More Significant Than Reported, This Can Lead To Disaster – Ceasefire – Ukraine Map Analysis, Update

G A Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day and it’s a Saturday morning here in Australia so a Friday afternoon or maybe a Saturday morning by the time this goes up for some other people around the world and I hope that you’re having a fantastic weekend taking a break spend some time with family have a beer have a chicken py whatever you like to do so today we have a lot to go over and I believe this is actually going to be one of the more important videos we do we’re going to talk about a very important radar system that been hit and should have been hit knowing what it does for ICBM nuclear weapons we’ll talk about ceasefires and what’s going on in that space there not really allowed to talk about it for some reason but we will bloody talk about it because we know at the end of this war there’s going to be security guarantees for both Ukraine and Russia put in place wherever that border lines up there’s going to be guarantees there and we don’t know what is actually going to happen there we need to talk about the S400 system we need to look at javelins we’ll look at Abrams we will talk about bloody everything now yesterday I put up a poll on asking does social media or do social media algorithms push certain people ideas voices more than others and the overwhelming amount of people here 95% of almost, 1400 said yes to this poll now I voted yes to here but I am still unsure of this but I do think that social media plays a role not only in the informational space r Warfare but elections and all of that and it will be very interesting to see in the future as more and more media comes off the mainstream onto socials and guys like myself how that actually then influences now speaking of YouTube and how some voices may be more suppressed than others again I’m not sure on this but the YouTube algorithm as far as I know the number one metric for pushing a video to the top of the pile is the total watch time so the percentage of that video watched so if they watched 30% is not going to push as much as if some watch watches 80% and then the comment so as a YouTuber and of course I have my own bias of you wanting to do this for many reasons but if you want to help out a YouTuber in regardless of who it is watching the full video potentially helps the algorithm more with the comments as well but because of course the more eyes are on a video for the longer but they’re on YouTube YouTube make more money therefore the Creator makes more money but you can see how YouTube will influence that now the notifications Bell thing I don’t no I get told every single day of my life people like I’ve got it on and I don’t get any of it regardless but I want to know your thoughts about does social media algorithms influence some other than others so let’s talk about the biggest news of the day is a Russian S400 system getting taken out now there’s still some speculation regarding what pages are on of is this an S400 is this an s300 now the majority of pages that I follow and see both Russian and Ukrainian are saying that this is an S400 although some are still speculating s300 but for the purpose of this from what I’ve seen the overwhelming majority that this is an S400 but you can see why in the informational sphere people would want to say that it is an S400 or on the other side say that it is an s300 giving how many of them how expensive these are but we can see it then firing off these interceptors here and of course a drone watching this system now why can the Drone watch a system like this while it’s trying to Target interceptors why is the Drone not being taken out and we see this with many other systems both in Ukraine in occupied areas and in Ukrainian territory as well of while the drones floating overhead the thing is with this these drones these are observation drones and you only have so many missiles you can actually fire until this is basically just a truck sitting there with empty tubes and a radar so you’re going to strike the what’s about to kill you first which is what is coming onto you so what the radar can track is significantly more than what missiles are on board so whether it’s a patriot or an S400 s300 whatever yeah they’ll see this drone in the air but they’re not going to waste one of these missiles to take out the Drone while there are actual missiles coming in so we can see this coming and I’ve seen many and I’m on this side too of why is this footage so heavily edited when it’s probably Ukraine’s some of Ukraine’s best footage of this war and then we can see the attacks we presume attacks air burst overhead here and then we see the fireworks display show cooking off then a S400 battery here in spectacular fashion firing off now many are saying I can’t confirm but they are saying those five interceptors that were fired off in the beginning did hit the majority of them coming in but eventually you’re going to then be out of those and this is footage coming out of the photographs that I showed you yesterday of this system destroyed on the ground now one thing I will say about informational space is if we’re getting footage of a system like this taken out within hours of photographs video whatever well this is far more important footage than if we saw the wreckage of an aircraft so that brings you of why are we not seeing that footage when we are seeing this but you can see massive blob and that is that is a big big loss of a system like