Russia’s REAL Goal In Kharkiv, Is UA Making The Same Tactical MISTAKE? – Ukraine Map Update Analysis

g day Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day and you’ve had a fantastic weekend you’re looking after yourselves and you’ve had some time to yourself and with your family too now today we have a little bit to go over but I’m hoping to keep it shorter but more doctrinal about what we are seeing up in hark we’re going to look at a traditional Warfare Doctrine what is happening what the reports are and we’ll speak about all of that we need to talk about Conventional Weapons and nuclear weapons and Strikes promised from foreign ministers as well so we’ll look at that and we need to talk about something I may have got wrong yesterday in some satellite imagery about aircraft that’ll probably be at the end after we do hariv then look at other areas on the maps and then that as well as claims of another Sue 25 being taken down now where we’re going to focus the majority of our attention today is up in the north of Ukraine Northeast up in the hariv oblas hariv region and a lot of eyes are up in this direction today because an epicenter a shopping center has been hit by several Fabs these other guided Glide bombs coming in and have struck an epicenter shopping center now it is very hard to get an idea on casualty figures from this at the moment what I’m seeing coming out is significantly lower than what you’d expect of a shopping center getting hit I’m hearing 4 to8 killed and 35 wounded but I don’t know I guess over the next coming days it’ll give us a better idea of that I can’t show some of the footage that’ll be on the telegram if you’d like uh but I will show just this of the massive burning up of this Center here now as we see with any strike regardless there’s always justification given by people but it’s always very foggy around any strikes like this people will say military equipment was here people say this is pure terrorism blah blah blah I’m not there to say exactly what was here or was not here but we will look and what what has happened here and Strikes should be avoided within civilian areas as well as any military equipment within civilian areas needs to be limited as well far too many civilians are being killed in Modern Warfare regardless if it is in Israel Gaza Ukraine Russia or any other Wars anywhere around so the civilians caught up in this it is a horrible horrible bloody thing now let’s talk about H and the movements here now we’ll talk about what actually happen so about two weeks ago we have seen this cross over here into vchan as well as into dipy here these two front lines now for this map just take it as what we are seeing by this map it’s not going to matter too much because we do know there are some differences between Maps but that’s not going to matter too much today but that Russia basically walked across a lot of defensive Works in here and we have seen that now an investigation has been launched into this towards the 125th Brigade and it subordinate units of a lack of preparedness and improper organization now this is a criminal investigation we don’t know what will happen um to those who are found uh guilty of this if they are found guilty but we have speculated before that it can’t just be a you have done some corruption with money no no no people equipment and bloody strategy has been killed because of your actions here as they say by negligence corruption it was a failure it was a betrayal that they did not properly organize defense positions on the border of the har oblas due to a careless attitude to military service that they were abandoned now you cannot blame any of the soldiers in the trenches if they were given stuff that was not prepared correctly for abandoning that position to somewhere more favorable looking to 30 commanders from the 125th and other units so I hope something comes to that and people are bloody have to answer for what EX what has happened here because yeah people would downplay this but it was a 10 km advance in a couple of days in somewhere that should have been heavily defended now we’re going to talk about attritional Warfare and maybe what is happening up here so lots are reporting that Ukraine is preparing a Counterattack in V Chans as well as in lipy hit so V chunk is the main area we talk about we have seen that Ukrainian forces have deployed a lot back over to the north side of the vure river here to try and stop the Russian advance but also push that back as well as reports down in lipy here now one thing we do need to say is a lot of bridges have been taken out in this area that will have a problem on logistical Supply here too we saw that in the early days and in this particular region given how close it is to the border and what’s going on here Russia does have overmatch with its Fab glided bombs and other systems and what people are saying is could this be playing into the hands of the Russian forces in this era and we will talk about military Doctrine attritional War Doctrine and all of that in a second so zalinsky has claimed in this area that uh the Breakthrough towards H which happened a little over two weeks ago resulted in military casualties of 1 to eight one Ukrainian to eight Russians according to the president of this week There’s Been 2 to 3,000 casualties among the occupiers so you still need to say let’s take these numbers as what they are on face value you’re still talking about hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers have been killed in this area that said we have no idea to back up these numbers similarly to this number here that people are celebrating today which I think celebration of any amount of humans like this is just bloody horrible but 500,000 Russian Personnel killed is the claim we look at uh the BBC working with media Zone looking at obituary’s Facebook post all this that they confirm about 50,000 so it’s about 10 times the amount claimed now I’m not saying one number is wrong or the other way but it would be interesting in modern times that only one in 10 have a Facebook post or a bit or blah blah blah what would be interesting to see how many Mia there are as well so look this is just it’s it’s in the informational space as well and you know that is important in this war but again those are the claims but how is it actually looking in here and remember that my experts were warning that Ukraine is too fixated on Optics and it needs to sometimes trade land for time and could this push back into these areas be playing into the hand of what Russia actually want and I’ve speculated previously in this exact area in the first days and still I’ll hold this that it does seem like a large reconnaissance force it doesn’t seem like a full conventional military push into here just from the amount of Ukrainian footage coming out of Tanks being hit from