Repeating The Same MISTAKE, This CAN’T Continue, Real Intentions – Ukraine War Map Analysis News

g day Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day and importantly a fantastic friday leading into what I hope is a great weekend maybe go and have a beer with your mates now today as always we have a lot to go we’re going to talk about China and Russia what partnership is going on there is there lethal Aid is there not we’ll look at some official statements we need to talk about new kit we’re seeing and successful strikes we’ve seen as well and claim strikes as well we’re going to look at the maps we’re going to look at GE locations we have a lot of mapping to over as well as some opinion strategy off the front line of a dear friend of mine but of course an anonymous source there speaking about tactics what we’re seeing and why we’re seeing some successes in some Direction but first off the bat let’s have a look at some of the losses and this is my kits and Strikes fold here so we have now another sue2 claimed to be downed by Ukraine now some pages are actually saying then this was too but the war from 10th Mech Brigade destroyed a sue 25 fighter in the dones region here and the video given by that is then this so burning in a field well far away we can’t really see what has actually occurred there now this claim is actually bringing it now to 6 for this month which they is getting hard to believe when there’s no evidence provided for any of these now I can understand limited footage of long range strategic aircraft a long way away very high well over occupied territory but due to the nature of a sue 25 they typically fly very low and on or behind the front line it is very questionable to not then get any of these days on weeks on months on and this is drawing a lot of similarities to the 10 Sue 34s that were claimed to be down in 10 days 2 months ago of which we got no evidence for those either and then since then we haven’t seen any of those down e if you take down 10 in 10 days a few months on you’d think some of those would be coming down so I really think it’s in absolutely Ukraine’s interest to try and Supply evidence as soon as possible with these claims because people are looking at this very similar to The Boy Who Cried Wolf now let’s have a look at a Ukrainian successful confirmed strikes by attacks in the dones oblas against this Airfield down here so you can see we’ll zoom out exactly where this is so we have Donis City here and some other areas of which I’m sure you’ll be familiar with such as Minka kka these areas now what has actually been taken out here well there’s a little bit of difference in what it may have been but we can confirm this 96 l6e radar has been taken out and control station as well that these are either S3 or S400 launchers and we have a video here as well showing the aftermath damage of what has occurred here and said this is a launcher here said that there will be then casualties from this as well which would be unsurprising for a a typically manned system there but there are people saying it’s S3 or S400 now this does make a large difference on how important of a strategic Target this is yes S3 and S400 is a large strategic Target no one wants to lose that people want to hit that but there is a large difference between hitting this that there are far more it’s far cheaper of s300 then S400 Batteries Now rightfully some members did point out that typically Russia deploy the more expensive more important and harder to make S400 systems inside either Russian territory or down in crime where there are significantly more strategic targets and inside other occupied areas are still using then s300 systems so pointing at this likely then is an s300 system that said that isn’t concrete evidence it’s just what we’ve seen before and adding that to this but that is very interesting to speak about and an air defense system being taken out at an air base never a good look because well you’ve got that operating right where it should be as we’ve seen in both ways now yesterday we did look at and the day before this new seab bloody grad mrrs rocket drone here with these six unguided Rockets are bought it and we did question of how accurate would this actually be you’ve got a small light Craft on unstable water firing Rockets which are going to affect a small craft like that you firing a rocket launcher off a Navy warship may not have much effect but firing a rocket of this will have an effect especially if it’s going at then different times and the waterers doing this we questioned how accurate that will be well the sbu released this video today of course this is footage of these in kamakazi rooll then going towards ships but we get our answer to then the accuracy as we can see when they fire off here and we get multiple sput into the water very close to the Drone then itself right here this one skips off the water there as well as another one I believe too so what actually is this what effect will this have well unguided Rockets just into the abyss like this well probably very little as far as directly targeting things people have questioned before the use of the helicopters with the unguided Rockets pulling up the planes pulling up unguided although the planes people are saying would be more accurate because you’re traveling more linear than say a chopper like this but you can just see this drone and how it is moving in the water as you can see left to right here