I know Prince William will be hugely successful as King – he just needs to do two things

I know Prince William will be hugely successful as King – he just needs to do two things

about William cuz he’s the heir to the you know there’s been so many heirs over the years I mean he’s in a different he’s not he’s not in the same situation of his as his father was um but could could you see any resemblance with William with past historical figures well he he has two things or maybe two and a half that um that Mark him out as different in a in a positive way the first is that really it has been since it’s been quite a long time since there has been an heir uh a prince of Wales who was known to be the next in line and who was happily married right you know it’s there was the um future Elizabeth II was the Dutchess of Edinburgh um you know Charles had a period where he was married to to Diana and then obviously it fell apart very dramatically so you’re going back to really his um his great great grandfather George V is the last one of whom you can say that with his his wife Princess Mary f Queen Mary the other things that I think are really interesting just from from a historian’s perspective and I think probably from yours as well of seeing um where it will go in the future is who his mentors were his political mentor and his emotional Mentor right so you know we know that William had a great amount of time with his grandmother Elizabeth II she would have lunches with him they would speak together often and she did try to explain the mechanics of the institution he will lead and learning about the mechanics of monarchy from Elizabeth II must be like learning about music from Mozart um in that sense he’s had a great deal of political and constitutional mentoring from a very successful very popular Monarch who I would say was sort of a conservative figure with a small seat not in any way linked to the political party but but did not believe in radical change for its sake within the monarchy his one of his emotional mentors of course was his l mother and I think people often tend to forget that because in the same way we tend to slot uh the Princess of Wales and the Dutchess of Sussex into these historical archetypes we’ve kind of done the same with the Prince of Wales and the dukee of Sussex we now I see William as Charles’s son and Harry as Diana’s son and we sort of forget where they have similarities to the other parent you know William was immensely close to his mother and and Diana was someone who was more of a radical Royal compared to isabeth II so he has these these two very different influences and that I think makes him exciting as a future king because potentially If he if he welds those two legacies of the sort of the the willingness to change that Diana had but the enthusiasm for tradition that Elizabeth II had he could prove I think hugely successful as King William V that’s fascinating I’ve never really pieced that together in my mind when yeah when you combine you know the qualities of of Charles in qualities of Diana when I I know you say that Harry often gets you know he often talks about his mother more than than William does I think but um when I see William on jobs you know up close he does remind me of Diana although I never saw Diana actually on an engagement he does the way he speaks to people the way his eyes move the way his he moves his head he actually has more of a resemblance I think than how he does the way he acts with people as well generally it’s it’s something that doesn’t really get picked up on but I notice it so often I think he he acts like Diana when he’s with children and when he’s you know when he’s with people you’re not the I’ve actually I’ve heard that from other people before that actually he has that kind yeah that’s interesting that little glint yeah it’s it’s something about the the movement of the head as well appar yeah I’ve heard that but he has that kind of affection that kind of um authenticity when he talks to people that he actually you know they like do you think I mean this is this is your area of expertise because I I don’t really know what I think of this do you think it translates onto camera with William or do you think it’s more impressive when you see it in person he’s bigger than you think yeah yeah um and I think you have to see him in person I think people come away there’s there’s often a thrill like meeting a rock star and when you meet a royal but when he he’s spoken to people on walkabouts um and the people that have actually met him face to face that they’ve had you know an incredible time you can tell they’re almost speechless um and I and I think it you’re right I think it translates better when it when it’s face to face on camera it might be you know more difficult to spot um but I look more jobs with William and I I’ll tell you about them when next time we meet but yeah honestly he does come across more like Diana that’s so interesting that’s really interesting now the king and Prince William showed uh you know a real kind of public display of unity this week with the unveiling of of William in charge of the army aircore this massive contrast to his relationship that we’ve seen with Prince Harry in the last couple of weeks how do how do we break this down well I think within the monarchy framework it’s logical that it goes to Prince William you know the king had it when he was Prince of Wheels he spoke about that uh I think some people have seen it as a bit of a slight on the dukee of Sussex but as he’s no longer a working Royal I think it was it was always pretty natural that it would go to William but I do think that point about how close the king and the prince of Wills seemed and that very obvious affection between them that was pretty palpable watching it well it’s it’s it’s a thing I mean it goes back to the coronation yeah um when William I think they kissed him on the cheek and then and um the king you know said thank you to his son there’s been um you know maybe lots of debate over the kind of years about the relationship between Charles uh and his two sons or which one is the favorite but it’s the fact that William is the heir isn’t it and William has to kind of fulfill the role you know backing up Charles how do you think William is is doing at the moment do you think he’s really stepping up at the moment or it’s a great question yeah I think he is I mean look I I think many people will be aware of how difficult it is in any position much less a public facing one when you have a loved one in his case two loved ones dealing with cancer but I do think we’re seeing him more publicly visible more publicly confident and that transition from him being duuke of Cambridge and being second in line to first in line is quite a big one you know I think it was always a kind of understanding that the second in line in in that the younger generation is given a bit more time for their family because eventually that will be seed to the public responsibility so that’s what you’re seeing happen at the moment um and I suppose you know also it it’s that what we saw this week really was also a moment of him standing next to the king who has been out of public visibility for a while so it was two different kinds of public visibility that you saw you are the queen mother expert basically you are you are the queen mother expert and there a wonderful book youve written about the Queen Mother what do can you tell us your favorite stories I I don’t want to put you under pressure under the spotlight but you’re obviously you’re a big fan of the Queen Mother yeah you not just a fan but obviously a biographer what kind of um what are your highlights of her life whether they’re funny whether they’re sad or impactful on society yeah do you know it’s funny when I you spend that amount of time with people spectrally when you’re writing about them and then by the end of it you’re like I need you to leave me alone I need to never see your name again and I didn’t really feel that way with her I actually ended up admiring her a lot more going into it sorry emerging from it and I had going into it and the book do let have another drink is like 101 anecdotes from some one chapter per decade of her life and I think some of the stuff about you know the just what she went through in the first world war and the brothers that one was killed in the trenches two had PTSD one had alcoholism one was a p and this really moving letter that she writes when she says you know I was 17 years old and I thought I will never be happy again and she said every day you heard someone died and I think that explains a little bit of when she could seem Steeler and tough and it’s not just her it’s that generation you know you can’t really empathize with sort of the touchy feel of the 80s and 90s when you grew up every day hearing someone else have been blown apart in the trenches there was there were other some great stories about um her uh I can’t one of them involv swearing so I can’t say it but she was she was at um she was at balm moral and they um they were they were out there sort of one of the little booies that they were going to and one of the the queen had forgotten to bring the key even though the queen mother had said bring it and they were getting it was raining down in all of them and there was a Ghillie inside so they tried to open the door and the ghilly shouted who the f is it the queen mother trilled don’t worry it’s only the queen M Gilly sort of launched himself to get done the one that’s probably most famous I think people enjoy is that um she had on her staff um two gay men who were who were on again off again boyfriends and they were on their on getting to offstage and they were they were arguing and they forgot to bring the Queen Mother her drink and she sealed out you know waft of pastels and she said when you two old queens have finished fighting will you get this old Queen her drink um so she she had a good sense of humor she was just remarkable I mean I really I liked her I mean she certainly I think was was tough really really tough and as I said I don’t think that’s necessarily to her demerit but she was utterly fascinating to write about M she really was well it’s interesting because she she’s often forgotten now with all the characters that we have you know with with Harry and Megan and the Princess of Wales she’s someone that has a huge important role you know saw everything happen over over her lifetime it was right there at the front seat it’s good that you know she is remembered but listen GTH thanks very much a pleasure we’ve made history and and we’ve covered a lot of stuff so I appreciate you thanks had a great time thanks for having me