that and successful targeting obviously of those attacks which you know are harassing many areas now what exactly has been hitting other are is we really not sure how many of these does Russia have again we’re really not sure if you go back to 2020 and look at some stuff because after 2022 Feb everything just becomes propaganda but if you look at reports then Russia was reported to have around 56 complete S400 batteries and some reports are saying now 8 to 15 have been completely destroyed but still Russia has considerable air defense power and the S500 system has been announced that it will be beginning combat deployment a few weeks ago now could this raise potential issues for export of this system for countries buying it yeah absolutely couldn’t any weapons being used whether from the West into Ukraine from Russia on this war could have an influence on the export market and countries wanting to buy or not buy that system and there’s definitely an effect there remember war is a big business opportunity for people who make bloody weapons now from my reading on this and some other like information I’ve got air defense systems even when taken out still capture a lot of valuable information that actually can help build future algorithms on what system actually hit it so in the future will be better but I’m no air defense expert and I guess most people around the world are not now this is something that I really really want to speak about is this radar station that has been hit said to be by Ukrainian long range drones now let’s look at where this is located so it’s located right here let’s Zoom right out here and we can see the distance away from Ukraine as well now what is this and we’ll speak long about so this is in AR this is a radar Over the Horizon long range system for early warning of icbms but ballistic missiles in general now let’s have a look at the damage and some things here so we can see there is considerable damage to this again no idea on how much damage this will actually have caused remember these primarily are built for nuclear W so everything here is going to be underground I’ll talk a bit more about that but see this white panel on the front that is where the radar will sit behind this shine through for that now that is an important thing to note on this then as well so let’s look in the direction that these are facing out this is the white panel on these front so we look at where that is facing out we can see that it may get some of choma but it definitely gets the Black Sea and looks down into turkey Syria these areas here if people have bought up could this system be supplying information down in these areas as well now like I said the amount of damage on this I don’t actually know we’ll have a satellite imagery here as well we see that there is that the day before and then we can see the damage here now like I said this facility will be primarily underground but within this building there will be a big radar behind in that panel with a hell of a lot of electrical equipment now this is somewhat a newer version of what we see say in Chernobyl with then the big array but of course this is a much much older variant now I know very little about Over the Horizon radar but what I do know is that Australia is a world leader in this space as well but what I do know is the operators of this system firstly they have a very cool patch but secondly they work in a completely blacked out room in a bunker below the ground and all have top secret clearances so obviously very important areas they tell you a lot about it but what these are there to do is primarily at least they can do other actions but detect ballistic missiles and it’s part of a country’s early warning system and systems of information that relay to command to ships to missile batteries and of course other than nuclear facilities and deterrence facilities too so this basically tracks ICBM missiles off the cramp so let’s have a look at this and again I can’t confirm all of this but you can see where people are saying this radar primarily covers and you can see that it covers just the south of Ukraine into the majority of NATO but as well over area such as Crimea but not that much of Ukraine let’s have a look at this one this shows a little bit better of the three-dimensional element of how this works but of course lifts up for the Horizon the curvature of the earth which may not exist or not but you can see where these systems may be on that layered uh defense of when these icbms are up in the atmosphere then returning on their ballistic phase now from what we know is very very limited but people are saying this likely has very little or no influence in Ukraine it’s 500 KET from from choma and some say that it can’t see anything below 20 km due to the curvature of the earth and also due to how the system then works but those saying it definitely does detect things like attacks trust me it may or it may not there’s probably 100 people in the world and that could be generous who could definitively actually tell you if this can or cannot provide Battlefield information in Ukraine with the weapons that we are seeing used and trust me we are not those people here on YouTube we have a another image here as well so you can see where these are then being used the directional aspect of them and the curvature of the earth as well but the this to me does ring warning bells in my brain to not [ __ ] with other Count’s nuclear warning systems in a nonnuclear war especially if it has little to