and bobbing as well of how unaccurate that system would be so what exactly is this well I would say these Rockets wouldn’t have much effect on how the uh craft moves in the water and wouldn’t be that heavy to take away from how much bang is actually in there so some are saying could this be like our last attack method that if you can’t find a Target to hit with the Drone and you’re running out of signal or fuel to Just Launch these off as a Hail Mary is it used as a distraction for if a Choppers in the air say trying to hit this and these come off you’re probably going to pull up on the stick and get out of the way what’s the ual chance of being hit limited but it’s more than not having it I guess so look I don’t know is one of these unguarded Rockets going to take down a warship no will the bang in this obviously as we have seen so I don’t know uh I I I think potentially it is a reaction to the uh maybe the counters to now these drones that we’ve seen Russia be more successful actually targeting these we have videos of them being targeted maybe from sitting back but I’m leaning more towards maybe a Last Chance thing and maybe a distraction and sort of Recon by fire but I don’t really know but we know definitely highly highly unaccurate unlike the uh uh heat seeking missiles we have seen then aboard these this is what really we want we want Toyota 70 series Land Cruisers with mlrs on them but we have had more attacks being launched up to eight towards Crimea uh well last night but today here if you’re running on Australian time we don’t know yet the effect of these we do know Ukraine recently has been very effective with attacks both down in Crimea and in dones obviously from the S3 or 400 system which we just saw but we have had a lot of reports of attacks going out within a few days on no reports of any damage to so we do know these can be jammed and we do know areas like cromia are going to have far more air defense coverage than other areas on the front line and with systems like this you typically have a short window of when it is effective so I think Ukraine is making the absolute most of that while they can so what is being hit there well we will I guess wait and see so we speak a little bit about Fabs and how that has really changed things in the front line the word game changer is thrown around and is you know nothing is a complete Game Changer there’s no such thing as V wafin uh except nuclear weapons that change you know I guess a strategic outly of countries and people’s willingness to attack but in conventional War there is no such thing as a wonder wfin and you can lose a war chasing then a miracle weapon but in the last this year I will say the biggest effect on the ground of any weapon system both Ukrainian or Russian has been Russia’s Glide bombs they have them me numerous numerous numbers they’re relatively very cheap they’ve got as I said a lot of them and can be dropped then well behind the line in 30 40 km and with the basic guidance systems we have seen can actually be very accurate On Target and dropping multiple of them and because they can have such a big bang 500500 kg it has having a morale effect too but we have spoken about these and this is the first footage I’ve actually seen of these umbs but we have seen some of them on the ground and the Little Engines our Frontline 234 bomber drops UMB Glide bombs on ukrainians in har unlike standard Fabs your UMPC this bomb has its own engine and is capable of covering much greater distances which allow it to reach for example har so the typical Glide bombs of course depends on the speed and angle and height of the S35 and of course a bunch of other factors but people are speaking depending on the type you know 30 to 40 km so we do know that there are ones Landing in areas like kator of of course these assisted massively in The Taking of aiva and we have of course reports into h k but the biggest threat with this is you want to take down the aircraft not the bomb the bomb in the air is too expensive to be hitting with air defense due to how many of them are being dropped these are cheap air defense is expensive lots of these not much air defense you want to be striking the plane but as we’re about to say the further the plane is back the harder that is going to be very obviously so when he had say 40 km of range that the plane was right on the border to strike hariv with the UMB with the rocket assist I have heard from 50 to 60 km so it might put you another 20ks back in safety now one of the big Parts about this is with Western air defense we are still unsure the ruling on actually striking depending on the country a Russian aircraft in Russian airspace so of course it puts it back in a level of safety Would You Rather Be On the Border or 20ks behind and of course it’s just extending range of what can be hit of katos Sloans areas and extending the range on those cheap bombs with some guidance aboard them and we can we have this video the first video I’ve actually seen of these then said to being dropped here so this is s34 you can tell by the side by side seating like an f111 and the duck face nose on this aircraft we can see he’s dropped and you see the aircraft do like a little bit of a jiggle up and down cuz it’s just unloaded a couple of tons of weight and then you’ll see the wings then pop out there I believe these are springloaded so they’re held closed up and as they drop they then come out and now you can’t see the