Russia-Ukraine war: Zelensky pushes allies for direct involvement in war | World News | WION

Russia-Ukraine war: Zelensky pushes allies for direct involvement in war | World News | WION

with Russians gaining an upper hand on the battlefield and Ukraine forced to retreat from many Frontiers some Western nations are urging a potentially dangerous course of action they want Ukraine to be allowed to use long range missiles to directly hit inside Russian territory Moscow is warning that it will hit back hard if that happens is the war changing gears our next report tells you more in the face of the Relentless Russian Onslaught the outnumbered and outgunned Ukrainian troops are retreating giving up more Villages at least seven people have been killed in the latest attack on the eastern Ukraine city of kke Ukrainian president zalinski again asserts that Russia is leveraging his country’s lack of air defense systems to launch brutal strikes on Frontline towns and cities beyond the battlefield pressure is growing on US President Joe Biden to allow Ukraine to fire American missiles into Russian territory the US House speaker has told Voice of America that Ukraine needs to be able to fight back he said the US micromanaging the Ukraine effort is not a good policy for Kev Ukraine has appealed to the Biden Administration ation to lift the band ke is not alone in this demand Lithuania which is a NATO Ally and shares a border with Russia wants Ukraine to strike Russian territory disrupt supply lines and neutralize enemy forces Finland had said earlier that Ukraine can use weapons provided by Helsinki to hit Targets on Russian soil remember till now Western weapons have come with a condition they should be used by Ukraine to hit Russian Targets on its territory in defense but the present change in Stone could have wide- ranging ramifications earlier this month UK virtually green late keev to use its weapons as they deem fit the big question is if Ukraine is allowed to hit Russian targets how will Moscow react Kremlin Wars it will strike British targets if British weapons are used by Ukraine on Russian territory the signs are ominous a small miscalculation can spark a wider conflict beyond the Ukraine borders buau report on world is one for more on this we are being joined by Jonah Blan who is the former foreign policy adviser to President Joe Biden he’s joining us live from Washington DC Jona welcome back to weon us house Speaker Mike Johnson says that Ukraine should be able to fight the war as they see fit what are your thoughts on that and what could happen in your view well thank you for having me on I think that there is enough International support for the idea of allowing Ukraine to use uh NATO uh NATO weapons for attacks on Russian soil that this is not really going to be likely to escalate the War uh the UK Lithuania and Finland have already agreed to this type of uh of dispensation and all three of them are under much more direct threat uh from Vladimir Putin than the US is and that’s very interesting and how is it that we see a change of course now because the United States not of the the Biden Administration seem to have always taken the less least confrontational approach when it came uh to dealing with Ukraine its policies on Ukraine and what not what is the change well President Biden has been quite careful not to escalate the war and rightly so I mean this is a dangerous situation and let’s be clear the if the decision is taken to allow Ukraine to use us sourced weapons for attacks on Russian soil that would be a danger but let’s also look at the other side of the equation Vladimir Putin at least in my judgment is unlikely to take a reckless action in the next half year precisely because of the pending American election right now uh Vladimir Putin has a 50% chance of seeing a US Administration a year from now now that will give him everything he wants uh if Mr Trump is elected he’s made pretty clear that he will withdraw us support for Ukraine and might even withdraw the US from NATO if Vladimir Putin were to take a reckless action before the election that would likely hurt the cause of him getting uh Mr Trump elected which very much is in Putin’s interest all right thank you so much for that Mr Jonah blank I look forward to speaking to you again very soon as we follow this story thank you for all the latest news download the weon app And subscribe to our YouTube channel

With Russians gaining an upper hand on the battlefield and Ukraine forced to retreat from many frontiers some Western nations are urging a potentially dangerous course of action.

meanwhile, The United States is shifting its stance on how Ukraine should use their weapons in the war with no sign of the war coming to a halt and Russia making constant gains in Ukraine. Watch in for more details!

#unitedstates #russiaukrainewar #russia

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  1. Putin is playing a very dangerous game. If he strikes any NATO country he will face the retaliation of the combined armed forces of the United States and Europe striking back. Russia might look powerful against a smaller country like Ukraine. But against NATO Russia would simply be outclassed.

  2. Sheer lunacy, delusional ignorance and extremely dangerous escalation if Russia is hit deep inside of its territory . It means Russia will push even deeper into ukraine perhaps past kiev all to the way to Lviv to stop that threat. Extremely dangerous and unpredictable scenario. The longer the conflict drags on the more dangerous it will become.

  3. Imagine how much good 200 billion can do for americas domestic problems. Its infrastructure needs massive investment, citizens cant even get medical help as its too expensive for your average working class families, hundreds of thousands are homeless including many veterans, over 100 thousand are dying annually from the opioid crisis yet usa spends hundreds of billions of taxpayer money on foreign wars. America needs to use its money domestically instead of sending arms overseas to be blown up by russia.

  4. Lmao they already doing it with atacms but russia simply shooting them down. The west don't have any tactical missiles like hypersonic in Russia. so russia will win.

  5. I remember 9-11 launched us into an all out war. How do you think Russia would react to a Russian 9-11? Your plan is basically to punch the giant bear in tht nuts then tell it to be nice.

  6. Didn't Zelensky's term end yesterday?

    So… he stays in power despite all the men forced to fight wanting him out? Democracy??