no effect and by these Maps we can see that it may not even on the coverage there and I think the benefit to this to risk ratio is far outweigh like what influence is actually having in Ukraine versus the risk of a strike like this now again I’m not sitting in a bunker somewhere with a top secret clearance maybe it has a lot but these people saying it does or it doesn’t on Twitter on telegram on YouTube trust me we do not bloody know but people are speculating is this shaping the battle space for f future actions which of course people will read into and I think that can be see escalation from there and personally I believe that it is in everyone’s interest that all nuclear Powers detection systems are in the best possible order that these weapons actually protect more people and have saved more lives around the world than than they have actually taken so far so and I think the backfire for Ukraine here could be do strikes like this further influence the US decision to not lift restrictions on Ukraine having full use of weapons inside of Russia I think that’s where that backfire could be there but look the last thing I want to say on this is these are important systems these are of of course part of Russia’s like umbrella of nuclear capability weapons uh as well as deterrence and um Warning Systems as well how influential are they in Ukraine we don’t know we know that we we really don’t know but I think that we could be tiptoeing down a line here we may not want to go down even from open source information and Ukraine has been very open that you know they really want us weapons to strike within Russia with you know they have permission to do that and I think this could actually turn decisions like that away because well holy [ __ ] do we want you hitting these will Russia see this as a shaping in the battle space and change things I don’t know but I I completely agree that Ukraine should be able to strike within Russia and I think that there are far better targets to strike within Russia than that that will have more influence straight onto either the battlefield or the economy but I don’t know I’m just a bloody YouTuber now let’s talk about this I saw Ukrainian Pages sharing this and I don’t know much more than this but this is said to be a Russian telegram a number of metor outlets and military officials reporting the opening of the Neer hydroelectric power station for airlocks in station are open a powerful discharge of water is underway the enemy’s release of water is possible due to the successful actions of our troops in the island zone of hon region so potentially a flood down the Neo here now I haven’t seen anything of that but of course we had now kova noova down here where we saw that damn blow and then flood these areas and people are saying up here we don’t know Nar this is the nuclear power station here too so again interesting but I haven’t seen like any visual of that but I just thought it was uh interesting to then speak about now let’s talk about ceas fire before we have a look at some tanks some javelins and whatever I believe this is important to speak about to so Reuters had like an exclusive interview with Anonymous sources here that Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready to Halt the war in Ukraine with the negotiated ceasefire that recognizes the current Battlefield lines so this is the current Battlefield lines here recognizes this as a new border and it would be then have to be internationally recognized and a seize of ground there so Ukraine has lost a lot of its South a fair bit of its East about 18 to 20% so it would definitely have a large effect here as well as of course Crimea strategically the most important area for Russia and to have both the Southern and Northern Connect into here let’s continue three of the sources familiar with discussions on Putin’s Entourage said the veteran Russian leader had expressed frustration to a small group of advisers about what he usews as Western backed attempts to St negotiations and you Ukrainian President Vladimir zin’s decision to rule out talks so we know the West has a lot of influence on what Ukraine does next if they don’t send weapons Ukraine is going to have to be forced to do something if they do then they can be forced wherever we know the hand can be forced as well as paying salaries and all of this so people have spoken out against is the West having a lot of influence on Ukraine there as well as we do see that Ukraine is saying no we want to clear the rest of the territory now one of them has said Putin can fight for as long as it takes but Putin is also ready for a ceasefire to freeze the war so we’ll speak more on this and how that is then going here asked about ru’s report at a news conference in bellus on Friday Putin said talks should restart let them resume adding the negotiations should be based on the realities on the ground and on a plan agreed during previous Summit to reach a deal the first weeks of the war not on the basis of what one side wants so let’s look what is the reality on the ground well Russia occupy 18 to 20% of Ukrainian land and they are advancing on the battlefield they have a numerical advantage of shells and uh troops but they have the Russian economy behind it which is Shifting but is much smaller than NATO’s combined economy military power then pushing into Ukraine as well that is the reality on the ground at the moment and like he’s saying that we need to take into account the reality on the ground not what one side wants