I know why Prince Harry and William’s explosive feud is here to stay – it’s so obvious

I know why Prince Harry and William’s explosive feud is here to stay – it’s so obvious

there was never any suggestion that the two brothers would would would come face to face where there has been in the past when he’s been over that’s really interesting and I think it’s being picked up on that it almost was just taken as red that this time they wouldn’t meet which in which in itself the silence tells its own story doesn’t it the fact that for this this time no one expected the two of them to meet and we didn’t have any leaks coming from from either camp that there that there was going to be a potential meeting where that one wanted it and one didn’t and that probably suggest that the rift is pretty firmly cemented by this stage I don’t I know the crown is fiction sure um but in the in the latest series of the crown one of my favorite scenes is when Harry and William are talking to each other and are talking about William potentially be well you know ultimately becoming King I think William says I’ll be William the 5th and Harry points out that William II do you remember this scene where he said William II was uh had a terrible history because he was killed by his brother also Prince Harry I thought it was a kind of delicious little um you know little script in in yeah it is um so William II was for a r hunting trip and was hit by stray arrow and the theory goes that his brother Prince Harry who became Henry the first was just a little bit too quick to get to the treasury and lock down the capital um whether that means Henry the first just really well prepared or knew something was coming we don’t know but yeah I mean it’s again it’s a good William and Harry um and with much higher sticks absolutely and um when Harry was over so when he was over in February um which I got to commend him to be quite Frank he he knew his father had cancer he wanted to come over and see him the king didn’t really want to see him he was stopped from going to Sandringham is there anything historically comparable to that kind of situation where the where where the king wanted to avoid his son yeah I mean well not his son but I have to know look back on myself after saying you can’t compare him to Edward the and I will compare him to Edward the um yes so when Edward the ex King Edward thei after he abdicated in 1936 he became dukee of Windsor and when he would come back sometimes for for major events like his brother’s death in 1952 other times for shorter visits his estrange sister-in-law who became the queen mother made it you know sort of said you had to be careful where you hosted him and they would pick places where the Royals had an I that they could leave at a certain point um because otherwise um the queen mother’s concern was that Edward the jger wi sorry would hang around like a bad smell and inevitably ask for an increase in his Alliance so they well this this feels very similar to when Harry was over to be honest but just my view the word was the phrase was that yeah the AIDS were worried they never get rid of him when he was open oh interesting yeah so so that is there is a direct comparison then yeah the queen mother used to say try to pick somewhere where there’s something and not just that there would be another event but that you act the Royal actually had to leave the building that they were in so that there was a a clear and definite end point to the audience I hope this isn’t a curveball but just just generally what do you think about Harry’s Behavior you taking a step back over over the last four or five years what do you think about his behavior towards his family knowing what we’ve known over the past you know thousand years of raw history whatever that’s a great question um I suppose for me I always am slightly jub of Memoirs and of sit down interviews partly because I think they feel incredibly cathartic at the time but you then want to move on but you in in the Public’s mind you’re trapped forever like a flying Amber with these interviews and Memoirs and what you’ve said lasts much longer than the feelings that you had when you said them and I don’t ever really see an example in history of someone giving one of these interviews and not just royalty but celebrities and politicians who have not become frustrated by its Legacy and for the sussexes You’ have done so many so close together I think I don’t think it’s a surprise that we’ve heard the Dutchess of Sussex you know allegedly say that she wants to move on but the public moves on slower than the personalities do that you know the the public were invited into this and I think for him one of the more surprising things that that happened was that this man who you know I always thought of as one of the great champions of of privacy in the United Kingdom and especially his family’s privacy you know then did reveal some very private conversations you know including ones in the immediate after immediate aftermath of his grandfather’s funeral uh and that was very surprising to me that that’s that that’s what he chose to do purely conjectural on my part but I I don’t get the impression that he necessarily thought that the consequences of this would be as severe as they have been or that it would land as badly with the public as it has now it’s important to not there are many people who were very moved by what the ssex has said um in a positive way there were many who were outraged or dismissive or skeptical and I think a lot of people who saw those interviews in Reddit felt that that he had betrayed his family and some of them felt he’ betrayed the country so that takes a lot longer uh to to to reconcile that and I there’s an old phrase or something like if you air your dirty laundry in public it takes a lot longer for it to dry and I think that’s a little bit of what we’re seeing but I also think it’s worth remembering you know he he he was immensely popular before all of this and and I I don’t think anything really lasts forever so you could see him when that popularity back well I think it’s telling since Spar he’s never gone down that route again do you know what I mean he’s never gone down the talking about the family again he’s he’s completely he’s completely changed I remember someone at buckin and Palace when when the late Queen was still alive when when things were put into her mouth so when she had a statement or when she said something they said that these words last forever so they’re carefully crafted like for instance the Recollections may vary um that kind that kind of statement or or the Anis herbis they know that when the queen says something it’s going to remain I’d wonder whether Harry when he sat down with his Ghost Writer maybe didn’t didn’t really think about that that’s just me thinking no well he he wouldn’t have been encouraged to see it that way um with you know if you’re going into an editorial or publishing process they’re not going to be looking at this um as something that is carved into you know the granite face of History they’re going to be looking at something that is in a memoir and there you know this is a a market that is used to selling celebrity Memoirs and there will be no one around him I would imagine who would have said this will last forever yeah it’s just a different it’s a different form of communication and I think the difficulty is that that he is someone who has you know a very prominent social position and and actually what he says will have impact Beyond simply a memoir but I think I hadn’t thought of that you’re right he has kind of pulled it back and actually I think there were even interviews that he did uh with Anderson Cooper and um Tom BR he did them as well where he tried to he kind of tried to pull some of the stuff back and said like we never said they were racist at all um for many it’s too late but let’s see what happens one thing that Harry and B have been doing just moving on is Nigeria um loads and loads of pictures we saw Megan in so many outfits I think someone counted up it’s about £125,000 worth of outfits I’m not a fashion expert as as you can probably tell but I think you know she was she wanted to be photographed she wanted to be seen it wasn’t a royal tour um is it is it was it a Troublesome trip do you think for the palace was it a successful trip for Harry and Megan what’s your reading of the of this faux Royal tour yeah it is I mean I mean when is a tour not a tour it’s a bit like Beauty’s in the eye of the beholder isn’t it um I mean obviously it’s not an an official Royal tour but it looks and acts like one and there were moments that were that seemed quasi official you had the moment of Gody of the king being played at at public dinners and The Jig and Dodges of ssex standing for that I think from their perspective from the sussex’s perspective and particularly from the Dutchess of Sussex perspective it was a success I mean the headlines were broadly speaking overwhelmingly positive

