Russia’s Military Meltdown: What the Ukraine War Revealed | Peter Zeihan

Russia’s Military Meltdown: What the Ukraine War Revealed | Peter Zeihan

so we can build out a system where we incrementally expand the economic orbit of NAFTA to countries that are willing uh and eager I might add um while at the same time we basically put up a bit of a invisible barrier around the hemisphere to prevent others from coming in and engaging in anything cute uh it used to be that the Russians Soviets were very active in places like Ecuador or Mexico or Venezuela or GR Cuba but we’ve seen a complete collapse of the Russian position globally because of the Ukraine war they need everything that they have in that war and they’ve closed down the Wagner operations in Africa they’ve pulled almost all of their equipment out of Armenia and Syria they’ve removed their bases from the Chinese border they’ve even closed down their bases on the border with Finland which is about to join NATO everything they have is going to Ukraine and win or lose they will not be able to rebuild their positions in most places uh depends if there if the Russian nuclear Arsenal proves to be as in bad of shape as everything else in the Russian military oh yeah oh yeah Eastern SI is in play uh but they’re going to wait for the Russians to launch and fail to launch before they would make that decision now I personally don’t think the Russians are going to hit the big red button I think the case for that is pass it used to be that they were seriously considering nuking Berlin Warsaw Stockholm Paris and London in order to disrupt the weapons flows into Ukraine but at the Battle of IAM last month the ukrainians captured in 36 hours more equipment from the Russians and NATO had transferred in seven months so the ukrainians now their biggest problem is like deferred maintenance on Russian equipment um and if they decided they wanted to go for Save the United States we made it very clear to Putin that if you do hit the US uh the first person will die who dies is everyone who’s in the blast radius of the weapon that is targeting Putin personally and so he doesn’t get to write the history here uh history will record him as the person who destroyed the Russian Federation and since then he personally has not threatened nukes he’s left it to his flunkies yeah you know let me poke a hole in that conspiracy theory real quick the world economic forum is basically an excuse for rich people to do body shots there’s not a lot of planning there uh it’s really not very impressive from either an intellectual point of view or any sort of planning it’s just a party um as for what the sustainable population of the planet is we we could sustain our current population and a couple billion more um you know it’s an old adage that it’s not a food problem it’s a distribution problem and there’s some truth to that but there’s a lot of breakthroughs coming in technology especially genomics that are probably going to expand yields in places that can afford it the problem is is that the planet can’t or sorry the population can’t afford it um part of that whole population aging thing because of Breton woods and globalization and industrialization is that we’re all well we’re not all of us but a lot of the world’s population is now moving to mass retirement in fact on average the Baby Boomers of the world retire in the fourth quarter of this year so you know we’re like literally weeks away and when they do that they shift their money from stocks and bonds into more conservative of Investments because if there’s a currency or market crash then they destitute they can never rebuild their nest EG well that’s the money that pays for technological advance and application and without that uh our technological uh pace of advancement slows dramatically so we’ll have a handful of places that can still play and thank God the United States is one of them and the US is the world’s largest food producer so we can bring automation into Agriculture and genomics uh and that will massively expand our food capacity but for most of the rest of the world you’re looking at A disruption into the input flows that allow them to maintain their agricultural production and that’s going to be catastrophic that’s going to kill a minimum of a billion people maybe maybe two uh but there is no plan here uh this is simply the end result of globalization 80 years on I I hate to say it but we were probably always going to have that particular future uh well let me break that up so number one we get our Western hemispheric semi hermetically sealed system that goes its own way so NAFTA is already the world’s second largest manufacturing base it’s already the world’s largest consumption base that gets entrenched and enriched and I think the future of North America and anyone they decide to kind of include in the Inner Circle is going to be pretty bright uh Japan is a country that has managed to negotiate itself into the inner circle at the height of Trump’s power Trump and the Japanese prime minister cut a deal that was humiliating for the Japanese but that was seen in Japan as the price of joining the club that was important and then within a month of Biden coming in the Japanese showed up in the Oval Office said just so we’re clear this deal stands we don’t want to renegotiate it uh and so if the Japanese can cut a deal with both sides of the American Spectrum when we’re having a little bit of a political argument uh you know that the Japanese are in it for the long haul uh Australia is in it for the long haul New Zealand is in it for the long haul Britain they’ve got to figure out brexit but once they do I have no doubt that they’re going to be kind of joining this Western hemispheric Club beyond that yes I think what you’ve said is a good sum up of where we’re facing uh if you are an advanced power that has a Navy that is capable of expeditionary operations the question is whether or not you can access the sufficient inputs to make your system work now for countries like France agriculture is fine electricity is fine their weak point is oil but they’ve got Libya and Algeria right there which is enough for them and the cluster of countries immediately around them so I see significant engagement by the French in that zone and they kind of established I wouldn’t call it an Empire um one of the things that made the empires work is that the imperial countries were industrialized and the non-imperial countries the colonies were not and so the force disconnect was huge uh and they were able to Lord over them that’s not the world now it doesn’t take an industrial base to have an AK-47 so it’s going to be more of an association than a colonization uh and that provides a lot more hope for some of the poorer sides uh the United Kingdom will probably have to do this with Nigeria the Germans oh my God uh I don’t know what the Germans are going to do because there’s just not enough anywhere close by uh normally this has led the Germans into the Russian space and based on how Russia looks like after the Ukraine war you know maybe there’s going to be something there but I think a disassociation of the Russian system is more likely because sorry of the German system is more likely because the Germans have among the world’s worst demographies so by the end of this decade the industrial model was going to collapse anyway and the energy disruptions from the Ukraine war means it’s probably going to disrupt within the next 18 months so we may we will probably live through the end of the German Nation here and that’ll take a lot of other pieces with it uh China does not have the reach its Navy can really only function within about 500 miles of the coast and they don’t have the ability to reach the Middle East in the first place in scale so if you can get things nearby you’re looking pretty good so the Turks the French the Brits the Japanese kind of a special case I think they’re going to be all right they’re not going to be as strong as they have been they’re not going to be the manufacturing powers that they have been they’re going to have to supply a lot of things within their own house uh so those differentiated Supply chains that have given us rapid technological advancement uh those go away and that means lower incomes for a lot of the weaker members of those manufacturing Supply chains so Central Europe I’m fairly concerned about uh but for everybody else you have to be able to basically invite someone to you who can make it and the list of potential candidates there is short [Music] wow