armored vehicles being hit and just soldiers in general it doesn’t seem like it was a massive push in here it seems the majority of this was done by smaller elements and with support of massive amounts of fires so uh artillery Fabs everything coming across and that bubble of influence which we’ll speak about is so important in attritional Warfare from ew and other supporting elements now given this may be a smaller reconnaissance Force like that if it was larger we would just see footage coming out from Ukrainian drone offers much much larger like we’ve seen in previous uh months in the war what could happen is Russia could withdraw from this area as fast as they pushed in or hold position and regardless we’ll talk about what actually happens here now down in lipy here as well we get this from a Ukrainian page today we’re holding on We Won’t Give Up leat assault Brigade is here the Ukraine armed forces are here we’re holding on and won’t let our land be beaten but let’s look at the attritional Warfare Doctrine some things I’ve been sent across from people that are experts in this field and talk about is this the right tactic somewhere like this so this is initially what one of the things I was send across that Ukraine should be falling back and inflicting what casualties they can on the way there’s no easy strategic prize at the end of the line of advance for Russia that in these areas yes they may have some high ground but it down in lips it’s going to go into low ground and you’re going have Bloody defensive works all this you’re going to eventually come out of your bubble of influence of safety and protection of planes that are over the Russian sky here it’s going to get harder and harder as it pushes in especially on Logistics I think the problem for Ukraine is they put so much stock in Optics they’re so narrative driven that it absolutely excuse their mil military decisions towards absurdity because of this box they’ve creative themselves they feel they have to block all progress all the time but they have neither nether Manpower nor equipment for such tactics they should be trading territory for time especially territory like this this is speaking exactly in this region burning men and machines means you have less time so should be fighting withdraw doing the the hurt on rushers as you can but because of the Optics here he’s saying because it’s so seen that we can’t trade any time for this because of the interactive maps we have an informational space that has to then push back on this but because Ukrainian strategy is absurd they have some of their best units pouring into unfortified positions to fight the Russians out in the open because of the Optics of giving that meaningless ground up are too much for them to withstand and this is exactly like people will say happened in adiva as well as Shiva currently that you’re pouring in these better units into unprepared areas to fight because it hasn’t worked straight off but you’re putting in really good guys and there are reports that there are troops coming off other areas to back fill what has happened in here and the mistakes in here haven’t started now they started months ago with the uh the development being buddy I don’t know what stage it got to of the defensive Works in here there’s probably nothing as valuable to Russia from a strategic standpoint right now than getting to fight these reserves in a relatively open areas because of the fires advantage in here that TR in time for Optics as well now this is some Doctrine here the fastest way to lose a war of attrition is to focus on maneuver expending valuable resources on near-term territorial objectives recognizing that Wars of attrition have their own art is vital to winning them without sustaining crippling losses and I think this is something that ukran command need to do is accept that this is an attritional War we have seen everyone not to use that war this is not attritional blah blah blah I think we need to look at since the end of 22 till now a long time we have not seen any massive success in maneuver Warfare what have been the most successful elements of getting ground or moving on the battlefield since the end of 22 and all wars eventually become maneuver things like Fabs things like Ukrainian drones but these are feeding into that attritional aspect of war and actually reduce the um effectiveness of maneuver Warfare on the ground but this is the doctrine that ties in with what my friend said now this is from another friend of mine they’ll attempt as talking about the Russians as they will attempt to surround hariv or make it seem that way but the majority of attacks will be by air art artillery and missile the position of actual fighting itself won’t change that much their intention Russia is to take Sloans katos areas in 2014 sorry areas in the east in 2014 and they’ll play the same games as they have been since day one up and down the Border where Ukraine has made the same mistake over and over again stay in the same Center to hold and allow themselves to be surrounded marul seones Liz Chans BM adka and could this be similar of what we are then seeing and in these areas we saw that surrounding of areas to not want to withdraw and maintain the Optics of what is happening that your military Doctrine can’t go into making the Twitter space happy um remember ke I’m absolutely of the belief that Russia had zero intention to take ke at a push surrounded to take it would have taken up way too many resources what they did do was keep Ukrainian resources around the city Russia’s primary goal was to take down in the South to for the bridge head and hold resources there we haven’t seen Russia pour the resources into this area that it would take anywhere near anywhere near to take somewhere like har don’t play into their hand now this is more Doctrine as well here um early stages of attritional War rang from the initiation of hostilities to the point where mobilized resources are available in large numbers and are ready for combat operations that said you’ve got that initial phase and then you need to mobilize resources man whatever before you start those operations during this period major offensive operations should be avoided even if large attacks are successful they will result in significantly Cas significant casualties often for meaningless territorial gains the goal is to force the enemy to expend vital material and strategic reserves on strategically meaningless operations so you want to force the enemy whoever your enemy is whichever side you’re on but to force them to putting material and reserves to uh meaningless operations and people are saying some of these areas to push back through here what change is it actually going to have in some areas to not fall out is it down to those Optics that is making it mean meanful or is it strategically meaningful