as a beginning for that and that have spoken about the 10-point peace plan that if it is a full Russ Russian withdrawal and the full 1991 borders the only way to do that is either have Russia so economically broken apart that they have to have a withdrawal or a tactical military strategic push through these areas which you know many will question and many including myself will say I think are the plan was to sanction Russia so hard that they had to withdraw rather than to push so many weapons in that that Ukraine would have a military victory over that that it would be a combined effort rather than just oneone and the Russian economy has been far more resilient than previously expected Ukrainian foreign minister Demetrio kulaba uh said on Twitter that the Russian leader was trying to derail a Ukraine initiated peace Summit in Switzerland we’ve seen many of these but again Russia’s not coming this this Summit China May or not be we don’t exactly know yet but saying to send out phony signals but again this peace Summit in Switzerland is starting on the basis of the 10-point peace plan due to the current realities on the ground I’m sorry but that is unrealistic without a military Victory that’s going to take hundreds of billions of dollars more and more troops now is that possible potentially but again I think the peace Summit isn’t a peace Summit it’s a rallying support Summit if you don’t have the countries involved in this at the table and you’re taking to account of where starting at this area we’re starting here on the negotiation down it’s followed sustained Battlefield pressure and territorial advances by Russia in recent weeks however sources said that Putin reelected in March for a six-year term would rather use Russia’s current momentum put to put the war behind him that did not directly comment on the new defense minister Putin’s spokesman Demitri pesov in response to a request for comment said the country did not want Eternal War based on the knowledge of conversations in the upper ranks of the Kremlin two of the sources said Putin was of the view that the gains of the war so far were enough to sell a victory to the Russian people of course we know Russia’s had high losses in this it’s affected the economy it’s affected where people can travel but can you sell a victory there three sources said Putin understood any dramatic new advances would require another Nationwide mobilization which he did not want of course any mobilization is very very very unpopular Ukraine’s going through that right now zalinsky has repeatedly said Peace on Putin’s terms is a non-starter he has vowed to retake lost territory including Crimea which Russia annexed in 2014 he signed a decree in 22 that formly declared any talks with Putin impossible one of the sources predicted no agreement could happen while ziny was in power unless Russia bypassed him and struck a deal with Washington and I think this could happen somewhere and undermine that I don’t know but I think that could be realistic we don’t know where this war goes the Swiss uh peace Summit in June is aimed at unifying International opinion on how to end the war the talks were convened on at the initiative of zalinski who has said Putin should not attend Switzerland has not invited Russia although they do want China to attend we know China is the biggest unknown in this war of lethal support intelligence support and how that war would change if China had more involvement there but can China lean on Russia a little bit speaking of China May 17 Putin said Ukraine may use Swiss peace talks to get a broader group of countries to back zalinsky zin’s demand for a total Russian withdrawal which Putin said would be an imposed condition rather than a serious peace negotiation that’s what we talk about if you’re starting at Russian with draw 91 borders that is a compo imposed condition rather than a peace negotiation I think we need thesauruses on what negotiation looks like given what he says in the beginning here of the realities on the ground not on the basis of what one side then wants so that is like I said if if it is Russia’s advancing they occupy areas they have numerical advantage of troops and weapons and moving on the front line but you go to the board with yep full withdrawal and this border that’s not taking into account the current realities on the ground now what will the future real realities be on the ground we don’t know maybe we will see a big sweep across from Ukraine the other way as we don’t know but if you’re having a negotiation now it need to take in the realities of now I’d like a million dollars to sell my house for but the reality of the market is well it’s actually the Australian Market you never bloody know but the reality of the market is I’m not going to get that even if that’s my point of what I then want so we have one final slide here Putin’s insistence on locking in any Battlefield games in a deal is non-negotiable all of the sources suggested think Putin will say that we won that NATO attacked us and we kept sovereignty that we have a land Corridor to kamea which is true on that land Corridor freeing conflict along current lines would leave Russia in possession of substantial chunks of four Ukrainian regions he formerly incorporated into Russia 22 but without full control of any of them now what we do know is if this froze like this that if Ukraine then wanted to join NATO EU now of course that will be in the negotiation process as well but imagine this Ukraine would have to forego these