  8. US never expected Russia to launch "Space Weapon" that destroys other satellites. But Russia did. Now, Russia warned UK against Ukraine's use of British weapons. Any doubts?

  9. If they are ready for full war with Russia they could have strike Russia by now but the slow in it it shows how they are scared n they dont want to face russia face to face

  10. Its about time To stop with Russian appeasement. Appeasement never worked in WWI or WWII. It has not helped. We all know Trump will sell out his country for favor from Putin to enrich the Trump Family. Trump has multiple criminal cases pending and his wealth my keep him from getting convicted, but it will not get him elected. Trump will try to buy the President's office. Putin should not hold his breath. Putin is slow to realize the West is out of patience. The West will deploy more troops. Maybe not under NATO, but through agreements. And the west will turn its head it Ukrane uses long range missiles. The US will only replace them. In addition, the West will allow Ukraine to take the battle to Russia. It a certain deal that the West is sending troops. The west want Russia out of Ukraine and would rather use Russian Seized assets to rebuild Ukraine rather than to bomb Tussia, but thats up to Putin. It time for Russia to get entirely out of UKRAINE because the west tried to show Russia that we are not going to allow this aggression. The West would rather give Putin fce saving way out, but now the West realizes he has to be pushed out.

    I am sorry for the Russian conscrip soldier because Putin does not care how many Russians he kills. Its unfortunate that the West in not given any choice. The West Knows that if Russia get away with this invation it will only encourage more of the same from Russia, and China might think it can take advantage of India or Taiwan. The west has no choice, but we procrastinated as long as we can. Do we go slow to push Russia out, or do we kill everything Russian in sight , and even take the fight into Russia. The latter is the last thing the west wants to do because our goal is stabilize boarder and to have international peace. Sometimes you got to knock out a bully to have peace

  11. READ!

    1. We are ALL sinners – (Rom. 6:23) For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

    *Sin separates us from the Holy God

    2. There is a punishment for our sin -(Rom. 6:23a) For the wages of sin is death;

    * Death – eternal death – HELL

    3. God loves us, He does not want us to go to Hell, He provided a way for our escape from Hell – (Rom. 5:8) But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

    * Because of God's love for us, He sent his only son Jesus Christ to die in our place on the cross. Jesus Christ took all the weight of our sins so we can be saved through grace, NOT our works.

    * The blood that Jesus shed on the cross can wash away our sins and make us clean

    4. Through Jesus Christ, we can now have eternal life in HEAVEN – (Rom. 6:23b) but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

    *Gift – free, but you can only have it if you receive it. If you reject it then the punishment of Hell is waiting for you

    5. How can I receive eternal life? – (Rom. 10:9) That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 

    * You have to admit you are a sinner and you cannot save yourself from Hell nor go to Heaven through your own efforts.

     You have to believe in your heart that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins, was buried and rose again after 3 days and that He and only He can save you from hell.

    (Roman 10:13) For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.  

    * Whosoever means anyone including me and you! 

    Do you want to do it? Pray this prayer:

    Dear God, I admit I am a sinner and cannot save myself from hell. I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins, was buried and rose again. I believe that only  Jesus Christ can save me from Hell and He is the only way to Heaven.  I accept Jesus Christ in my heart as my Lord and Savior. Thank You for eternal life. Amen.

  12. Good analysis, why escalate if Putin can have it on a golden platter in 6 months. Time is on Russia's side. If Ukraine can't turn the tide before then they are screwed

  13. Is Ukraine not attacking Russia ? The much publicized summer and counteroffensives that flops and completely failed in 2023. The Ukranians had not breach the Russian of 1st line of defense called Dragon's Teeth. Why now talking of attacking Russia, Zelensky had been doing that all the time. He proudly brief the whole world that he will be attacking Moscow, but failed. Its past 3 years. Now Ukraine is total wreck and more than half million Ukranians dead. Why now talking of attacking Russia? French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte with 650, 000 Grand Armee from 20 nations invaded then Tsarist Russia in 1812. French invasion ended in crashing and humiliating defeat for Bonaparte. During World War II Nazi Germany Fuhrer Adolf Hitler with 3.4 million men Operation Barbarossa invaded former USSR, supported by four thousands armours and thousands of combat aircrafts. German Wehrmacht reach 10-12 miles at the outskirts of Moscow. The Nazis were halted at Stalingrad, and defeated at Battle of Moscow. At the tank Battle of kursk, German war machine was defeated paving for the final push by the Red Army to Berlin Germany at Reickstag Buiding where Hitler hold office. What is the issue of zelensky to attack Russia. He is doing that since 2022. what is the real score? Zelensky is lossing.

  14. Ukraine forces cannot do a counter attack. If the did they would have to give up their defensive positions and be destroyed. The trap is set now Russia just needs to wait giving nothing back

  15. Why is Russia complaining about Ukraine attacking it's cities when they the Russians are doing that to Ukraine. I believe if Russia does this to Ukraine then Ukraine needs to do the same to Russia. After all it is a war or isn't it.

  16. So if everybody.
    's worried about the election, then the u. S has to take action now, before Trump gets into power. If he does. I don't think he will, but let's say he does. Then the US has a short window to actually do some real damage to Russia. If they don't, then guess will end as we know it without a doubt. So take that to the bank

  17. UK stands with Ukraine as long as it takes. Last 6 months have shown to us that Russia has not got the capabilities to defeat Ukraine and with a better planning this war could be turned around in favour of Ukraine.

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