PRINCE William will be “hugely successful” as the future king if he channels the strengths of both his parents – King Charles and the late Princess Diana – claims an expert.

Royal historian and author Gareth Russell claimed the Prince of Wales has “very different influences” which will make him “exciting” as a monarch.

Speaking on The Sun’s Royal Exclusive show, Gareth said it’s wrong for people to shoehorn “William as being Charles’s son” and “Harry as Diana’s son”.

The historian explained: “We sort of forget they have similarities to the other parent.

Watch the video to learn more.

00:00. Intro
02:00 Prince William’s emotional mentor
04:35 Prince William and King Charles’ show of unity
07:00 Gareth’s favourite stories about the Queen Mother

Read more:


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  1. William has a mature head on his shoulder, is friendly and engaging. Harry has never grown up, has a huge chip on his shoulder, always angry. Diana would be extremely proud of William and like most of us totally embarrassed by Harry and his wife’s disgraceful antics.

  2. I go either way with Harry. Sometimes I wonder if he’s a victim of domestic abuse as he shows the signs and he’s been completely isolated from everyone and everything he’s ever known.

  3. Not completely true, the fact of possibly having 2 Kings in a row who committed adultery and for both (possible) mistresses to become a Queen, is repugnant as the head of the Anglican Church. The idea of having 2 monarchs, known for being highly vengeful, petty and unforgiving is completely counter and stains the image of being hugely successful. Prince Harry has served more time in military service than both of them. Veterans will never be forgotten and he will always be held in great honor by the military (I served 26 years).

  4. Prince William and Kate look so young and very happy 😊 we are extremely excited to watch their progress in the future. Our world needs some stability since they have young children. The example to give others will help the next generation to have a better life than we have ever had.

  5. William has too much class and grace to speak constantly about his mother and his personal troubles. He speaks when it is required not for himself but when it can benefit others. A true king

  6. 1) remove Harry’s title(s); 2) never let him back into the fold (his outrageous lies and grifting is disgusting); 3) zero co tact with them ever, can’t be trusted.

  7. Prince William is every inch of a PRINCE..so worthy of his title and totally an example of honor and class…completely opposite to his traitor brother Harry.

  8. This was a great interview. I am not British, but do believe that Prince William is a true Royal and would be a great King! He knows where his resposibilities lie and he definately is one to be trusted. M!


  10. I am a royalist BUT I have a problem with this family's involvement with the WEF and GLOBALISM. They're in favor of what our leaders have in mind for us and is currently playing out.

    What is even more frightening is possibly 60% of ALL PEOPLE IN THE WEST HAVEN'T GOT A CLUE ABOUT WHAT'S GOING ON. It's only getting started. Could it be that these 60% just cannot comprehend what's happening and seeing into their agendas for us or they just don't want to know because they're afraid or are just stupid? Well, your monarch and future monarch ARE ON BOARD and I promise you it'll be the worst thing the world will have ever seen. I'll leave it there.

  11. A mulher dele abandonou o barco , por outro ? Será? Aafff
    Não o merece !

    PS : homem tem uma liberdade muito própria … na cabeça …a mulher que fique dentro de casa , cuidando dos filhos , para o barco não afundar …
    Ela se achou a melhor ? iiiih

  12. Personally, I've always seen Prince William as Diana's son. He has some of her mannerisms, her smile, her ease in public outings, etc. Luckily, he chose very carefully a wife and now has a stable loving family. He's going to be a wonderful king, imo.

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