Rockets fire off that’s what I would really like to see but it’s said to be that from a34 off their way there and you can tell the altitude that a plane like this is and he’ll be making that hard Bank Full Throttle to get then back out of the danger zone people are saying that these aircraft will spend 60 to 90 seconds actually in the bubble of where they can be hit of course they come in much slower drop them we presume subsonic there’s a lot of problems dropping Munitions suic you can look that up online and taals being taken out and all sorts of but subsonic make a hard bank and then boost it out of the danger area as soon as possible so that is very interesting to look at I’ll just show you on this I’ll show the photos in the background but you can see different no to a typical Fab and at the end like the cone of where that small rocket motor just to give it AIT little bit more oomph will actually be so let’s look at the maps let’s look at some geolocation so of course here’s UK the center here’s the capital of ke the red are is OCC since 22 the purple since 14 and the green areas of which Russia has been and has either been pushed out of or has withdrawn from areas now we’re going to talk about up in the north but what I want to speak about first is what one of my friends great guy incredibly experienced on the ground is saying about what he’s sort of seeing and tactics as well as I believe this stuff is very very important and he not in one of these messes but said to me I hope someone will actually see you and listen to what I’m PL saying cuz I know what else to do I’ve been pondering over what the Russians next move is as you’ll know very well with Russians you can’t say or think with our methodology and training mindset what would I do next you have to look at how they have histo operated historically people with zero knowledge of warfare and especially those flag wavers that have never set foot in Ukraine will argue and even H abuse at this I never listen to that noise remember ke I’m absolutely of the belief that Russia had zero intention to take ke at a push surround it to take it would have taken up way too many reserves what they did do was keep Ukrainian resources around the city Russia’s primary goal was to take the land bridge from the west of rosov Von and Link uh into Crimea they also knew full well that as of due to the fical political tiptoe in the US would not be resupplied so let’s look at where he was talking so a pushing on ke to tie up resources here and to want to push from rostov down to create in the south of Ukraine this land bridge through to Cha instead of Kirch here and of course as of in marol down here this continues that’ll be important people have argued with me saying they already had a land bridge which is laughable a bridge the Kirch most certainly is not a reliable land bridge and the distance between even the shortest Point minus the bridge is 5 km remember back when the Russians agreed to move out of ke and said they will instead reinforce the East they did that knowing they’ won that land bridge and Maria this continues I genuinely feel the Battle of har will be the same they’ll attempt to surround harv or make it seem that way but the majority of attacks will be by air artillery and missile the position of actual fighting itself though won’t change that much their intention is to take Sloans and katos now let’s have a look at where Sloans and katos of course we have dones oblast here we have bmud katos Sloans the biggest areas in this oblast that are not then occupied we’re talking hariv up here to give a bit of ground of where we are and area they were in 2014 and they’ll play the same games as they have since day one up and down border where Ukraine has made the same mistake over and over again stay in the center to hold ground and allow themselves to be surrounded m sesk L chk bmud divka now this is similar to what I spoke about in yesterday’s video from another source saying that holding ground and getting surrounded isn’t has been happening again and again over a certain amount of time that fight we don’t have the Manpower or resources to be doing that you may need to give up ground for Time Hit Logistics and then move back yes the opct of losing ground you know can be bad but that he was saying in yesterday is not this guy but Ukraine’s who focus on the Optics of losing territory rather than the actual strategic influence of having then a fighting withdrawal and hitting areas but sacrificing some land that you will then take back at some point and then this is happening in these areas which we’ve seen Napoleon was wrong when he said one must change one’s tactics every 10 years if one wishes to maintain one’s superity it’s battle by battle because those Russian leopards aren’t changing their spots they’re using the same Tac itic because Ukraine allows them to get away with it so they’re using the same tactics liking Maria P of being surrounded likeing aak mood of being surrendered and having to withdraw like a diva that envelopment around and then a withdrawal and move through there why would they change if Ukraine is allowing them to do it again and again by moving up troops and resources somewhere else and then doing that and that is very interesting let me know what you think of what he has said there but there’s nothing that I dis agree within that or the assessment from another experienced individual yesterday as well so let’s talk about the