territories then for those entry from my reading of the requirements it may not be a written requirement but from the in between the lines that’s what people are saying with ongoing border tensions too and the ongoing border tensions between some countries may be different than if you have a border tension with a nuclear power especially the one of which NATO is there to counter so that is interesting there too so there’s it’s a massive massive decision another Factor playing with the kremin Chiefs view that War should end is the longer it drags on the more battled hardened veterans return to Russia dissatisfied with the postwar job and income prospects potentially creating tensions in society said one of the sources who has worked with Putin now again this is going to be both ways you’re getting guys coming off the front line unhappy with how things are then going and potentially called up to go back as well in Feb three Russian sources told reers the United States rejected a previous Putin suggestion of a ceasefire to freeze the war in absence of a ceasefire Putin wants to take as much territory as possible to ratchet up pressure on Ukraine UK while seeking to exploit unexpected opportunities to acquire more Russian forces control a total about 18% of Ukraine saying that Russia will push further that Putin will slowly conquer territories until zalinsky comes up with an offer to stop the US and European leaders have said that they would stand by Ukraine until its security sovereignty is guaranteed so that border saying Russia could end the war at any time by withdrawing its forces from Ukraine but as well like I speak about we need to look at the reality of what is happening can Ukraine have the military power to push down through areas like Crimea dones we have not seen any example yet of fighting in areas this built up where the population will not potentially be on your side that has been boarded up and has been behind all these fortifications now some areas for years some areas for 10 years how is this looking and again this is what annoys me is we need to look at what is actually happening on the ground if you’re going to have a peace Summit a negotiation whatever it can’t take into account what we want it need to take into account of what is actually happening what is actually coming in that will maybe flip the tide then on this but I thought that was very inter to look at and interesting to look at where people are going now we’re seeing a lot of footage of javelins being used and we saw for a long time not much footage of Jabs being used so you’ll see here this is the clue that he’s looking down and then you’ll see the first and second stage first stage second stage and then it’s off and that is then top attack so that one has gone straight up and then you can see it dipping back down here and then I don’t know if you’ll actually see the hit but that is in top yep there you go top Attack Mode you can also direct attack on the little bloody Joys sticky things now we have seen it we have seen it the first cop cage on a Abram tank now cope cage I hate the word cope cage because if it works if it looks silly but it works it bloody works we see maava with maava fours potentially the best tank in the world with them it’s not silly if Works 47th Mech uh Brigade with contact one Dynamic protection armor so the very older contact armor this won’t do anything against uh multi-stage um shaped charges on the front hle and of course then that front sorry that top cope cage on here let’s have a look at some of the photographs on here too you can actually see that this is hinged in areas as well to then work um on the tank for maintenance you can see this welded on and this will you know like it or not you can see the hinge here will have an influence on drones and dropped Munitions and bits and pieces like this but what we’re waiting for is a house on top of one but that is interesting to look at now let’s look at some targets then we’ll look at the maps I know this video is getting on so this is at the Kush kesa Airfield here where we have seen from an attack some Russian uh planes taken out said to be by Ukrainian drones so this one here this is a sue uh 27 that has been taken out now we do see then a sue that’s the Sue 27 then we do see a sue 34 and said to have some damage there again not exactly sure on that and then of course the other aircraft leaving from here so we do see uh the Sue 34 may be damaged and we see the su27 and then potentially ass Sue 30 damaged as well but un that one’s more unknown on there too so more attacks here now let’s have a look at the maps let’s have a look and see what’s changing I know apologies I didn’t plan to this at the end but that’s what has happened so no changes up in here we but we do know Ukraine has deployed extra forces in here and has got some control back in ch we are hearing rumors too of more targeting at Crossing points here again limited limited of what’s coming out of here kiss livar up here this is what we saw last week that we did see this map updating that Russia was making some ground in here then let’s have a look on the suriak map of this area and we have I ianka here so this is that red dot northe front Russian army made new advances north of kka and enter the first houses here so closing up this territory here again not sure but we did hear that there will be more pushes up in this direction in the direction of kopans so be interesting to see what happens there we come just south so we were just