and I’m saying this because you are smart you’re intelligent and you can make up your own mind on what we are seeing on the ground and are mistakes then being made now these are what you need on the first stages doctrinally of to launch uh and be successful in attritional war the first phase ranged from the initiation of hostility to the point where sufficient combat power has been mobilized to allow decisive action now the first phase the initiation of hostility is very clear that you are going to have massive losses in this and then you’re going to take they say by Doctrine a year and a half to two years to actually rebuild your Force to then have anything now in this you’ll see little position shifting this is after the initiation on the ground focusing on favorable exchange of losses and building up combat power in the rear so exchange of ground for losses time for how it’s looking and then go on from there the dominant form of combat is fires rather than maneuver and this is what we’ve seen for a long time time is focus on artillery Fabs all of this complemented by extensive fortifications and camouflage which we have seen Russia massively fortify not only Ukrainian territory but their own territory as well now the second phase can commence after one side has met the following conditions now I will say that we are looking at a Russian offensive this as to take zelinsky’s word has said this could be the first of several initially buinov and zalinsky had stated that they did think it was going to come in mid June and it came early May so we are still expecting more to come the amount of forces we have seen enter areas up in the north is not the amount that we would have thought so we do expect more to come but as I read out these conditions think of as Russia met them or has Ukraine met them to then have a um initiation of hostilities and combat power there so second phase can commence newly mobilized forces have complet completed their training the enemy strategic Reserve is exhausted fires and reconnaissance superiority are achieved the enemy’s industrial capacity is degraded now you can point to examples in this but if we were to take these four and bloody be give it to an alien and say which side has completed these more so right now it would be Russia they have had very little movement on the ground and buildup of then these um the fortifications they’ve mobilized a a while ago a lot of forces that due to artificial exhaustion Ukraine strategic uh weapon systems have been depleted down I know they’re getting backfilled by the us but that’s not feeling very quickly nor is the Czech uh artillery initiative either so right now that has been artificially deflated um as well as mobilization we know Ukraine has only really just signed in that and it’s going to take many months for that to really come into effect in an area like this Russia does have um superiority of Fire Control and the enemy’s industrial sector is degraded now this doesn’t mean that the West’s industrial sector industrial sector is degraded I think we’ve degraded that ourself since the end of the Cold War but Ukraine’s industrial sector sector is completely reliant on the west and the support coming in there now is Russia’s industrial sector degraded yeah it is as well but who ticks more of these boxes before you can start it Russia ticks these at the moment and the problem is with the nutritional War I think in the 23 off uh 20 2023 counter offensive we didn’t we failed to recognize that this is now an attritional war and that these weren’t met before the launch of that and like the Italian defense uh defense minister one of them has said that he warned because of the reasons like this it would be a failure and of what we saw could have actually had a net negative effect on the overall outcome of the war now the second phase begins after those met the offensive should launch across a broad front seek to overwhelm the enemy at multiple points using shallow attacks multiple points shallow attacks we may see Sumi open up as well the intent is to remain inside the layer bubble of friendly protective systems while stretching depleted enemy reserves until the front line collapses so the electronic warfare the Fab range the artillery range all of this look we’re probably looking at with ew maximum of say 10ks this is why in here even if given the opportunity Russia shouldn’t have gone beyond that they would have got absolutely cut off and bloody wiped out but this electronic warfare um Bubble of influence of everything here this is the reason why maneuver Warfare will be unsuccessful currently if you’re going to do some sort of Thunder Run whatever way back behind the line because it worked against guys in sandals does not mean it will work in a modern War now um there is a cascading effect in which one chist in one sector forces defendant to shift reserves from another sector exactly what we think Russia was trying to do to Ukraine here only to generate a crisis there in turn as forces start falling back and prepare and leaving prepared fortifications morale plummets and the question of if we leave the mega Fortress you know how can this help so what they’re basically saying here is if forces have to be pulled off an area down here and put into here that here can create then a crisis and does Ukraine have the operational reserves to back fill these areas and if sui opened up and if something opened up from Beller I don’t know do they have the operational reserves to do that it is currently unknown it’s looking like what’s happened up here hasn’t too had too much effect down in the East yet but we will see but the reason I just want to show this is I believe you’re smart you good critical thinkers have a look at the doctrine presented this is the doctrine of a TR War have a look at what we are seeing on the front line and look at then what experts in field are telling me as well about mistakes being made here and I believe a lot of it then lines up and this isn’t bashing anything it’s taking a realistic view of what could be happening here and could it be better to trade time for ground or ground for time so it’s just interesting to look at that there as well now we uh let’s do map sorry I know I always get this bloody wrong we do see a couple of changes on the map today so we’re up in the north of course this is Ukraine the capital of ke red area’s occupied 22 purple since 14 green area Russia has been over two weeks and been pushed back or has withdrawn blw new Ukrainian territory within then two weeks now come down Kopi ask region and we do see this large movement out of kiska towards Ivanka now Ivanka I believe yesterday Surak has said that Russia did move in here and confirmed that it had been then occupied deep state map has then updated this today with the majority of it then occupied and we have a