Germany: police clash with hundreds of climate protesters trying to storm Tesla plant

Germany: police clash with hundreds of climate protesters trying to storm Tesla plant

Protesters opposed to expansion of the US electric vehicle maker Tesla’s plant in Grünheide near Berlin clashed with police as some of them attempted to storm the facility.
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Over 800 people took part in the protest, according to the organising group Disrupt Tesla, which claims the expansion would damage the environment. Footage shows people wearing blue caps and masks coming from a nearby wooded area and attempting to storm the company’s premises with police officers trying to prevent them

Eight hundred protesters attempt to storm German Tesla factory ►

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  1. So when BMW expands its factory to build more petrol cars, there are no protests? These activists are all paid by BMW/Audi/Mercedes to destroy Tesla

  2. Nur Personen die eine Straftat planen, tragen üblicherweise eine Maske, noch gilt die Unschuldsvermutung. Warum setzt die deutsche Polizei das Vermummungsverbot nicht durch? Tesla sollte seine Fabrik nach Ungarn oder in die Slowakei verlegen. Die Deutschen sollten sich auf Pendalgetriebene Lastenfahräder und Flatterstrom spezialisieren!

  3. Uvek su bili surovi nacisti ali uvek su dobijali po nĺod Rusa i drugih i opet ce ako krenu da misle da su najbolji.
    Jesu jaka nacija ali ima opasnijih

  4. Leftists protesting against economic developement in dying east Germany. There need to be much more companies like Tesla who want to invest in this region, if you don't want people to be more and more frustrated and voting for right-wing parties like the AfD (as leftists do). Yet leftists think it is right to protest the companies who want to bring developement and life to east Germany, without taking heavy government subsidies like Intel did. They should protest to support Tesla.

  5. [[Updated]]: 🗞️📰🗞️📰 “Been that way for 30 years.” – U.S. Justice Department on the lack of Human Rights in Oklahoma County Jail, 2020

    “Makes me feel human again after this place.” – Oklahoma City Art Museum review after life in the local shelters (20+ years in the making), 2024

    “It is said that no one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails. A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones.” – Nelson Mandela 🥂🥂

  6. If only the police in the UK could do this. This so called eco activism is only a label to cover up their true identity as they want to cause chaos. There has never been any real evidence to prove the existence of climate change. The world has been going through changes since the beginning of time.

  7. A bunch of Marxists under the disguise of (in the name of) so-called ‘climate goodwill’. Disrupt the capitalism? Do they really know what that mean?

  8. Storming Tesla for clothes mate change is hilarious. We're meant to storm Tesla to protest illegal cobalt mining in the Congo, storm dirty energy companies and the government for climate change and other state related issues. Global issues arguably though, Tesla and musk are big economic players, so maybe some reporters could ask musk about what potential solutions this supposed genius might have?

  9. I mean if you build a factory in a nature reserve area, start the process of building it before receiving the official building permit and then on top of that reduce the groundwater level in the region through the factory, yeah then obviously that will bother people.

  10. Most of the times these cars are not clean either, being produced and feuled by dirty power. Plus the construction of the factory does a lot of damage to the environment and local water supply. People should do their research before criticizing the protest.

  11. "What are you doing today guys?"
    "We're going to save the world by protesting outside a factory."
    "Oh great. So what is it.. an oil refinery? ..a petrochemical company? ..factory farming?"
    "No, it's a company that makes electric cars, installs EV charging stations, builds energy storage solutions and manufactures solar panels."
    "Oh. Ok then." <:-O

  12. Astroturfing campaign by German automakers. They faked diesel emissions tests, it's not a stretch to realize they'd do this too.

  13. Вот почему завод в Китае всегда хвалят и ставят в пример. Илон совершил большую ошибку выбрав Берлин. Они атомные станции закрыли и остались без энергоресурсов, тогда уже надо было понять уровень безумства этих людей)

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