Ukraine: New mobilisation law comes into force • FRANCE 24 English

Ukraine: New mobilisation law comes into force • FRANCE 24 English

well as Ukraine faces growing pressure on the battlefield a new mobilization law comes into force today the legislation lowers the age at which men can be drafted into the army from 27 to 25 it also tightens punishment for those guilty of draft evasion president zinsky is hoping to boost ranks depleted by over two years of fighting with many soldiers dead wounded or struggling with fatigue well with more we can now turn to Douglas Herbert our International Affairs editor Douglas our International Affairs editor thank you so much for joining me in the studio Douglas so this new mobilization law takes into effect takes it effect uh today it’s been hotly debated will it be enough to replenish troops do you think in the very short term uh probably not um I say that because look Ukraine’s Army is absolutely desperate right now uh to get new recruits to as you said to replenish forces that have been very badly depleted remember many of these men and you know on both sides there have been reportedly tens of thousands of casualties um and and deaths and in in many cases uh some of these men you know service men have been serving since really the beginning of the war more than two years ago and there’s been no respit um the problem is this it’s you know the new draft law yeah there’s a clause in it to lower uh the age down to 25 so by from 27 to 25 also zinsky perhaps not coincidentally signed a law just yesterday um allowing convicts uh to be drafted not not those wanted for the worst crimes such as rape and murder which Russia had earlier actually been doing um but those were in prison on lesser crimes to serve and perhaps have parole at the end of their service so that would maybe bring in about 20,000 more the estimates though are that Ukraine needs about you know perhaps hundreds of thousands of troops uh really to be able to match what has been a far superior in terms of Manpower and Equipment Russian Force forces which have been advancing as we know especially in this new ground defensive in the northeastern region around ke uh Ukraine is up against it right now um it has no time to waste these men have to be trained as well and that could take a few months sure you could train them in a month and send unprepared uh troops um to to defend Ukraine but that won’t be as effective it’s a very fine balance a very difficult decision so when you ask me too little too late they needed the mobilization law no one’s disputing that the question is the mechanics Logistics and really what happens the Dynamics on the ground in the face of this Russian really onslaught Rec L intensified Onslaught and Vladimir zinski has actually reached out to China’s president XI Jin ping he’s just fresh from hosting Vladimir Putin for a state visit what did zalinski ask of he’s he’s pleading for support from China look I I said the war has been going on for more than two years China has not at all condemned the war yes it is said it supports the Integrity of Ukraine and its territory but that is not the same as outright condemning the war which vomir zalinsky has clearly wanted him to do um from zalinsky standpoint China is perhaps one of the only Powers maybe the only Power in the world that could really bring some leverage and influence to bear on Vladimir Putin and meanwhile he sees sees Putin in China in the past few days that visits now over the two leaders side by side pledging a new era of partnership sees China continuing to trade a lot with Russia helping it to skirt get around the the Western sanctions um what he all wants he really wants China to participate in this conference a conference that is to be held in Switzerland to which Russia has not been invited um because the terms that Russia is asking on the ground are not seem as as acceptable or realistic uh for any sort of uh peace or negotiation um but Switzerland’s hoping to attract a lot of countries from the so-called Global South as well as China and that means uh China has not given a definitive answer but it hasn’t ruled out going to this conference this is what zinski is trying to do he knows that China is in a difficult geopolitical situation here it wants to have relationship with Russia especially to face off against the us heden as they see it Russia and China um but he also thinks and he hopes he could still in a limited way at least get China on side it would be more than just symbolic it could have real influence uh brought to bear on Vladimir Putin Douglas Herber our International Affairs editor thank you so much for your time

As Ukraine faces growing pressure on the battlefield, a new mobilisation law comes into force. The legislation lowers the age at which men can be drafted into the army from 27 to 25. FRANCE 24’s Douglas Herbert gives us his analysis.
#Russia #Ukraine #war

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  1. Russian artillery is no joke. The way this things going there are not any men left in Ukraine. Remember Russia population almost 3 times of Ukraine. Do the math.

  2. It's a pity that Ukraine is trying by all means to have all it's young and middle aged men killed in this war.Ukrainians must revolt against him before it's too late.

  3. Zelensky is not going to have any effect convincing the Chinese because the way they see it Russia is being as appropriately restrained in this ongoing offensive as anyone could realistically expect – the problem is with the Ukraine and Washington side of the equation, the demands are as clear as they were on day 1, guarantees of no NATO member EVER, Crimea is never being returned, Donetsk and Luhansk are now locked in – the west needs to negotiate asap before they lose even more territory, the longer Russian forces occupy additional Ukrainian territory the less likely it is of seeing that territory returned to Russia, pull your head out

  4. zelensky tells china what to do? why did he not keep to the minsk agreement and why refused to negotiate with the rusians in april 2022; very simply; usa and uk wanted this war and pushed zelenksy, also the aozov battilion pushed zelenky not to give in.

  5. China cannot do anything if the rights of the people in Eastern Ukraine are ignored. Also if Russia's grievances are ignored.

    The west support of Ukraine is one sided and without hearing both sides of the conflict, peace cannot be attained. Already, those who started this war have clearly stated that their interest is to destroy Russian economy using Ukraine as a proxy.

  6. I understand that Ukraine does not want to affect the younger generation. But in a war like that would be a luxury having forced conscription over 27 years old. Russia with a bigger population does it over 18 yo. True that Russia is heading for population collapse and Ukraine wants to have a future

  7. Man, Ukraine has been winning this war and only lost a handful of troops, yet they're running out of troops somehow
    Meanwhile, Russia has lost over 1 million troops but is gaining ground with only shovels at that?

  8. China is being threatened by the US over Taiwan, France is threatening to bring in NATO troops to fight Russia. The west has cemented China and Russia together, mutually they are stronger than the west.

  9. I said from the beginning that NATO should have moved in up to the unsure lines when Russia invaded. This drawn out bloodbath only killed countless Ukrainians, villages and towns raped and destroyed, and only so many Ukrainians to fight.
    The fact there is now a hurried idea of admitting the Ukraine to NATO at this late date demonstrates that it could have been done earlier.
    Men making war, men lolligagging while soldiers and innocents were dying… and then there is maga in the USA than supports putin and is trying to destroy my Country, makes hope slim for that Country (the Ukraine).
    Is there a grown up in the room?

  10. Ukrainian army is very desperate to get new recruits 😂😂🤣 but you kept saying Ukraine has lost few soldiers as low as 31,000 since the war started…so there's no need for mobilization

  11. Another 2 years and Ukraine will no longer have any troops in the battlefield to defend most of their land.. they have only one year to start negotiations or they would loss more lands..

  12. By September this war will be over, President Biden will not go into elections with this war on, it will look like USA just spent USA Aid for nothing.

  13. Most American experts in global affairs agree that the United States has made a misguided decision in foreign policy in supporting conflict in Ukraine, and it must not be escalated further into the great powers' conflict of World War III. Most American experts also respect Putin's intelligence and character, so Europeans should realize this view.

  14. Never get “high on your own supply”. I think the initial “Russians = No skill. Ukraine = God of war” was initiated to win the info war. Slowly, western partners just drank their own coolaid and underestimated the enemy 😅😝

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