North and how Ukraine has reinforced and taken back some areas in here so no changes on this map today we have a little bit of footage of how VCH is looking so over you know the best part of a week we can see the absolute destruction of everything in here this is what happens when you’re dropping massive artillery um multiple launch rocket systems Fabs and Street to street fighting everything gets battle scard incredibly quickly but let’s have a look on then the Surak map here and this lines up with other Maps I’ve seen today but we typically don’t use but situation Northeastern front during the last four days Ukraine Army was able to regroup and re-enter the vunk area north of the vure river so down through we can see where the vure runs by this blue way here and we have seen Maps having arrows of this pointing back in of where Ukraine has re-entered this area was not actually secured by the Russian army although it was declared under their control after the Ukrainian withdrawal so people were claiming that Ukraine did withdraw to the south of the vure river the front lines uh lies between these streets so you can see on this map these are actually the closest they’ve been now for a while Surak is still showing more Russian control but this Ukrainian re-entry and Blue Zone to try and push back into VTA uh sorry vchan and have now a bridge head on now the north side of here and fight street fighting back through on this front line but the question needs to be how many and who has redeployed into here to make this happen if Russia still is trying to focus down in the East regardless siski has spoken about this in his update only a few hour ago I continue my work in parts of the Eastern front after the first minor successes in the course of offensive fighting in har region I’d say there was a lot of success if you gain this much territory in under a week but the opponent was completely engaged in the street fighting for V chunk and suffered very high losses in the Personnel of assault units at the moment the enemy from different directions is overthrowing reserves trying to support active assault actions but unsuccessfully so saying that they the Russians by they are bogged down involv chunk and suffering very high losses but this ties into what the other people have been telling me you know these guys by my chats saying yeah there’s so much focus on inflicting such high losses but you’re going to have the same of that continually reinforcing to try and fight in urban areas without your builtup defensive work should there be a bit of a trade for time for a bit of land and some more strikes in areas of which is better for you to be fighting in so it’s is interesting here I’ve seen a lot of people say there’s too much focus on inflicting just very high losses in one area because we don’t know what losses are being created on then the other side to then inflict those two but there’s still very little footage actually coming out involved chance as well so we can’t have a good estimation of how many troops have actually been poured into here then either way so let’s move our way down the front line and see so we’ve had seen no change up in the north here on any of the maps for a while we’ll come down into Kar front bka here it is said that Ukraine made back a little bit of ground here not being shown on then the uh deep state today but during the last 6 days ukra Army managed to recapture some positions north of bifa so just up in this pocket here saying some positions were then made back now we’ll just move down to the South a little bit we’ll look at B sort of Mark to verima vili Ros deliva here as well that’ll give us an idea of where that we are then looking so we zoom in one more and you’ll see Evano dka so just in this direction here that it said Russia has made a bit of ground as well out from veli taking High Ground trying to get down into R deliva New Advance the southwest of spery and North ofi currently Russian Force are trying to recapture a trench system located the heights that Overlook Ros deliva from the Northeast so that said to be an advancement there but we haven’t got any confirmation from other sources then giving us that and move our way down here we have Buck Moot and the first of areas we will then be looking at so no changes shown on this map although we do know there are a lot of claims in here so the big area here to talk about is the break in and attempt to get into then shassie y as we have seen Russian tanks working around here and combat teams in and around here as well fighting Russian so the gray Zone should be significantly more in this area from what I have seen now let’s have a look at some GE located footage I guess off the bat first so this is into chiv now these are Russian armored vehicles with troops on top moving in here there you can see the amount of artillery dropping here you can see that this armored vehicle back here unidentifiable from the space is firing as well and firing into these areas as well as the other one up here sort of doing a uh sort of an open maneuver on themselves I’m not sure how much uh support is actually being given from other elements here but you can see firing into these first buildings here now we have some jail locations of where this is lining up and we’ll look on the maps as well so just take into account this L-shaped building and this is said to be toos dropping in here at least from the post that I saw you can see multiple