here come just south into better stovia here no change on this map again but let’s have a look just here and we can see that it is showing some change on then the surric map out towards here during the last week Russian army managed to capture most of the locality of better stov so saying they’ve captured this but again we’re not 100% sure difficult to line up where things are but said that there is some movement here too now where are we going to next let’s go then to turn so easiest way to look for turn is look for these then um reservoirs here turny now no change shown on this map but said to be a Ukrainian advancement here orthodon s during the last days Ukraine Army ROK positions southeast of yiva so we see where these then tree lines these are these two saying just in where my cursor is Ukraine took back some positions in here now let’s come down no change in biva no changeing R livka where we commented yesterday then we see this Kish livka showing what sh Show have believe two days ago of a Russian advancement through then this area here to line up those now we come down onto the suriak and he’s then showing this but in a different area so this dot right here that is kishka and then ski just above the easiest way to line up on this if we just zoom in one more is to try and line up where different tree lines and roads are so let’s have a look this is the rail this is the rail and then we’re talking just this padic here Russian army begun advancing south of ivanovski on the other hand the situation around Anka is clar was clarified the southern height is contested or under Ukrainian control the same happened with the further houses so some changes Inka but a Russian advancement up on that front now let’s have a look further down into umanski as well now we can see this map is showing now what Noel reports was sort of saying around now full control of this settlement here as well as a close up here we know from Joc footage yesterday that Russia did break in into where this tree line joins up there I would say there has to be a withdrawal back across this waterway at some point as well as mank we know from geolocated footage that this was 2 weeks ago there’s definitely Russian forces around mank here as well as other Ukrainian Maps but deep state map is showing at least it’s showing a uh gain in this direction here we know it should be more of a sausage out around here let’s have a look then and that is taking to account Ukrainian Maps too let’s take into account let’s have a look at then the suriak here so this dot this isans here so of course showing much more control see this funny shaped Paddock so control right up through here very similar to what no world reports are saying capture of man Russian army captured Southern Forest belt into this area closing up a gap in here so that is sort of what we presumed that this map would be trickling through and no change in roboty holds Legends sorry if this one was a little bit all over the place I should have done some bits earlier than others cars have a great weekend have a great day and I’ll speak to you uh tomorrow cheers bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. LOL Willy if taking the size of Italy as territory is not victory even more when u know that land is RICH FROM top to bottom if that not victory what is ?

  2. Attacking a nuclear warning system in Russia must be the most INSANE action these lunatics have done to date. No doubt guided by their masters outside Ukraine to show the Russians " what we can do ". I imagine the Pentagon will get the memo about playing Russian nuclear Roulette with the Russians.

    June 28, 1914 The " shot that rang around the world " opening the engineered ww 1
    THE song…: In the year 2025 2025 if man is still alive…..

  3. Where's that curvature you claim people think exists?! YOU CAN'T, cause the earth is flat. nuff said. round earthers CIA financing Willy.

  4. Omg did anybody ask the Ukraine Russians which were getting murdered before 2014 the ones that were expelled from Odessa and in the donbas ask them what they think of Russia as isnt them who Putin has claimed begged him to help them

  5. It’s highly reckless and dangerous to mess with a country’s nuke alert systems. You are shortening the window for your opponent to make an informed decision regarding squeezing off their nukes. With NATO aggressively moving right up to the border of Russia and now taking out early warning systems, we are setting the stage for global disaster.

  6. Willy atleast your honest about your bias but why do you not actually explain how bad a position Ukraine is in and why do you not call out the bullshit propaganda from Ukraine

  7. Putin has sent Russia back 30 years the only chance he has of winning in Ukraine is if Trump gets elected and stops supplies is what he's praying for another year of his 3 day special Russia will collapse and if the US gives in to putin China and putin got a green light

  8. I think it's pretty irresponsible to take out Russian early warning system for nuclear weapons detection….as we all know its nuclear powers actually programming these longer range strikes and making them possible…..using Ukraines limited missiles to target blocks of flats and icbm detectors don't help the soldiers getting sacrificed….surely targets just out of reach to help defend would be more useful to the guys getting hammered….ie Russian longer range artillery that tearing defences apart daily….

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