A Royal expert has revealed why Prince Harry and William’s long-standing feud isn’t going anywhere.
Speaking to the Sun’s Royal Editor Matt Wilkinson, Royal historian Gareth Russell explained the signs that show that the two princes’ differences seem set to stay.

Watch the video to find out more.

00:00 Intro
01:50 Comparisons between Prince Harry and Edward Duke of Windsor
04:10 The public will move on slower than Harry and Meghan
07:25 Harry and Meghan’s tour of Nigeria

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  1. “Then there’s this foreign organism. And they were like ‘What is that? What is it doing here? it doesn’t look like us, it doesn’t move like us, get it off of us’. Meghan Markle said these words in the Netflix doc. Yet there she and Harry were… paraded around in Africa like the organism she rejected.

  2. Hairy ass King Charles for 25 million give it to him I have the Royal help bring Harris things to the Palace. King Charles and Harry must sit down and talk to each other every day ! Let King Charles see his grandbabies all the time……….

  3. The poisoning began when William suggested that Harry might slow down on his relationship with megan. I bet Harry is even more furious because his brother was wise. Now everyone has been receiving Harry's wrath.

  4. This show talks about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex incessantly. Britain needs to move on, Harry has said his piece and moved on. Harry and his team have taught of the future and wanted a record for his children.

  5. Diana would be sad to see her sons not talking. She would be disappointed in Harry's behavior towards his grandparents, father and the Royal Family. Diana would not have liked Meghan; she would have loved Catherine. I think the fued is here to stay because Harry will throw a temper tantrum if something changes drastically for the worst for him.

  6. I guess the feuds between the brothers is because of the dramatic ALOHOLIC n mental issues going on these British reporters n royals. They will never get it together until these crazy bunch of silly British royals n reporters stop the drama. Let's be real this is alot of bs going on everyday with these crazy British royals n reporters, let face it this is the saddest bunch in the whole world 🌎 n want everyone else misable too. 😠😠😠😠

  7. Well they were positive until the stories started going out about the Nigerian CEO of the airline being a wanted person accused of fraud n the US. The most recent stories are casting rather larger shadows on this trip.

  8. “LEAKS FROM CAMPS” that is the problem!!!!!
    The media keeps poisoning public opinion to sell papers & self- promotion.
    Prince Harry is a “BLOOD-ROYAL” working in family business or NOT. He carries his Status wherever he goes!
    Stop this ongoing ignorance

  9. Harry must think we're all naive . He can't breeze in and out of office. Where else would this be allowed to happen.?. Not if he had a proper job or remained in the army. This behaviour is all because he was brought up as a privileged prince. It's a game to him. You can't insult your family and expect to continue as normal. Spare and Oprah tv show and watch Meghan do a mock courtesy to the Queen are examples . He's a clown.

  10. Are Harry and Meghan not aware of the disruption they have caused within the Royal family and us the onlookers?. We are expected to be loyal to the Crown. The Royal family needs unity now more than ever. How unbelievable that Meghan could accept a Royal marriage and then flee with her prince. She couldn't care a damn. No integrity or loyalty

  11. No outsider should judge. We are all fallable. To grow up as a spare, has to mark you, to loose your Mum so young it has to mark you. To marry someone who has no understanding of historial ancestral linkage has got to stumble you, he had no idea what it is like not to be Royal, and therefore no understanding of Megan's difficulties, and for outsiders to judge all this just shows how inapt the outsiders are, and how ignorant of that situation they also are.

  12. Corrupt William pouting Harry exposed William’s betrayal and people now know William is shady using the press to spin it freeing himself of any wrongdoing.

  13. Meghan dropped the bomb and now wants to move on, yet she continues to compete with the Prince and Princess of Wales. She isn’t moving on.

  14. There you go…Harry bashing again.
    The RF did not think that prematurely ejecting Harry at the Sandringham Summit would lead to them losing two of their most dynamic individuals.

  15. Both these individuals, although not bitching about Harry and Megan like the so called royal experts, are nevertheless craftily casting a negative hue on both Harry and Megan in a rather insidious manner.

  16. Wow talk about downplaying the sin, man this guy is doing his job if hired by Harry PR team to save Harrys' image. Who are you going to believe me or your lying ears and eyes. We all saw the interview we heard it for ourselves. Harry is a jerk who now wants back in, pray the king has a backbone.

  17. Well, Harry walked alongside Meghan over that bridge , she carried the dripping petrol can, and SHE turned around, and struck that match…looked at Harry, and said, we in my valley now 'white boy' 😂

  18. Why would william want to see his traitor younger brother. He is a vile little nasty poor excuse for a human being. He might have been popular only because the palace covered up for him.

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