Noel reports map here as well now Noel reports map let’s just have a look he look at where these roads then converge this is the convergence here he showing that there is far more uh Russian territory gained here than this map is showing same with then up to the north here as well but we do know from multiple Maps we can 100% confirm there has been a shift here from Surak no well deep State bang we know this happened and we have footage here as well that no GE location but said to be Russian forces within Ivanka then itself this doesn’t give us too much of an idea of who these forces may be by looking at equipment and whatever here we don’t know whether better or worse it’s one of the ways to tell which units somewhere is look at if they’re running things like suppressors night fighting capabilities multic cams things like this it’s not a sh fireway but you know it gives you a better idea of what may then be happening now we come down we don’t see any changes through the cers front we don’t see any change in around Bak moot which is interesting because we do think there has been some changes in here not much to the north of adiva but then a lot to the west of aiva now let’s measure this here 3.6 km so two and a bit miles this has not happened in a day we know for a fact Russia did not move this far in a day what we do know is this map is to the point of maybe two week was two weeks behind this era we had two weeks ago and I made the video about what I would see happening here that there was geolocated footage in and around here near the derna river now this is doing what I originally said what I believe will happen here when we look at what Russia has done before of enveloping things that this move let’s have a look if this a load over the past okay the past week or so look I said that we will see a movement from uh umans down to here not to try and push in here because it would be a massive Kill Zone but a push from nalo to try and get to kvka and we do know then an envelopment and potentially in this way as well to close up this territory here now let’s then look at since I made that towards what we are then seeing we see push out from Neto and then up to today then we see then to umansky here as well not trying to get caught out in this and this is what we need to focus on I think should have probably put that with that Doctrine at the beginning we can’t rely you can’t rely on your enemy making mistakes to take opportunity there maybe in the beginning we saw Russia makes so many mistakes but theyve learned they’ve got better their tactics strategy equipment and weapons are better than the beginning you can’t focus on that you need to look at what happened before and like the guy told me the other day that they keep letting it happen of this surround envelopment in here and that’s what in response to the other video what I said would likely happen in that area now I don’t want to be right when military advancements happened but I think it was quite obvious now let’s have a look at some other areas we come down into CR noiva up here now no change shown onto this map let’s have a look on the Noel reports here now is is showing some closing up but no uh more than this map see this roundabout this is said roundabout just in here so it’s actually showing less than the official map here and of course less than something like suriak will show us as well but he gave that update today now don’t see any changes down here through uh the South we don’t see a botony change at all I think we will see that at some point remember like I’ve said I think this plays in the informational space of Dripping things in no change down on this cranky area but we do have some from Surak here so let’s have a look here that it does show some blue down on this area just down from where kinky is now this is difficult to line up but see where it turns out near kach here that right on the outskirts here that this is actually showing in his map as blue so that is very interesting that this hasn’t updated maybe then it will now let’s have a look at what he says here now there is geolocated footage of a flag going up here for some reason didn’t upload it but situation on H on front over the past 3 weeks Ukrainian Army has gradually moved from the village of kinky to the neighboring neighborhood of Kachi Li with the start of a new operation Ukrainian forces completely abandoned kinky and moved North and Southwest however it cannot be said that locality has been recaptured by the Russian army the village is destroyed and it is impossible to consolidate there the photographs we’ve seen it is just completely flattened for floody years it has just been hit by artillery by everything one way or the other so it’s incredibly destroyed and you couldn’t have something there the easy entry of Ukrainian troops into Kachi is due to the lack of presence of Russian personnel there in fact it is a reality that along the bank thepra there is no real Russian presence which is to be found in the defense located a few kilometers Inland and you wouldn’t have your defenses right on the board here you’ll have it a little bit in from that because otherwise well it’s pretty obvious you’re going to get absolutely then smashed now remember the defensive works here this isn’t absolutely everything but we can see where some of these are lying back as well and in areas of which Ukraine will have taken up some as well but I believe in here this is maybe defensive Works buildup it’s not just going to show show smaller platoon siiz level elements uh where they’ve maybe made a position in here too but you can see that they are back off the front you same as anywhere same as like up in hary if you don’t want them directly on it you want them back a little bit that it may be a fairly Gray Zone maybe this is why it’s shown as Gray Zone on the Ukrainian map as well but this extends from Sur it’s hard to understand that Ukrainian insistence on holding the southern Bridge head barely managing to take what might be considered vital strategic objectives while losing troops to Russian Artillery and drones operating quietly from the rear despite some experts claiming that there are still hordes of soldiers assault in Stalingrad style positions nor does a goal of forcing the version of Ukrainian reinforcements this front makes sense as it is precisely Ukraine that is now forced to reinforce hariv and the donbass because of dwindling troop reserves so is it forcing Russia to redeploy people in here no but the deployment of troops across while other areas need it but if Ukraine was to leave this to regain that would be incredibly costly the problem with this is you have to cross to have a larger assault Bridge head here more so than arery range you are going to have to across equipment you’re going to have to cross armor you’re going to have to across