launches into here here hitting target areas now this is taken I presume at different times of the day you don’t want to be faring this in on your own bloody guys but let’s have a look at some geolocations let’s go on to a Google map and actually have a look at this so L-shaped building two buildings here so that’s where we see some of that ordinance being dropped and of course this is just into chass y here down this roadway so let’s line up where this guy is saying so first off the bat let’s look at this one this is the armored vehicles moving in of course down this road now this is the position of where we see them so when we see them split out it is a split up these are then the two buildings that we speak about of where these vehicles split and are firing onto we presume Ukrainian positions in then these two buildings which sit just here so should the gray Zone definitely should be extended probably all the way out here so we see that push in here and then we will see where that to after was Landing so see I’ll just move this map across L-shaped building which is believe this building then here you can see the other L back behind it as well as then the double building here but this has had the middle taken down I believe there too you can see better just on this map of how it’s going to be looking and where that TOS is landing in these positions there so definitely definitely definitely if to is landing in here probably should be seen as Gro but interesting to see the footage and how the tactics will be working in their infantry riding on top and then backing up positions or on assault here also so let’s have a look at what then suriak is showing during the last days Russian army made new advances on the dashes north of the canal marro District clashes with Ukraine Army continue along the railway and the eastern part of Kina so just up to the north of where we’re looking some movements and clashes but movements made in the center of sorry chiv here which we know on this southern area that’s where we saw those tanks operating and firing in and where we see those troops working as well so we don’t know the actual outcome of that but that’s what we are then seeing from geolocated stuff Kish livka here we can see well down out of here Russian army fully secured the village of andrika as Ukrainian Army continue towards the water canal so we did see that Shak did claim klish kka fully came under Russian control and now saying that andrika has well with the Ukrainian push back across the water canal here that said we’re not sure we haven’t seen any GE locations of that or any Ukrainian claims of that happening then either so let’s move a little bit further down we don’t have anything across in this area but we then do have OSHA to kic sort of front this movement of territory here being confirmed and we have spoken about other Maps show that this is then we have spoken about and other Maps show this as closed off which we may have been incorrect on because we do have some geolocated footage here showing a Russian assault onto this area so we can see I can’t show you this it’ll be on the telegram as always but these are Russian troops here this is one of the first times in the entire war I’ve actually seen some reasonable spacing between guys that if a grenade were to drop somewhere it won’t take out all of you but then an assault up onto then a trench system here spaced out coming in and then a movement into this area can’t show show you much more of this but this is then Joc to right here so we have oer we have these two tree lines meeting and then I’ll show you so on this map we have right in here so I will say that likely this map has updated off that geolocated footage of what we’ve seen judging by there in then the same locations but that is the only changes on then this map today but never fear I’ve got more for you so let’s talk then about umansky and this nalo front here an area of which we have spoken about like my guy said about changing tactics and trying to surround things that we may be seeing again this is of Noel reports he shows significantly different from then the Deep state map here this closing up of omansky and you can see a heaven says outside of where the gry zone is so see where this intersection is that basically out to where the point of the gray zone is all the way down then this road has been closed up as we do know there was geolocated footage right up around this direction my cursor is uh from now a couple of weeks back of Russian forces but saying there is a large change in advancement there and we have then suriak map showing basically the exact same up past that intersection in umans as well so definitely showing there was an advancement in this direction now let’s push down to the South a little bit we’ll talk about karka haven’t seen much movement in here as of how hot it was at some point but SX just showing a little bit out to the West here too but very similar to now what the Deep state is showing around these last areas on the west so nothing too major different shown there then we’ll come down mat Inca not seeing any changes Nova livar this is where we do see some suriak changes today so of course showing more control out into Paris scov as well here the Russian army made small advances Southwestern my livka and what we presume is trying to push down from NOA Paris kovia constantina and make their way down here and what we have spoken about is the danger down