses don’t don’t um you know support Charities unless they think they’re very well-run and that they’re a very good um you know that they’ve got good prospects so um no she wouldn’t want to take credit for that um but it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s nice to have some very positive news about her because I think we’ve all been you know quite worried about her particularly since she came on the television um before Easter and um made those statements about her health and and we wish her well and hope that you know it won’t be to too long before we see her out and about again Prince William must have a lot of cares on his shoulders at the moment I mean his father is unwell the problem always of being Prince of Wales is that you know you are a Heartbeat Away from the throne and then if you if your wife is is ill and you have small children and then you have all the other things that they have to think about that people like me don’t have to think about the politics and the you know Global situations and and and all sorts of things that that members of the Royal Family do have to have to consider consider um to do you know if he if he became king you know you know he’d be very involved with politics and um you know possible change of government and all those sort of things so so there’s a lot on his shoulders but I’ve always thought he gets it absolutely right the balance between his Royal duties and also his responsibilities as a husband and father and in the Modern Way um uh fathers the modern father does take a a much more close interest in in his children at that formative age which of course let’s face it is is not terribly far away from what Katherine has been has been doing with her under fives I mean there that the children are older older than that now but they are still very young and from the very moment that Prince George was born and Prince William popped him into the baby carriage and um strapped him in with great efficiency and drove off himself I mean when he was picked up from the hospital his father was wearing a tie and there was a chauffer to drive them home so you know things move on so yes I I give him full credit for all that he’s doing and uh I just hope that um you know he’s not having uh too much of a pressurized time I’m sure I’m sure the pressure is very very heavy on him they’re brilliant parents and I think the three children uh you know whenever they appear I mean we’re we’re delighted to see them and we haven’t seen very much of them recently because obviously uh the fact that you know Prince William and Katherine didn’t come to Easter Service meant that they didn’t come with them so we haven’t seen much of them I’m sure they will be um at the trooping the color in June uh but I don’t think we can expect uh too much of Katherine herself because I think that as as is I hope now very well understood she must be given as much time as she needs to get fully well again and that uh doesn’t involve um no public appearances like that so so um I think that the uh Prince’s office has said this is not an indication of you know her full return to public duties or anything like that far from it but it’s all a good sign the members of the task force have met together on a monthly basis over the course of the last year or so um and we came together and quite quickly determined that what we really needed to to kind of Kickstart this and and get wider Buy in was a really compelling case for change as to why business should care about Early Childhood so the work that we’ve been involved in over the last year has been very much focused around developing the paper that we are um releasing today um and getting that narrative out there as well as also starting to think about what we as individual organizations can do to shift our Focus uh into unto Early Childhood what we set out in the paper is the the opportunity for for greater value add to the wider UK economy through a couple of key key areas so the first one is very much around um investing in Social and emotional skills for the under fives so starting at a very young age to to develop some of those softer skills as we’d call them around resilience and problem solving and empathy if we were able to to really kind of um get to the core of some of those we could see a productivity game of about 12.1 billion over the course of um uh kind of generation and then we also look at the opportunity to encourage parents and caregivers to get back into the workforce if they had access to to more suitable Child Care opportunities um and that figure comes in at around 17 billion and then finally we look at the um the public expenditure uh currently around mitigating adverse childhood experiences so children that suffer from neglect and abuse and if we were able to reduce some of that it comes into around 16 billion pounds so the three figures total together it creates to a 45.5 you know net uh gain for the UK e economy this is not a paper that is intended to be exclusive to just big business we really wanted this to be applicable to businesses of all sizes um so as a result we’ve we’ve established this framework of these sort of five game-changing areas areas where businesses can really have an impact um and the five of them they quite quite um simply are transforming the culture so starting to have a conversation about Early Childhood it’s about securing the necessities and making sure that parents have access to basic uh Essentials that they need for their children it’s prioritizing nurturing those social and emotional skills that are so important in early childhood it’s supporting parents and caregivers with choice and flexibility to work in the way that they want to work and it’s also looking at improving access to Quality and reliable Early Education and Care and if businesses can look across all five of those areas there are things that people could do even at a small level that will really start to shift the dial

Kate’s foundation update is great news – and while she’s not back at work yet, this is a good sign.

Royal Historian Hugo Vickers spoke to The Sun about Princess Kate’s health.

Read related:
Excited’ Princess Kate was ‘driving force’ behind new project – but won’t return to work until docs give ‘green light’

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  1. What an amazing woman! Gods Bless you Princess Catherine!
    Knock it off with the we don’t see her narrative. We don’t have to see her to know what a wonderful force of good she brings to the world! She encourages and inspires the organizations she believes in. Long live the Royal Family.🇨🇦🇬🇧

  2. Посол Англии в Париже лорда Берти: «Нет больше России! Она распалась. Если только нам удастся добиться независимости буферных государств, граничащих с Германией на Востоке, т. е. Финляндии, Польши, Эстонии, Украины и т. д., то, по мне, остальное, может убираться к черту и вариться в собственном соку».(1917г).
    Русь Святая Триединая была, есть и будет. Сто лет прошло, а "англичанка продолжает гадить"! ПРЕКРАТИТЕ!!!! У вас НЕТ второго "Петра-Хужожника" да и второй принцессы тоже уже нет…..

  3. Dear princess Catherine…..so heavenly to see you again….maybe God keep blessing with your full recovery and us with your soon return. YOU ARE GREATLY MISSED!!!!

  4. Princess of Wales is phenomanel and kind and caring and is the best future Queen and what she is doing is fantastic. The world loves her and her works. We so miss her and cannot wait until we see her again. All the best in her future endeavours.

  5. Lovely to see Catherine Princess of Wales. This is a great reminder to us how important this is. 🇺🇸 love the way they are very involved with bringing up their children.

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