eventually artillery systems because even if the r system gets right on here it’s only going to be reaching out in this you need to eventually step it across to then the Left Bank and that is going to be incredibly incredibly difficult to do more easy if you’ve still got troops here but what we’ve seen is deployment of soldiers and maybe maybe some vehicles but heavy armor whatever there’s so much reconnaissance and ISR capability up and down the nepra across either way at this point in the war from Russia to the right Bank Ukraine To the Left Bank of an element large enough to have real effect I think is very very limited and that’s similar then to what I believe suriak is saying that but I think holding this is very very important for Ukraine as well to have some element on that bank otherwise you’ve got nothing up until zap now let’s have a look at some aircraft some claims as well and we’ll talk a little bit about nukes now this is something that I got wrong yesterday apologized for that now this is a s34 we showed this and showed it looked like there was some damage now we do see that then from Brady Afric he does say that these is a real Russian aircraft and that there are decoy Wings on this and on looking at this you can see that the Fus the fuselage here definitely sitting above where the wings look like painted on this as well so yeah we spoke about that the maybe a aircraft then damage taken out there uh s34 now I believe that I was actually wrong on this this does really clear up um a lot there so Russia added new decoy air to this air base rais filiz with white wings um while the wings are flat and cast no Shadows Ukrainian drones have targeted the site multiple times in recent months so yes there was definitely some damage at this Air Base but what we are looking at here beli to be a decoy on the Airfield and maybe that fuselage would be enough to trick an excuse me an AI drone here too now Ukraine defense has claimed then another Sue 25 bringing either to seven or eight in the last 20 days for the 110th Mech Brigade but seen no evidence of this again we see evidence of high level S400 incredibly embarrassing systems get taken out from photographs of soldiers Russian guys on the ground to all this imagery whatever and we haven’t seen any of these of an older aircraft why not and even Ukrainian pages are then asking this another claim 225 I weary about these claims at the moment since no visual confirmation has been given servicemen from the 110th claim another Sue 25 so yeah there are so much claims being made but no visual confirmation has been given of any of these yet and it’s bringing back bloody flashbacks to the Sue 34s and how that went here as well so look like I say with everything if it doesn’t come in 2448 72 hours probably maximum 48 it’s difficult to believe whether that it is someone taking a in the woods to a plane being taken down everyone has knife we got footage way out bloody here somewhere of a Russian strategic bomber coming down you know these are low fast aircraft flying right on the front line it will be if one goes down if if eight have gone down I guarantee there must be footage of one now we speak a little bit yesterday about nukes and whatever we speak about this more and I want to do a bigger breakdown on how I actually see this and that will just be a standalone video I’m going to start doing some Standalone videos just of specific topics but they’ll be shorter more broadly arguing declared our own red line is only this is sorry from the Polish foreign minister invites Moscow to tailor its hostile actions to our constantly changing self-imposed limitation so we say this is what our red line is then Moscow can push up to that he was skeptical about Russian threats to use nuclear weapons saying the Americans have told the Russians that if you explode a nuke even if it doesn’t kill anybody we will hit all your Targets in Ukraine with Conventional Weapons will destroy all of them and I think it’s a credible threat also the Chinese and Indians have read the Russian uh have read Russia the right act it’s no Char’s plate because of that taboo were also to be breached like the taboo of not changing borders by force China knows that Japan and Korea would go nuclear presumably they don’t want that now let’s speak about this John mimer is a really good one whether you agree or disagree with him but to listen to about nuclear weapons how this would go that what happens if Russia were to use a nuclear bomb somewhere now we’re not saying ke what if just some open territory somewhere exploded a a small yield nuke what would the reaction actually be now that we will destroy all your targets with Conventional Weapons will hit that instantly opens up War tube wider and what people have asked is is the US is NATO prepared for a WI a war across borders Russian strikes into NATO NATO strikes into Russia and everything goes to are they prepared to do that for the sake of what has happened in Ukraine with a system like this he believes John M says no now I don’t know how this would go but I lean similar to what he’s saying that I don’t think we’re prepared to start an exchange on that level if that happened it depends on what the Fallout I guess would actually be but we have specul before what happens if Russia does blow up a nuclear weapon to I guess prove that they are serious what happens then to support how do people see this it would change everything drastically because of the taboo that goes along rightfully with something like a nuclear weapon and promise of retaliation there retaliation so it’s hard and I don’t think we want to step into that that’s why was highly critical of the strikes yesterday against systems that are to counter or pick up if a ballistic weapon like that is being used so I don’t know I believe more so which he says is that we are not prepared for that exchange over a country that is not within NATO yes helping defend here and here if we’re not prepared to send in more modern aircraft and f-15s and f-22s and f35s and this and that are we prepared then to risk a nuclear strike upon somewhere and Bas effectively end the Western world as it is he believes no and i’ probably lean on that as as well could we see something like that down the line I don’t know the biggest thing and I’m going to do a video on this specifically the biggest thing that I fear are false flag events because it could lead into something and extra involvement unbelievably anyway Legends sorry this one was long I bloody promised anyway look after yourselves I hope you had a great weekend I’ll speak to you tomorrow thank you byebye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. Is anyone else noticing all the "User this or User that" accounts that all seem to have joined YouTube around August or September of last year and invariably pro Ukrainian?

