Russia’s battle for influence: From Ukraine to Georgia?

Russia’s battle for influence: From Ukraine to Georgia?

um now we’re clearly seeing here there are two different strategies um there’s this um military method in Ukraine there’s a non-military method hybrid measures as they’re called in other countries Georgia mova which strategy according to you is working better for Putin I think when it’s not a comparison that’s the issue about Russia all the strategies come together and this what we should deter we should not look only at the military attacks but the hybrid attacks including in the countries and in the candidate countries

Putin’s battle for influence shows no end – from being openly aggressive in Ukraine to using hybrid measures in Moldova and Georgia. Which strategy is working better?

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  1. Listen very, very carefully: the seals that are written about in the revelation of John will open this year, there will be a big earthquake, famine, war between part of the world and Israel, some people will impersonate Jesus, even perform some miracles, don’t believe them, remember what is written in the revelation of John about when Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven will come, also know that you must not bow and pray in before crosses and images and all other works of human hands, I know it sounds strange but it’s true, those people who do this will suffer from what is written in the revelation of John, so know this, also do not eat blood. Celebrate Sabbath, if you do not believe that no work of human hands can be worshiped, then when the last days come, check whether people who worship and pray in front of crosses and images suffer by what is written in the revelation of John and in the prophets. If I'm not mistaken, the last days will come no later than the first half of autumn, but they may come a little earlier or later, remember that after the big earthquake you do not bow and pray before crosses or images, also read the revelation of John again and do good deeds, help poor, crippled, orphans, widows, it will be easier for you in the last days if you help them, because God can help those who do right deeds. Son and Spirit are not a God, Only Father is God, and do not call anyone on earth your spiritual father because you have One Father on Heaven
    mark of beast is a cross and icons are images of beast, capital of babylon is rome, in original bible there is not a word cross, but there is word stauros which means a stake on which peoples where executed, Jesus died on a vertical stauros not on a vertical and horizontal cross, symbol of Jesus is a tree, because it's similar to a stake and they both vertical, Name of God is Jehovah, pray ONLY to Him, not to the Mary not to the saints, angels, even not to Jesus, pray as it's written in Matthew 6:9-13, also do not bow and pray or use star of david, it is not his star, it is a symbol of four elements, also a pagan symbol, as I know. If you have some questions then ask.

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