in like the ugar pocket so ugad down here if Russia is able to sort of skip between these this open ground is very vulnerable to then Fire Control too so interesting to look at what will actually occur there but of course when you get extended like that you are opening yourself at risk of being cut off now udani we did see some changes in here from this map maybe a week or more ago we are seeing some changes then today so start MOSI area this is where that red dot is so right up in this front but these aren’t actually too dissimilar from each other just a little bit more on the north but again nothing too dissimilar Russian army made new Advan in staros taking control of 40% of the locality in addition new advances were made by Russian troops adjacent to the road towards rapole so rapole down in this vicinity here we will see what then happens here as well robotany I’ll give you one guess of what we’ve seen here no changes but of course this is where the maps don’t line up the most from Noah reports Surak Maps War mppa all are showing well most show more similar to this of robot’s control but deep State isn’t in deep State I guess is sort of the official map zap front during the last two days Russ Army made new advances Northwest of ab boa taking control of a series of trenches by the Ukrainian Army so of course these are incredibly hard lineup because it just doesn’t show the same picture but right out into this front sort of horn area here but we know that down amongst this front and of course botony itself showing just incredibly different what the maps are so that’ll be the end of the mapping let’s talk about China and Russia we have spoken about that this war pushes global east and Global South further together through sanctions not only on Russia sanctions on China sanctions on other countries we have seen that and we have seen those sanctions not work as well as people predicted than they would so the Secretary of Defense Grant shaps talked about this then yesterday in addition in my Lancaster house speech I warned that the world had moved from a postwar into a pre-war era so post major Wars we’re back in pre-war the aess of authoritarian States led by China uh Russia China Iran and North Korea have escalated and fueled conflicts and tensions I think everyone’s fueling a bit of everything they have increasingly been working together of course we’ve pushed them together we of course push them together because you’ve sanctioned them won’t do trade with them so they won’t bring you closer to you it pushes them further together and today I can reveal that we have evidence that Russia and China are collaborating on combat equipment for use in Ukraine as we saw from Putin’s State visit to Beijing and 64% growth in trade between Russia and China since the full scale inasal they are covering each other’s back but this isn’t some distant problems they’re saying there is combat equipment being collaborated to use in Ukraine has it being used what is it isra buying equipment is it tanks being used we know it’s not that is it transistors and micro Electronics being used through items you use stuff most likely but we do know if if China was to enter and help on the industrial capacity that that would solve a lot of problems for Russia of just making show the amount of stuff China can make is unbelievable but Jake suvin from the US sort of did push back on this well going back to 2022 I’ve actually stood on this Podium and warned about my concern that China might provide weapons direct lethal assistance to Russia we didn’t say it in 22 we didn’t say it in 23 we have not seen that today I would look forward to speaking with the UK to make sure that we have a common operating picture uh we have had one we’ve been on the same page so I just want to understand better what exactly that comment was referring to what I would point out is that just recently we have been articulating in quite urgent terms Our concern about what is China what China is doing to fuel Russia’s war machines not giving weapons directly but providing inputs to defense industrial base that is happening that is something we’re concerned about we’ve taken action to deal with that in a consorted way with our allies and partners and you can expect more of that action in the period ahead and this is where you where a lot of people speak about that if you just sanction the out of someone then if you give them then nothing to lose then they will look for other areas without caring about it you need to give something to lose and there for but well if you do that we’ll do this and if the sanctions aren’t working you’re pushing a lot of these countries together and it’s not just those countries you speak about a lot of countries are getting pushed together and a rise of control in other areas in the south and east especially in third world Nations as well who are looking for a change from what influence the West has been putting there we will see a large change and what I think we’ll see more of a multipolar world than a unipolar world and I think many analysts would agree on that who on bias Legends look after yourselves uh sorry this one was long but I’ll speak to tomorrow thank you bye bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. Hey legends, One Update since upload and publish: New footage has confirmed the air defense system destroyed was an S400, (footage is on the telegram and will be on tomorrow's video),
    Apologies dudes