  2. Yeah, nope. Nato or the USA wouldn't go all-in because of a tactical nuke on some Marginot Line in Ukraine.
    Who would actually go completely insane though is the Russian population. They absolutely hate nucular war and Soviet doctrine (second strike only) is still deeply ingrained in them.
    It might not look like it. But Russia is as much a "democracy" as the USA. Without support from the actual rulers, no one there becomes or stays president.

    Tactical nukes will be used against large formations of Nato troops – if it actually looks like they cross into Russia (which btw the Russian side perceives as including Crimea and the seperatist territories).
    As long as there aren't massive columns rolling towards Russia again, there is no danger of nucular strikes – outside of diplomatic shitposts (of course they will mention nukes whenever they can – they are paranoid and full of fear).

  3. Fascinating video ehoa, its as if though Tongans and Samoans went to war, they are essentially brothers, we are all brothers in the Pacific, Russia and Ukraine are the same brothers, who created this situation? its clear…. thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, angels and demons can make peace, some need to go, stay frosty, be happy, be humble, empathy should ensue, GOD bless 🙂 its clear to see systems of control in this world are dying, and in my humble opinion the sooner the better, all praise to our heavenly G, big bang and landing on some moon lol, thats like the p diddler is a good guy right, lets go hollywood, show me some disney land.

