Infected Blood disaster was no accident, says Sir Brian Langstaff

Infected Blood disaster was no accident, says Sir Brian Langstaff

what I’ve been looking at are people from families across the UK who’ve gone into hospital for treatment and over 30,000 have come out with infections which were life shattering and 33,000 of those have died and deaths keep on happening week by week what I’ve found is that disaster was no accident people put their trust in doctors and the government to keep them safe and that trust was betrayed and then the government compounded the agony by telling them that nothing wrong had been done that they’d had the best available treatment and that as soon as tests were available they were introduced and both of the statements were untrue that’s why what I’m recommending is that compensation must be paid now and I’ve made various other recommendations to help to make the future of the nhhs better and treatment safer well I think the the scale speaks for itself um if you have over 30,000 people who go into Hospital uh and come out with infections which were life shattering that in itself is huge and the suffering for them and for others is huge when you add to that the fact fact that over 3,000 have died and that deaths keep on happening week after week you not only have a disaster which happened over years but it’s still happening what that brings with it is suffering which is very difficult to put into words you really have to listen to people who’ve lived it uh to hear and to understand

The Infected Blood Inquiry has released its official report following a five-year investigation into the mistakes that led to thousands being infected with chronic and fatal viruses, and efforts to cover up the truth.

Campaigners are giving their initial reactions to the report, which found that a “catalogue of failures” led to the worst treatment disaster in NHS history.

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  1. 30,000 injured and it's described as the biggest NHS failing, yet the serious adverse effects from the Covjab are presently estimated at 1 in 400 of 25m UK recipients or over 60,000.

  2. And so, six years later, we know the bloody obvious. He's part of the problem, he hasn't come up with a solution. HM Treasury's rofl. And we know the same will be true of the Post Office Enquiry, and the Covid Enquiry, just as it was of the MacPherson Report – nothing will change.

  3. My aunt had leukemia and died from infected blood in 1973 in Kansas City. Was the infected blood over in America as well.
    Her leukemia was in remission. She died from hepatitis.

  4. I think it was done malice intent too. The NHS pretending it's God and purposely did it for a reason unknown, except to maybe a particular person who regretted goin in to hospital for a treatment?

  5. So the Postmaster debacle and now this. The UK government is not able to respond to the needs of your people. What the hell is happening?

  6. Let's hope for two things…
    1) The government, as it's first point of business, expediates FULL financial compensation (ultimately paid for by the taxpayer) for all those souls caught up in this blood scandal.
    2) The Post Office scandal does not whitewash over similar coverup truths and concludes an equally damaging report.
    In both cases, criminal prosecutions MUST follow !!!

  7. “A DAY OF SHAME FOR THE BRITISH STATE” – says the PM. Long overdue that someone said this. I have had angry notes about the corruption of institutions in this country pinned to my walls for 25 years. The latest exposé follows endless apathetic and cynical cover-ups by those in power – the police (Rotherham), the financial sector (always protected by the so-called "regulatory" authorities😡), the Post Office, and now the NHS and all those associated with it, in obfuscating for half a century the hundreds of deaths caused by infected blood transfusions

  8. Australia has the largest Blood Fractionater (CSL) on its shores. This is why we are last. Concerted effort to keep it out of the press by Government. Australia is still waiting for justice while OUR Government still pretends it never happened. It was global !

  9. Justice from the top that's what we want there's no such thing as being too old some of these people never got to be old and still suffering now😡

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