Forced labour: US Senate probe finds carmakers used parts from banned Chinese supplier • FRANCE 24

time for the business Now France 24 a US Congressional report showing how some car manufacturers are having trouble cutting ties with a supplier accused of youing using forced labor sha pel is going to Trump trump by telling us all about it that much more serious story this the investigation released on Monday says that BMW Jaguar Land Rover and Volkswagon all used components from a Chinese company that is banned in the United States over alleged forced labor ties the report says as many as 8,000 Mini Coopers were imported by BMW into the country with parts from that supplier and continueed to import these products until at least April of this year even after being notified by an intermediary supplier of the band components uh BMW now says it has taken steps to Halt the importation of affected products and will be conducting a service action with customers and dealers Volkswagen and jaguar Land Rover also say they have halted shipments so tell us more then about this supplier charl why it’s been banned in the US well the supplier is named named in the report is sichan jingu Technology Group it produces electronic car components known as land Transformers which help with high-speed data transmission and back in 20123 The Firm was added to a US Blacklist of Chinese firms that are accused of participating in business practices that Target the members of persecuted minorities well this is based on a law passed in 2021 the US Congress uh which passed the the U Weger forced labor prevention act which bans the Imports of all goods from syang unless companies can prove that production did not involve forced labor as a reminder Beijing has been accused uh of incarcerating over a million weager Muslim and other minorities in the western region of sang and using some of these people as a source of forced labor Beijing denies this and on its website sichan Jen white Tech says quote our company takes protecting labor respecting human rights as its social responsibility policy and it underlines of course the difficulty in in forcing the ban on products from chin Jang imposed in 2021 and that was the conclusion drawn by Democratic senator Ron weiden who is the chair of the finance committee that published the investigation that lasted over two years uh he said automakers are sticking their heads in the sand and then swearing they can’t find any forced labor in their supply chains automakers self- policing is clearly not doing the job I’m calling on custom and Border Protection to take a number of specific steps to supercharge enforcement and crack down on companies that fuel the shameful use of forced labor in China now here in France could be difficult for me and Char to get home later on although I do get on a bike so it’ll be all right for me but commuters in the Paris region are likely having a rough time today that’s because staff of the sncf National Railway company launched a strike affecting Suburban lines MH they’re walking off the job to demand a bonus for working during the Paris Summer Games police unions have already won Olympics bonuses as well have as well as Paris Metro workers they’re are among the many French sectors demanding special compensation for working during the country’s sacred summer holiday season and Brian Quinn and our colleagues at fision have this report at this train station near the Chateau de Versa no service Tuesday as across the Paris region workers for the sntf national rail company go on strike rail workers are demanding Special Olympics bonuses that have already been approved for other sectors police officers working this summer will get up to €1,900 EUR pre-tax as will garbage collectors Metro drivers will collect up to €2500 EUR in bonuses as will Hospital doctors sncf staff working the parrot Region’s Commuter Rail lines seeking the same bonus as their colleagues in the Metro we won’t accept less so far they’re offering nothing so yes we’re ready to go as far as striking during the Olympic Games it’s not just the sncf firefighters to are demanding an Olympics bonus they went on strike last week Paris airport workers are also striking Tuesday though their walk out isn’t expected to affect flight traffic with less than 70 days to go before the opening ceremony unions are flexing their muscles especially in public services and state-owned companies strike notices have been submitted clearly unions are putting pressure on the government they’re saying Mr Minister everything will go fine you just need to spend some money sncf Executives say negotiations are ongoing now straight on to a look at the markets then Sean uh in Europe this morning we’re seeing stocks slide at the open with momentum from the tech gains that we saw on Wall Street overnight leaving way to more uncertainty over the direction of interest rates as you can see the K here in Paris leading the losses in the region down 4/10 of %. CH than from Pam with business news

The US Senate Finance Committee has released the findings of a two-year probe which shows that BMW, Jaguar Land Rover and Volkswagen have all used components from a Chinese supplier banned in the US under the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA). In this edition, we find more about that particular supplier, Sichuan Jingweida Technology Group Co and why the US wants to step up enforcement of the UFLPA. Also, we look at the French unions fighting to get a summer “Olympics” bonus.

Read more about this story in our article:

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  1. In western China people are forced to learn Mandarin for economic participation and cultural reasons. Those who did not become fluent in school are forced to learn it in prison like conditions as adults. The favoured graduates of these prisions are allowed to work in the high paying factories.

  2. It's funny to hear such accusations from a country full of private prisons where prisoners are used as slaves and where the death penalty is still used.

  3. Frequent dislocation of services in Europe for one reason or the other makes travel in that region hazardous. Sufferers are ordinary folks and tourists. How long will this self-flagellation continue?
    As for restricting import of car components from Xinjiang due to forced labour practices in that region, wouldn’t loss of business result in hardship for the workers? While de-risking with China is a sound policy, given the general belligerent stance Beijing, in Xinjiang China is doing a good job of training, imparting skills and making Uyghurs productive citizens instead of jihadis.

  4. Let's just admit that throughout history most major infrastructure projects (pyramids, Roman aquaducts) were built by forced labour. Even the Hoover dam resulted in 96 dead. Most of the textiles we're wearing are produced by desperate labour, or near forced.

  5. Lol… The West is funny… If you can't compete you come up with all sorts of BS… I guess this to justify the sanction. While France is still colonizing Caledonia and it's okay because a member of the West is in charge in Caledonia. Hypocrisy is deafening!

  6. "Forced labour in China". Quite interesting how politicians can decide to live a lie and continue living that lie and believe that lie is true." This is even when there is zero evidence except lip service from politicians.

  7. A US senator accuses automakers of sticking their heads in the sands and then swearing they can't find any forced labor in their supply chains….

    Clearly the executives of the automakers are proffessionals, they are not corrupted politicians . 😂😂😂

  8. Nothing new here, they just make up fake facts. He should call the customs and border Protection to crack down on illegal migrants first.

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