  4. Compare Israel gaza offensive vs Russia Ukraine special military operation

    Russia has been very careful because for Russia, Ukranian are Russian

  5. Russ has China and India Backing
    over 3 BILLION people/Soldiers & Worker pumping out Artillery Ammo and Drones.

    Nato never won anything. Never could!
    Nato was only ever ment Deturend at best a Roadblock
    US Forces have declines. They only ever won against 3rd World Contries.

    Nato and US together could not even beat North Korea today
    they could not do it in the 60tys
    Before Transgender Gay Officers in the Millitary and Tolerance Training.

    US Weapon relly on Chips from Taiwan and China.
    US has Punch but no Stamina.
    The might US ARMY lost against Afghan Goat-Herders with Riffels

    This Ukrain War is only going on becaus Selenzki wants to fill his Pockets even more for Retirement
    At the Price of Sacreficeing his Men in the 100.0000s for Time

  6. Another killer sports coat Willy. Looking good my guy. Any news on ur health brother? I think about u cuz my buddy has a brain tumor as well and he is making the most of his life. Same boat as u with the doctors giving him a couple of years and it’s been 6yrs for him.

  7. 70% of casualties on both sides are to arty. Russia overmatched 10 to 1 in arty fire Ukrainians in Kharkov offensive. Zelensky claims 8 to 1 advantage in casualty exchange in Kharkov sector. Right… Some California level of public school equity math there.

  8. It's the "dilemma" western leaders talked so much about at the start of the war, when they though they could do it to Russia:
    – if Ukraine defends Kharkiv, they will be forced to pull units away from the southeast, take large losses and lose the south east
    – if Ukraine doesn't defend Kharkiv, Russia will reinforce the current advance and surround the city. modern industrial cities don't have the stock of food and supplied to survive a siege, and there are a lot of pro-Russian citizens in Kharkov and Odessa that have been brutally suppressed since 2014. it will be a costly PR nightmare at best, or an outright surrender and loss as Kharkiv turns back into Kharkov.