  2. They will kill us all, Russians, Americans, Germans, Ukrainians,…

    You have to realize that Russia can't afford to lose this war and NATO operatives using Ukrainians are trying to cripple Russian strategic potential.

    I am afraid to think what happen if they force Russia to respond.

    Decision makers in America, NATO and the EU don't care if all their citizens die…

  3. What is a stupid Malcolm Legends what is this some silly little club zelensky Ukrainian fan club. Absolutely when do the f-16s get there on the battlefield. And I remember zelinski telling us sky shield was in effect . And why do ukrainians want to keep attacking citizens in Russia for????? They're just making things harder and deadlier for ukrainians by doing that. And you can tell that they're going after citizens when they shoot the missile during lunch time and right around school time closings. This is nothing but hateful frustration and pandemonium. You really should check out Scott Ritter you might learn something!!!!!!!! I might check out a couple of videos that really tell you the truth of what's happening over there and then I come to this one hahaha!!!!!!; you must get some little Ukrainian flags for that bizarre background of yours. Now are you a freelance journalist hmmm?? RDU work for a newspaper or news outlet I wonder???? Anyway keep up all the false works hahaha!!!!!!!

  4. Bahrain asking Russia to organise a peace treaty in their region?

    Germany increasing the tension in the Baltics at their overlords orders no doubt? Ironic the Germans are the ones to raise the topic of the G word?
    The EU and US threatened the Prime minister of Georgia because the parliament of Georgia want transparency in their own country?
    The UK has proof China and Russia are trading but can't show this evidence?
    Is the UK still supplying Israel with weapons like the US is?
    Is the UK responsible for deciding which countries can trade and what they may trade?

    Still think we are the good guys Willie?

  5. SU 24 is a ground attack aircraft and the ground attacks them too so losses with this aircraft are to be expected. The Russians have lots of SU24 as a result

  6. China should give the U.S. a big middle finger, like who do they think they are?? Are they going to sanction China?? If they do then everything will breakdown, our society will come to a halt, everything you have or use has Chinese parts in them, from your local supermarket refrigeration, to traffic street lights, all full of Chinese parts, and no one else builds them, not in the quantity they the western world needs.

    If the U.S. and its vessel states continues fueling this war with weapons and finance, then China can do what it wants, plus China knows if was was to fall, then they’ll be next, and without Russia China is a rich man with no house.

  7. Unguided rockets are pretty simple and cheap. It doesn't really matter how effective they are as long as they look good on propaganda photos.

  8. The hard part is a unipolar system could work. The problem though is that it relies on the U.S at the moment. If the U.S maintained its neutral status rather than trying to be the world police, it probably would not have started to move towards a duo system like we're seeing.

    Since they use it for the benefits of themselves and their own partners as a weapon. Which as we've seen just breeds a lot of hatred towards the West.

  9. Still not covering Israel I see. What happened Willy did you join hamas ? I'm going to keep commenting on every video you post until you find the courage to answer me.

  10. It's "targets down and patch out" for Ukraine.
    Willy, I served 23 years in the Australian Army (Infantry, SASR) and I enjoyed your talk. I don't really care much about the means of war (equipment, technology, etc), only the reason and/or rightness of the fight. And with the conflict in Ukraine I'm here to ya… Russia has this one in the bag.

  11. "Remember back when the Russians agreed to move out of Kyiv…"- strange way for your source to put it. Only a Rus would present what happened in Kyiv that way. Willy I have been watching you for a while and I'm becoming increasingly convinced that some of your "trusted sources" are Rus agents or have been compromised by the Rus. There are little things they say that give them away, apart from the fact they are constantly throwing shade on Ukraine and Ukrainian efforts. The Rus are much better at information warfare and espionage than you would imagine. Like way better. Tbh you are very naive with respect to Rus, as was I- I have been caught out by them myself… Take care bud.

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