Russia’s Military Meltdown: What the Ukraine War Revealed | Peter Zeihan

In this insightful discussion, we explore the geopolitical and economic landscape post-Ukraine war. The video delves into the implications of the NAFTA expansion, the decline of Russian influence globally, and the shifting dynamics of global power. With Russia’s focus on Ukraine, countries like the United States, Japan, and Australia are positioning themselves strategically for the future. We also touch on the aging global population, technological advancements in agriculture, and the challenges faced by nations like Germany and China. This analysis offers a comprehensive understanding of how current events are shaping the future of international relations and economic stability.

Peter Zeihan is an American geopolitical analyst, author, and speaker. He analyzes data from geography, demographics, and global politics to understand economic trends and make predictions.

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  1. It is modern military. No one has the money or stomach for huge military moves and destruction. Look at the US in Afghanistan and Vietnam. True, desert storm, but that was a helpless and hapless enemy.

  2. In June 2014 before the Invasion of Crimea the Russian Ruble was 33 Rubles to 1 US Dollar … Today the Russian Ruble is 91 Rubles to 1 US Dollar Looks like Something Collapsed but it was Not the US Dollar 😀😀 The RUBLE has Collapsed against All Major Currencies ….. " Everything According to Plan "

  3. RUSSIAN GDP GROWING …. SMOKE & MIRRORS 😀 Russian GDP is Up as Putin is Spending the Money on Military Equipment which is Turned into Scrap Metal in Ukraine …There is No Profit or Return on this Money and Eventually Putin will Run Out of Cash Reserves . Only UNEDUCATED Russians think that this is Good for the Russian Economy REALITY . Russian ROUBLE has Collapsed and the Cost of Imports is Up Military Sales have Collapsed , Russia Failed to Sign a Single Contract in DUBAI in November 2023 GAZPROM announced that Production has Fallen to 1970 s / USSR Levels Interest Rate at 16 Percent and Inflation Skyrocketing along with Fuel Restrictions Russian Oil Exports Down as a result of OPEC Cuts and a Price Cap of $60. and India No Longer recieving Russian Oil Recent Ukrainian Strikes on Russian Oil Refineries have Affected 15 Percent of Russian Income and most likely will Not get Western Parts to restore Refineries " Everything According to Plan " The Entire World is Laughing at the Russian LOSERS as Russia Collapses 😀

  4. Russian Trolls …. We are Fighting NATO in Ukraine PUTIN ….. " We are Warning You …. If NATO Sends Troops to Ukraine .. Nuclear Conflict 😀 The Poor RUSSIANS as it must be Embarrassing watching their Supposed 2 nd best Russian Army getting HUMILIATED by the 30 th rated Ukraine Prigozhin even Stated that The Russian Army was " USELESS " The Entire World is Laughing at the Russian LOSERS as Russia Collapses 😀

  5. Russians are like the little Chihuahua Dog Barking from inside the house at the Rottwieler {NATO } walking down the sidewalk outside . Putin would be wearing Orange coveralls , Broom in Hand, sweeping the sidewalks within a Week if NATO was Involved 😀😀

  6. I don't understand why Elon Musk wants more people when he is replacing them with Robots. He says you could have billions of more people but would there quality of life be that of Matrix people living in tubes?