    There is no winning scenario. Because there is no way to win when you are outnumbered and outgunned with no air support. It would take an unbroken chain of miracles for Ukraine to win the war, and it's all out of miracles (which turned out to be PR mirages).

  9. I think a command center could have been in the mall. With the command officers in it. And a military hardware warehouse, also in one of the mall storage spaces.

  10. This channel commentary section is full of Russian disinformation trolls. The Russian offensive is almost dead by now, it's going to gain some extra ground maybe until mid June maybe, and thats it, all the mighty russian offensive against an undersuplied Ukraine only gained some small villages and mostly abandoned rural areas, and that is really sad for all the russian lovers in this comment section

  11. …..and for the 500th time, when AFU gets badly beaten we see Zelensky putting out absurd numbers. Seems the standard go-to playbook to pretend the enemy lost enormous casualties, when all ground reports tend to tell us the opposite. Next thing they'll be saying they used "human wave" tactics again. Probably wielding shovels. Never give even an ounce of credibility to such garbage. This awful and unnecessary conflict requires both sides to be immediately called out on obvious lies.
    Poor leadership and command should be called for what it is. So should defeats. Enough pandering to those needing to be consoled. Only cold reality and calling the bullshit can help.

  12. So the US not giving Ukraine is artificially lowering Ukraines capabilities? Wouldnt it be more accurate to say American aid is artificially raising Ukraines capabilities? Ukraines domestic capacity is its own so American aid being held up didnt artificially lower their capacity, that was just Ukraines actual capabilities. The American aid being given is whats artificial. What a dumb take bro

  13. @17:34 you mention our industrial base being degraded since the end of the cold war, and that this affected Russia as well

    I don't think that is particularly valid, what has degraded our industrial base isn't the end of the cold war, it's chasing the "green" ideology, creating an environment hostile to an industrial base and one that is so costly to do business within that has degraded our industrial capacity (especially here in Australia).

    Russia has not been swept up in the the climate hyperbole, and has not allowed their industrial base to degrade like we have…this is the reason Russia is outproducing the entire collective west, currently, 10:1 (their own production, not with outside assistance)

    Now consider, if China had a war with the west (as Russia is largely doing now); how many times greater we would fall short given their massive manpower and industrial capacity to that of even Russia.

    Makes me draw toward a conclusion that the climate hyperbole has been driven by outside forces, specifically to achieve such an outcome

  14. F the shopping center.
    Remember all the surveillance footage early 2022, when MLRS where using the center as a ammo and parking depot.
    I also remember all the reddit videos posted by multiple US mercs / volunteers showing off weapons stores in schools and kindergardens. While using the falls as mustering rooms. 😅😅😅😅😅

  15. Willie, you and many others are reading this entire conflict incorrectly. Once you understand, while the border and National security issues are real for Russia, that 'excuse' is co-opted to drain both sides of young healthy males and to lau nder billions of tax payer money into the M I C and po litician pockets. Without the public having zero say. With the end result for mass people repla cement and mu ltinatio nal hea dge fu nds taking over.

  16. Once anyone sends up a nuke will very likely amount to other nukes being launched and it would almost inevitably lead to a nuclear winter and wed all be fucked. God bless tho brother thank u

  17. Ukraine had about one million troops which includes its territorial defence force,they have lost over 300.000 dead and one million wounded equals no manpower left.That’s why they’ve started recruiting prisoners.Russia are getting stronger and stronger every month which are recruiting 40.000 men a month by the end of the summer Russian forces will be a staggering 1.3 million strong.

  18. @Willy OAM what would your thoughts be, being that Ukraine is man power poor compared to Russia that they maybe change their types of operations to a more gorilla type hit and run and not give the Russian's any time to relax and catch a breath, along with this that instead of retaking a lost cities but surround and seige them? The maps in my observations the ground would lend to this type of warfare. My thoughts and would like your thoughts cheers from a fellow ADF vet.

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