  7. We all need to listen to what Joe Baiden said at military cadets graduation. The mission to defend freedom and democracy is not to military only mission. This mission is for all of us. It seems that some plutocrats here in America do not care. They support tyranny named Putin and China. I consider them traitors.

  8. In 2010, you predicted the collapse of China within a decade! You authored a paper for Stratfor in which you predicted the economic collapse of China before 2020. At that time, your delusional focus was on the alleged bubbles and the unstable economic system in China. Well, since then China’s GDP has more than quadrupled. 🤣

    When the Russia-Ukraine war fully started, you claimed that before July or August, Russia’s exports of oil would fall by 50%, after which the pipelines in Russian oil wells would freeze and explode. And then it would take decades to fix them! 🤔🤭

    Well, guess what, Russia is exporting the same amount of oil (more)– today than pre-war. You couldn’t foresee India and China stepping up and buying more oil and gas from Russia, which was blatantly obvious would happen. 🤫

    And you're extremely undereducated for claiming that everything Russia has is going to Ukraine… A clear example would be the undeniable ongoing buildup of Russian military bases, personnel, and equipment in the Arctic, despite the current conflict. Which the Pentagon and world over agrees with and confirms. Takes two minutes, eyes, and a functional brain to confirm as much.

    You have claimed that because the Yuan is not freely traded in the global currency markets, it is essentially useless.

    Let’s start with the earth-shattering statistics from March 2023. For the first time ever, Chinese yuan surpassed the US dollar in cross-border transactions in China! 3.7 trillion yuan were used in payments and receipts in just one month. 🤫

    And then there was the historic transaction between the UAE and China in March. For the first time ever, liquefied natural gas was sold for Chinese yuan.

    Within a couple of years, all the Arab countries will be selling oil and gas for yuan. That will be the true birth of petroyuan.

    ⬆️Just a few collosul failures of yours I thought worth mentioning, and the list goes on. =You desperately grift with delusional bold statements as a means to get attention and money from people stupid enough to take anything you say seriously, which time and again proves incorrect and unsubstantive. Take care now.

  9. Such insightful forecasting. Now the reality of what is currently going on in the Ukrainian theater: Russia is marching towards Kharkov. When they take it, the Ukrainians will collapse and there will be no displacing the Russians out of the eastern provinces. The current 60 billion dollar "grant" will disappear into the ether like the first 120.

    Economically the western powers have been and are in freefall. As long as globalist Davos oriented policy makers carry the day the west is doomed to an entrenched stagflation where only a handful of people will have all the wealth on the planet. There are no rising economies like China of the 90's to buy up all the bonds to put real GDP behind the vast sums of money being printed.

  10. as a tier 1 dictatorship (russia, china) those second tier dictatorships (iran, north korea) would have a hard time surviving if russia and china went full democratic…those 3rd tier dictatorships would collapse without support of their bigger brothers

  11. yeah meanwhile if you have been tracking the actual units involved in the conflict in Ukraine on the "Russian" side they are still mainly the same units created in Ukraine in 2014 as the Donbass militia aided by units that started off as "Wagner" supplemented with hard core Chechen urban warfare specialists with the main Russian military only providing air and artillery support.
    The new incursion in the north is really the first time that main line Russian infantry elements have entered Ukraine at all the initial push at Kiev having been made by an odds and ends assortment of MPs and border security troops intended only to stampede the Ukrainians in to the Istanbul peace talks.
    The fact is that the Russians know we intended to draw them in to Ukraine and tie them down so we could end run around them in Georgia or some other frozen conflict and have refused to engage.

  12. This is starting to sound like a broken record. You’ve been telling us that the Russian military has has been melting down for the past two years. I’m starting to wonder if you’re just feeding us wishful propaganda.

  13. Meanwhile while Americans struggle to pay for healthcare and both sides of the aisle in congress got together to kill the Affordable Broadband Act which allowed the poor to have access to telemedicine take heart poor Americans, YOUR tax dollars are paying for full health, vision, and dental coverage for EVERY SINGLE ONE of the civil servants in both Ukraine and Israel! Doesn't it warm your heart to know the United States government will happily give healthcare to everyone but YOU?

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